Remember when Biden swore he would not send tanks to the Ukraine cuz that would start WW3?

Anericans and lovers of democracy do not like cognitively impaired, dementia ravaged Commanders ad Chiefs who have a record of being wrong on every foreign policy he has ever made attempting to incite a near-desperate, brutal communist dictator, who has already threatened to use those nukes, into possibly using them.

Putin is reportedly suffering, potentially dying, from cancer. It isn't smart to poke a brutal dictatir not opposed to using nukes when he is dying - he doesn't have a lot to lose if he wants to f* some people up befor he dies.

The intelligent American and lovers of democracy also see that the US debt is over $31.6 TRILLION DOLLARS and the Democrats NOT wanting to pay that down / stop spending but instead want to get rid of the debt ceiling and 'put the pedal to the metal' on spending.

We can't afford to give Ukraine more money or afford a WWIII.
Putin is no longer a communist, he is a kleptocracy dictator and savage capitalist with an appetite for conquest
Putin is no longer a communist, he is a kleptocracy dictator and savage capitalist with an appetite for conquest
Communism is only appealing to despots because it demands absolute control

At their core, they don't care about it otherwise.
Very scary super duper. Yes we can and it's way past time to tax the rich and many giant corporations again and invest in America and Americans again.
Democrats and RINOs have proven when they have the cash -or use deficot dollars - they just waste it on useless pork (Omnibus).

Putin we should give an off ramp to. He made a terrible mistake and it's time for him to cease and desist so he's not remembered as another Hitler.

He's gone too far to give up and walk away 'empty handed'. He has to save face.
Fundamentalism and ignorance is such a problem, including in this country. Afghanistan is famous for being a place where empires go to die.
Right, and wrong.

It's not the fundamentalists or the ignorant.

It's the people willing to use that for personal power.
Right, and wrong.

It's not the fundamentalists or the ignorant.

It's the people willing to use that for personal power.
The problem in Afghanistan is ignorant fundamentalists from the countryside. Nation building is exactly what Bush said he wasn't going to do the incredible screw up. But I say in the end we will have helped the afghanis by showing them the possibilities of modern life. Scant reward lol...
Here's the playbook:

And then, after that, coming along pretty well under Mr. Putin. Did I say that? Yes, I did, because it is a fact. Russia wrote new private property laws, made commerce legal again, and allowed its citizens to do business. Russia wasn’t threatening any other nations, most particularly its former province, Ukraine. It had even invited Ukraine to be a sovereign member of its trade association, the customs union, with a bunch of other regional states who had rational interests in good regional relations. That’s what set off the maniacs at the US State Department — under Secretary John Kerry, a.k.a. the haircut-in-search-of a-brain — who, in 2014, decided to overthrow Ukraine’s government.

The project since then was to use the US-controlled Ukraine government to antagonize Russia and, finally, to draw Russia into a military operation intended, SecDef Lloyd Austin said more than once, “to weaken Russia.” Well, everything we’ve done there, from eight years of shelling the Donbas, to kicking Russia out of the West’s banking system, to pouring billions of US dollars into Ukraine’s corrupt government, has only strengthened Russia internally, earned the approbation of many other nations who object to US interference in their regions, and steered poor Ukraine into the graveyard of failed states.
Yes Biden has gone along with the Republicans too much in the past, but he's not wrong about supporting Ukraine along with every other modern country. And we don't give a damn what brainwashed fools like you have to say about it...
Yes, like fiscally criminal Democrats you support doubling / tripling the $31.6 trillion deficit - add as much as necessary to fit their agenda.

Saudi and China are talking about trading in currency other than. Ithe US dollar. Replacing the US dollar as the world currency will cripple the US economy.

The Democrats proved they understand we would have to pay nearly $31.7 trillion JUST TO BE BROKE - tbeir answer is to eliminate the de t ceiling so they can as uch as they want to tbe debt being as criminally fiscally irresponsible as they want.

My how the tables have turned. Democrats use to be against the US fighting in / supporting wars around the world. Now they are motgaging the future of the country away to fight a proxy war in Ukraine.
Plus Bush was a total idiot and didn't go after him... A link to this reporter? Sounds like more GOP gobbledygook to me.
Meh.....22 years ago. What I heard was a TV interview with a DOD wonk, where this reporter asked what I said.

Here's background:

Dec. 15, 2001 -- U.S. forces believe they heard Osama bin Laden's voice giving orders over a radio to his troops holed up in the mountains of eastern Afghanistan, a U.S. official told ABCNEWS.

The suspected bin Laden orders, overheard this past week, were not recorded, which might have allowed them to be scientifically compared with known recordings of bin Laden's voice, another U.S. official said. However, the Arabic-speaking special forces who intercepted the transmission are familiar with bin Laden's voice from video and audio tapes, and are reasonably certain it was the alleged terrorist mastermind.

U.S. ID's Bin Laden's Voice Near Tora Bora

Osama's Satellite Phone Switcheroo​

Osama bin Laden escaped capture in Afghanistan, fooling sophisticated American satellites, by simply having an aide carry his satellite phone in a different direction, a newspaper reports.

The Washington Post reports that with U.S. forces closing in around bin Laden's refuge in the Tora Bora mountains in late 2001, a Moroccan bodyguard named Abdallah Tabarak took the terrorist mastermind's satellite phone and split off from his boss.

Bin Laden believed the U.S. was using the phone signal to trace him.

He was apparently right. Tabarak had the phone when he was captured, and bin Laden got away.

Osama's Satellite Phone Switcheroo
Democrats and RINOs have proven when they have the cash -or use deficot dollars - they just waste it on useless pork (Omnibus).

He's gone too far to give up and walk away 'empty handed'. He has to save face.
Like making health care cheaper and more intelligent for crying out loud, and investing in infrastructure and helping people who are getting screwed over by this giveaway to the rich GOP economy mess? Of course everything you know is crap GOP propaganda. Your kowtowing to the rich and your love and admiration for them is touching but they are getting away with murder and ruining the country super duper. Screw Putin, he is ripe for getting assassinated the stupid ******* .....
No I don't realize that, because it's nonsensence.

Many countries provide weapons to many other countries, doesn't make them at war with who they are used against.

There are no American soldiers in this war.
Seems to be the case, Hard to get good clear information any more from anyone.
Yes, like fiscally criminal Democrats you support doubling / tripling the $31.6 trillion deficit - add as much as necessary to fit their agenda.

Saudi and China are talking about trading in currency other than. Ithe US dollar. Replacing the US dollar as the world currency will cripple the US economy.

The Democrats proved they understand we would have to pay nearly $31.7 trillion JUST TO BE BROKE - tbeir answer is to eliminate the de t ceiling so they can as uch as they want to tbe debt being as criminally fiscally irresponsible as they want.

My how the tables have turned. Democrats use to be against the US fighting in / supporting wars around the world. Now they are motgaging the future of the country away to fight a proxy war in Ukraine.
Tax the rich again and invest in America again, super duper. Your love and admiration for the greedy idiot rich is touching. Yes we are against your stupid republican covert action and wars after you screw up foreign affairs so badly. Thanks for allowing 9/11 through sheer stupidity and then the stupidest wars ever... Thanks for telling Saddam to go ahead and take Kuwait. How is reagan's pal Saddam now anyway? The GOP is a catastrophe so many stupid wars and depressions and recessions due to stupid deregulation and corruption. Anybody who votes for Republicans is a misinformed ignoramus or greedy ******* period. How is trump's pal and GOP hero Putin doing these days?
With Ukraine wanting into NATO, Putin had a good reason, which is what Carlson was talking about, but that went by you.
That's why nobody was letting Ukraine join NATO period of course Putin knows very well that NATO is defensive and he had nothing to fear from NATO, that is just garbage Russian propaganda, super dupe
You should REALLY get over yourself.

Maybe you can tell me what was going on as far as U.S. foreign policy towards Japan at the time that they finally had to attack us?
What exactly led Japan to attack?

How about in The European theater?
Why in God's name were U.S. forces sent to Europe to fight Britain's war against Hitler?
It wasn't "our war."
Your ignorance of history is on full display right there! Hahaha
Seems to be the case, Hard to get good clear information any more from anyone.
Read the news watch the news. Not Murdoch or Internet crazies or social media....Democrats are not into covert CIA action like the Republicans are. That's how they got us into so many wars... And made us the bad guys so many times... Now it's isolationism again. A catastrophe because money. They only care about the deficit when Democrats are in, most of our debt was incurred by Republicans.
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What happened when Germany's empire stopped growing?
The Soviet empire
Japanese Empire
British Empire
Spanish Empire
Roman Empire...

Once Putin has Europe he will continue the expansion because if expansion stops his empire will collapse.

The Soviets and Germans had a non-aggression-pact that divided Poland and gave Finland to the Soviets.
No way to respond to that word salad!
All I hear is a shameful American helping our enemy spread propaganda.
Like a Jane Fonda with bad hair.

Or how about a guy who swallows all the propaganda coming from the left without a thought?

Reality hurts your ears, does it?

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