Remember when R-Wers were the "law & order" advocates?


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Well, based on the thread's title, under the Trump Cult guidelines, the party of law and order is now turning against the very same advocates and executors of "law" (DOJ) and "order" (FBI.)

There is something "intoxicating" about the Trump mystique......reason, objectivity and love of country yield to the "charm" of an orange charlatan's demagoguery.
Well, based on the thread's title, under the Trump Cult guidelines, the party of law and order is now turning against the very same advocates and executors of "law" (DOJ) and "order" (FBI.)

There is something "intoxicating" about the Trump mystique......reason, objectivity and love of country yield to the "charm" of an orange charlatan's demagoguery.

More commie propaganda from the leading commie propagandist on the board. Law and order doesn't come from people with a thumb on Lady Justice's scale. Bad actors in both departments need to go and if they broke the law, they need to go to jail.

Well, based on the thread's title, under the Trump Cult guidelines, the party of law and order is now turning against the very same advocates and executors of "law" (DOJ) and "order" (FBI.)

There is something "intoxicating" about the Trump mystique......reason, objectivity and love of country yield to the "charm" of an orange charlatan's demagoguery.
Obama corrupted the FBI and the DOJ. He used them to persecut his political opponents. Now douchebags like you are trying to prevent these agencies from being cleaned up. You're supporting corruption and lawlessnes.
Well, based on the thread's title, under the Trump Cult guidelines, the party of law and order is now turning against the very same advocates and executors of "law" (DOJ) and "order" (FBI.)

There is something "intoxicating" about the Trump mystique......reason, objectivity and love of country yield to the "charm" of an orange charlatan's demagoguery.

More commie propaganda from the leading commie propagandist on the board. Law and order doesn't come from people with a thumb on Lady Justice's scale. Bad actors in both departments need to go and if they broke the law, they need to go to jail.


Exactly, we are for law and order when it is applied fairly by neutral actors. When the scale tips, or the law exceeds it's statutory authority, most conservatives (and pretty much all libertarians) balk at such excesses.

It's not like the FBI hasn't become politicized in the past. Are progressives already forgetting their continuing hatred of J Edgar Hoover and how he ran the FBI?

What about all those countless progressive screeds about the CIA?

Now, all of a sudden, all government agencies are beyond reproach....

Revealing corrupt individuals and their actions is not turning against law enforcement agencies, quite the opposite. The OP seems just a bit stupid to believe so.

The honorable agents serving at the fbi, and the honest personell at justice dept will support purging the corrupt ones, and the agencies will regain the public trust.
I remember when right wingers used to pretend to be for smaller government and more personal freedoms.

At least now they have given up all pretense of such things.
I remember when right wingers used to pretend to be for smaller government and more personal freedoms.

At least now they have given up all pretense of such things.

Where are republicans gunning for personal freedoms?
Being for law and order doesn’t mean the agencies in charge of it are not held accountable. Quite the opposite.
Obama corrupted the FBI and the DOJ. He used them to persecut his political opponents. Now douchebags like you are trying to prevent these agencies from being cleaned up. You're supporting corruption and lawlessnes.

yes, yes.....Obama "corrupted" the FBI and DOJ by having a whole bunch of REPUBLICANS in there......what a masterful guy that Obama was.....................LOL
Well, based on the thread's title, under the Trump Cult guidelines, the party of law and order is now turning against the very same advocates and executors of "law" (DOJ) and "order" (FBI.)

There is something "intoxicating" about the Trump mystique......reason, objectivity and love of country yield to the "charm" of an orange charlatan's demagoguery.
once again, a DUMBASS, ridiculous anti-Trump thread
--the big reason it is DUMBASS and ridiculous-- out of many: you don't back it up with links/proof/etc !!!!!

I can spew crap like that:
aliens are landing in Oregon
the Eiffel Tower grew 10 feet yesterday
Trump urinated on the sidewalk
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I remember when right wingers used to pretend to be for smaller government and more personal freedoms.

At least now they have given up all pretense of such things.
The bigger it gets the more corrupt it gets. Isn’t all that is happening with the government a good argument for why it needs shrunk?
I remember when right wingers used to pretend to be for smaller government and more personal freedoms.

At least now they have given up all pretense of such things.
The bigger it gets the more corrupt it gets. Isn’t all that is happening with the government a good argument for why it needs shrunk?

I am all for shrinking it. sadly people choose to elect a guy that wants to grow it.
Now, all of a sudden, all government agencies are beyond reproach....

never stated that these agencies are "beyond reproach"......But, when our Russian assets are exposed by Nunes' memo and they're either killed or many more assets do you think we'll be able to recruit???

If fuck heads like you "think" that this is just a way to protect your orange clown, the ensuing mess is ALL in your hands.
The DOJ and the FBI are supposed to protect the public, not the filthy corrupt Democratic Party.
We are going to lose our democracy if we don't expose this banana republic scandal.
Where is the Press on this?
Being for law and order doesn’t mean the agencies in charge of it are not held accountable. Quite the opposite.

Who stated that they should NOT be held accountable???

Is exposing our assets to the entire public away to hold them accountable?..........What should have then happened to the FBI for stating and then retracting that Clinton was again being investigated 10 days before the election....

Did morons like you want to hold them "accountable" then???
I remember when right wingers used to pretend to be for smaller government and more personal freedoms.

At least now they have given up all pretense of such things.
How does investigating a corrupt FBI reduce freedom or increase the size of government? Do you think government agencies should have free reign to do whatever they want?
I remember when right wingers used to pretend to be for smaller government and more personal freedoms.

At least now they have given up all pretense of such things.

Where are republicans gunning for personal freedoms?

Sessions terminates US policy that let legal pot flourish

And he did so within the bounds of the law. It is now up to congress to remove Cannabis from Schedule I of the 1971 Controlled Substances Act, and enact legislation that applies the rules of the 21st Amendment.

Sessions by removing the policy will force either congress to act, or for the situation to continue as a muddled mess.

Before we still had a muddled mess, but it was an ignored mess.

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