Remember When It Was Flatten the Curve? Now It’s Close Grocery Stores After the Virus Is in Decline

The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
The virus is in decline in NY and CA. It's on the rise pretty much everywhere else.
no it isn't. more faked numbers to extend the panic is what's happening. why are you for that?

here from Illinois, the real numbers, and nothing what is being told on tv.

Meaningless without comparison data. Nobody says Chicago's hospitals are overwhelmed. Yet.

What was the occupancy rate last month?
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
The virus is in decline in NY and CA. It's on the rise pretty much everywhere else.
Liar. All you have is lies.

You're a tRumpling. You couldn't tell even if I was.
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
The virus is in decline in NY and CA. It's on the rise pretty much everywhere else.
Liar. All you have is lies.

You're a tRumpling. You couldn't tell even if I was.
Why does your agenda require you to lie?
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
But the virus isn't in decline, and we've had one of the deadliest days yet; As southern states reopen, U.S. still hasn't seen a drop in new COVID-19 cases
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
The virus is in decline in NY and CA. It's on the rise pretty much everywhere else.
Liar. All you have is lies.
Prove me wrong; As southern states reopen, U.S. still hasn't seen a drop in new COVID-19 cases If you can't, then we just proved your OP was a lie. Get busy.
Libbies have created this crisis and they will lay claim and take credit for solving it as an election tool
Pretty sickening to watch these news conferences where governors and health nuts smarm all over each other about how noble they have been to the public when it is they who ginned all of this up to begin with.
How did Liberals create this crisis.? If you can't prove that, then you lied about that too.
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
The virus is in decline in NY and CA. It's on the rise pretty much everywhere else.
no it isn't. more faked numbers to extend the panic is what's happening. why are you for that?

here from Illinois, the real numbers, and nothing what is being told on tv.

Then prove the link is wrong; As southern states reopen, U.S. still hasn't seen a drop in new COVID-19 cases
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
I for one am thankful that Georgia has volunteered to be the guinea pig state and reopen, in spite of what most health professionals say. I wish them the best of luck and, if they're successful, I'm sure most other states will follow. I'm just glad it's them and not me.
All on a day when it has been one of the worst for deaths.
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
The virus is in decline in NY and CA. It's on the rise pretty much everywhere else.
no it isn't. more faked numbers to extend the panic is what's happening. why are you for that?

here from Illinois, the real numbers, and nothing what is being told on tv.

Then prove the link is wrong; As southern states reopen, U.S. still hasn't seen a drop in new COVID-19 cases
Your evidence is MSNBC quoting Chuck Todd? Hilarious.
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
I for one am thankful that Georgia has volunteered to be the guinea pig state and reopen, in spite of what most health professionals say. I wish them the best of luck and, if they're successful, I'm sure most other states will follow. I'm just glad it's them and not me.
All on a day when it has been one of the worst for deaths.
Hide under your pillow, we’ll let you know when it’s safe.
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
The virus is in decline in NY and CA. It's on the rise pretty much everywhere else.
no it isn't. more faked numbers to extend the panic is what's happening. why are you for that?

here from Illinois, the real numbers, and nothing what is being told on tv.

Then prove the link is wrong; As southern states reopen, U.S. still hasn't seen a drop in new COVID-19 cases
Your evidence is MSNBC quoting Chuck Todd? Hilarious.
Thanks! I accept your non-existing argument/ surrender. That's my argument that you are helpless to debunk. Folks, this guy is a loser and a liar. Next!
The Left haven’t seen enough panic and suffering, so now they’re pushing to close all grocery stores now that we are on the backside of the curve.
I for one am thankful that Georgia has volunteered to be the guinea pig state and reopen, in spite of what most health professionals say. I wish them the best of luck and, if they're successful, I'm sure most other states will follow. I'm just glad it's them and not me.
All on a day when it has been one of the worst for deaths.
Hide under your pillow, we’ll let you know when it’s safe.
You lost with your surrender to my argument. I have no need for pillows. You do. You're a proven pos liar.
Interesting article, but I'll tell you my own personal experience after shopping two different times in the last month at two different stores, and yes I know this is anecdotal.

The employees were their own worst enemy.
What I observed was every worker that I seen was NOT practicing ANY of the measures that all of us are now very aware of.
No safe distances from customers, no PPE.

In one case a store employee walked right up to a shopper who was wearing a mask and was having trouble hearing where an item was, and the employee put his hand on his shoulder and leaned down and spoke directly in his ear. Hopefully he didn't spray his ear with spit, but who knows.

I have a feeling that grocery store workers have grown tired of trying to dodge shoppers, and have simply reverted to old habits.
My local Walmart has developed some convoluted entrance routing system with yellow tape that actually causes people to get closer to each other and has closed one of the automatic exit doors except for emergency and funneling everyone to a single set of doors. You can get what you want off the shelves in Krogers, Food Lion and Walmart but the state run ABC store won't let you pick a bottle off the shelf. The world has gone freaking nuts.

If they want revolution, just try stopping people's ability to get food over a non crisis
Coronavirus is the fastest killer of people in this country, and it's a non-crisis?

Stop watching MSM Panic Porn. There’s always a top killer of people. 650,000 Americans will die from heart disease this year. 600,000 will die from cancer. Far cry from the 60,000 by CV. And because you paranoid weenies locked everyone up this year, heart disease will probably take a lot more now.
It`s the union`s job to protect it`s dues paying members. I`m not taking sides on this, just trying to explain to the OP knucklehead what this is about.
Conservatives are weak. Article points out that while people are bunkered at home grocery stores are a hub of infection. No shit. The response on here is 1 level of thought. “I don’t like my situation so let me blame liberals”. It’s tired and shows the utter weakness of your will and mind. You are all pitiful excuses of vertebrates on Earth.

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