Remember This? PolitiFact Pointed Out Obama Broke 6 Promises in First 100 Days


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
No I don’t. Probably because the Lame Street Media did their best to cover for him.

As the 100-day mark of his presidency approaches, President Barack Obama has broken six promises, according to a PolitiFact analysis. That’s a small portion of the 514 promises we’re tracking, but the six represent some of Obama’s key campaign themes.

Three are about taxes, two about transparency and ethics, and one deals with international diplomacy. We asked the White House press office for comments on them, but they have only made a statement about one, on the comment period for pending legislation.

But, watch their reaction to President Trump’s promises:

Trump Broke Fewer Campaign Promises in First 100 Days than Obama

And the 100 days aren’t even over yet!

President Trump, per the Washington Post tracker on campaign promises, has broken only four promises and has kept six promises out of sixty total campaign promises. By comparison, Obama made 514 campaign promises, breaking six of them, fulfilling twenty-seven of them and had some progress on sixty-one others.

And you won’t see any of this in the polimedia,.

Liberal Media Painting Negative Picture of Trump’s First 100 Days

Of course they do. They cannot stand the fact that he’s doing exactly what he said he would. And, if he is behind on keeping those promises, it lies with Dimbocraps doing their best to make life difficult for him and GOP members in Congress who lack the juevos to do their jobs.

CNN: White House grapples with how to sell Trump’s first 100 days

Washington Post: Trump’s First 100 Days: Airstrikes raise questions about Trump’s foreign policy

Politico: White House on edge as 100-day judgment nears


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