Remember when Sarah Palin was mocked for predicting Russia would invade Ukraine?

Sorry, maybe i misspoke or didn’t write what i meant.

He was PM, he had just put the President in office that was his puppet, he then became president again and tried to laws so he didn’t have to do that again

Putin is a dictator…everyone with a half a brain knew that in 2009, and 2012, besides the dems who defended him


Try accepting reality... we're not talking about 2009 and 2012. We're talking about October, 2008. Medvedev was the leader of Russia... Palin says Putin will invade Ukraine under Obama.

Again, she did prove to be right, but it wasn't a prediction. It couldn't have been since no one could know that Putin would become president again nearly 4 years later. It was just mindless rhetoric she spewed going into an election to attack her opponent. Just one among many mindless things she spewed. But that one happened to occur.

Try accepting reality... we're not talking about 2009 and 2012. We're talking about October, 2008. Medvedev was the leader of Russia... Palin says Putin will invade Ukraine under Obama.

Again, she did prove to be right, but it wasn't a prediction. It couldn't have been since no one could know that Putin would become president again nearly 4 years later. It was just mindless rhetoric she spewed going into an election to attack her opponent. Just one among many mindless things she spewed. But that one happened to occur.
she was the president not the leader

and Putin did invade under obama in 2014 when they were both president s
she was the president not the leader

and Putin did invade under obama in 2014 when they were both president s

Who's "she?"

And in Russia, the president is the leader. Who do you think leads Russia now? What office does he hold?
Pepperidge Farms remembers.

"Russia might invade Ukraine if Obama wins, Palin warns"​

October 22, 2008, 1:09 PM

Speaking Tuesday at a rally in a Reno, Nevada, Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin had a little fun with her counterpart on the Democratic ticket, thanking Joe Biden for warning Barack Obama’s supporters to “gird your loins” for an international crisis if the Illinois senator wins.
Palin helpfully offered four scenarios for such a crisis, one of which was this strange one:

Russia might invade Ukraine if Obama wins, Palin warns
Might rain tomorrow... Sunshine tomorrow..

It rains next week and I proclaim success...

I can predict anything as long and it could happen any undefined time in the future... The woman is 12 years off...
Who's "she?"

And in Russia, the president is the leader. Who do you think leads Russia now? What office does he hold?
He not she sorry

Putin has always lead Russia. Since he first took office

you suggesting otherwise shows a giant lack of knowledge of putin, russia and reality

Palin was right…putin invaded Ukraine because you idiots put Obama in charge
He not she sorry

Putin has always lead Russia. Since he first took office

you suggesting otherwise shows a giant lack of knowledge of putin, russia and reality

Palin was right…putin invaded Ukraine because you idiots put Obama in charge

No, he hasn't. He was PM. That's not the leader of Russia.
Palin is a better person than any pedophile grooming democrat, tranny freak and homo sicko.
Pepperidge Farms remembers.

"Russia might invade Ukraine if Obama wins, Palin warns"​

October 22, 2008, 1:09 PM

Speaking Tuesday at a rally in a Reno, Nevada, Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin had a little fun with her counterpart on the Democratic ticket, thanking Joe Biden for warning Barack Obama’s supporters to “gird your loins” for an international crisis if the Illinois senator wins.
Palin helpfully offered four scenarios for such a crisis, one of which was this strange one:

Russia might invade Ukraine if Obama wins, Palin warns
The secret she holds is her ability to lip read in multiple languages.
She dun took oot them thar binoculators and seen Pootin talkin' bout it . She can see his yacht from her house!
not sure what you are talking about, but it wasn’t long before obama got more flexible with putin and turned a blind eye when he invaded ukraine
If Sarah Palins son eventually dies

Does she get to clam she was right about Obama killing him
He was not running the country when Palin said that. Medvedev was.

Medvedev wasn't running the country. That's ridiculous. Besides Palin said it would encourage Putin's Russia to invade Ukraine there's no way anyone could have known who was going to take over in Russia after Putin even if you believe Putin wasn't still running things while PM. She got something right, (and by right I mean Russia invading Ukraine, I dont know if Obama being elected had anything to do with that decsion) Im not sure why so many of you are pushing back against that fact. It doesn't make her a foreign policy expert or mean we shouldn't have elected President Obama.
Medvedev wasn't running the country. That's ridiculous. Besides Palin said it would encourage Putin's Russia to invade Ukraine there's no way anyone could have known who was going to take over in Russia after Putin even if you believe Putin wasn't still running things while PM. She got something right, (and by right I mean Russia invading Ukraine, I dont know if Obama being elected had anything to do with that decsion) Im not sure why so many of you are pushing back against that fact. It doesn't make her a foreign policy expert or mean we shouldn't have elected President Obama.

She said "Russia's Putin," not, "Putin's Russia."


You think taxes went up in 2007 or 2008??

Post a link to the tax hike Bush signed into law...
Oh look its Fauny....the idiot that voted for a guy that gets ordered about by the Easter Bunny....
I was alive in 07 and 08...I know what happened when Pelosi and Reid took over the house and senate....
You can ignore it all you want Easter bunny know you voted for the easter bunny since the bunny tells Biden what to easter bunny voters make me sick....
Rambtard, the country's second biggest lender, New Century, filed for bankruptcy in April, 2007. Only idiots think Democrats passed legislation between January and April that caused that.

Are you ever not a rambtard?

Faun here is you stupid fucking dumbass....
Please never vote again....

I do. And I also know that we only EVER pay the interest on that debt

I do. The cost of that interest payment would increase a little...temporarily

I'm already retired. Strike three
You struck out when you voted for the Easter Bunny.....

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