Remember? We told you minimum wage cost jobs!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
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More Flippy robots will be introduced at CaliBurgers next year, with the aim of installing them in 50 of their restaurants worldwide by the end of 2019.

CaliBurger say the benefits include making “food faster, safer and with fewer errors”.
Burger-flipping robot replaces humans on first day at work

PLUS the savings of:
1) NO wages,
3) Medicare
4) unemployment
5) workman's comp
6) call in sick
7) works 23 hours 7 days a week
8) robot cost capital depreciation
The robot was coming because it is cheaper than any wage, minimum or not, in the long run.

The union has always argued that this is the cost of automation: who is going to buy the product.
Does this mean the price of their burgers will be going down?
We need shitty fast food jobs with shitty pay and no benefits, so young people can get work experience. Also, it's a good incentive for adults to not make poor life decisions and actually get an education and/or job skills if they want to advance in life.
Our American factory workers can't compete with Mexicans doing the same job for less than $4 per hour anymore than our minimum wage workers can against robots. Add to that, Mexico factories don't have the unions to deal with and Mexican has trade agreements with more countries than anybody. You just know the way things are headed we'll end up like an Atlantic City casino.
View attachment 116086
More Flippy robots will be introduced at CaliBurgers next year, with the aim of installing them in 50 of their restaurants worldwide by the end of 2019.

CaliBurger say the benefits include making “food faster, safer and with fewer errors”.
Burger-flipping robot replaces humans on first day at work

PLUS the savings of:
1) NO wages,
3) Medicare
4) unemployment
5) workman's comp
6) call in sick
7) works 23 hours 7 days a week
8) robot cost capital depreciation

automation costs jobs. there is zero evidence that paying people more than slave wages does. and if it does, what is your response, nutter butter, pay people ten cents an hour like they do in china?

View attachment 116086
More Flippy robots will be introduced at CaliBurgers next year, with the aim of installing them in 50 of their restaurants worldwide by the end of 2019.

CaliBurger say the benefits include making “food faster, safer and with fewer errors”.
Burger-flipping robot replaces humans on first day at work

PLUS the savings of:
1) NO wages,
3) Medicare
4) unemployment
5) workman's comp
6) call in sick
7) works 23 hours 7 days a week
8) robot cost capital depreciation

So what wage would a person have to work at to have kept that robot out of that restaurant?
View attachment 116086
More Flippy robots will be introduced at CaliBurgers next year, with the aim of installing them in 50 of their restaurants worldwide by the end of 2019.

CaliBurger say the benefits include making “food faster, safer and with fewer errors”.
Burger-flipping robot replaces humans on first day at work

PLUS the savings of:
1) NO wages,
3) Medicare
4) unemployment
5) workman's comp
6) call in sick
7) works 23 hours 7 days a week
8) robot cost capital depreciation

automation costs jobs. there is zero evidence that paying people more than slave wages does. and if it does, what is your response, nutter butter, pay people ten cents an hour like they do in china?


Automation is an inevitable byproduct of innovation. If American companies stop innovating, they will be overtaken by companies that will, in which case America will be the new third world country.
We need shitty fast food jobs with shitty pay and no benefits, so young people can get work experience. Also, it's a good incentive for adults to not make poor life decisions and actually get an education and/or job skills if they want to advance in life.

That's a disgusting attitude.
What our "leaders" don't have the balls to admit is that automation and technology will almost certainly lead to a massive overall decrease in the need for humans and, most likely, some kind of universal income.

The only question is how long it will take that to happen, and how many people will fall through the cracks as we wait.
Does this mean the price of their burgers will be going down?

Again... only idiots who have NEVER ever operated a business let alone a fast food as I have would understand the implications.
A) The prices may NOT go down.... depends on the efficiency of the "flipper"!!!
B) Most likely the prices will NOT go up though.

Either way the fast food place that has labor as the #2 cost generator will gain!
What people might miss is that the OP's argument is that Americans should have no choice but to work at Third World wages if they want to work.
Does this mean the price of their burgers will be going down?

Again... only idiots who have NEVER ever operated a business let alone a fast food as I have would understand the implications.
A) The prices may NOT go down.... depends on the efficiency of the "flipper"!!!
B) Most likely the prices will NOT go up though.

Either way the fast food place that has labor as the #2 cost generator will gain!

So if the robot can work for 50 cents an hour, let's say, then that's what an American worker should be willing to accept if he doesn't want to be replaced by a robot?
We told you minimum wage cost jobs!
What complete nonsense

.... it got the robot a job didn't it? :D

No, it didn't, because you can't tell us at what wage a human would have to work to keep the job.

At the wage dictated by the free market and not feels.

The so-called free market is an abomination. More humans have been exploited by the free market than any other idea in the history of work.
We told you minimum wage cost jobs!
What complete nonsense

.... it got the robot a job didn't it? :D

No, it didn't, because you can't tell us at what wage a human would have to work to keep the job.

Sorry to intrude on your reality distortion field but Just because you're too stupid to figure that out doesn't mean everybody else is, a human keeps the job when his/her total cost of production is lower than that of the automation that is being proposed to replace him/her; once you progressive idiots put a gun to the head of business and force the cost of human labor beyond that point the unfortunate victim of your stupidity gets to enjoy an earned wage of ZERO, way to go.
View attachment 116086
More Flippy robots will be introduced at CaliBurgers next year, with the aim of installing them in 50 of their restaurants worldwide by the end of 2019.

CaliBurger say the benefits include making “food faster, safer and with fewer errors”.
Burger-flipping robot replaces humans on first day at work

PLUS the savings of:
1) NO wages,
3) Medicare
4) unemployment
5) workman's comp
6) call in sick
7) works 23 hours 7 days a week
8) robot cost capital depreciation

automation costs jobs. there is zero evidence that paying people more than slave wages does. and if it does, what is your response, nutter butter, pay people ten cents an hour like they do in china?


Just curious if you have done any research on your statement "paying people more than slave wages".

A) What is the mean hourly income of people working at "slave wages"?
B) How many people are there that actually work at the Federal Minimum wage?
See most people like you ARE JUST too f...king lazy to do the following RESEARCH available easily and quickly from the internet!

A) The Ten Worst-Paying Jobs in America
10. Mean hourly wage for parking lot attendants: $10.26
9. Mean hourly wage for personal care aides: $10.09
8. Mean hourly wage for lifeguards and other protective service workers: $10.05
7. Mean hourly wage for gaming dealers: $10.04
6. Mean hourly wage for pressers and other workers in the garment industry: $10.03
5. Mean hourly wage for cashiers: $9.82-9.83
4. Mean hourly wage for ticket takers and other amusement park workers: $9.76-10.22
3. Mean hourly wage for agriculture workers: $9.65-10.20
2. Mean hourly wage for shampooers: $9.09
1. Mean hourly wage for the food service industry: $9.07-10.18
So IDIOT... where do you see ANY Federal minimum wage earner making less then $9.00/ hour??? ZERO!
B) Second question I'm answering for you!
Among those paid by the hour,
900,000 earned exactly the prevailing federal minimum wage of $7.25 per hour.
About 1,700,000 had wages below the federal minimum.
Together, these 2,600,000 workers with wages at or below the federal minimum made up 3.3 percent of all hourly paid workers.

How old are the minimum wage workers?
Of the 2.6 million:
- Ages 16 to 24 (mostly unmarried with no children) made up 1.15 million.
- Ages 25 and older, some of whom MAY have a family...) 1.4 million.
Characteristics of minimum wage workers, 2015 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

SO dummy who can't seem to use the internet to find simple answers...SEE ABOVE!
Does this mean the price of their burgers will be going down?

Again... only idiots who have NEVER ever operated a business let alone a fast food as I have would understand the implications.
A) The prices may NOT go down.... depends on the efficiency of the "flipper"!!!
B) Most likely the prices will NOT go up though.

Either way the fast food place that has labor as the #2 cost generator will gain!

So if the robot can work for 50 cents an hour, let's say, then that's what an American worker should be willing to accept if he doesn't want to be replaced by a robot?

What was your pay at the job you held while in HS?

My summer job started at $.85 an hour, my first job was $1.25 (1966)

The work experience paid far more.

Were you worth $15 an hour?

(IMO, you aren't worth $15 an hour now)

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