Remember when the left thought a sitting president could pardon herself?

While Clinton was being impeached, I don’t recall anyone from the left making the stupid argument that he could pardon himself

Only Trump could do that
What does your memory have to do with anything?
And just because they didn't make that argument (which I'm sure they did, whether you recall it or not) doesn't mean nobody made the argument for the blah and chain.
Trump has been on a pardon frenzy setting up the idea of pardoning himself - (segue) special council's are unconstitutional.

uh .. no and no

you dumb old fart.
no one from the left on this site ever took the position that Hillary could, should, or would pardon herself.... none of us ever even believed she did anything to have to pardon, and knew it's all been a political witch and warlock hunt for 30 years now against the Clintons....

the president is NOT above the law, if he were, we'd simply have a Dictator or King, to lead the nation....and we chose, not to have that, when we were formed and broke away from the King.
Their is no collusion law...………………..

And what does that have to do with the tea in China? :dunno:
And what does your mind have to do with rational thought?

While Clinton was being impeached, I don’t recall anyone from the left making the stupid argument that he could pardon himself

Only Trump could do that
What does your memory have to do with anything?
And just because they didn't make that argument (which I'm sure they did, whether you recall it or not) doesn't mean nobody made the argument for the blah and chain.
Means you are making up shit and your thread is total BS
I don’t think the president can pardon him or herself. If they could wouldn’t it completely undermine impeachment powers of Congress?

The President isn’t above the law.

Course it’s an intellectual exercise because this president hasn’t done anything to warrant a pardon

course you don't really know because mueller is keeping a damn good lid on any leaks... unlike the USS TRUMPTANIC.

Keep telling yourself that

"Senator Susan Collins called such discussion a “tremendous abuse of his authority.” Senator Lindsey Graham, a sometime Trump ally, dryly noted that the threat of dirty pardons featured in Nixon’s impeachment proceedings.

But there were limits. At the Capitol, reporters crowded around Senator Ted Cruz, a Harvard Law–educated former state solicitor general, to ask if the President indeed has the power to self-pardon. The typically loquacious Cruz went silent for a remarkable 18 seconds. Finally, he muttered, “That is not a constitutional issue I’ve studied, so I will withhold judgment at this point.”"

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