Remember When It Was Flatten the Curve? Now It’s Close Grocery Stores After the Virus Is in Decline


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
I don't know about anyone else's grocery store, but there is no way if there are two customers in the same aisle that they can be six feet from each other as they pass with their carts. I hold my breath. It's a dizzying experience. No one around here wears masks because we've only had a total of two cases in our county. In places where this is a concern, rather than closing the stores, requiring masks would make more sense.
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
I don't know about anyone else's grocery store, but there is no way if there are two customers in the same aisle that they can be six feet from each other as they pass with their carts. I hold my breath. It's a dizzying experience. No one around here wears masks because we've only had a total of two cases in our county. In places where this is a concern, rather than closing the stores, requiring masks would make more sense.
And still the subways of New York are open.

The leftist insanity continues
Democrats will keep moving the target to allow them to continue to torture the American people and destroy our ecomony. They're idiots. What they're doing is like burning ones house down to get rid of a rat. This irrational hatred they have for our President is dangerous to every American, and it isn't confined to the Federal government. We have a governor like that right here in Pa, POS that he is.
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
I for one am thankful that Georgia has volunteered to be the guinea pig state and reopen, in spite of what most health professionals say. I wish them the best of luck and, if they're successful, I'm sure most other states will follow. I'm just glad it's them and not me.
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
You’re a sick pos
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
I don't know about anyone else's grocery store, but there is no way if there are two customers in the same aisle that they can be six feet from each other as they pass with their carts. I hold my breath. It's a dizzying experience. No one around here wears masks because we've only had a total of two cases in our county. In places where this is a concern, rather than closing the stores, requiring masks would make more sense.
The virus can remain airborne in water droplets for 30 minutes. It can enter the body through the eyes.
It can remain alive on hard surfaces for days. You cannot get away from it. Herd immunity is the only way.
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
I don't know about anyone else's grocery store, but there is no way if there are two customers in the same aisle that they can be six feet from each other as they pass with their carts. I hold my breath. It's a dizzying experience. No one around here wears masks because we've only had a total of two cases in our county. In places where this is a concern, rather than closing the stores, requiring masks would make more sense.
You’re a paranoid hysterical victim of the Left.
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
You’re a sick pos
Says shitforbrains wanting people to starve to death.
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.

This is all predictable. Sad, destructive, but predictable.

As the news gets better and the WE'RE ALL GOING TO DIE narrative falls apart, the Left digs in. The models were wrong, there are many more people exposed than previously thought, the mortality rate therefore is much lower than previously thought--but none of this is allowed to be good news. It must be worse, and you are an EVER WORSE person for not believing in all the bad news.

Lots of lighting of hair on fire, like you can't even go to the grocery store now.

If they had actual better news for THEM--which means a more solid pandemic--their hair wouldn't be flaming. But they don't. They only have this one.

And Joe Biden on the other side.
Some crazy folks think computer soft wear can be produced that would allow people to make virtual trips through a grocery store and order groceries online with an appointment for picking up their groceries and never having to leave their car. Insane.
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
I don't know about anyone else's grocery store, but there is no way if there are two customers in the same aisle that they can be six feet from each other as they pass with their carts. I hold my breath. It's a dizzying experience. No one around here wears masks because we've only had a total of two cases in our county. In places where this is a concern, rather than closing the stores, requiring masks would make more sense.
I can be at one end of an aisle and someone on the other end. you're nuts.
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
  • Social distancing means nothing unless one of the people is coughing or sneezing or touching others. Viruses don't just jump from person to person by magnetic force.
  • Masks mean nothing unless the person wearing it is infected AND coughing or sneezing.
  • Just because a few workers got sick, where is the proof that they even caught it at work much less from a customer?
The issue everyone is trying to avoid is that if Covid is so infectious and so deadly to a small percentage of the population, THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO to stop some people from getting it.
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
The virus is in decline in NY and CA. It's on the rise pretty much everywhere else.
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
The virus is in decline in NY and CA. It's on the rise pretty much everywhere else.
no it isn't. more faked numbers to extend the panic is what's happening. why are you for that?

here from Illinois, the real numbers, and nothing what is being told on tv.

The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
The virus is in decline in NY and CA. It's on the rise pretty much everywhere else.
Liar. All you have is lies.
Libbies have created this crisis and they will lay claim and take credit for solving it as an election tool
Pretty sickening to watch these news conferences where governors and health nuts smarm all over each other about how noble they have been to the public when it is they who ginned all of this up to begin with.

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