Remembering George Floyd: How Minneapolis has changed three years after the murder of George Perry Floyd Jr.


Platinum Member
Apr 12, 2023
Three years ago today (05/25/2020) the Gentle Giant George Floyd was senselessly taken from this life.
George Perry Floyd Jr. was an African-American man who was murdered by a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Three years later, Minneapolis had changed. One can only pray that this senseless murder was not in vain.

The murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer three years ago led to what’s often referred to as a national reckoning on race and policing.

Despite initial optimism as protests bloomed across the country and people from across the political spectrum acknowledged the need for change, progress has often felt fitful, even in the city of Minneapolis itself. But there are some indications that, for better or worse, Minneapolis has been transformed by Floyd’s killing.

  • Rethinking what cops do
  • Reducing unnecessary law enforcement interactions
  • Creating more officer accountability
  • Reorganizing public safety and the city
  • More political will to prosecute the police

Three years ago today (05/25/2020) the Gentle Giant George Floyd was senselessly taken from this life.
George Perry Floyd Jr. was an African-American man who was murdered by a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Three years later, Minneapolis had changed. One can only pray that this senseless murder was not in vain.

The murder of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer three years ago led to what’s often referred to as a national reckoning on race and policing.

Despite initial optimism as protests bloomed across the country and people from across the political spectrum acknowledged the need for change, progress has often felt fitful, even in the city of Minneapolis itself. But there are some indications that, for better or worse, Minneapolis has been transformed by Floyd’s killing.

  • Rethinking what cops do
  • Reducing unnecessary law enforcement interactions
  • Creating more officer accountability
  • Reorganizing public safety and the city
  • More political will to prosecute the police

According to the autopsy the coroner claimed George Floyd was suffering from the effects of a fatal dose of Fentanyl.
He was pretty much dead already. The mistake the cop made was trying to calm Georgie Boy down while waiting on an ambulance.

Fentanyl's effects include

  • extreme happiness
  • drowsiness
  • nausea
  • confusion
  • constipation
  • sedation
  • problems breathing
  • unconsciousness

Can you overdose on fentanyl?​

Yes, a person can overdose on fentanyl. An overdose occurs when a drug produces serious adverse effects and life-threatening symptoms. When people overdose on fentanyl, their breathing can slow or stop. This can decrease the amount of oxygen that reaches the brain, a condition called hypoxia. Hypoxia can lead to a coma and permanent brain damage, and even death.

According to the autopsy the coroner claimed George Floyd was suffering from the effects of a fatal dose of Fentanyl.
He was pretty much dead already. The mistake the cop made was trying to calm Georgie Boy down while waiting on an ambulance.

Sorry Buddy, the jury didn't see it that way.
Who is better at determining a cause of death , a medically certified public coroner who performed a full post mortem examination.... or a hand full of random citizens with no medical training, but a political agenda?
Most jurists are the most mind-numb people they can find.
They have to be easily misled to make it on a jury.
Three years ago today (05/25/2020) the Gentle Giant George Floyd was senselessly taken from this life.
George Perry Floyd Jr. was an African-American man who was murdered by a police officer in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
That's a lie. George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose, he was not murdered by police officers.

You're a liar and a disgusting pathetic idiot. You are so fucking stupid that you have been easily and apparently permanently brainwashed by the fake news using the simplest of brainwashing techniques known as repeated messaging.

You lack the ability to think for yourself.
The Democrats exploited the George Floyd arrest to help elect Joe Biden.
Floyd died of an overdose.
He was not murdered.
Officer Chauvin was illegitimately convicted.
If Floyd had been White, you would have never heard of him.
The Democrats are too corrupt, dishonest, violent and racist for mainstream voters.
George died of an overdose silly.
You idiot!

Opioids like fentanyl actually prevent people from knowing they can’t breathe and from feeling like they can’t breathe. Floyd's response was the exact opposite, because he was not overdosed.

Many police officers used his & their weight to compress his chest & neck, restricting his breathing. Floyd's panic was because he was not over drugged, and was able to feel he couldn't breath.
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He was murdered by the police.
The reason you believe that is because you have a very low IQ.

There is an inverse relationship between a person's suggestibility and a persons' intelligence level. Stupid people like you are very suggestible and therefore very easily brainwashed by fake news.

The fake news told you that George Floyd was murdered by the police and you blindly believe them because you lack the critical thinking skills to develop your own opinion based on the evidence and facts.

You're a retard. Sucks to be you.

Fuck off moron.
The reason you believe that is because you have a very low IQ.

There is an inverse relationship between a person's suggestibility and a persons' intelligence level. Stupid people like you are very suggestible and therefore very easily brainwashed by fake news.

The fake news told you that George Floyd was murdered by the police and you blindly believe them because you lack the critical thinking skills to develop your own opinion based on the evidence and facts.

You're a retard. Sucks to be you.

Fuck off moron.
When it comes to your opinion,

According to the autopsy the coroner claimed George Floyd was suffering from the effects of a fatal dose of Fentanyl.
He was pretty much dead already. The mistake the cop made was trying to calm Georgie Boy down while waiting on an ambulance.

He died because there was a thug with his knee on the man`s neck for 9 minutes.

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