Remember when Geo W Bush ditched 5 million emails?

Mass murder has no statute of limitations. Try to keep that in mind as history plays it's self out.
Originally we're cool, Huggy

But fuck your massmurder Bullshit.

THE Obama's hands are far from Iraq, Afghanistan, and several other places since then.
And he was for the war before he was against it too

Ya whatever. Bush was and is an incompetent boob that was handed the intel to prevent the disasters of which we speak on a sliver platter. His hubris was stunning as he and Rice dismissed the warnings. We hold all kinds of managers of companies liable for their lack of competence when disaster raises it's head. In China they summarily execute leaders of Bush's ilk.

We can and will part company as I stare coldly at the evidence. I will make no excuses for any of them. If you choose to that's your call.
All I ask is consistency in your condemnation.
There's plenty of blame to go around.

Glass houses and all.......
No I dont remember that at all. WHo cares? Is Geo. W Bush running for president? Was he SecState? Did he keep a private email server against gov't regs that was certainly hacked by a foreign govt? Did he lie about all of that? Did he take payoffs from foreign governments while in office?
Another pathetic attempt by the Left to deflect frm Hillary's felonies.

Attention, Libs: Hillary Clinton is the ONLY candidate in the race under investigation by the FBI. Deal with it.

I am quite sure you don't remember it. Stupid people don't remember things.

Thanks for being honest.
Wash that butt hurt away, Statistheilhitler. You just cannot get your mind around the fact that I foresaw the Greek default and you didnt. So you'll snipe at every post I make because you just can't get over it. Must suck to have your life.

Oh, you mean the prediction you made that Greece would be kick out of the Eurozone within six months and then the six months came and went and Greece is still in the Eurozone? Oh, yeah, you foresaw something, all right!!! Next time, don't eat quite so much LSD.
Wow just cant let it go. The more you post the more of my bitch you are.
Anyway, on topic: the Left's insane desire to excuse every Obama failing by saying "Bush" shows the poverty of their position. After claiming Bush was the worst, stupidest, president ever they excuse Obama by saying he's just like him.
Hardly. And I'm not here to serve your odd gay fantasies. Go to a bathhouse or your favorite glory hole or something.

Every time I remind of your false prediction and you squeal like the drag queen you are, people laugh: with me and at you.

If you were a smart person, you would take your lumps and shut up. But I'm pretty sure you will keep yapping like a small poodle.

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You have used "It's Bush's fault" for six years to cover for Obama.
Did he use a private server? NO
Is he being or was it looked at by the FBI? NO
WAS his server hacked by overseas hackers? NO.

Hillary IS going or SHOULD go to prison. Deal with it.

And now they're continuing it for Hillary. The beat goes on.
Has anyone heard a candidate promise to vacate the ME yet and bring the troops home?

You have used "It's Bush's fault" for six years to cover for Obama.
Did he use a private server? NO
Is he being or was it looked at by the FBI? NO
WAS his server hacked by overseas hackers? NO.

Hillary IS going or SHOULD go to prison. Deal with it.

And now they're continuing it for Hillary. The beat goes on.
Has anyone heard a candidate promise to vacate the ME yet and bring the troops home?
Point well taken.

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