Remember When McConnell Was Fine With Pelosi Witholding Impeachment Articles


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
How do you know when you have Senate Majority Leader over a barrel? When he starts accusing you of "shameless game-playing," as he did of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the Senate floor Wednesday afternoon. Wow, seems like McConnell's pretty desperate to get those articles now. Remember in December when he rather smugly declared "fine with me" after Pelosi announced she wouldn't immediately transmit the articles? Gee, Mitch, what's the hurry? Thought everything was just "fine."

Remember when McConnell was 'fine' with Pelosi withholding impeachment articles? Not anymore
How do you know when you have Senate Majority Leader over a barrel? When he starts accusing you of "shameless game-playing," as he did of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the Senate floor Wednesday afternoon. Wow, seems like McConnell's pretty desperate to get those articles now. Remember in December when he rather smugly declared "fine with me" after Pelosi announced she wouldn't immediately transmit the articles? Gee, Mitch, what's the hurry? Thought everything was just "fine."

Remember when McConnell was 'fine' with Pelosi withholding impeachment articles? Not anymore
So it's fine with Mitch that Nazi humiliates herself with shameless game playing.

What are you missing?
what leverage does she have? McConnell couldn't careless if she ate those articles for breakfast. What is it she has that gives her leverage in your eyes?
Remember when Schiff had evidence?
If Obama had bombed this guy, the right wingers would have reacted in the same way they did when Obama took out OBL. Do you remember?

They poured shit on the whole thing, some of them said there's no proof it ever happened, and other BS.

You right wingers behaved like a bunch of whiny bitches for 8 years, you're not going to get praise in return, especially with this bastard that has been talking smack for 4+ years.
If Obama had bombed this guy, the right wingers would have reacted in the same way they did when Obama took out OBL. Do you remember?

They poured shit on the whole thing, some of them said there's no proof it ever happened, and other BS.

You right wingers behaved like a bunch of whiny bitches for 8 years, you're not going to get praise in return, especially with this bastard that has been talking smack for 4+ years.
well first you would have to have some evidence that we did that on the other 571 targets he hit. you got that? BTW, we aren't traitors to our country, and don't stand behind Iran. Did we do it for Bin Laden? come on mate, give us all that evidence to back your sad ass statement.
How do you know when you have Senate Majority Leader over a barrel? When he starts accusing you of "shameless game-playing," as he did of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the Senate floor Wednesday afternoon. Wow, seems like McConnell's pretty desperate to get those articles now. Remember in December when he rather smugly declared "fine with me" after Pelosi announced she wouldn't immediately transmit the articles? Gee, Mitch, what's the hurry? Thought everything was just "fine."

Remember when McConnell was 'fine' with Pelosi withholding impeachment articles? Not anymore

Nice try, but McConnell has been consistent on this as shown in the links below, all from The Last Refuge:

December 12,

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Outlines Upcoming Impeachment Trial and Process…

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell appears on Fox News to discuss the upcoming impeachment trial and the processes within the Senate that will be followed.


December 19,

Senate Leader Mitch McConnell: “The House Conduct Has Damaged The Institutions of American Government” – Video and Transcript…

Transcript excerpt:

Last night House Democrats finally did what they decided to do long ago: They voted to impeach President Trump.

‘Over the last 12 weeks, House Democrats have conducted the most rushed, least thorough, and most unfair impeachment inquiry in modern history.

‘Now their slapdash process has concluded in the first purely partisan presidential impeachment since the wake of the Civil War. The opposition to impeachment was bipartisan. Only one part of one faction wanted this outcome.

‘The House’s conduct risks deeply damaging the institutions of American government. This particular House of Representatives has let its partisan rage at this particular President create a toxic new precedent that will echo into the future.

‘That’s what I want to discuss now: The historic degree to which House Democrats have failed to do their duty — and what it will mean for the Senate to do ours.

‘Let’s start at the beginning. Let’s start with the fact that Washington Democrats made up their minds to impeach President Trump since before he was even inaugurated

‘Here’s a reporter in April 2016. Quote, “Donald Trump isn’t even the Republican nominee yet… [but] ‘Impeachment’ is already on the lips of pundits, newspaper editorials, constitutional scholars, and even a few members of Congress.”

‘On Inauguration Day 2017, this headline in the Washington Post: “The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun.” That was day one.

‘In April 2017, three months into the presidency, a senior House Democrat said “I’m going to fight every day until he’s impeached.” That was three months in.

‘In December 2017, two years ago, Congressman Jerry Nadler was openly campaigning to be ranking member on House Judiciary specifically because he was an expert on impeachment.

‘This week wasn’t even the first time House Democrats have introduced articles of impeachment. It was the seventh time."

The rest of the Transcript in the LINK


December 23,

Mitch McConnell: “Quit the Charade, this is a Political Exercise”…


January 8,

Mitch McConnell Invites Nancy Pelosi to Sit on a Pinecone: “There will be no haggling with the House over Senate procedure”…


Your claim the Speaker has him over a barrel is obvious nonsense...
If Obama had bombed this guy, the right wingers would have reacted in the same way they did when Obama took out OBL. Do you remember?

They poured shit on the whole thing, some of them said there's no proof it ever happened, and other BS.

You right wingers behaved like a bunch of whiny bitches for 8 years, you're not going to get praise in return, especially with this bastard that has been talking smack for 4+ years.
well first you would have to have some evidence that we did that on the other 571 targets he hit. you got that? BTW, we aren't traitors to our country, and don't stand behind Iran. Did we do it for Bin Laden? come on mate, give us all that evidence to back your sad ass statement.
The bottom line is your party is chock full of lying hypocrites Obama would be hanging from a lamp post if he pulled half the bull shit your party is responsible INCLUDING breaking the fn treaty
How do you know when you have Senate Majority Leader over a barrel? When he starts accusing you of "shameless game-playing," as he did of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the Senate floor Wednesday afternoon. Wow, seems like McConnell's pretty desperate to get those articles now. Remember in December when he rather smugly declared "fine with me" after Pelosi announced she wouldn't immediately transmit the articles? Gee, Mitch, what's the hurry? Thought everything was just "fine."

Remember when McConnell was 'fine' with Pelosi withholding impeachment articles? Not anymore


SOOOOO . . . your problem is that the Senate wants to finish trying the case that Pelosi spent millions of dollars and 12 weeks before the holidays rushing to prosecute in a mad pall saying that Trump was a matter of national crisis and imminent danger?

Why are you so afraid to let the Senate adjudicate the case?
Remember when nancy said this donkey show was urgent.

Why would Pelosi be in a big hurry for McConnell to not have a trial with witnesses so the whole thing could be completely swept under the carpet? That doesn't make sense, instead she's holding back and using her political influence over the process. Apparently Mitch feels it too.
OP misses the point. McConnell was saying he was fine with Pelosi committing political suicide by withholding the articles. Get a clue, skew.
This whole impeachment thing is a big political game. Ds wanted to impeach Trump because they were sure that would prevent his reelection. Rs fought it until Ds revealed how little they have, which is nothing. McConnell did the same thing. He tried to slow down the process but after seeing what assholes Ds were making of themselves, he decided to let those ignoramuses go. So even though Trump is legally innocent, it's all politics on both sides. Real justice would be for the fabricators to have this whole thing blow up in their faces
If Obama had bombed this guy, the right wingers would have reacted in the same way they did when Obama took out OBL. Do you remember?

They poured shit on the whole thing, some of them said there's no proof it ever happened, and other BS.

You right wingers behaved like a bunch of whiny bitches for 8 years, you're not going to get praise in return, especially with this bastard that has been talking smack for 4+ years.
well first you would have to have some evidence that we did that on the other 571 targets he hit. you got that? BTW, we aren't traitors to our country, and don't stand behind Iran. Did we do it for Bin Laden? come on mate, give us all that evidence to back your sad ass statement.
The bottom line is your party is chock full of lying hypocrites Obama would be hanging from a lamp post if he pulled half the bull shit your party is responsible INCLUDING breaking the fn treaty
both parties are chuck full of lying idiots. so fking what? you have absolutely no basis to make such a statement. PERIOD!
Remember when nancy said this donkey show was urgent.

Why would Pelosi be in a big hurry for McConnell to not have a trial with witnesses so the whole thing could be completely swept under the carpet? That doesn't make sense, instead she's holding back and using her political influence over the process. Apparently Mitch feels it too.
What influence?
This whole impeachment thing is a big political game. Ds wanted to impeach Trump because they were sure that would prevent his reelection. Rs fought it until Ds revealed how little they have, which is nothing. McConnell did the same thing. He tried to slow down the process but after seeing what assholes Ds were making of themselves, he decided to let those ignoramuses go. So even though Trump is legally innocent, it's all politics on both sides. Real justice would be for the fabricators to have this whole thing blow up in their faces
It all started on election night. by D's. any mention of an R in that is just stupid and dishonest. thanks!

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