Remember when the media went nuts when Trump cautiously walked down a ramp?

Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

It didn't rain, but Trump was all over twitter denying it and making excuses.

Nah he didn't....stop already...he said he was careful because the ramp was, slippery and steep and had no handrail

The leftist propagandist couldn't stop talking about...trying to suggest he had some mental health issues because of it and wasn't fit for office because of it...yet is quiet about Xiden's fall going up stairs....he literally tweeted this the same day: "The ramp that I descended after my West Point Commencement speech was very long & steep, had no handrail and, most importantly, was very slippery, The last thing I was going to do is 'fall' for the Fake News to have fun with. Final ten feet I ran down to level ground. Momentum!" - he denied nothing and addressed it the same freaking day

Did Trump every talk about the toilet paper on his shoe?


You are concerned about toilet paper on the former President's shoe....and you are ignoring the fact the current President can't make it up some stairs, has created a humanitarian crisis on our border, and has China coming on US soil telling his admin that they don't come from a position of strength

sad....the TDS is strong with you....the Chi-Coms are thrilled with their investment in Xiden's campaign

Yeah, China was very happy with their investment with a certain US president.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 13, 2018

Too many jobs in China lost?

The orange grifter got a $500 million loan from a Chinese bank for 'saving" Chinese jobs.

yep...he got ZTE back to work, with massive massive historic amounts of US oversight

What loan?

Xi worked to actively interfere in the 2020 election on the behalf of Xiden. v Under Xiden and Obama, ZTE and China were able to spy on US govt and businesses, and sell the information they gathered to North Korea and Iran....Trump stopped that, got massive amount of money in damages, and historic levels of oversight...
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

No, it didn't.
Nothing was wet.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

So, you couldn't look up Trump speech at West Point?
Nothing was wet, not the seats cadets sat in, not the stage nor was the ramp.
Dotard? Prepared? Takes causation?
Dotard cut the CDC staff in China from 47 people down to 14 before the covid outbreak.
Dotard immediately stops US military drills with S. Korea during his Noble Peace prize winning visit to N. Korea, leaving the pentagon stunned.

"An obvious sign of intelligence"?
Dotard is a 'genius", just ask him.

Yep he took prcausations and was prepared..,.it was a long, wet and steep ramp....Xiden can't even make it UP normal stairs...Xiden is clearly up fit for office, clearly lacking mental functions....reacts, doesn't respond....and looks weak on the world stage..
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

It didn't rain, but Trump was all over twitter denying it and making excuses.

Nah he didn't....stop already...he said he was careful because the ramp was, slippery and steep and had no handrail

The leftist propagandist couldn't stop talking about...trying to suggest he had some mental health issues because of it and wasn't fit for office because of it...yet is quiet about Xiden's fall going up stairs....he literally tweeted this the same day: "The ramp that I descended after my West Point Commencement speech was very long & steep, had no handrail and, most importantly, was very slippery, The last thing I was going to do is 'fall' for the Fake News to have fun with. Final ten feet I ran down to level ground. Momentum!" - he denied nothing and addressed it the same freaking day

Did Trump every talk about the toilet paper on his shoe?


You are concerned about toilet paper on the former President's shoe....and you are ignoring the fact the current President can't make it up some stairs, has created a humanitarian crisis on our border, and has China coming on US soil telling his admin that they don't come from a position of strength

sad....the TDS is strong with you....the Chi-Coms are thrilled with their investment in Xiden's campaign

Yeah, China was very happy with their investment with a certain US president.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 13, 2018

Too many jobs in China lost?

The orange grifter got a $500 million loan from a Chinese bank for 'saving" Chinese jobs.

yep...he got ZTE back to work, with massive massive historic amounts of US oversight

What loan?

Xi worked to actively interfere in the 2020 election on the behalf of Xiden. v Under Xiden and Obama, ZTE and China were able to spy on US govt and businesses, and sell the information they gathered to North Korea and Iran....Trump stopped that, got massive amount of money in damages, and historic levels of oversight...

'Historic oversight"?
By Dotard?
U.S. intelligence officials on Sunday evening and Monday said they were caught off guard by Trump’s reversal and remained concerned about security threats they said the Chinese company poses to the United States and its allies. › trumps-comments-chinas-zte-draw
Evidently the "historic" oversight was news to someone.

Dotard stopped it?
No, Dotard's regime just issued the fine.

March 8 2017

ZTE, China’s second-largest maker of telecoms equipment, has been hit by a record fine from the US government. The company has pled guilty to charges of violating US sanctions against both Iran and North Korea, and will pay up to $1.2 billion — the largest criminal fine in a US sanctions case to date.

According to the United States Department of Commerce, from 2010 to 2016 ZTE “conspired to evade” America’s embargo against Iran. The Chinese firm sold US-made hardware and software to the country to supply its telecommunications infrastructure. ZTE is also charged with making 283 shipments of equipment (including servers and routers) to North Korea. › 2017/3/8 › 14852182

Back in March 2017, ZTE was hit with a record $1.19 billion fine for violating US law by selling technology products containing US components in North Korea and Iran.
Then on April 15, the Commerce Department hit ZTE again, saying that despite the earlier fine and settlement, ZTE had continued to violate US sanctions law and lie to the US government. The new order simply barred American companies from selling anything to ZTE. › trump-zte-indonesia-lido-city

"What loan"?

May 15 2018

Within three days of the Chinese government agreeing to provide $500 million in loans to an Indonesian theme park that the Trump Organization has a deal to license President Donald Trump's name to, the president stunningly ordered sanctions be rescinded against a major Chinese telecom company.
As AFP reported via the South China Morning Post last week, the developer of that project just outside of Jakarta had secured the half billion in funding, in addition to another $500 million from Chinese banks, 72 hours before Trump's Sunday tweet on the Chinese telecom company ZTE. Trump's family business has a deal with that developer to include the Trump name on the resort, which also includes hotels and a golf course.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

It didn't rain, but Trump was all over twitter denying it and making excuses.

Nah he didn't....stop already...he said he was careful because the ramp was, slippery and steep and had no handrail

The leftist propagandist couldn't stop talking about...trying to suggest he had some mental health issues because of it and wasn't fit for office because of it...yet is quiet about Xiden's fall going up stairs....he literally tweeted this the same day: "The ramp that I descended after my West Point Commencement speech was very long & steep, had no handrail and, most importantly, was very slippery, The last thing I was going to do is 'fall' for the Fake News to have fun with. Final ten feet I ran down to level ground. Momentum!" - he denied nothing and addressed it the same freaking day

Did Trump every talk about the toilet paper on his shoe?


You are concerned about toilet paper on the former President's shoe....and you are ignoring the fact the current President can't make it up some stairs, has created a humanitarian crisis on our border, and has China coming on US soil telling his admin that they don't come from a position of strength

sad....the TDS is strong with you....the Chi-Coms are thrilled with their investment in Xiden's campaign

Yeah, China was very happy with their investment with a certain US president.

President Xi of China, and I, are working together to give massive Chinese phone company, ZTE, a way to get back into business, fast. Too many jobs in China lost. Commerce Department has been instructed to get it done!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 13, 2018

Too many jobs in China lost?

The orange grifter got a $500 million loan from a Chinese bank for 'saving" Chinese jobs.

yep...he got ZTE back to work, with massive massive historic amounts of US oversight

What loan?

Xi worked to actively interfere in the 2020 election on the behalf of Xiden. v Under Xiden and Obama, ZTE and China were able to spy on US govt and businesses, and sell the information they gathered to North Korea and Iran....Trump stopped that, got massive amount of money in damages, and historic levels of oversight...

'Historic oversight"?
By Dotard?
U.S. intelligence officials on Sunday evening and Monday said they were caught off guard by Trump’s reversal and remained concerned about security threats they said the Chinese company poses to the United States and its allies. › trumps-comments-chinas-zte-draw
Evidently the "historic" oversight was news to someone.

Dotard stopped it?
No, Dotard's regime just issued the fine.

March 8 2017

ZTE, China’s second-largest maker of telecoms equipment, has been hit by a record fine from the US government. The company has pled guilty to charges of violating US sanctions against both Iran and North Korea, and will pay up to $1.2 billion — the largest criminal fine in a US sanctions case to date.

According to the United States Department of Commerce, from 2010 to 2016 ZTE “conspired to evade” America’s embargo against Iran. The Chinese firm sold US-made hardware and software to the country to supply its telecommunications infrastructure. ZTE is also charged with making 283 shipments of equipment (including servers and routers) to North Korea. › 2017/3/8 › 14852182

Back in March 2017, ZTE was hit with a record $1.19 billion fine for violating US law by selling technology products containing US components in North Korea and Iran.
Then on April 15, the Commerce Department hit ZTE again, saying that despite the earlier fine and settlement, ZTE had continued to violate US sanctions law and lie to the US government. The new order simply barred American companies from selling anything to ZTE. › trump-zte-indonesia-lido-city

"What loan"?

May 15 2018

Within three days of the Chinese government agreeing to provide $500 million in loans to an Indonesian theme park that the Trump Organization has a deal to license President Donald Trump's name to, the president stunningly ordered sanctions be rescinded against a major Chinese telecom company.
As AFP reported via the South China Morning Post last week, the developer of that project just outside of Jakarta had secured the half billion in funding, in addition to another $500 million from Chinese banks, 72 hours before Trump's Sunday tweet on the Chinese telecom company ZTE. Trump's family business has a deal with that developer to include the Trump name on the resort, which also includes hotels and a golf course.

Yes, historic....the Trump admin, who first issued the ban on the company from doing business because of how they behaved and were able to behave during the Obama/Xiden year, forced ZTE to the table....they were forced tro pay an additionional $1.3 BILLION to the US in fines...they had to replace their entire Board of Directors and senior management= and allows unprecedented US Oversight of a company.
ZTE Gets a Reprieve: US Suspends Tech Ban In Exchange For Record Fines & US Oversight


Under the terms of the settlement, ZTE is paying an immediate $1B fine, on top of the existing $892M in fines they’ve already paid related to their misconduct in this case. Furthermore the company will have to completely clean house on its executive team and board of directors, replacing all of the members in both of those groups. Meanwhile to ensure ongoing compliance, ZTE is being required to put a further $400M in escrow, which would be forfeit if they violated US export regulations again. And the company will be required to host and pay for a US-selected compliance team that will oversee the company’s compliance over the term of the agreement.

In return, the US will be suspending – but not removing – the US technology export ban that has caused the company to grind to a halt to begin with. This would allow the US to quickly re-instate the ban if ZTE violates the terms of the 10 year agreement. Overall this an unprecedented agreement with the BIS in both the size of the fines and the overall scope of the compliance monitoring."
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

No, it didn't.
Nothing was wet.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

So, you couldn't look up Trump speech at West Point?
Nothing was wet, not the seats cadets sat in, not the stage nor was the ramp.
Dotard? Prepared? Takes causation?
Dotard cut the CDC staff in China from 47 people down to 14 before the covid outbreak.
Dotard immediately stops US military drills with S. Korea during his Noble Peace prize winning visit to N. Korea, leaving the pentagon stunned.

"An obvious sign of intelligence"?
Dotard is a 'genius", just ask him.

Yep he took prcausations and was prepared..,.it was a long, wet and steep ramp....Xiden can't even make it UP normal stairs...Xiden is clearly up fit for office, clearly lacking mental functions....reacts, doesn't respond....and looks weak on the world stage..

Wrong, the ramp, grass nor the stage wasn't wet or even damp.
Crystal clear day with the sun shining.
Dotard should have used his trusty golf cart, like he does every time he has to travel more than a 100 feet.
Biden jogged up the stairs, like to see Dotard jog anywhere besides for his 3rd big mac.
Biden got up, Dotard's fat ass couldn't get up from the toilet.
Let alone operate an umbrella.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

No, it didn't.
Nothing was wet.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

So, you couldn't look up Trump speech at West Point?
Nothing was wet, not the seats cadets sat in, not the stage nor was the ramp.
Dotard? Prepared? Takes causation?
Dotard cut the CDC staff in China from 47 people down to 14 before the covid outbreak.
Dotard immediately stops US military drills with S. Korea during his Noble Peace prize winning visit to N. Korea, leaving the pentagon stunned.

"An obvious sign of intelligence"?
Dotard is a 'genius", just ask him.

Yep he took prcausations and was prepared..,.it was a long, wet and steep ramp....Xiden can't even make it UP normal stairs...Xiden is clearly up fit for office, clearly lacking mental functions....reacts, doesn't respond....and looks weak on the world stage..

Wrong, the ramp, grass nor the stage wasn't wet or even damp.
Crystal clear day with the sun shining.
Dotard should have used his trusty golf cart, like he does every time he has to travel more than a 100 feet.
Biden jogged up the stairs, like to see Dotard jog anywhere besides for his 3rd big mac.
Biden got up, Dotard's fat ass couldn't get up from the toilet.
Let alone operate an umbrella.

Yep it was....but beyond that it was long and reason not to be take it easy and make sure you don't Xiden...that's what someone that plans and thinks ahead does...Xiden clearly lacks those skills....and falls...falls...falls...he fells up the stairs...he didn't jog...he fell...
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

No, it didn't.
Nothing was wet.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

So, you couldn't look up Trump speech at West Point?
Nothing was wet, not the seats cadets sat in, not the stage nor was the ramp.
Dotard? Prepared? Takes causation?
Dotard cut the CDC staff in China from 47 people down to 14 before the covid outbreak.
Dotard immediately stops US military drills with S. Korea during his Noble Peace prize winning visit to N. Korea, leaving the pentagon stunned.

"An obvious sign of intelligence"?
Dotard is a 'genius", just ask him.

Yep he took prcausations and was prepared..,.it was a long, wet and steep ramp....Xiden can't even make it UP normal stairs...Xiden is clearly up fit for office, clearly lacking mental functions....reacts, doesn't respond....and looks weak on the world stage..

Wrong, the ramp, grass nor the stage wasn't wet or even damp.
Crystal clear day with the sun shining.
Dotard should have used his trusty golf cart, like he does every time he has to travel more than a 100 feet.
Biden jogged up the stairs, like to see Dotard jog anywhere besides for his 3rd big mac.
Biden got up, Dotard's fat ass couldn't get up from the toilet.
Let alone operate an umbrella.

You can’t be much older than 20, which explains why your child-like hatred for Trump and your equally childlike support for Biden’s anti-American policies.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

No, it didn't.
Nothing was wet.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

So, you couldn't look up Trump speech at West Point?
Nothing was wet, not the seats cadets sat in, not the stage nor was the ramp.
Dotard? Prepared? Takes causation?
Dotard cut the CDC staff in China from 47 people down to 14 before the covid outbreak.
Dotard immediately stops US military drills with S. Korea during his Noble Peace prize winning visit to N. Korea, leaving the pentagon stunned.

"An obvious sign of intelligence"?
Dotard is a 'genius", just ask him.

Yep he took prcausations and was prepared..,.it was a long, wet and steep ramp....Xiden can't even make it UP normal stairs...Xiden is clearly up fit for office, clearly lacking mental functions....reacts, doesn't respond....and looks weak on the world stage..

Wrong, the ramp, grass nor the stage wasn't wet or even damp.
Crystal clear day with the sun shining.
Dotard should have used his trusty golf cart, like he does every time he has to travel more than a 100 feet.
Biden jogged up the stairs, like to see Dotard jog anywhere besides for his 3rd big mac.
Biden got up, Dotard's fat ass couldn't get up from the toilet.
Let alone operate an umbrella.

Yep it was....but beyond that it was long and reason not to be take it easy and make sure you don't Xiden...that's what someone that plans and thinks ahead does...Xiden clearly lacks those skills....and falls...falls...falls...he fells up the stairs...he didn't jog...he fell...

Dotard 'thinks"and plans ahead?

June 12 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration on Tuesday that he intended to end joint military exercises with South Korea took South Korean and U.S. military officials by surprise.
A spokeswoman for U.S. military forces in Korea said they had not received any direction to cease joint military drills. › article › us-northkorea-usa
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

No, it didn't.
Nothing was wet.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

So, you couldn't look up Trump speech at West Point?
Nothing was wet, not the seats cadets sat in, not the stage nor was the ramp.
Dotard? Prepared? Takes causation?
Dotard cut the CDC staff in China from 47 people down to 14 before the covid outbreak.
Dotard immediately stops US military drills with S. Korea during his Noble Peace prize winning visit to N. Korea, leaving the pentagon stunned.

"An obvious sign of intelligence"?
Dotard is a 'genius", just ask him.

Yep he took prcausations and was prepared..,.it was a long, wet and steep ramp....Xiden can't even make it UP normal stairs...Xiden is clearly up fit for office, clearly lacking mental functions....reacts, doesn't respond....and looks weak on the world stage..

Wrong, the ramp, grass nor the stage wasn't wet or even damp.
Crystal clear day with the sun shining.
Dotard should have used his trusty golf cart, like he does every time he has to travel more than a 100 feet.
Biden jogged up the stairs, like to see Dotard jog anywhere besides for his 3rd big mac.
Biden got up, Dotard's fat ass couldn't get up from the toilet.
Let alone operate an umbrella.

You can’t be much older than 20, which explains why your child-like hatred for Trump and your equally childlike support for Biden’s anti-American policies.

Well....I suspect he is based on his inability to accept reality and illogical, hypocrisy
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

No, it didn't.
Nothing was wet.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

So, you couldn't look up Trump speech at West Point?
Nothing was wet, not the seats cadets sat in, not the stage nor was the ramp.
Dotard? Prepared? Takes causation?
Dotard cut the CDC staff in China from 47 people down to 14 before the covid outbreak.
Dotard immediately stops US military drills with S. Korea during his Noble Peace prize winning visit to N. Korea, leaving the pentagon stunned.

"An obvious sign of intelligence"?
Dotard is a 'genius", just ask him.

Yep he took prcausations and was prepared..,.it was a long, wet and steep ramp....Xiden can't even make it UP normal stairs...Xiden is clearly up fit for office, clearly lacking mental functions....reacts, doesn't respond....and looks weak on the world stage..

Wrong, the ramp, grass nor the stage wasn't wet or even damp.
Crystal clear day with the sun shining.
Dotard should have used his trusty golf cart, like he does every time he has to travel more than a 100 feet.
Biden jogged up the stairs, like to see Dotard jog anywhere besides for his 3rd big mac.
Biden got up, Dotard's fat ass couldn't get up from the toilet.
Let alone operate an umbrella.

Yep it was....but beyond that it was long and reason not to be take it easy and make sure you don't Xiden...that's what someone that plans and thinks ahead does...Xiden clearly lacks those skills....and falls...falls...falls...he fells up the stairs...he didn't jog...he fell...

Dotard 'thinks"and plans ahead?

June 12 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration on Tuesday that he intended to end joint military exercises with South Korea took South Korean and U.S. military officials by surprise.
A spokeswoman for U.S. military forces in Korea said they had not received any direction to cease joint military drills. › article › us-northkorea-usa

Yep...he thought a head enough to be able to walk...up stairs without falling.

and thought hard and ahead enough to be able to get North and South Korea to come to the table and end rocket man's lauching of rockets at the US and South Korea....and got them to officially end the Korean War...thanks for highlighting how his foresight not only keep him from falling down stairs like Xiden, but helped end major conflicts.

Meanwhile, Xiden's world...he can't make it up some stairs and China is coming on US soil and telling him he's in no position of strength
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

No, it didn't.
Nothing was wet.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

So, you couldn't look up Trump speech at West Point?
Nothing was wet, not the seats cadets sat in, not the stage nor was the ramp.
Dotard? Prepared? Takes causation?
Dotard cut the CDC staff in China from 47 people down to 14 before the covid outbreak.
Dotard immediately stops US military drills with S. Korea during his Noble Peace prize winning visit to N. Korea, leaving the pentagon stunned.

"An obvious sign of intelligence"?
Dotard is a 'genius", just ask him.

Yep he took prcausations and was prepared..,.it was a long, wet and steep ramp....Xiden can't even make it UP normal stairs...Xiden is clearly up fit for office, clearly lacking mental functions....reacts, doesn't respond....and looks weak on the world stage..

Wrong, the ramp, grass nor the stage wasn't wet or even damp.
Crystal clear day with the sun shining.
Dotard should have used his trusty golf cart, like he does every time he has to travel more than a 100 feet.
Biden jogged up the stairs, like to see Dotard jog anywhere besides for his 3rd big mac.
Biden got up, Dotard's fat ass couldn't get up from the toilet.
Let alone operate an umbrella.

You can’t be much older than 20, which explains why your child-like hatred for Trump and your equally childlike support for Biden’s anti-American policies.

I've known of the lying, grifter from NYC, longer than you have been alive.
Normal people hate grifters, liars, braggarts, criminals, tax evaders, draft dodgers and bloviators.
Why don't Trumptards?
Conspiracy to overthrow the government is as anti-American as you can get, Trumptards, Q NUTS and loony's did that.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

No, it didn't.
Nothing was wet.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

So, you couldn't look up Trump speech at West Point?
Nothing was wet, not the seats cadets sat in, not the stage nor was the ramp.
Dotard? Prepared? Takes causation?
Dotard cut the CDC staff in China from 47 people down to 14 before the covid outbreak.
Dotard immediately stops US military drills with S. Korea during his Noble Peace prize winning visit to N. Korea, leaving the pentagon stunned.

"An obvious sign of intelligence"?
Dotard is a 'genius", just ask him.

Yep he took prcausations and was prepared..,.it was a long, wet and steep ramp....Xiden can't even make it UP normal stairs...Xiden is clearly up fit for office, clearly lacking mental functions....reacts, doesn't respond....and looks weak on the world stage..

Wrong, the ramp, grass nor the stage wasn't wet or even damp.
Crystal clear day with the sun shining.
Dotard should have used his trusty golf cart, like he does every time he has to travel more than a 100 feet.
Biden jogged up the stairs, like to see Dotard jog anywhere besides for his 3rd big mac.
Biden got up, Dotard's fat ass couldn't get up from the toilet.
Let alone operate an umbrella.

Yep it was....but beyond that it was long and reason not to be take it easy and make sure you don't Xiden...that's what someone that plans and thinks ahead does...Xiden clearly lacks those skills....and falls...falls...falls...he fells up the stairs...he didn't jog...he fell...

Dotard 'thinks"and plans ahead?

June 12 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration on Tuesday that he intended to end joint military exercises with South Korea took South Korean and U.S. military officials by surprise.
A spokeswoman for U.S. military forces in Korea said they had not received any direction to cease joint military drills. › article › us-northkorea-usa

Yep...he thought a head enough to be able to walk...up stairs without falling.

and thought hard and ahead enough to be able to get North and South Korea to come to the table and end rocket man's lauching of rockets at the US and South Korea....and got them to officially end the Korean War...thanks for highlighting how his foresight not only keep him from falling down stairs like Xiden, but helped end major conflicts.

Meanwhile, Xiden's world...he can't make it up some stairs and China is coming on US soil and telling him he's in no position of strength

N. Korea wasn't firing rockets at S. Korea nor the US, Q NUT.
Nor has the Korean war officially ended.
The Trump cult is a chip off Dotard's flabby shoulders.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

No, it didn't.
Nothing was wet.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

So, you couldn't look up Trump speech at West Point?
Nothing was wet, not the seats cadets sat in, not the stage nor was the ramp.
Dotard? Prepared? Takes causation?
Dotard cut the CDC staff in China from 47 people down to 14 before the covid outbreak.
Dotard immediately stops US military drills with S. Korea during his Noble Peace prize winning visit to N. Korea, leaving the pentagon stunned.

"An obvious sign of intelligence"?
Dotard is a 'genius", just ask him.

Yep he took prcausations and was prepared..,.it was a long, wet and steep ramp....Xiden can't even make it UP normal stairs...Xiden is clearly up fit for office, clearly lacking mental functions....reacts, doesn't respond....and looks weak on the world stage..

Wrong, the ramp, grass nor the stage wasn't wet or even damp.
Crystal clear day with the sun shining.
Dotard should have used his trusty golf cart, like he does every time he has to travel more than a 100 feet.
Biden jogged up the stairs, like to see Dotard jog anywhere besides for his 3rd big mac.
Biden got up, Dotard's fat ass couldn't get up from the toilet.
Let alone operate an umbrella.

Yep it was....but beyond that it was long and reason not to be take it easy and make sure you don't Xiden...that's what someone that plans and thinks ahead does...Xiden clearly lacks those skills....and falls...falls...falls...he fells up the stairs...he didn't jog...he fell...

Dotard 'thinks"and plans ahead?

June 12 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration on Tuesday that he intended to end joint military exercises with South Korea took South Korean and U.S. military officials by surprise.
A spokeswoman for U.S. military forces in Korea said they had not received any direction to cease joint military drills. › article › us-northkorea-usa

Yep...he thought a head enough to be able to walk...up stairs without falling.

and thought hard and ahead enough to be able to get North and South Korea to come to the table and end rocket man's lauching of rockets at the US and South Korea....and got them to officially end the Korean War...thanks for highlighting how his foresight not only keep him from falling down stairs like Xiden, but helped end major conflicts.

Meanwhile, Xiden's world...he can't make it up some stairs and China is coming on US soil and telling him he's in no position of strength

N. Korea wasn't firing rockets at S. Korea nor the US, Q NUT.
Nor has the Korean war officially ended.
The Trump cult is a chip off Dotard's flabby shoulders.

Maybe if you weren't so busy trying to undo the 2016 election you would have noticed it

Korean War to be declared officially over after 65 years, following historic summit between North and South
Dayum Gramps! You attract a lot of hateful mother fuckers no matter what Forum you post in. Mission accomplished, Dick Face.

What a Fucking Ass Hole You Are. Fuck off and slowly die.
Methinks the irony is lost on this one.
Close your eyes and imagine how Xi/Kim/Putin reacted when "The strong wind blew 'Stinky Fingers' over" when he was climbing the stairs to AF1.
Within six months 'Stinky Fingers' will be shitting himself in the 'Sun Room' and calling his Filipino nurse "Mommy". And Camel Toe will be hitting the bong in the Oval Office.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

No, it didn't.
Nothing was wet.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

So, you couldn't look up Trump speech at West Point?
Nothing was wet, not the seats cadets sat in, not the stage nor was the ramp.
Dotard? Prepared? Takes causation?
Dotard cut the CDC staff in China from 47 people down to 14 before the covid outbreak.
Dotard immediately stops US military drills with S. Korea during his Noble Peace prize winning visit to N. Korea, leaving the pentagon stunned.

"An obvious sign of intelligence"?
Dotard is a 'genius", just ask him.

Yep he took prcausations and was prepared..,.it was a long, wet and steep ramp....Xiden can't even make it UP normal stairs...Xiden is clearly up fit for office, clearly lacking mental functions....reacts, doesn't respond....and looks weak on the world stage..

Wrong, the ramp, grass nor the stage wasn't wet or even damp.
Crystal clear day with the sun shining.
Dotard should have used his trusty golf cart, like he does every time he has to travel more than a 100 feet.
Biden jogged up the stairs, like to see Dotard jog anywhere besides for his 3rd big mac.
Biden got up, Dotard's fat ass couldn't get up from the toilet.
Let alone operate an umbrella.

Yep it was....but beyond that it was long and reason not to be take it easy and make sure you don't Xiden...that's what someone that plans and thinks ahead does...Xiden clearly lacks those skills....and falls...falls...falls...he fells up the stairs...he didn't jog...he fell...

Dotard 'thinks"and plans ahead?

June 12 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration on Tuesday that he intended to end joint military exercises with South Korea took South Korean and U.S. military officials by surprise.
A spokeswoman for U.S. military forces in Korea said they had not received any direction to cease joint military drills. › article › us-northkorea-usa

Yep...he thought a head enough to be able to walk...up stairs without falling.

and thought hard and ahead enough to be able to get North and South Korea to come to the table and end rocket man's lauching of rockets at the US and South Korea....and got them to officially end the Korean War...thanks for highlighting how his foresight not only keep him from falling down stairs like Xiden, but helped end major conflicts.

Meanwhile, Xiden's world...he can't make it up some stairs and China is coming on US soil and telling him he's in no position of strength

N. Korea wasn't firing rockets at S. Korea nor the US, Q NUT.
Nor has the Korean war officially ended.
The Trump cult is a chip off Dotard's flabby shoulders.

Maybe if you weren't so busy trying to undo the 2016 election you would have noticed it

Korean War to be declared officially over after 65 years, following historic summit between North and South

TO be declared, NOT DECLARED.

Missiles flying over Japan, sea of Japan, Okinawa and N. Korea territory is NOT the US or S. Korea.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

No, it didn't.
Nothing was wet.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

So, you couldn't look up Trump speech at West Point?
Nothing was wet, not the seats cadets sat in, not the stage nor was the ramp.
Dotard? Prepared? Takes causation?
Dotard cut the CDC staff in China from 47 people down to 14 before the covid outbreak.
Dotard immediately stops US military drills with S. Korea during his Noble Peace prize winning visit to N. Korea, leaving the pentagon stunned.

"An obvious sign of intelligence"?
Dotard is a 'genius", just ask him.

Yep he took prcausations and was prepared..,.it was a long, wet and steep ramp....Xiden can't even make it UP normal stairs...Xiden is clearly up fit for office, clearly lacking mental functions....reacts, doesn't respond....and looks weak on the world stage..

Wrong, the ramp, grass nor the stage wasn't wet or even damp.
Crystal clear day with the sun shining.
Dotard should have used his trusty golf cart, like he does every time he has to travel more than a 100 feet.
Biden jogged up the stairs, like to see Dotard jog anywhere besides for his 3rd big mac.
Biden got up, Dotard's fat ass couldn't get up from the toilet.
Let alone operate an umbrella.

Yep it was....but beyond that it was long and reason not to be take it easy and make sure you don't Xiden...that's what someone that plans and thinks ahead does...Xiden clearly lacks those skills....and falls...falls...falls...he fells up the stairs...he didn't jog...he fell...

Dotard 'thinks"and plans ahead?

June 12 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration on Tuesday that he intended to end joint military exercises with South Korea took South Korean and U.S. military officials by surprise.
A spokeswoman for U.S. military forces in Korea said they had not received any direction to cease joint military drills. › article › us-northkorea-usa

Yep...he thought a head enough to be able to walk...up stairs without falling.

and thought hard and ahead enough to be able to get North and South Korea to come to the table and end rocket man's lauching of rockets at the US and South Korea....and got them to officially end the Korean War...thanks for highlighting how his foresight not only keep him from falling down stairs like Xiden, but helped end major conflicts.

Meanwhile, Xiden's world...he can't make it up some stairs and China is coming on US soil and telling him he's in no position of strength

N. Korea wasn't firing rockets at S. Korea nor the US, Q NUT.
Nor has the Korean war officially ended.
The Trump cult is a chip off Dotard's flabby shoulders.

Maybe if you weren't so busy trying to undo the 2016 election you would have noticed it

Korean War to be declared officially over after 65 years, following historic summit between North and South

TO be declared, NOT DECLARED.

Missiles flying over Japan, sea of Japan, Okinawa and N. Korea territory is NOT the US or S. Korea.

Guam is US terroritory....NK was testing weapons to ensure they hit the US,,,,the rockets stopped

from the link: "The two leaders declare before our people of 80 million and the entire world there will be no more war on the Korean peninsula and a new age of peace has begun," the official declaration said

The war ended.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

No, it didn't.
Nothing was wet.
Then taunted because he used two hands to take a drink?

I await the same coverage of Biden nearly face planting today.

Yeah, it's on film, I don't see Biden denying it happened...................Dotard did, that's why the media went crazy on him, Dotard lies about everything.

when did he deny that he walked slowly down a wet ramp?

Wasn't wet, crystal clear skies, no rain. › watch

Your link doesn't work. It had rained and cleared up. I like a President that is prepared, and takes causation before acting. . That's a sure sign of intelligence. Xiden obviously, doesn't do most leftist he's totally kneejerk, and and impulsive....and in doing so, falls....I just hope he doesn't take the nation with him

So, you couldn't look up Trump speech at West Point?
Nothing was wet, not the seats cadets sat in, not the stage nor was the ramp.
Dotard? Prepared? Takes causation?
Dotard cut the CDC staff in China from 47 people down to 14 before the covid outbreak.
Dotard immediately stops US military drills with S. Korea during his Noble Peace prize winning visit to N. Korea, leaving the pentagon stunned.

"An obvious sign of intelligence"?
Dotard is a 'genius", just ask him.

Yep he took prcausations and was prepared..,.it was a long, wet and steep ramp....Xiden can't even make it UP normal stairs...Xiden is clearly up fit for office, clearly lacking mental functions....reacts, doesn't respond....and looks weak on the world stage..

Wrong, the ramp, grass nor the stage wasn't wet or even damp.
Crystal clear day with the sun shining.
Dotard should have used his trusty golf cart, like he does every time he has to travel more than a 100 feet.
Biden jogged up the stairs, like to see Dotard jog anywhere besides for his 3rd big mac.
Biden got up, Dotard's fat ass couldn't get up from the toilet.
Let alone operate an umbrella.

Yep it was....but beyond that it was long and reason not to be take it easy and make sure you don't Xiden...that's what someone that plans and thinks ahead does...Xiden clearly lacks those skills....and falls...falls...falls...he fells up the stairs...he didn't jog...he fell...

Dotard 'thinks"and plans ahead?

June 12 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration on Tuesday that he intended to end joint military exercises with South Korea took South Korean and U.S. military officials by surprise.
A spokeswoman for U.S. military forces in Korea said they had not received any direction to cease joint military drills. › article › us-northkorea-usa

Yep...he thought a head enough to be able to walk...up stairs without falling.

and thought hard and ahead enough to be able to get North and South Korea to come to the table and end rocket man's lauching of rockets at the US and South Korea....and got them to officially end the Korean War...thanks for highlighting how his foresight not only keep him from falling down stairs like Xiden, but helped end major conflicts.

Meanwhile, Xiden's world...he can't make it up some stairs and China is coming on US soil and telling him he's in no position of strength

N. Korea wasn't firing rockets at S. Korea nor the US, Q NUT.
Nor has the Korean war officially ended.
The Trump cult is a chip off Dotard's flabby shoulders.

Maybe if you weren't so busy trying to undo the 2016 election you would have noticed it

Korean War to be declared officially over after 65 years, following historic summit between North and South

TO be declared, NOT DECLARED.

Missiles flying over Japan, sea of Japan, Okinawa and N. Korea territory is NOT the US or S. Korea.

Guam is US terroritory....NK was testing weapons to ensure they hit the US,,,,the rockets stopped

from the link: "The two leaders declare before our people of 80 million and the entire world there will be no more war on the Korean peninsula and a new age of peace has begun," the official declaration said

The war ended.

Yes it is.
I'm surprised you know that.

Guam has been a U.S. territory since 1899, and its residents have been American citizens since 1950. The island bills itself as “where America’s day begins” due to its location in the western Pacific.
“I’m a regular person, and I wanted to take my regular person, normal, everyday American values, which is: We love our country, we believe our hard-earned tax dollars should just go for America, not for, what, China, Russia, the Middle East, Guam, whatever, wherever. Right?” Marjorie Taylor-Greene said at the conference. “If we want to build roads, if we want to put money into schools, if we want to build border walls, we want it right here at home.” › entry › guam-marjorie-taylor

But no, N. Korean missiles never reached Guam either.
September 15 2017

North Korea fired a missile on Friday (Sept 15) that flew over Japan’s northern Hokkaido far out into the Pacific Ocean, South Korean and Japanese officials said, further ratcheting up tensions after Pyongyang’s recent test of a powerful nuclear bomb.
The 3,700km range travelled by the missile would have put the US island territory of Guam within reach, if it had been on a different trajectory. But the US military said the missile did not pose a threat to North America or the US Pacific territory of Guam. › asia › east-asia

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