Remember Veterans- We're Trained to Disobey Unlawful Orders


Intensity Factor 4-Fold
May 31, 2009
And the head shed just gave us every reason to show our resolve. We were trained to disobey unlawful orders on the spot. Not waiting for the courts to decide. Obama's tyranny episode yesterday is just the beginning.

Carry on as we do, and let's not let the communist in the White House do to us what we served to avoid

too funny. another day in the nuthouse begins.

The Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) 809[890].ART.90 (20), makes it clear that military personnel need to obey the "lawful command of his superior officer," 891.ART.91 (2), the "lawful order of a warrant officer", 892.ART.92 (1) the "lawful general order", 892.ART.92 (2) "lawful order". In each case, military personnel have an obligation and a duty to only obey Lawful orders and indeed have an obligation to disobey Unlawful orders, including orders by the president that do not comply with the UCMJ. The moral and legal obligation is to the U.S. Constitution and not to those who would issue unlawful orders, especially if those orders are in direct violation of the Constitution and the UCMJ.
And the head shed just gave us every reason to show our resolve. We were trained to disobey unlawful orders on the spot. Not waiting for the courts to decide. Obama's tyranny episode yesterday is just the beginning.

Carry on as we do, and let's not let the communist in the White House do to us what we served to avoid

Go right ahead. Let us know how it turns out for you.
And the head shed just gave us every reason to show our resolve. We were trained to disobey unlawful orders on the spot. Not waiting for the courts to decide. Obama's tyranny episode yesterday is just the beginning.

Carry on as we do, and let's not let the communist in the White House do to us what we served to avoid

We were also trained that orders are presumed to be lawful if there is a miltary purpose and specific mandate. Violating one's conscience or a personal belief is not sufficient.
And the head shed just gave us every reason to show our resolve. We were trained to disobey unlawful orders on the spot. Not waiting for the courts to decide. Obama's tyranny episode yesterday is just the beginning.

Carry on as we do, and let's not let the communist in the White House do to us what we served to avoid

Go right ahead. Let us know how it turns out for you.
This is the problem with America right now, seriously.

And it doesn't matter if it's Obama or Trump. Folks pledge allegiance to leaders, not ideas.
And the head shed just gave us every reason to show our resolve. We were trained to disobey unlawful orders on the spot. Not waiting for the courts to decide. Obama's tyranny episode yesterday is just the beginning.

Carry on as we do, and let's not let the communist in the White House do to us what we served to avoid

what "unlawful order" have you imagined to fuel your traitorous civil war wer dreams this time?
Cons whining about something? Say it isn't so!
Yeah, listen to the progs. whine about Trump and Cruz, they are no different.

So you post your whines one at a time. You are a John McCain maverick!

Shit, I don't care about any of them to tell the truth.

The nation has gone to hell in a hand basket. It's all been planned that way.

All we need is some good cheese to go with all this whine, but the government has passed laws banning all the good cheese, it's all stuck in France, isn't it?

You can't sell decent cheese, and you can't sell a decent beer.

Thanks government.

I guess all we'll get then is a lot of whine, eh? Cheers!

And the head shed just gave us every reason to show our resolve. We were trained to disobey unlawful orders on the spot. Not waiting for the courts to decide. Obama's tyranny episode yesterday is just the beginning.

Carry on as we do, and let's not let the communist in the White House do to us what we served to avoid

Go right ahead. Let us know how it turns out for you.

Next their is a puk in Ca to eliminate all the hubcaps found on the roads

We must all remove our hubcaps

And the head shed just gave us every reason to show our resolve. We were trained to disobey unlawful orders on the spot. Not waiting for the courts to decide. Obama's tyranny episode yesterday is just the beginning.

Carry on as we do, and let's not let the communist in the White House do to us what we served to avoid

We were also trained that orders are presumed to be lawful if there is a miltary purpose and specific mandate. Violating one's conscience or a personal belief is not sufficient.

Both don't apply here. This order must be ignored

What is wrong with you? We make some of the best cheese and best beer in the world in this country. Some of the best wine in the world is made in the Hudson Vally and Napa. I've traveled all over Europe searching for "the best". It took many years for me to figure out that the best was right here in the USA, no matter how much fun it is to search in other places.
And the head shed just gave us every reason to show our resolve. We were trained to disobey unlawful orders on the spot. Not waiting for the courts to decide. Obama's tyranny episode yesterday is just the beginning.

Carry on as we do, and let's not let the communist in the White House do to us what we served to avoid

Go right ahead. Let us know how it turns out for you.

Next their is a puk in Ca to eliminate all the hubcaps found on the roads

We must all remove our hubcaps

And the head shed just gave us every reason to show our resolve. We were trained to disobey unlawful orders on the spot. Not waiting for the courts to decide. Obama's tyranny episode yesterday is just the beginning.

Carry on as we do, and let's not let the communist in the White House do to us what we served to avoid

We were also trained that orders are presumed to be lawful if there is a miltary purpose and specific mandate. Violating one's conscience or a personal belief is not sufficient.

Both don't apply here. This order must be ignored

What specific order are you referring to and what makes it clearly unlawful?
Cons whining about something? Say it isn't so!
Yeah, listen to the progs. whine about Trump and Cruz, they are no different.

So you post your whines one at a time. You are a John McCain maverick!

Shit, I don't care about any of them to tell the truth.

The nation has gone to hell in a hand basket. It's all been planned that way.

All we need is some good cheese to go with all this whine, but the government has passed laws banning all the good cheese, it's all stuck in France, isn't it?

You can't sell decent cheese, and you can't sell a decent beer.

Thanks government.

I guess all we'll get then is a lot of whine, eh? Cheers!


A humorous reasoned response.

I can respect that!
And the head shed just gave us every reason to show our resolve. We were trained to disobey unlawful orders on the spot. Not waiting for the courts to decide. Obama's tyranny episode yesterday is just the beginning.

Carry on as we do, and let's not let the communist in the White House do to us what we served to avoid

And executive order is a lawful order, dipshit. Get back to the docks and wait on the sailors to come in, and do something that you're good at.
And the head shed just gave us every reason to show our resolve. We were trained to disobey unlawful orders on the spot. Not waiting for the courts to decide. Obama's tyranny episode yesterday is just the beginning.

Carry on as we do, and let's not let the communist in the White House do to us what we served to avoid

And executive order is a lawful order, dipshit. Get back to the docks and wait on the sailors to come in, and do something that you're good at.

An executive order that is unconstitutional IS NOT a lawful order.

For instance, let's say that dominionist gets elected, and he signs an executive order making Christianity the national religion.

Then he follows that EO with another one that will round up all the Jews, Muslims, Catholics, LDS, and any other person he feels doesn't subscribes to his view of Christianity, and have them labeled and marked as possible enemies to the state, requiring them to wear badges and post signs on their homes.

Would those EO's be "lawful" just b/c the people love President Cruz?
And the head shed just gave us every reason to show our resolve. We were trained to disobey unlawful orders on the spot. Not waiting for the courts to decide. Obama's tyranny episode yesterday is just the beginning.

Carry on as we do, and let's not let the communist in the White House do to us what we served to avoid

And executive order is a lawful order, dipshit. Get back to the docks and wait on the sailors to come in, and do something that you're good at.

An executive order that is unconstitutional IS NOT a lawful order.

For instance, let's say that dominionist gets elected, and he signs an executive order making Christianity the national religion.

Then he follows that EO with another one that will round up all the Jews, Muslims, Catholics, LDS, and any other person he feels doesn't subscribes to his view of Christianity, and have them labeled and marked as possible enemies to the state, requiring them to wear badges and post signs on their homes.

Would those EO's be "lawful" just b/c the people love President Cruz?

An executive order is constitutional until it has been successfully challenged in court.
And the head shed just gave us every reason to show our resolve. We were trained to disobey unlawful orders on the spot. Not waiting for the courts to decide. Obama's tyranny episode yesterday is just the beginning.

Carry on as we do, and let's not let the communist in the White House do to us what we served to avoid

Go right ahead. Let us know how it turns out for you.

Next their is a puk in Ca to eliminate all the hubcaps found on the roads

We must all remove our hubcaps

And the head shed just gave us every reason to show our resolve. We were trained to disobey unlawful orders on the spot. Not waiting for the courts to decide. Obama's tyranny episode yesterday is just the beginning.

Carry on as we do, and let's not let the communist in the White House do to us what we served to avoid

We were also trained that orders are presumed to be lawful if there is a miltary purpose and specific mandate. Violating one's conscience or a personal belief is not sufficient.

Both don't apply here. This order must be ignored

Again, go right ahead and let us know how it turns out for you. Or......are you just talk?

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