Remember three years ago Republicans were terrified Texas Nat. Guard was going to invade the states?

I vaguely remember a mention or two.

I knew that the anti-American pieces of shit in charge of Left, didn't need to do anything so risky.

Their plan to turn American into a Third World Shithole by importing the Third World, was/is moving forward without problem.
Why America steals doctors from poorer countries

Scientists and Engineers from Africa

Many Republicans are among the poorest and most ignorant on earth. Look at Appalachia.

The ignorant Republicans think "their" jobs are being stolen. Only Republicans aren't qualified for anything. Except for getting food stamps and welfare.

Wow. And just like that you drop your OP, which we can see you were soooooo concerned about,

and just throw some new shit against the wall, looking for something to stick.

Sure. We own Appalachia. You own every slum and prison in the nation.

Your denial that the Law of Supply and Demand applies to labor, is noted and laughed at. So are you.

View attachment 192798
You're right. When I hear a racist rant coming from the white wing, I just have to respond to it.

Nothing in my post was racist. But as you falsely accused me of being an asshole, I will, truthfully, return the favor. With the difference, in case you missed it, that my insult to you, will be true.

You are a race baiting asshole.
Grow up. This is what I was responding to:

Their plan to turn American into a Third World Shithole by importing the Third World, was/is moving forward without problem.

and you appeared to defend it attacking me.
Now we have the Nazi in office.......
Now do you really want to show your ignorance and tell us why you think he is a Nazi?
When someone says that some Nazi's are "good people", then they themselves are a "Nazi".

Did that really have to be explained?

Except I and others have repeatedly discussed with you that that did not happen, that what you just said was a vile lie.

SO knock off that vile lying shit.
It doesn't happen except when it happens.

The clip did not show Trump saying that Nazis were "good people". Because he did not say it.

Did you watch your own clip?

Are you pretending, AGAIN, to be unaware that the White Supremacists, desperate to make them selves appear relevant, publicized the event, not as a White Supremacist rally, but as a Save the Historical Statues rally?

Thus, a sizable portion, if not a majority of those who showed up for the rally, were NOT White Supremacist or Nazis, but just proud Southerns? Many of which, were indeed, "good people".

If that is the particular lie you are making at this time, please consider it refuted and move on to your next lie.

The problem with your lame attempt to protect Trump falls short because there are so much video that simply can't be debated.

Who is Trump talking about here? Who is he talking about? Be honest. Just because he doesn't come out and actually use certain words, we get what he is saying.

I vaguely remember a mention or two.

I knew that the anti-American pieces of shit in charge of Left, didn't need to do anything so risky.

Their plan to turn American into a Third World Shithole by importing the Third World, was/is moving forward without problem.
Why America steals doctors from poorer countries

Scientists and Engineers from Africa

Many Republicans are among the poorest and most ignorant on earth. Look at Appalachia.

The ignorant Republicans think "their" jobs are being stolen. Only Republicans aren't qualified for anything. Except for getting food stamps and welfare.

Looks they are qualified at kicking your ass in elections.

How's it feel to get your shit handed to you by a bunch of inbreds ?

Please answer motherfucker. I'd like to know how people who are so stupid they need a fucked up left wing program to survive still beat your sorry ass in 2016.
I vaguely remember a mention or two.

I knew that the anti-American pieces of shit in charge of Left, didn't need to do anything so risky.

Their plan to turn American into a Third World Shithole by importing the Third World, was/is moving forward without problem.
Why America steals doctors from poorer countries

Scientists and Engineers from Africa

Many Republicans are among the poorest and most ignorant on earth. Look at Appalachia.

The ignorant Republicans think "their" jobs are being stolen. Only Republicans aren't qualified for anything. Except for getting food stamps and welfare.

Wow. And just like that you drop your OP, which we can see you were soooooo concerned about,

and just throw some new shit against the wall, looking for something to stick.

Sure. We own Appalachia. You own every slum and prison in the nation.

Your denial that the Law of Supply and Demand applies to labor, is noted and laughed at. So are you.

View attachment 192798
You're right. When I hear a racist rant coming from the white wing, I just have to respond to it.

Telling you that blacks are most impoverished and vote mostly democrat is racist ?

You need to get out more.
I vaguely remember a mention or two.

I knew that the anti-American pieces of shit in charge of Left, didn't need to do anything so risky.

Their plan to turn American into a Third World Shithole by importing the Third World, was/is moving forward without problem.
Why America steals doctors from poorer countries

Scientists and Engineers from Africa

Many Republicans are among the poorest and most ignorant on earth. Look at Appalachia.

The ignorant Republicans think "their" jobs are being stolen. Only Republicans aren't qualified for anything. Except for getting food stamps and welfare.

Wow. And just like that you drop your OP, which we can see you were soooooo concerned about,

and just throw some new shit against the wall, looking for something to stick.

Sure. We own Appalachia. You own every slum and prison in the nation.

Your denial that the Law of Supply and Demand applies to labor, is noted and laughed at. So are you.

View attachment 192798
You're right. When I hear a racist rant coming from the white wing, I just have to respond to it.

Nothing in my post was racist. But as you falsely accused me of being an asshole, I will, truthfully, return the favor. With the difference, in case you missed it, that my insult to you, will be true.

You are a race baiting asshole.
Grow up. This is what I was responding to:

Their plan to turn American into a Third World Shithole by importing the Third World, was/is moving forward without problem.

and you appeared to defend it attacking me.

And referring to the Third World, correctly as a shithole, is not racist, you moron.

Neither is pointing out that importing large populations of the Third World, going to be importing the Culture and problems of the Third World.

THat is a True result of the Policy of HIgh Immigration, legal and illegal, that has been the consensus of US politics until just recently.

You can address that if you like. Calling it "racist" is just you being an asshole.

Your choice.
Now do you really want to show your ignorance and tell us why you think he is a Nazi?
When someone says that some Nazi's are "good people", then they themselves are a "Nazi".

Did that really have to be explained?

Except I and others have repeatedly discussed with you that that did not happen, that what you just said was a vile lie.

SO knock off that vile lying shit.
It doesn't happen except when it happens.

The clip did not show Trump saying that Nazis were "good people". Because he did not say it.

Did you watch your own clip?

Are you pretending, AGAIN, to be unaware that the White Supremacists, desperate to make them selves appear relevant, publicized the event, not as a White Supremacist rally, but as a Save the Historical Statues rally?

Thus, a sizable portion, if not a majority of those who showed up for the rally, were NOT White Supremacist or Nazis, but just proud Southerns? Many of which, were indeed, "good people".

If that is the particular lie you are making at this time, please consider it refuted and move on to your next lie.

The problem with your lame attempt to protect Trump falls short because there are so much video that simply can't be debated.

And just like that, you drop your false accusation.

Because you only made it, to smear Trump and Trump supporters.

You knew is was false when you made. Because I taught you that before.

You are a vile race baiting liar.

Who is Trump talking about here? Who is he talking about? Be honest. Just because he doesn't come out and actually use certain words, we get what he is saying.

He is talking about the unvetted and unchecked millions of illegals that pour across our border, many of whom have and bring with them serious problems.

I assume that you already have heard about the horrible rape issues that Mexican women face from their fellow mexican men during that crossing.

And that you are just lying some more, pretending not to.

And you only get one new lie, at a time. After you drop the mexican lie, we can move on to another lie, if you would like.

That was when the Kenyan was in office....
After uncovering that Obama turned the FBI into his Gestapo, turns out that we were right to be concerned
Except he didn't.

Your kind is so funny. Your only values and limits are what you imagine Obama's were.
But but but Obama!
Bush had every reason to focus US intelligence on Obama: born in Kenya, schooling paid for by Khalid Monsoor, accepted bribe from Tony Rezko, but Bush knew better.

Obama, like every other banana Republic fascist had no qualms about using the FBI against his political opponents -- enemies
I vaguely remember a mention or two.

I knew that the anti-American pieces of shit in charge of Left, didn't need to do anything so risky.

Their plan to turn American into a Third World Shithole by importing the Third World, was/is moving forward without problem.
Why America steals doctors from poorer countries

Scientists and Engineers from Africa

Many Republicans are among the poorest and most ignorant on earth. Look at Appalachia.

The ignorant Republicans think "their" jobs are being stolen. Only Republicans aren't qualified for anything. Except for getting food stamps and welfare.

Looks they are qualified at kicking your ass in elections.

How's it feel to get your shit handed to you by a bunch of inbreds ?

Please answer motherfucker. I'd like to know how people who are so stupid they need a fucked up left wing program to survive still beat your sorry ass in 2016.
At least you recognize who they are.
You might remember how, three years ago, Texas Governor Greg Abbott directed the Texas State Guard to monitor federal military training operations in West Texas. The military exercise was known as “Jade Helm,” and Gov. Abbott insisted he wanted to keep an eye on federal troops in case the training exercise was actually part of a secret plot President Obama was planning, to use the military to round up his political enemies.

Ex-CIA Chief: Texas Governor Was Duped By Russian Scare Campaign

Obama martial law scare was stoked by Russian bots, say ex-director of CIA


You know what paranoid idiots Republicans are. They were terrified that Obama was getting ready for an Obama "takeover".

Remember how many threads about it right here on the USMB?

Turns out that once again, the Republican party was dancing to Putin's strings.

just more practice. what if?
I vaguely remember a mention or two.

I knew that the anti-American pieces of shit in charge of Left, didn't need to do anything so risky.

Their plan to turn American into a Third World Shithole by importing the Third World, was/is moving forward without problem.
Why America steals doctors from poorer countries

Scientists and Engineers from Africa

Many Republicans are among the poorest and most ignorant on earth. Look at Appalachia.

The ignorant Republicans think "their" jobs are being stolen. Only Republicans aren't qualified for anything. Except for getting food stamps and welfare.

Looks they are qualified at kicking your ass in elections.

How's it feel to get your shit handed to you by a bunch of inbreds ?

Please answer motherfucker. I'd like to know how people who are so stupid they need a fucked up left wing program to survive still beat your sorry ass in 2016.
At least you recognize who they are.

And I recognize they beat the shit out of you in 2016.

How did that happen ?

I realize you won't answer because you are a coward who lives in a fantasy land.
I vaguely remember a mention or two.

I knew that the anti-American pieces of shit in charge of Left, didn't need to do anything so risky.

Their plan to turn American into a Third World Shithole by importing the Third World, was/is moving forward without problem.
Why America steals doctors from poorer countries

Scientists and Engineers from Africa

Many Republicans are among the poorest and most ignorant on earth. Look at Appalachia.

The ignorant Republicans think "their" jobs are being stolen. Only Republicans aren't qualified for anything. Except for getting food stamps and welfare.

Looks they are qualified at kicking your ass in elections.

How's it feel to get your shit handed to you by a bunch of inbreds ?

Please answer motherfucker. I'd like to know how people who are so stupid they need a fucked up left wing program to survive still beat your sorry ass in 2016.
At least you recognize who they are.

And I recognize they beat the shit out of you in 2016.

How did that happen ?

I realize you won't answer because you are a coward who lives in a fantasy land.
dean is great at dancing around questions he either doesnt want to answer or cant.....its called the dean waltz.....he has been doing it for a good 7-8 years now ....
I vaguely remember a mention or two.

I knew that the anti-American pieces of shit in charge of Left, didn't need to do anything so risky.

Their plan to turn American into a Third World Shithole by importing the Third World, was/is moving forward without problem.
Why America steals doctors from poorer countries

Scientists and Engineers from Africa

Many Republicans are among the poorest and most ignorant on earth. Look at Appalachia.

The ignorant Republicans think "their" jobs are being stolen. Only Republicans aren't qualified for anything. Except for getting food stamps and welfare.

Looks they are qualified at kicking your ass in elections.

How's it feel to get your shit handed to you by a bunch of inbreds ?

Please answer motherfucker. I'd like to know how people who are so stupid they need a fucked up left wing program to survive still beat your sorry ass in 2016.
At least you recognize who they are.

And I recognize they beat the shit out of you in 2016.

How did that happen ?

I realize you won't answer because you are a coward who lives in a fantasy land.
dean is great at dancing around questions he either doesnt want to answer or cant.....its called the dean waltz.....he has been doing it for a good 7-8 years now ....
Always making false accusations. I think your God views that as a sin.
Why America steals doctors from poorer countries

Scientists and Engineers from Africa

Many Republicans are among the poorest and most ignorant on earth. Look at Appalachia.

The ignorant Republicans think "their" jobs are being stolen. Only Republicans aren't qualified for anything. Except for getting food stamps and welfare.

Looks they are qualified at kicking your ass in elections.

How's it feel to get your shit handed to you by a bunch of inbreds ?

Please answer motherfucker. I'd like to know how people who are so stupid they need a fucked up left wing program to survive still beat your sorry ass in 2016.
At least you recognize who they are.

And I recognize they beat the shit out of you in 2016.

How did that happen ?

I realize you won't answer because you are a coward who lives in a fantasy land.
dean is great at dancing around questions he either doesnt want to answer or cant.....its called the dean waltz.....he has been doing it for a good 7-8 years now ....
Always making false accusations. I think your God views that as a sin.
the difference is i can prove what i say about you,but yet when i have asked you to prove what you have said about me,you turn into Arthur Murray....and my god thinks you are a pussy....
Looks they are qualified at kicking your ass in elections.

How's it feel to get your shit handed to you by a bunch of inbreds ?

Please answer motherfucker. I'd like to know how people who are so stupid they need a fucked up left wing program to survive still beat your sorry ass in 2016.
At least you recognize who they are.

And I recognize they beat the shit out of you in 2016.

How did that happen ?

I realize you won't answer because you are a coward who lives in a fantasy land.
dean is great at dancing around questions he either doesnt want to answer or cant.....its called the dean waltz.....he has been doing it for a good 7-8 years now ....
Always making false accusations. I think your God views that as a sin.
the difference is i can prove what i say about you,but yet when i have asked you to prove what you have said about me,you turn into Arthur Murray....and my god thinks you are a pussy....
You: what color is the sky

Me: Blue

You: Answer the question

Me: Blue

You: There you go dancing again. Can't answer a simple question.

Me: Blue

You: My god thinks you are a pussy

Me: You defame your God. Nasty.

You: And there you go changing the subject.

Me: ............?
Why America steals doctors from poorer countries

Scientists and Engineers from Africa

Many Republicans are among the poorest and most ignorant on earth. Look at Appalachia.

The ignorant Republicans think "their" jobs are being stolen. Only Republicans aren't qualified for anything. Except for getting food stamps and welfare.

Looks they are qualified at kicking your ass in elections.

How's it feel to get your shit handed to you by a bunch of inbreds ?

Please answer motherfucker. I'd like to know how people who are so stupid they need a fucked up left wing program to survive still beat your sorry ass in 2016.
At least you recognize who they are.

And I recognize they beat the shit out of you in 2016.

How did that happen ?

I realize you won't answer because you are a coward who lives in a fantasy land.
dean is great at dancing around questions he either doesnt want to answer or cant.....its called the dean waltz.....he has been doing it for a good 7-8 years now ....
Always making false accusations. I think your God views that as a sin.

Every thread you start is bullshit.

I guess you'll be burning for eternity.

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