Remember when R-Wers were the "law & order" advocates?

You had no problem with Obama when he was stuffing the FBI and the DOJ full of corrupt crony cut members.

Yeah....I remember THAT "little" scandal.......I think it was reported by that stellar investigative reporter, Hannity, wasn't it?........LOL

(BTW, what a "cut" member......)

One little known fact about the Obama administration is that you could not get a federal job unless you were a loyal Democrat, especially in sensative jobs like the FBI and the DOJ. Now those depeartments are overflowing with Obama rats who need to be cleaned out.
Trump is hammering you liberals harder

than he ever hammered Stormy….

We can tell you like it because you

Just keep asking for more….

Go play with your fish..............LOL
Well, based on the thread's title, under the Trump Cult guidelines, the party of law and order is now turning against the very same advocates and executors of "law" (DOJ) and "order" (FBI.)

There is something "intoxicating" about the Trump mystique......reason, objectivity and love of country yield to the "charm" of an orange charlatan's demagoguery.

You wouldn't understand Right and Wrong, Good and Evil if your life depended on it....the only ones who don't care about the law are left wingers like you....who think whatever you do is fine, as long as it gives you power....
One little known fact about the Obama administration is that you could not gt a federal job unless you were a loyal Democrat, especially in sensative jobs like the FBI and the DOJ.

So, Mueller, Comey, Mccabe etc. were ALL loyal democrats.....

Go change your fucking diaper.....LOL
Why don't you man up and try to take him out yourself? If he's a tenth of the "threat" you are making him out to be, why not take one for the team?

he ain't worth spit.........He'll be taken out.......legally.....LOL

Rave on you idiot....

Trump is a two TERMER......

You fools can't stop him...

You don't know whether to scratch

your ass or wind your watch....

That's why you come up with all this stupid shit

that makes you all look like idiots...
One little known fact about the Obama administration is that you could not get a federal job unless you were a loyal Democrat, especially in sensative jobs like the FBI and the DOJ. Now those depeartments are overflowing with Obama rats who need to be cleaned out.

You know you're full of shit.

List of United States political appointments across party lines - Wikipedia

Neel Kashkari Republican Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Financial Stability 2009 Ɨ
Michael B. Donley Republican Secretary of the Air Force 2009 – 2013 Ɨ
Ray LaHood Republican Secretary of Transportation 2009–2013
Robert Gates Republican Secretary of Defense 2009 – 2011 Ɨ
Jon Huntsman Jr. Republican Ambassador to China 2009–2011
Dan Rooney Republican Ambassador to Ireland 2009–2012
Douglas Kmiec Republican Ambassador to Malta 2009–2011
John M. McHugh Republican Secretary of the Army 2009–2015
Jim Leach Republican Chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities 2009–2013
Chuck Hagel Republican Co-Chair of President's Intelligence Advisory Board 2009–2013
Secretary of Defense 2013–2015
Larry Pressler Republican U.S. Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad 2009–2014
Ben Bernanke Republican Chairman of the Federal Reserve 2010 – 2014 Ɨ
Jeff Immelt Republican Chairperson of the President’s Council on Jobs and Competitiveness 2011–2013
Jerome Powell Republican Federal Reserve Board of Governors 2012 – Present
James Comey Republican Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation 2013–2017
Sloan D. Gibson Republican United States Deputy Secretary of Veterans Affairs 2014–2017
Robert A. McDonald Republican Secretary of Veterans Affairs 2014–2017
One little known fact about the Obama administration is that you could not gt a federal job unless you were a loyal Democrat, especially in sensative jobs like the FBI and the DOJ.

So, Mueller, Comey, Mccabe etc. were ALL loyal democrats.....

Go change your fucking diaper.....LOL
McCabe is a Democrat, and Mueller was appointed during the Bush Administration. Comey is an establishment RINO weasel.
One little known fact about the Obama administration is that you could not get a federal job unless you were a loyal Democrat.

Under the Civil Service Reform Act of 1978, federal employers are prohibited from asking political party preference questions of federal employees and applicants.
I'm not talking about appointed positions. I'm talking about permanent government employees.

You can't ask someone's political affiliation on a government job application.
You don't have to, retard. The people who get the jobs were reccomended by other people already working for the agency. Don't have a connection? You don't get the job.
I remember when right wingers used to pretend to be for smaller government and more personal freedoms.

At least now they have given up all pretense of such things.

Where are republicans gunning for personal freedoms?

Sessions terminates US policy that let legal pot flourish

So you're saying he's doing his job and following the law. I know that must seem strange to you after the last 8 years.

Well, based on the thread's title, under the Trump Cult guidelines, the party of law and order is now turning against the very same advocates and executors of "law" (DOJ) and "order" (FBI.)

There is something "intoxicating" about the Trump mystique......reason, objectivity and love of country yield to the "charm" of an orange charlatan's demagoguery.
law & order" advocates?

I heard this line on NPR

this proves, again, that leftist have no free thought and don't listen to the entire story.

the memo is designed to go after congressional bad actors, not the actual fbi.

goddamn, leftist today are right off the Animal Farm

Agreed a certain extent.
Yes the hildebeast and company sold a pack of lies in order to attain a FISA warrant.
If thats the case the FBI isn't guilty of anything other than being hoodwinked by the dems.

So why the desperation from the FBI to not release the memo?
people in political positions are trying to protect themselves.

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