Remember when the media went nuts when Trump cautiously walked down a ramp?

Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

You trump worshippers are taking care of expected.

You had your fun with Trump. Now it is our turn and boy is Joe Biden an excellent subject for our criticism.

Trump never fell while climbing stairs and he never called Mike Pence President.

Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

You Dickhead democrats lie about everything. Fact.

:yes_text12::thankusmile: it hurts their feelings to see their beloved leader cant even walk up a flight of stairs without falling down THRICE:iyfyus.jpg::aargh::aargh::aargh::aargh::auiqs.jpg:
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

The stairwell incident was undeniably embarrassing for Biden. The cause could be something to do with his age. Who knows.

See? That’s what objectivity looks like.

Obviously you simply ignored it when Trump did it. I mean shit let’s not forget the toilet paper stuck to his shoe. Yep, you pretend that didn’t happen either.

you Trump haters dont know what the word objectivity means plus you just proved for us in your OWN words how he is unfit for office.Trump might have done that but the difference in that incident with Trump and this one with Biden is that incident with Trump happens to everybody and Trump never fell down not one,not twice but THRICE. to fall down THAT many times is comical beyond words.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Last president i can recall that embarrassed himself THAT badly in public was Reagan when he made that face looking like a monkey.this is right up there with that one.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

The stairwell incident was undeniably embarrassing for Biden. The cause could be something to do with his age. Who knows.

See? That’s what objectivity looks like.

Obviously you simply ignored it when Trump did it. I mean shit let’s not forget the toilet paper stuck to his shoe. Yep, you pretend that didn’t happen either.

you Trump haters dont know what the word objectivity means plus you just proved for us in your OWN words how he is unfit for office.Trump might have done that but the difference in that incident with Trump and this one with Biden is that incident with Trump happens to everybody and Trump never fell down not one,not twice but THRICE. to fall down THAT many times is comical beyond words.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Last president i can recall that embarrassed himself THAT badly in public was Reagan when he made that face looking like a monkey.this is right up there with that one.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Do you even read the shit you post? How is me acknowledging Biden's blunder mean I am not objective? My god the stupidity of this board is unreal lol. How do you feed yourselves?
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

The stairwell incident was undeniably embarrassing for Biden. The cause could be something to do with his age. Who knows.

See? That’s what objectivity looks like.

Obviously you simply ignored it when Trump did it. I mean shit let’s not forget the toilet paper stuck to his shoe. Yep, you pretend that didn’t happen either.

you Trump haters dont know what the word objectivity means plus you just proved for us in your OWN words how he is unfit for office.Trump might have done that but the difference in that incident with Trump and this one with Biden is that incident with Trump happens to everybody and Trump never fell down not one,not twice but THRICE. to fall down THAT many times is comical beyond words.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Last president i can recall that embarrassed himself THAT badly in public was Reagan when he made that face looking like a monkey.this is right up there with that one.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Do you even read the shit you post? How is me acknowledging Biden's blunder mean I am not objective? My god the stupidity of this board is unreal lol. How do you feed yourselves?

by ignoring that massive vote fraud happened is proving you are biased and not objective and running off not looking at the facts on that is not being objective moron. that is only seeing what you WANT to see,a pathetic trait all you trump haters have.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

You trump worshippers are taking care of expected.

You had your fun with Trump. Now it is our turn and boy is Joe Biden an excellent subject for our criticism.

Trump never fell while climbing stairs and he never called Mike Pence President.

View attachment 470179


Indeed.Bodecea and the rest of the Trump haters they sure can dish it out but they cant take it.Here is Bodecea after hearing us all make fun of Biden for falling down the stairs.

Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

The stairwell incident was undeniably embarrassing for Biden. The cause could be something to do with his age. Who knows.

See? That’s what objectivity looks like.

Obviously you simply ignored it when Trump did it. I mean shit let’s not forget the toilet paper stuck to his shoe. Yep, you pretend that didn’t happen either.

you Trump haters dont know what the word objectivity means plus you just proved for us in your OWN words how he is unfit for office.Trump might have done that but the difference in that incident with Trump and this one with Biden is that incident with Trump happens to everybody and Trump never fell down not one,not twice but THRICE. to fall down THAT many times is comical beyond words.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:

Last president i can recall that embarrassed himself THAT badly in public was Reagan when he made that face looking like a monkey.this is right up there with that one.:auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301:

Do you even read the shit you post? How is me acknowledging Biden's blunder mean I am not objective? My god the stupidity of this board is unreal lol. How do you feed yourselves?

by ignoring that massive vote fraud happened is proving you are biased and not objective and running off not looking at the facts is not being objective moron.

Oh great now you pivot to something completely irrelevant lol. I’m definitely not surprised. Obviously you can’t defend what you said before.
His left foot failed him.

Is this the same foot he sprained while playing with his dogs?

(I'm going somewhere with this)
Yeah, that occurred to me, too. Seems a reasonable possibility that the injury was why he had trouble with the stairs.

No one cares, or should care. This is not important. Conking out, or being unable to talk plain or remember anything WOULD be a problem, but that so far they've managed to keep hidden if it's happening.

It's interesting that Dems get no real push-back against serving WAAAAY into old age until near 90 ------ Diane Feinstein. She lost her committee chairmanship and the California governor keeps saying he wants to replace her with a black woman. Any black woman, I guess. Black is the most important thing. Why can't we say that about white people? That we want to replace some awful black congresswoman with a young, white man?
You're a LIAR, just like your fat, orange, orange dear leader.

The ramp that I descended after my West Point Commencement speech was very long & steep, had no handrail and, most importantly, was very slippery. The last thing I was going to do is “fall” for the Fake News to have fun with. Final ten feet I ran down to level ground. Momentum!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 14, 2020

You could tell the slope by looking at it?

30' to 40' handrails would be under the ADA, not the ABA which the military uses.
They aren't subject to civilian codes.

The only ramp you ever built was one going straight up Dotards ass.

Let's see ....

You are a liar just like your old senile mush brained leader that you worship.


Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.
And of course you are simply lying. DJT said he was cautious because the ramp was steep and didn't have a railing. And he was 100% correct, as usual, you fucking TDS afflicted moron.

I've built hundreds ramps, and that ramp was not even close to being up to code. It is supposed to have a handrail between 30 and 38 inches high and have no more than a 12:1 slope.

You're a dumbass.

You could tell the slope by looking at it?
Yes. It's approximately 4:1. Three times as steep as OSHA allows.

For that kind of run and rise I build stairs and a handrail. That's just what professionals do.

3 times as steep?

Maybe you need to actually LOOK at the OSHA specs before commenting or at least do a little math.

If the ramp was 3 times as steep as OSHA allows that would put ramps at more than1 foot of rise for every 12 foot of run, that would be an ADA requirement.

OSHA requirements are no more than 3 foot of rise to every 12 foot of run.

When a ramp has a slope that is steeper than 1 vertical foot to 8 horizontal feet, it should be equipped with cleats that are at least 1 foot 2 inches apart from each other. These cleats have to be tightly secured to the planks so that people have no problem placing their feet on the cleats.
You're a LIAR, just like your fat, orange, orange dear leader.

The ramp that I descended after my West Point Commencement speech was very long & steep, had no handrail and, most importantly, was very slippery. The last thing I was going to do is “fall” for the Fake News to have fun with. Final ten feet I ran down to level ground. Momentum!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 14, 2020

You could tell the slope by looking at it?

30' to 40' handrails would be under the ADA, not the ABA which the military uses.
They aren't subject to civilian codes.

The only ramp you ever built was one going straight up Dotards ass.

Let's see ....

You are a liar just like your old senile mush brained leader that you worship.


Yeah, I would love to see Dotard do that ONCE, on level ground, let alone stairs.

Maybe put a big mac in front of fatso.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

When Biden denies it, they will.
Biden was jogging up the stairs, Trump can't jog..................anywhere.
Can't walk either...................Trump has to take a golf cart.

To be fair Trump is more than 100 pounds overweight.

A hundred?

Probably more like 140 pounds overweight. I was trying to be kind.

Dayum! Imagine those dumb bells hanging off your belt. Fuck.

Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.
And of course you are simply lying. DJT said he was cautious because the ramp was steep and didn't have a railing. And he was 100% correct, as usual, you fucking TDS afflicted moron.

I've built hundreds ramps, and that ramp was not even close to being up to code. It is supposed to have a handrail between 30 and 38 inches high and have no more than a 12:1 slope.

You're a dumbass.

You could tell the slope by looking at it?
Yes. It's approximately 4:1. Three times as steep as OSHA allows.

For that kind of run and rise I build stairs and a handrail. That's just what professionals do.

3 times as steep?

Maybe you need to actually LOOK at the OSHA specs before commenting or at least do a little math.

If the ramp was 3 times as steep as OSHA allows that would put ramps at more than1 foot of rise for every 12 foot of run, that would be an ADA requirement.

OSHA requirements are no more than 3 foot of rise to every 12 foot of run.
My bad. I meant ADA regulations.

ADA regulations don't apply on a construction site.

Anyhow, notice how the biased media never shows Biden going down the ramp or Trump going up the ramp. I wonder why that is? I bet Trump didn't have to get a running start just to make it to the top.

Notice also, that Trump doesn't fall down and break bones like Hilary and Biden. Trump doesn't constantly stammer his words, forget where he is or spew bizarre confabulations that are indicative of dementia.

Biden fell down 3 times within a matter of seconds. And he recently fell down and broke his foot too. I've only seen Trump fall down once, and it was on purpose.

Last edited:
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

When Biden denies it, they will.
Biden was jogging up the stairs, Trump can't jog..................anywhere.
Can't walk either...................Trump has to take a golf cart.

Many people believe Joe is aging fast and not really capable of being President.

Joe can’t stop his odd forgetfulness likely caused by first stage dementia but he can try to show he is in good shape. So he tries to jog up the steps. Bad move. He looks as bad or worse than Hillary when she fell going down stairs.

View attachment 469978

Joe needs to realize he is not Obama. Obama can jog up and down steps without any problem but he is MUCH younger than Joe.

"Many people believe Joe is aging fast and not really capable of being President".

Of course, just like Dotard states when he's lying "many people have said" or "people tell me."

The only people that think that, are on FOX, OAN, Newsmax or the Russians.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

When Biden denies it, they will.
Biden was jogging up the stairs, Trump can't jog..................anywhere.
Can't walk either...................Trump has to take a golf cart.

Yeah, but Trumps brain isn't mush either.


July 6 2018
While speaking to a crowd in Montana Thursday night, Trump abruptly brought up the singer in the middle of tangent about how no one gives him credit for being a great speaker.

“I have broken more Elton John records. He seems to have a lot of records. And I, by the way, I don’t have a musical instrument. I don’t have a guitar or an organ. No organ. Elton has an organ. And lots of other people helping. No, we’ve broken a lot of records. We’ve broken virtually every record. Because you know, look, I only need this space. They need much more room. For basketball, for hockey and all of the sports, they need a lot of room. We don’t need it. We have people in that space. So we break all of these records. Really, we do it without, like, the musical instruments. This is the only musical – the mouth. And hopefully the brain attached to the mouth, right? The brain. More important than the mouth is the brain. The brain is much more important.” › trump-elton-john-696490
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

When Biden denies it, they will.
Biden was jogging up the stairs, Trump can't jog..................anywhere.
Can't walk either...................Trump has to take a golf cart.

To be fair Trump is more than 100 pounds overweight.

A hundred?

Probably more like 140 pounds overweight. I was trying to be kind.

Dayum! Imagine those dumb bells hanging off your belt. Fuck.

Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.
And of course you are simply lying. DJT said he was cautious because the ramp was steep and didn't have a railing. And he was 100% correct, as usual, you fucking TDS afflicted moron.

I've built hundreds ramps, and that ramp was not even close to being up to code. It is supposed to have a handrail between 30 and 38 inches high and have no more than a 12:1 slope.

You're a dumbass.

You could tell the slope by looking at it?
Yes. It's approximately 4:1. Three times as steep as OSHA allows.

For that kind of run and rise I build stairs and a handrail. That's just what professionals do.

3 times as steep?

Maybe you need to actually LOOK at the OSHA specs before commenting or at least do a little math.

If the ramp was 3 times as steep as OSHA allows that would put ramps at more than1 foot of rise for every 12 foot of run, that would be an ADA requirement.

OSHA requirements are no more than 3 foot of rise to every 12 foot of run.
My bad. I meant ADA regulations.

ADA regulations don't apply on a construction site.

Anyhow, notice how the biased media never shows Biden going down the ramp or Trump going up the ramp. I wonder why that is? I bet Trump didn't have to get a running start just to make it to the top.

Notice also, that Trump doesn't fall down and break bones like Hilary and Biden. Trump doesn't constantly stammer his words, forget where he is or spew bizarre confabulations that are indicative of dementia.

Biden fell down 3 times within a matter of seconds. And he recently fell down and broke his foot too. I've only seen Trump fall down once, and it was on purpose.

" bizarre confabulations "?

See post 59.

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