Remembering Robert E. Lee: American Patriot and Southern Hero

The Civil War answered the question Fuckwit.

Yeah, right. I guess you resolve disputes with your wife by beating the crap out of her.

You should quit embarrassing yourself.

Pretty wild argument -- coming from a person who defends the Southern slaveowners who would beat, rape and fight for the right to keep human chattel, and made their war about to right to keep, protect and expand the right to own human chattel.

That's exactly the logic of your argument: might makes right.

Slavery was the law of land at the time. Northern states captured escaped slaves and returned them to their owners. What your saying is that it's a good thing to slaughter 850,000 because they expect the government to enforce the law.

I've never seen anything that more closely resembles the ethics of the Nazis in my life.
For some strange reason, history doesn't agree with you, toddler-boy..

You mean a bunch of lick-spittle court historians don't agree with me. Stalin and Hitler also had their court historians who manufactured their own self-serving version of history.
The only regret was that the Union didn't stack the nude bodies traitors into a pyramid and had some black flashing a Lyndie England style thumbs-up.

Of course traitorous rebel soldiers had a nasty habit of getting their asses shot all to hell so they probably didn't have many left to make a respectable pile.

Adolph Eichmann sounds like more of a humanitarian than you do.

You should stop posting this kind of crap if you don't want everyone in the forum to think you're someone who defends mass murder.

Whoops! Too late. We already know you support mass murder!

Fuckwit, your support the death of 700,000 Americans.

Hmmm, no. You do. Lincoln ordered the invasion of Virginia. Lee didn't march on Washington. You really need to read a history book before you open your big trap and embarrass yourself.
The Civil War answered the question Fuckwit.

Yeah, right. I guess you resolve disputes with your wife by beating the crap out of her.

You should quit embarrassing yourself.

Pretty wild argument -- coming from a person who defends the Southern slaveowners who would beat, rape and fight for the right to keep human chattel, and made their war about to right to keep, protect and expand the right to own human chattel.

That's exactly the logic of your argument: might makes right.

Slavery was the law of land at the time. Northern states captured escaped slaves and returned them to their owners. What your saying is that it's a good thing to slaughter 850,000 because they expect the government to enforce the law.

I've never seen anything that more closely resembles the ethics of the Nazis in my life.
Many of the those in the Northern states refused to return slaves.

That really pissed off the South.

The same people who believe in States Rights, thought States Rights weren't applicable in the North.

In your world, the people in bondage remain in bondage -- that's the side you are fighting for.
The only regret was that the Union didn't stack the nude bodies traitors into a pyramid and had some black flashing a Lyndie England style thumbs-up.

Of course traitorous rebel soldiers had a nasty habit of getting their asses shot all to hell so they probably didn't have many left to make a respectable pile.

Adolph Eichmann sounds like more of a humanitarian than you do.

You should stop posting this kind of crap if you don't want everyone in the forum to think you're someone who defends mass murder.

Whoops! Too late. We already know you support mass murder!

Fuckwit, your support the death of 700,000 Americans.

Hmmm, no. You do. Lincoln ordered the invasion of Virginia. Lee didn't march on Washington. You really need to read a history book before you open your big trap and embarrass yourself.

You didn't even know when the war began -- and you're telling others to read a history book.

The only regret was that the Union didn't stack the nude bodies traitors into a pyramid and had some black flashing a Lyndie England style thumbs-up.

Of course traitorous rebel soldiers had a nasty habit of getting their asses shot all to hell so they probably didn't have many left to make a respectable pile.

Adolph Eichmann sounds like more of a humanitarian than you do.

You should stop posting this kind of crap if you don't want everyone in the forum to think you're someone who defends mass murder.

Whoops! Too late. We already know you support mass murder!

You're supporting the traitor...not me. You're in favor of honoring the man most responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. Not me. What you think is all at once hilarious and shameful.

Lincoln was the traitor who ordered 850,000 people to be slaughtered. Nothing could be clearer than that.

Yet you can produce no copy of the order, history written by every observer worth their salt disagrees with you, the facts are against you, and not surprisingly, you deny all of it. You're what they call, a fuckwit.

Could you imagine how large a ghetto the South would be today if it were not for the rednecks going full red-neck and attacking an enemy 4 times their size with nearly endless resources? I guess when your IQ is equal to the number of teeth you have, you think you're chances are good.

God Bless Abe of the greatest Presidents ever.

The only regret was that the Union didn't stack the nude bodies traitors into a pyramid and had some black flashing a Lyndie England style thumbs-up.

Of course traitorous rebel soldiers had a nasty habit of getting their asses shot all to hell so they probably didn't have many left to make a respectable pile.

Adolph Eichmann sounds like more of a humanitarian than you do.

You should stop posting this kind of crap if you don't want everyone in the forum to think you're someone who defends mass murder.

Whoops! Too late. We already know you support mass murder!

You're supporting the traitor...not me. You're in favor of honoring the man most responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. Not me. What you think is all at once hilarious and shameful.

Lincoln was the traitor who ordered 850,000 people to be slaughtered. Nothing could be clearer than that.

Yet you can produce no copy of the order, history written by every observer worth their salt disagrees with you, the facts are against you, and not surprisingly, you deny all of it. You're what they call, a fuckwit.

Could you imagine how large a ghetto the South would be today if it were not for the rednecks going full red-neck and attacking an enemy 4 times their size with nearly endless resources? I guess when your IQ is equal to the number of teeth you have, you think you're chances are good.

God Bless Abe of the greatest Presidents ever.

I just posted it, pinhead.

CANDYCORN's photo:
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The only regret was that the Union didn't stack the nude bodies traitors into a pyramid and had some black flashing a Lyndie England style thumbs-up.

Of course traitorous rebel soldiers had a nasty habit of getting their asses shot all to hell so they probably didn't have many left to make a respectable pile.

Adolph Eichmann sounds like more of a humanitarian than you do.

You should stop posting this kind of crap if you don't want everyone in the forum to think you're someone who defends mass murder.

Whoops! Too late. We already know you support mass murder!

You're supporting the traitor...not me. You're in favor of honoring the man most responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. Not me. What you think is all at once hilarious and shameful.

Lincoln was the traitor who ordered 850,000 people to be slaughtered. Nothing could be clearer than that.

Yet you can produce no copy of the order, history written by every observer worth their salt disagrees with you, the facts are against you, and not surprisingly, you deny all of it. You're what they call, a fuckwit.

Could you imagine how large a ghetto the South would be today if it were not for the rednecks going full red-neck and attacking an enemy 4 times their size with nearly endless resources? I guess when your IQ is equal to the number of teeth you have, you think you're chances are good.

God Bless Abe of the greatest Presidents ever.

I just posted it, pinhead.

CANDYCORN's photo:

Hardly proof of anything except you're well aware that you've been totally schooled on this subject (here's is a hint, none of your fellow idiot trailer trash dwellers have come here to share in your pipe dream that Lee was anything other than what History remembers him as; a total failure who lucked into being able to die broke, decrepit, and of no use to anyone other than lice.
Adolph Eichmann sounds like more of a humanitarian than you do.

You should stop posting this kind of crap if you don't want everyone in the forum to think you're someone who defends mass murder.

Whoops! Too late. We already know you support mass murder!

You're supporting the traitor...not me. You're in favor of honoring the man most responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths. Not me. What you think is all at once hilarious and shameful.

Lincoln was the traitor who ordered 850,000 people to be slaughtered. Nothing could be clearer than that.

Yet you can produce no copy of the order, history written by every observer worth their salt disagrees with you, the facts are against you, and not surprisingly, you deny all of it. You're what they call, a fuckwit.

Could you imagine how large a ghetto the South would be today if it were not for the rednecks going full red-neck and attacking an enemy 4 times their size with nearly endless resources? I guess when your IQ is equal to the number of teeth you have, you think you're chances are good.

God Bless Abe of the greatest Presidents ever.

I just posted it, pinhead.

CANDYCORN's photo:

Hardly proof of anything except you're well aware that you've been totally schooled on this subject (here's is a hint, none of your fellow idiot trailer trash dwellers have come here to share in your pipe dream that Lee was anything other than what History remembers him as; a total failure who lucked into being able to die broke, decrepit, and of no use to anyone other than lice.

I'm well aware that you've and the other idiot have been crowing that you schooled me. However, reality almost always differs from what you post.

Plenty of people on my side of this issue have posted in this thread. However, they got tired of the constant spew of unkotare from the members of the Lincoln cult. You gave up trying to use facts or logic, in your meagre capacity. Now all you can do is hurl personal attacks.

Candycorn's photo:

And Fuckwit, I will also remind you the South had already begun the war, firing on ships, seizing forts, arsenals, and commencing hostilities -- and most had seceded well before Lincoln ever stepped into office.

I've already proven that claim to be horseshit. Kicking trespassers out of your TERRITORY (not property) is not an act of war. It never has been.
Round and round the Fuckwit goes

Where it stops, nobody knows.

Meanwhile, The mean boot of verifiable history has taken a steel toed boot to biripat's ugly mug and knocked out all his teeth.

Cept one.

Go brush it, ya Confederate slaver defending idiot.

ROFL! You're the one who keeps posting the same already exploded logic and discredited "facts." You even posted the document that states in no uncertain terms the South Carolina retained legal jurisdiction over Fort Sumter.

That's why you keep coming back to get another beating. You believe if you get the last word in then some fools might believe you won the debate. There's little chance of that. Not even libturds are that stupid.

You've given up all pretence of posting any logic or facts to support your claim. All you have less is despicable personal attacks.

I really get a hoot our of how nasty and incensed all you sleazy Lincoln cultists are getting. That's a sure indication that you know you have lost the debate.
He posted no such document since no such document exists. Don't forget, your inability to comprehend the text contained within said document is not a prerequisite for reality.

"Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory, Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law; and that the said land, site and structures enumerated, shall be forever exempt from liability to pay any tax to this state.
And that still means SC secured the right to serve people on that federal land in criminal and civil matters; nothing more.

Like I said, your inability to understand that means nothing nor does it change the meaning of that section, even though you tried to insert a period and cut off most of the sentence in a failed attempt to do just that. :cuckoo:
I've already proven that claim to be horseshit. Kicking trespassers out of your TERRITORY (not property) is not an act of war. It never has been.
Round and round the Fuckwit goes

Where it stops, nobody knows.

Meanwhile, The mean boot of verifiable history has taken a steel toed boot to biripat's ugly mug and knocked out all his teeth.

Cept one.

Go brush it, ya Confederate slaver defending idiot.

ROFL! You're the one who keeps posting the same already exploded logic and discredited "facts." You even posted the document that states in no uncertain terms the South Carolina retained legal jurisdiction over Fort Sumter.

That's why you keep coming back to get another beating. You believe if you get the last word in then some fools might believe you won the debate. There's little chance of that. Not even libturds are that stupid.

You've given up all pretence of posting any logic or facts to support your claim. All you have less is despicable personal attacks.

I really get a hoot our of how nasty and incensed all you sleazy Lincoln cultists are getting. That's a sure indication that you know you have lost the debate.
He posted no such document since no such document exists. Don't forget, your inability to comprehend the text contained within said document is not a prerequisite for reality.

"Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory, Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law; and that the said land, site and structures enumerated, shall be forever exempt from liability to pay any tax to this state.
And that still means SC secured the right to serve people on that federal land in criminal and civil matters; nothing more.

Like I said, your inability to understand that means nothing nor does it change the meaning of that section, even though you tried to insert a period and cut off most of the sentence in a failed attempt to do just that. :cuckoo:

I bolded the material the proves you wrong. What part of "all processes, civil and and criminal" didn't you understand?
Round and round the Fuckwit goes

Where it stops, nobody knows.

Meanwhile, The mean boot of verifiable history has taken a steel toed boot to biripat's ugly mug and knocked out all his teeth.

Cept one.

Go brush it, ya Confederate slaver defending idiot.

ROFL! You're the one who keeps posting the same already exploded logic and discredited "facts." You even posted the document that states in no uncertain terms the South Carolina retained legal jurisdiction over Fort Sumter.

That's why you keep coming back to get another beating. You believe if you get the last word in then some fools might believe you won the debate. There's little chance of that. Not even libturds are that stupid.

You've given up all pretence of posting any logic or facts to support your claim. All you have less is despicable personal attacks.

I really get a hoot our of how nasty and incensed all you sleazy Lincoln cultists are getting. That's a sure indication that you know you have lost the debate.
He posted no such document since no such document exists. Don't forget, your inability to comprehend the text contained within said document is not a prerequisite for reality.

"Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory, Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law; and that the said land, site and structures enumerated, shall be forever exempt from liability to pay any tax to this state.
And that still means SC secured the right to serve people on that federal land in criminal and civil matters; nothing more.

Like I said, your inability to understand that means nothing nor does it change the meaning of that section, even though you tried to insert a period and cut off most of the sentence in a failed attempt to do just that. :cuckoo:

I bolded the material the proves you wrong. What part of "all processes, civil and and criminal" didn't you understand?
Your error has only been explained to you like three hundred times by now..

All you are doing is showing - again - how completely incorrigible you are.
ROFL! You're the one who keeps posting the same already exploded logic and discredited "facts." You even posted the document that states in no uncertain terms the South Carolina retained legal jurisdiction over Fort Sumter.

That's why you keep coming back to get another beating. You believe if you get the last word in then some fools might believe you won the debate. There's little chance of that. Not even libturds are that stupid.

You've given up all pretence of posting any logic or facts to support your claim. All you have less is despicable personal attacks.

I really get a hoot our of how nasty and incensed all you sleazy Lincoln cultists are getting. That's a sure indication that you know you have lost the debate.
He posted no such document since no such document exists. Don't forget, your inability to comprehend the text contained within said document is not a prerequisite for reality.

"Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory, Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law; and that the said land, site and structures enumerated, shall be forever exempt from liability to pay any tax to this state.
And that still means SC secured the right to serve people on that federal land in criminal and civil matters; nothing more.

Like I said, your inability to understand that means nothing nor does it change the meaning of that section, even though you tried to insert a period and cut off most of the sentence in a failed attempt to do just that. :cuckoo:

I bolded the material the proves you wrong. What part of "all processes, civil and and criminal" didn't you understand?
Your error has only been explained to you like three hundred times by now..

All you are doing is showing - again - how completely incorrigible you are.

You mean you posted bullshit 300 times.
Round and round the Fuckwit goes

Where it stops, nobody knows.

Meanwhile, The mean boot of verifiable history has taken a steel toed boot to biripat's ugly mug and knocked out all his teeth.

Cept one.

Go brush it, ya Confederate slaver defending idiot.

ROFL! You're the one who keeps posting the same already exploded logic and discredited "facts." You even posted the document that states in no uncertain terms the South Carolina retained legal jurisdiction over Fort Sumter.

That's why you keep coming back to get another beating. You believe if you get the last word in then some fools might believe you won the debate. There's little chance of that. Not even libturds are that stupid.

You've given up all pretence of posting any logic or facts to support your claim. All you have less is despicable personal attacks.

I really get a hoot our of how nasty and incensed all you sleazy Lincoln cultists are getting. That's a sure indication that you know you have lost the debate.
He posted no such document since no such document exists. Don't forget, your inability to comprehend the text contained within said document is not a prerequisite for reality.

"Resolved, That this state do cede to the United States, all the right, title and claim of South Carolina to the site of Fort Sumter and the requisite quantity of adjacent territory, Provided, That all processes, civil and criminal issued under the authority of this State, or any officer thereof, shall and may be served and executed upon the same, and any person there being who may be implicated by law; and that the said land, site and structures enumerated, shall be forever exempt from liability to pay any tax to this state.
And that still means SC secured the right to serve people on that federal land in criminal and civil matters; nothing more.

Like I said, your inability to understand that means nothing nor does it change the meaning of that section, even though you tried to insert a period and cut off most of the sentence in a failed attempt to do just that. :cuckoo:

I bolded the material the proves you wrong.
No, you fuckwit, you bolded a portion of a sentence you've proven you don't understand. Let's be clear.

Also, I challenged you to post a link to an authoritative source echoing your idiocy, and I note for the forum ... you backed down.

Says it all.

What part of "all processes, civil and and criminal" didn't you understand?
What I don't understand is why you think that's the entire sentence? It's not. And when the sentence is read in its entirety, it's beyond clear that sentence is to provide SC authority to serve or arrest people on civil or criminal matters.

Hell, even you know that even if you refuse to admit it because you refuse to say what you think this part of the sentence means since it destroys your delusion.....

...shall and may be served and executed upon the same...
The only regret was that the Union didn't stack the nude bodies traitors into a pyramid and had some black flashing a Lyndie England style thumbs-up.

Of course traitorous rebel soldiers had a nasty habit of getting their asses shot all to hell so they probably didn't have many left to make a respectable pile.
That's the second time you mentioned the race of the soldier in the photo. Do you just not like black people?
The only regret was that the Union didn't stack the nude bodies traitors into a pyramid and had some black flashing a Lyndie England style thumbs-up.

Of course traitorous rebel soldiers had a nasty habit of getting their asses shot all to hell so they probably didn't have many left to make a respectable pile.
That's the second time you mentioned the race of the soldier in the photo. Do you just not like black people?

Do you just not care that you can't comprehend what you read? IT would be great to have a sister flashing a thumbs up in front of a pile of confederate soldiers...all I'm saying.
The only regret was that the Union didn't stack the nude bodies traitors into a pyramid and had some black flashing a Lyndie England style thumbs-up.

Of course traitorous rebel soldiers had a nasty habit of getting their asses shot all to hell so they probably didn't have many left to make a respectable pile.
That's the second time you mentioned the race of the soldier in the photo. Do you just not like black people?

Do you just not care that you can't comprehend what you read? IT would be great to have a sister flashing a thumbs up in front of a pile of confederate soldiers...all I'm saying.
Maybe to you. It never occurs to you Leftists that not everyone is obsessed with race like you are.

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