Remember when Biden swore he would not send tanks to the Ukraine cuz that would start WW3?

Ukraine is going to become a member of NATO. That's what pissed Putin off in the first place.

You should move to Russia comrad.
You been co-opted by our own gov't lies.

That's comrade with a D.
well sure, Xiden's funding it. how isn't that involved. How is their war our issue? I keep asking, no answers.
Putin wants to restore the Russian/Soviet empire.

But here's the thing with empires...
If they don't grow, they collapse.

So once he's done in UKR, and takes the rest of the former soviet Block
Then comes Finland, Sweden, Germany...and the rest of Europe.

Putin wants to restore the Russian/Soviet empire.

But here's the thing with empires...
If they don't grow, they collapse.

So once he's done in UKR, and takes the rest of the former soviet Block
Then comes Finland, Sweden, Germany...and the rest of Europe.

that doesn't explain why it's our problem?
which party said if you take the jab you won't get Wuhan? just remember the impacts of propaganda like theirs. Job loss, business losses. They are so patriotic.
That was my point.
Putin wants to restore the Russian/Soviet empire.

But here's the thing with empires...
If they don't grow, they collapse.

So once he's done in UKR, and takes the rest of the former soviet Block
Then comes Finland, Sweden, Germany...and the rest of Europe.

Germany invaded them. you ain't too bright huh?
Putin wants to restore the Russian/Soviet empire.

But here's the thing with empires...
If they don't grow, they collapse.

So once he's done in UKR, and takes the rest of the former soviet Block
Then comes Finland, Sweden, Germany...and the rest of Europe.

These MAGAt Trumptards would have been perfectly content to just sit back and let Hitler take Europe.
They love Fascist dictators.
And they don't have the stomachs for fighting tyranny.
It does.
To those willing and able to learn from history.
well you failed to explain it then. It seems your knowledge of history isn't any good. Germany invaded the Russians, Russia only fought back. They were our ally in WW1 and 2. Go learn you something before you come to the adult boards.
These MAGAt Trumptards would have been perfectly content to just sit back and let Hitler take Europe.
They love Fascist dictators.
And they don't have the stomachs for fighting tyranny.
we were fighting with Russia then. They were our ally. Hitler was one of a kind and encouraged the Japanese to help him out. We fought an enemy that helped bomb Pearl Harbor. go read some history.
These MAGAt Trumptards would have been perfectly content to just sit back and let Hitler take Europe.
They love Fascist dictators.
And they don't have the stomachs for fighting tyranny.
Not really.
The tiny minded ape-like creatures have no philosophy beyond "own the libs"
What exactly led Japan to attack?
Their expansionist goals which were being thwarted by US & Allies policies.

How about in The European theater?
Why in God's name were U.S. forces sent to Europe to fight Britain's war against Hitler?
It wasn't "our war."
Our return to isolationism after the first round of world war and the failure of the League of Nations to contain German rearmament meant that is was still a world at war, our world.
well you failed to explain it then. It seems your knowledge of history isn't any good. Germany invaded the Russians, Russia only fought back. They were our ally in WW1 and 2. Go learn you something before you come to the adult boards.
What happened when Germany's empire stopped growing?
The Soviet empire
Japanese Empire
British Empire
Spanish Empire
Roman Empire...

Once Putin has Europe he will continue the expansion because if expansion stops his empire will collapse.

The Soviets and Germans had a non-aggression-pact that divided Poland and gave Finland to the Soviets.
NO clue have you? :auiqs.jpg:
Good point.
Your previous post was well researched, nice job. Many have no clue the ins and outs of this Ukraine illusion.

James Kunstler:

I doubt that many Americans — even the masses sunk in vaccine smuggery and obsessive Trump-o-phobia — believe that America’s Ukraine project is working out for us. Of course, to even begin thinking about this debacle, you must at least suspect that our government is lying about virtually everything it has its hand in. Name something it is not lying about, I dare you.

So, what was the Ukraine project? To use that sad-ass country as a vector to disable and destroy Russia. You can’t over-state the stupidity of that objective. And why did we want to do that? Because… reasons. Oh? And what were they? Well, Russia was… there. Oh? And what was it doing? Trying to take over the world? Uh, no. It was actually just trying to be a normal European nation again after its traumatic 75-year-long experiment with communism, which ended in 1991.

And then, after that, coming along pretty well under Mr. Putin. Did I say that? Yes, I did, because it is a fact. Russia wrote new private property laws, made commerce legal again, and allowed its citizens to do business. Russia wasn’t threatening any other nations, most particularly its former province, Ukraine. It had even invited Ukraine to be a sovereign member of its trade association, the customs union, with a bunch of other regional states who had rational interests in good regional relations. That’s what set off the maniacs at the US State Department — under Secretary John Kerry, a.k.a. the haircut-in-search-of a-brain — who, in 2014, decided to overthrow Ukraine’s government.

The project since then was to use the US-controlled Ukraine government to antagonize Russia and, finally, to draw Russia into a military operation intended, SecDef Lloyd Austin said more than once, “to weaken Russia.” Well, everything we’ve done there, from eight years of shelling the Donbas, to kicking Russia out of the West’s banking system, to pouring billions of US dollars into Ukraine’s corrupt government, has only strengthened Russia internally, earned the approbation of many other nations who object to US interference in their regions, and steered poor Ukraine into the graveyard of failed states.

We are losing this unnecessary proxy war about as steadily as possible, and actually making Russia look good in the process. Russia could have ended the war in five minutes by turning Kiev into an ashtray, but it spent the first eight months of the operation trying to avoid busting up Ukraine’s infrastructure, so as not to turn it into a failed state (that would present new and worse problems). Mr. Putin made many overtures to negotiate an end to the conflict, all rejected by Ukraine, the US, and its NATO “partners.”

So, now Russia is grinding on-the-ground to reduce Ukraine’s ability to continue making war by systematically killing the troops Ukraine foolishly throws into the battle line, and destroying Ukraine’s heavy weapons. Ukraine is about out of its own soldiers and weapons. Russia is maneuvering to roll over what’s left there and put an end to these pointless and needless hostilities. Contrary to US propaganda, Russia has no ambition to conquer NATO territory. Rather its aim is to restore order to a corner of the world that has been its legitimate sphere of influence for centuries — and more than once been used as a doormat for European armies to invade Russia.

Apparently, we can’t allow Russia to clean up this mess we made — or we pretend that we can’t, even though it’s happening anyway, whether we like it or not. So now, the US promises to send thirty-one M1 Abrams tanks to Ukraine. A bold move, you think? Not exactly. By the time these tanks get anywhere in the vicinity of Ukraine, this war is likely to be over. Never mind the difficult business of training the few remaining eligible Ukrainian men between sixteen and sixty how to operate the tanks, and train maintenance crews, and deliver inventories of spare parts — you see where this is going — not to mention the certainty that the Russians will simply blow them up as fast as they appear on the premises. Anyway, a measly thirty-one tanks that can barely be operated is meaningless compared to hundreds of T-72s backed by newer T-14 tanks the Russians can muster from just over their border with Ukraine.

The tank proffer is, sad to say (for the dignity of our country), a joke, kind of a last feeble pretense before the whole thing ends in ignominy for the “Joe Biden” team — whoever that actually is. The repercussions are liable to be ugly for our country, not necessarily more military trouble in other lands (which we probably lack the capacity to engage in now), but something more personal: the collapse of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency and a vicious loss of purchasing power here at home. That would provoke a situation worse than the Great Depression of the 1930s, and that’s probably where things are going.

The Ukraine misadventure will disappear from America’s collective consciousness in a New York minute and a Fourth Turning jamboree of serious domestic political disorder will commence in short order. If you think “Joe Biden’s” term in office has been a disaster so far, just wait. You ain’t seen nuttin yet.

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