Remember When the Republican Party was a Serious Party?


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Surfing the Oceans of Liquidity
I remember when the Republican Party was a serious party, when things like the economy, strong defense and family values mattered.

Not anymore!

Now what matters to Republicans is repeating The Big Lie and pwng the libs.

GOP Important Things.png

In the 1990s, the GOP was still about

fiscal conservatism
small government
balanced budgets
strong defense
patriotism to America

Then came Faux, and then Hastert, and then W, and the GOP became the party of

big spending
big government
huge deficits
using the US military for the cause of Israel and the re-conquest of the land in Ch 1 of Book of Joshua
patriotism to Zionism, not America
Republicans are often accused of not having a clear sense of direction. Not true: They have lots of them. Day by day, week by week, the party faithful are churning out a slew of ideas. They are just not necessarily (or even frequently) good ones. Let’s look at some recent examples of things the party faithful want to do:​

Save the nation from imaginary doom

Fight the Real Enemy: Disney

Wreck the economy, why not?

Defund the FBI and ATF

Double down on abortion

Criminally charge Antony Blinken

Lock up Lizzo

Cut Andrew Lester a Break

Punish Fox News, elevate NewsMax

Learn the lessons of Watergate

Give Young, Single Women a Fighting Chance

I remember when the Republican Party was a serious party, when things like the economy, strong defense and family values mattered.

Not anymore!

Now what matters to Republicans is repeating The Big Lie and pwng the libs.

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On this

What’s striking is that none of them can be addressed through government action.
How do you challenge woke ideas, say Trump won, and make liberals angry? You talk. That’s all you have to do. Just say stuff.​
Opposing gun restrictions is almost policy, except that it simply requires a politician to vote against some hypothetical legislation in the indeterminate future. It’s not a thing a politician can do proactively. It’s not an agenda. ...​
it’s also pretty clear that the Republican electorate has changed radically in what it wants—which has caused a change in what Republican politicians now offer. Which, in turn, has changed the functional definition of “conservatism” as it exists in practice, in the real, live world around us.​
That issue map above—challenge woke, oppose gun restrictions, say Trump won, make liberals angry—is now the definition of modern conservatism. Are there other things you could add to the definition? Sure. It’s not an exhaustive list. But those are the non-negotiables. Those are the priorities. ...
And this issue map is—not coincidentally—untethered to governing policy.​
Which is to say: A losing Republican presidential candidate can now satisfy the deepest desires of Republican voters even better than a successful Republican governor or senator, who has to make compromises to get things done.​
This should not surprise anyone. It was clear that conservatism had transformed from a political ideology to a lifestyle brand some time ago. The one-page 2020 Republican party platform made this transformation explicit.​
For the people still clinging to conservatism / the Republican party, either because they’re pretending it hasn’t changed or hoping it’ll change back, good luck.​

I remember when the Democrat Party was a serious party, when things like the economy, human rights, fairness and family values mattered.
That and a bit more is covered.

Now crawl back under your rock.
Republicans are often accused of not having a clear sense of direction. Not true: They have lots of them. Day by day, week by week, the party faithful are churning out a slew of ideas. They are just not necessarily (or even frequently) good ones. Let’s look at some recent examples of things the party faithful want to do:​

Save the nation from imaginary doom

Fight the Real Enemy: Disney

Wreck the economy, why not?

Defund the FBI and ATF

Double down on abortion

Criminally charge Antony Blinken

Lock up Lizzo

Cut Andrew Lester a Break

Punish Fox News, elevate NewsMax

Learn the lessons of Watergate

Give Young, Single Women a Fighting Chance

Defund the FBI and ATF

More than de-fund. Some are calling to get rid of those agencies completely.
Pesrsonally, I would love it if a Republican Congress had the balls to blow it all up. Every time they bring up the debt ceiling, It would be something if they actually said you could not print money to pay the bills anymore. It would hurt like hell, but eventually, something has to happen, and it won't be pretty. Whoever tries to fix the mess becomes the bad guy, and takes massive political losses.
I remember when the Republican Party was a serious party, when things like the economy, strong defense and family values mattered.

Not anymore!

Now what matters to Republicans is repeating The Big Lie and pwng the libs.

View attachment 781681

Well it's sorta like Vietnam
Most soldiers were killed when their base was over run
In the the
Gop are being over run
I remember when the Republican Party was a serious party, when things like the economy, strong defense and family values mattered.

Not anymore!

Now what matters to Republicans is repeating The Big Lie and pwng the libs.

View attachment 781681

You want 4 more years of Joe Biden?

How fucking stupid can you get?

When do you realize that this path has taken the USA to $30,000,000,000,000 in debt and the country has no hope of survival without an individual who will take on the corruption in DC.

You can’t see past your own nose, the RINO’s and the Demoncrats are the problem. It certainly isn’t President Trump, but you would have to know how to think for yourself to get anything close to common sense…
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