Remember when Biden swore he would not send tanks to the Ukraine cuz that would start WW3?

The concept is the pipeline is making putin billions.
Moron, that $11 billion dollar Nordstream II pipeline has never trasported gas, how the hell has it made anything for Putin except huge losses?

What the fuck are you talking about?
Trump policy:
America first - if others want our trade, our help, our friendship they have to play fair and pay their fair share. There will be economic consequences for those who don't.

Make friends when you can, avoid making enemies when you can and know the difference between those two. When a country stops at least some bad behavior, they deserve encouragement not contempt. Far better to have amicable relationships wherever possible than maintaining cold war type hostilities.

Understand that the USA will be your friend if you are a friend. But any assault or hostilities toward Americans or our allies will be met with swift, certain, terrible retribution.

Under his leadership North Korean missiles stopped flying over South Korea and Japan and there was considerable thaw in the 'cold war' in that area. China, Russia, Iran all stopped saber rattling. Peace/trade treaties were brokered between three Arab nations and Israel. The war in Syria ended and no new wars started up. We were in the process of withdrawing from Afghanistan with all our billions of dollars worth of supplies and equipment, without loss of life, without leaving Americans and loyal allies behind in peril, and with the Taliban continued to keep hands off.

No endless wars. No war without a definitive definition of what victory would be and an exit strategy. We were closer to world peace than any time in my now very long life.

If Trump had been re-elected, I'm quite confident there would be no war between the Ukraine and Russia now.

Biden doesn't have a clue what he's doing and I am not at all confident the deep state that runs him has motives any of us would approve of.

Yes, because Trump would simply hand over Ukraine and any other country over to Putin if he wanted it. That's what collaborators do. It's probably what he had in mind when he tried to blackmail Zelensky by witholding weapons aid to Ukraine in exchange for just the mention of dirt on Biden. One can only suspect that’s what his secret back room meetings with Putin was all about.

Right, no endless war. Under Trump's leadership, we would probably be in the middle east again and in a war with Iran. That's what nearly happened when Iran bombed a US base and nearly killed members of our armed forces there. If that had happened, what did you think would have been the end result? Hmmm. What exit strategy did Trump have in that situation? None.

As for North Korea, Trump said that he was in love with Kim Jun Un, the dictator. In what alternative universe do you live in where any US president saying this would be deemed even remotely appropriate, if not just outright moronic? Trump admires and adores fascist leaders. You think that’s the kind of person who should leading the American people? Maybe if you hate democracy.
Oops, you seem very confused about who is to blame. Better take some time, have a few words with yourself.
I would rather have a fully rational person in charge of this nation. Joe is obviously in mental decline and not up to the job.

Putin’s sanity has been questioned as has his health. The meds he may be taking for whatever his health problem is may be affecting his mind. Unfortunately he has his finger on a nuclear trigger.

A man with questionable sanity capable of launching a nuclear arsenal is a bad combination. It gets even worse when we may have two people with questionable sanity in charge of nuclear arsenals facing off against each other.

Keep in mind the object is not to win a full out nuclear war but to avoid one. There are no winners in a full out nuclear war.
Yes, because Trump would simply hand over Ukraine and any other country over to Putin if he wanted it. That's what collaborators do. It's probably what he had in mind when he tried to blackmail Zelensky by witholding weapons aid to Ukraine in exchange for just the mention of dirt on Biden. One can only suspect that’s what his secret back room meetings with Putin was all about.

Right, no endless war. Under Trump's leadership, we would probably be in the middle east again and in a war with Iran. That's what nearly happened when Iran bombed a US base and nearly killed members of our armed forces there. If that had happened, what did you think would have been the end result? Hmmm. What exit strategy did Trump have in that situation? None.

As for North Korea, Trump said that he was in love with Kim Jun Un, the dictator. In what alternative universe do you live in where any US president saying this would be deemed even remotely appropriate, if not just outright moronic? Trump admires and adores fascist leaders. You think that’s the kind of person who should leading the American people? Maybe if you hate democracy.
I have to wonder. Does somebody pay you to post things that dishonestly partisan and convoluted? Do have a great afternoon.
I would rather have a fully rational person in charge of this nation. Joe is obviously in mental decline and not up to the job.

Putin’s sanity has been questioned as has his health. The meds he may be taking for whatever his health problem is may be affecting his mind. Unfortunately he has his finger on a nuclear trigger.

A man with questionable sanity capable of launching a nuclear arsenal is a bad combination. It gets even worse when we may have two people with questionable sanity in charge of nuclear arsenals facing off against each other.

Keep in mind the object is not to win a full out nuclear war but to avoid one. There are no winners in a full out nuclear war.
Keep your no evidence garbage anti American disrespect for our president and our institutions and shove them where the sun don't shine, brainwashed functional seditionist and Russian....
I have to wonder. Does somebody pay you to post things that dishonestly partisan and convoluted? Do have a great afternoon.
You didn't notice trump's efforts to break up NATO and opposition to the scumbag Putin? You really should try a news station instead of garbage propaganda, dimwit
damn straight, they are a total obstructive giveaway to the rich disgrace the last 40 years. At this point the only reason to support them is pure misinformation or greed... Super dupe ignoramus.
So your party won’t negotiate and it’s all republicans. Fk off loser. Take your whine where someone cares
I would rather have a fully rational person in charge of this nation. Joe is obviously in mental decline and not up to the job.

Putin’s sanity has been questioned as has his health. The meds he may be taking for whatever his health problem is may be affecting his mind. Unfortunately he has his finger on a nuclear trigger.

A man with questionable sanity capable of launching a nuclear arsenal is a bad combination. It gets even worse when we may have two people with questionable sanity in charge of nuclear arsenals facing off against each other.

Keep in mind the object is not to win a full out nuclear war but to avoid one. There are no winners in a full out nuclear war.
I am not interested on your partisan hopes and dreams.

I only find it a bit embarrassing for you that you blame Biden for what Putin does.

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