Remind us again how only certain people should have firearms.

The guy took the firearm from the Guard. Remind us again how only letting cops and guards have firearms is such a great idea.

NORFOLK, Va. (AP) — A civilian approaching a Navy destroyer at the world's largest naval base late at night took a weapon from a sailor who was standing watch and used it to shoot and kill another sailor who was trying to help his embattled colleague, Navy officials said Tuesday...
Go figure...HEY!? Let's just BAN them but only the citizen...
No, EVERYONE. Even felons and kids. We are only safe when every person able to breathe is armed to the teeth.
No, EVERYONE. Even felons and kids. We are only safe when every person able to breathe is armed to the teeth.

Don't forget mental health facilities. If crazy people weren't meant to have guns the constitution would have said so!
"A government which does not trust its citizens to be armed is not itself to be trusted." - Niccolò Machiavelli
"A government which does not trust its citizens to be armed is not itself to be trusted." - Niccolò Machiavelli

Not exactly the greatest person to to quote.
And if the vast majority of citizens agree with the govt?

On the matter of the second amendment the vast majority do NOT agree with more firearms laws and more restrictions. So they do not agree with the Government.
"A government which does not trust its citizens to be armed is not itself to be trusted." - Niccolò Machiavelli

Says the Italian. .. A country that doesn't recognize the right to bear arms.

geez... it sometimes amazes me how incredibly obtuse folks on the left can be...

Machiavelli said this 600 years ago... centuries before the American Revolution...

but even then, he had the foresight to recognize the reality of the way thinks work in regards to the people vs. the government...
I'm surprised no one is asking how the fuck this guy took a gun from the guard? If my weapon is out in the open, which I'm assuming the guard's was, then there's no way in hell I'm going to let someone get close enough to even touch my gun.
"A government which does not trust its citizens to be armed is not itself to be trusted." - Niccolò Machiavelli

I doubt the veracity of the above quote.

I wonder if our resident Machiavelli scholars might be kind enough to cite the source of this?

I am more than prepared to stand corrected, of course.

The guy took the firearm from the Guard. Remind us again how only letting cops and guards have firearms is such a great idea.

No guns, for anybody, nobody dies, more than likely...

Are you LYING, aare you TROLLING, or are you STUPID?

yes, yes and yes

Ever notice that the dimocrap party and its sick, twisted, diseased adherents base virtually all of its behavior on a lack of trust in The People?

They do. Think about it.

Everything they do, everything they believe is based on not trusting The People.

Republicans and other Patriots are the exact opposite.... We don't trust Government.

Wonder what the track record looks like.... Wonder who has committed more atrocities, more murders.... Government or Private Individuals?

Not even close.
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"A government which does not trust its citizens to be armed is not itself to be trusted." - Niccolò Machiavelli

I doubt the veracity of the above quote.

I wonder if our resident Machiavelli scholars might be kind enough to cite the source of this?

I am more than prepared to stand corrected, of course.

I think everybody is aware of the veracity of the source of the quote.... Except you

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