Remember when Presidents went to the WH correspondent's dinner

Wry Catcher

Diamond Member
Aug 3, 2009
San Francisco Bay Area
Here's a refresher, Obama's last appearance:

Anyone wonder why Trump hates Obama and tires to discredit his 8 years in office? See it in the link above. Narcissists never forgive.
Here's a refresher, Obama's last appearance:

Anyone wonder why Trump hates Obama and tires to discredit his 8 years in office? See it in the link above. Narcissists never forgive.

Trump hates the media because they're biased and even with his asshattery and self destruction, they've still treated him grossly unfair. I wouldn't attend either. In any case, there is nothing that says there even has to be a White House Correspondent's Dinner. They never even had them until the mid 20th century.
Once the lamestream WH correspondent’s turned it into a Hollyweird lefty celebrity fest, it was a different ballgame, hell an altogether different sport for that matter. So now it’s been reduced to just another lefty circle jerk in tuxes, a la the Emmys, Oscars, etc., etc. and just as meaningless.
Here's a refresher, Obama's last appearance:

Anyone wonder why Trump hates Obama and tires to discredit his 8 years in office? See it in the link above. Narcissists never forgive.

Why wouldn't Obama go to a dinner where 1000 people want to suck his dick?
Here's a refresher, Obama's last appearance:

Anyone wonder why Trump hates Obama and tires to discredit his 8 years in office? See it in the link above. Narcissists never forgive.

Obama came off many a time as a narcissist too Wry........

Obama was and is a social animal, trump is a predator - that's the difference. Obama cares about others, trump doesn't give a thought to the many.

Obama's mockery of trump, was not on Obama, it was one more exampkle of trump putting himself in jeopardy by his common behaviors the callous disregard of others.
Here's a refresher, Obama's last appearance:

Anyone wonder why Trump hates Obama and tires to discredit his 8 years in office? See it in the link above. Narcissists never forgive.

Obama came off many a time as a narcissist too Wry........

Obama was and is a social animal, trump is a predator - that's the difference. Obama cares about others, trump doesn't give a thought to the many.

Obama's mockery of trump, was not on Obama, it was one more exampkle of trump putting himself in jeopardy by his common behaviors the callous disregard of others.

that doesnt mean the guy wasnt a narcissist....
Here's a refresher, Obama's last appearance:

Anyone wonder why Trump hates Obama and tires to discredit his 8 years in office? See it in the link above. Narcissists never forgive.

Obamugabe was a Hollycrat elitist, part of the Epstein "in crowd."

The Hollycrats hate Trump, almost as much as they hate America.

No one, including made up childish names for imaginary groups of people ("Hollycrats") hate collectively, as do you and the other authoritarian reactionaries who support Trumpism and their ever loyal love for The Donald (no matter how inept and antisocial he behaves).
Here's a refresher, Obama's last appearance:

Anyone wonder why Trump hates Obama and tires to discredit his 8 years in office? See it in the link above. Narcissists never forgive.

Yea, remember how the Press Reporters would have a contest to see which one could worship Obammy the best.
The same WH corresponds who said "Collusion!!" 27/7/365?

Trump should go there only to laugh at their partisanship and inaccuracy
Does anyone remember a president who was viciously attack by the Press as they have President Trump?
Here's a refresher, Obama's last appearance:

Anyone wonder why Trump hates Obama and tires to discredit his 8 years in office? See it in the link above. Narcissists never forgive.

Obama came off many a time as a narcissist too Wry........

Especially when he was in a room full of people passionately kissing his ass.
Here's a refresher, Obama's last appearance:

Anyone wonder why Trump hates Obama and tires to discredit his 8 years in office? See it in the link above. Narcissists never forgive.

Obama came off many a time as a narcissist too Wry........

Obama was and is a social animal, trump is a predator - that's the difference. Obama cares about others, trump doesn't give a thought to the many.

Obama's mockery of trump, was not on Obama, it was one more exampkle of trump putting himself in jeopardy by his common behaviors the callous disregard of others.

"He deserved it."

Yes, the left certainly likes to attack the victim.
Here's a refresher, Obama's last appearance:

Anyone wonder why Trump hates Obama and tires to discredit his 8 years in office? See it in the link above. Narcissists never forgive.

Obamugabe was a Hollycrat elitist, part of the Epstein "in crowd."

The Hollycrats hate Trump, almost as much as they hate America.

No one, including made up childish names for imaginary groups of people ("Hollycrats") hate collectively, as do you and the other authoritarian reactionaries who support Trumpism and their ever loyal love for The Donald (no matter how inept and antisocial he behaves).

...says the Hate Trump Borg hive mind.

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