Remember When McConnell Was Fine With Pelosi Witholding Impeachment Articles

Dems like Di Fi are telling Pelosi she must send the articles over post haste....but Pelosi knows it will be laughed out of the senate....
Remember when nancy said this donkey show was urgent.
They are both playing politics....except....

Nancy is at least in line with precedent since the last impeachment trial included witnesses and a 100-0 Senate vote on the impeachment trial rules...

McConnell is trying to protect Trump and its going to be more and more obvious to everyday Americans who are not sycophants for Trump like you are...
Why would Pelosi be in a big hurry for McConnell to not have a trial with witnesses so the whole thing could be completely swept under the carpet? That doesn't make sense, instead she's holding back and using her political influence over the process. Apparently Mitch feels it too.
She has no political influence over the process in the Senate. None. Zero. Zip.

She is making a fool of herself.

She's not, most Americans want witnesses to testify in the trial, that's what she is holding out for.

You mean like quid pro quo...idiot.

Are you really comparing compromise in Washington with a president pressuring another country for political dirt?
Remind us again who pressured who...


Everybody was pressuring Ukraine to get rid of the corrupt prosecutor.
Remember when nancy said this donkey show was urgent.

Why would Pelosi be in a big hurry for McConnell to not have a trial with witnesses so the whole thing could be completely swept under the carpet? That doesn't make sense, instead she's holding back and using her political influence over the process. Apparently Mitch feels it too.
She has no political influence over the process in the Senate. None. Zero. Zip.

She is making a fool of herself.

She's not, most Americans want witnesses to testify in the trial, that's what she is holding out for.
She can hold out for dancing unicorns. She has as much chance of getting those as she does getting her way in the Senate.
How do you know when you have Senate Majority Leader over a barrel? When he starts accusing you of "shameless game-playing," as he did of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the Senate floor Wednesday afternoon. Wow, seems like McConnell's pretty desperate to get those articles now. Remember in December when he rather smugly declared "fine with me" after Pelosi announced she wouldn't immediately transmit the articles? Gee, Mitch, what's the hurry? Thought everything was just "fine."

Remember when McConnell was 'fine' with Pelosi withholding impeachment articles? Not anymore
shameless game-playing, he queefs. lol.

merrick garland says hello.
Explained a dozen times why he was shitcanned!...Need me to inform you again, about last term of presidency?
shut up, retard.

shameless game-playing is the name of the game.
How do you know when you have Senate Majority Leader over a barrel? When he starts accusing you of "shameless game-playing," as he did of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the Senate floor Wednesday afternoon. Wow, seems like McConnell's pretty desperate to get those articles now. Remember in December when he rather smugly declared "fine with me" after Pelosi announced she wouldn't immediately transmit the articles? Gee, Mitch, what's the hurry? Thought everything was just "fine."

Remember when McConnell was 'fine' with Pelosi withholding impeachment articles? Not anymore
shameless game-playing, he queefs. lol.

merrick garland says hello.
Explained a dozen times why he was shitcanned!...Need me to inform you again, about last term of presidency?
shut up, retard.

shameless game-playing is the name of the game.
Where did come from off topic and from left field!
If Obama had bombed this guy, the right wingers would have reacted in the same way they did when Obama took out OBL. Do you remember?

They poured shit on the whole thing, some of them said there's no proof it ever happened, and other BS.

You right wingers behaved like a bunch of whiny bitches for 8 years, you're not going to get praise in return, especially with this bastard that has been talking smack for 4+ years.
well first you would have to have some evidence that we did that on the other 571 targets he hit. you got that? BTW, we aren't traitors to our country, and don't stand behind Iran. Did we do it for Bin Laden? come on mate, give us all that evidence to back your sad ass statement.
The bottom line is your party is chock full of lying hypocrites Obama would be hanging from a lamp post if he pulled half the bull shit your party is responsible INCLUDING breaking the fn treaty
both parties are chuck full of lying idiots. so fking what? you have absolutely no basis to make such a statement. PERIOD!
Don't give me that "both" bullshit What your republican garbage has done electing this fn moron to the WH FAR supersedes any thing Dems have done
She has no political influence over the process in the Senate. None. Zero. Zip.

She is making a fool of herself.

She's not, most Americans want witnesses to testify in the trial, that's what she is holding out for.

You mean like quid pro quo...idiot.

Are you really comparing compromise in Washington with a president pressuring another country for political dirt?
Remind us again who pressured who...


Everybody was pressuring Ukraine to get rid of the corrupt prosecutor.
McConnell is not gonna turn his power over to Nancy Pelosi, and after her conduct in the House she doesn't have a leg to stand on when demanding "fairness" in the Senate.
If Obama had bombed this guy, the right wingers would have reacted in the same way they did when Obama took out OBL. Do you remember?

They poured shit on the whole thing, some of them said there's no proof it ever happened, and other BS.

You right wingers behaved like a bunch of whiny bitches for 8 years, you're not going to get praise in return, especially with this bastard that has been talking smack for 4+ years.
well first you would have to have some evidence that we did that on the other 571 targets he hit. you got that? BTW, we aren't traitors to our country, and don't stand behind Iran. Did we do it for Bin Laden? come on mate, give us all that evidence to back your sad ass statement.
The bottom line is your party is chock full of lying hypocrites Obama would be hanging from a lamp post if he pulled half the bull shit your party is responsible INCLUDING breaking the fn treaty
Your unhinged rants have no basis in reality.
Sure they don't for folks like you who kiss trumps ,,,,,,,,,shoes as he can do no wrong The worst pos ever in our WH and we have people like you to thank for it
If Obama had bombed this guy, the right wingers would have reacted in the same way they did when Obama took out OBL. Do you remember?

They poured shit on the whole thing, some of them said there's no proof it ever happened, and other BS.

You right wingers behaved like a bunch of whiny bitches for 8 years, you're not going to get praise in return, especially with this bastard that has been talking smack for 4+ years.
well first you would have to have some evidence that we did that on the other 571 targets he hit. you got that? BTW, we aren't traitors to our country, and don't stand behind Iran. Did we do it for Bin Laden? come on mate, give us all that evidence to back your sad ass statement.
The bottom line is your party is chock full of lying hypocrites Obama would be hanging from a lamp post if he pulled half the bull shit your party is responsible INCLUDING breaking the fn treaty
Your unhinged rants have no basis in reality.
Sure they don't for folks like you who kiss trumps ,,,,,,,,,shoes as he can do no wrong The worst pos ever in our WH and we have people like you to thank for it
Off topic!!!
How do you know when you have Senate Majority Leader over a barrel? When he starts accusing you of "shameless game-playing," as he did of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the Senate floor Wednesday afternoon. Wow, seems like McConnell's pretty desperate to get those articles now. Remember in December when he rather smugly declared "fine with me" after Pelosi announced she wouldn't immediately transmit the articles? Gee, Mitch, what's the hurry? Thought everything was just "fine."

Remember when McConnell was 'fine' with Pelosi withholding impeachment articles? Not anymore

View attachment 299326

SOOOOO . . . your problem is that the Senate wants to finish trying the case that Pelosi spent millions of dollars and 12 weeks before the holidays rushing to prosecute in a mad pall saying that Trump was a matter of national crisis and imminent danger?

Why are you so afraid to let the Senate adjudicate the case?
Because they're crooks who don't want a real trial that has witnesses that will expose the piece of excrement we have in our WH
You mean like the crooks in the House who refused to allow due process for the President?
How do you know when you have Senate Majority Leader over a barrel? When he starts accusing you of "shameless game-playing," as he did of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the Senate floor Wednesday afternoon. Wow, seems like McConnell's pretty desperate to get those articles now. Remember in December when he rather smugly declared "fine with me" after Pelosi announced she wouldn't immediately transmit the articles? Gee, Mitch, what's the hurry? Thought everything was just "fine."

Remember when McConnell was 'fine' with Pelosi withholding impeachment articles? Not anymore

View attachment 299326

SOOOOO . . . your problem is that the Senate wants to finish trying the case that Pelosi spent millions of dollars and 12 weeks before the holidays rushing to prosecute in a mad pall saying that Trump was a matter of national crisis and imminent danger?

Why are you so afraid to let the Senate adjudicate the case?
Because they're crooks who don't want a real trial that has witnesses that will expose the piece of excrement we have in our WH
Need I remind you again?
Hillary LOST the race!
Obama's been out of office for YEARS!​
Talking about the dung you support and can't smell the stink
She has no political influence over the process in the Senate. None. Zero. Zip.

She is making a fool of herself.

She's not, most Americans want witnesses to testify in the trial, that's what she is holding out for.

You mean like quid pro quo...idiot.

Are you really comparing compromise in Washington with a president pressuring another country for political dirt?
Remind us again who pressured who...


Everybody was pressuring Ukraine to get rid of the corrupt prosecutor.
Trump wasn't, he wasn't even a candidate then!
How do you know when you have Senate Majority Leader over a barrel? When he starts accusing you of "shameless game-playing," as he did of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the Senate floor Wednesday afternoon. Wow, seems like McConnell's pretty desperate to get those articles now. Remember in December when he rather smugly declared "fine with me" after Pelosi announced she wouldn't immediately transmit the articles? Gee, Mitch, what's the hurry? Thought everything was just "fine."

Remember when McConnell was 'fine' with Pelosi withholding impeachment articles? Not anymore

View attachment 299326

SOOOOO . . . your problem is that the Senate wants to finish trying the case that Pelosi spent millions of dollars and 12 weeks before the holidays rushing to prosecute in a mad pall saying that Trump was a matter of national crisis and imminent danger?

Why are you so afraid to let the Senate adjudicate the case?
Because they're crooks who don't want a real trial that has witnesses that will expose the piece of excrement we have in our WH
You mean like the crooks in the House who refused to allow due process for the President?
Like stopping Obama from a SC pick??
If Obama had bombed this guy, the right wingers would have reacted in the same way they did when Obama took out OBL. Do you remember?

They poured shit on the whole thing, some of them said there's no proof it ever happened, and other BS.

You right wingers behaved like a bunch of whiny bitches for 8 years, you're not going to get praise in return, especially with this bastard that has been talking smack for 4+ years.
well first you would have to have some evidence that we did that on the other 571 targets he hit. you got that? BTW, we aren't traitors to our country, and don't stand behind Iran. Did we do it for Bin Laden? come on mate, give us all that evidence to back your sad ass statement.
The bottom line is your party is chock full of lying hypocrites Obama would be hanging from a lamp post if he pulled half the bull shit your party is responsible INCLUDING breaking the fn treaty
Your unhinged rants have no basis in reality.
Sure they don't for folks like you who kiss trumps ,,,,,,,,,shoes as he can do no wrong The worst pos ever in our WH and we have people like you to thank for it
Just can't get over that election, can you? :itsok: :abgg2q.jpg:
How do you know when you have Senate Majority Leader over a barrel? When he starts accusing you of "shameless game-playing," as he did of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the Senate floor Wednesday afternoon. Wow, seems like McConnell's pretty desperate to get those articles now. Remember in December when he rather smugly declared "fine with me" after Pelosi announced she wouldn't immediately transmit the articles? Gee, Mitch, what's the hurry? Thought everything was just "fine."

Remember when McConnell was 'fine' with Pelosi withholding impeachment articles? Not anymore

View attachment 299326

SOOOOO . . . your problem is that the Senate wants to finish trying the case that Pelosi spent millions of dollars and 12 weeks before the holidays rushing to prosecute in a mad pall saying that Trump was a matter of national crisis and imminent danger?

Why are you so afraid to let the Senate adjudicate the case?
Because they're crooks who don't want a real trial that has witnesses that will expose the piece of excrement we have in our WH
Need I remind you again?
Hillary LOST the race!
Obama's been out of office for YEARS!​
Talking about the dung you support and can't smell the stink
I don't support dung, I flush it.
And I can smell just fine. That's why I'm flushing your comments right now.
If Obama had bombed this guy, the right wingers would have reacted in the same way they did when Obama took out OBL. Do you remember?

They poured shit on the whole thing, some of them said there's no proof it ever happened, and other BS.

You right wingers behaved like a bunch of whiny bitches for 8 years, you're not going to get praise in return, especially with this bastard that has been talking smack for 4+ years.
well first you would have to have some evidence that we did that on the other 571 targets he hit. you got that? BTW, we aren't traitors to our country, and don't stand behind Iran. Did we do it for Bin Laden? come on mate, give us all that evidence to back your sad ass statement.
The bottom line is your party is chock full of lying hypocrites Obama would be hanging from a lamp post if he pulled half the bull shit your party is responsible INCLUDING breaking the fn treaty
Your unhinged rants have no basis in reality.
Sure they don't for folks like you who kiss trumps ,,,,,,,,,shoes as he can do no wrong The worst pos ever in our WH and we have people like you to thank for it
Just can't get over that election, can you? :itsok: :abgg2q.jpg:

How do you know when you have Senate Majority Leader over a barrel? When he starts accusing you of "shameless game-playing," as he did of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on the Senate floor Wednesday afternoon. Wow, seems like McConnell's pretty desperate to get those articles now. Remember in December when he rather smugly declared "fine with me" after Pelosi announced she wouldn't immediately transmit the articles? Gee, Mitch, what's the hurry? Thought everything was just "fine."

Remember when McConnell was 'fine' with Pelosi withholding impeachment articles? Not anymore

View attachment 299326

SOOOOO . . . your problem is that the Senate wants to finish trying the case that Pelosi spent millions of dollars and 12 weeks before the holidays rushing to prosecute in a mad pall saying that Trump was a matter of national crisis and imminent danger?

Why are you so afraid to let the Senate adjudicate the case?
Because they're crooks who don't want a real trial that has witnesses that will expose the piece of excrement we have in our WH
You mean like the crooks in the House who refused to allow due process for the President?
Like stopping Obama from a SC pick??
Like gang rape allegations against Kavanaugh?

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