Remind Us how Obama does not want our firearms.

So, you don't think they are stealing firearms to make objects d'art, like this?


Try this: - States with high crime see more guns stolen

"The group, which advocates stronger gun-storage laws, relied on numbers collected by the FBI. The numbers show that nearly 688,000 stolen firearms were recovered during the 10-year period, leaving more than 1 million missing and most likely fueling the black market for criminals."

Now, find an adult to explain it to you.

(BTW, an ADULT would be able to see the correlation between stolen firearms and crime, with out having to hold someones hand while they walked them through it.)

.this is why we have so many stolen well as gun murders.....prosecutors do not prosecute gun crimes......from you own link........

Federal prosecutors rarely bring charges for possession or sale of stolen guns. In 1999 and 2000, they prosecuted 708 stolen-gun cases. In those years, more than 286,000 guns were reported stolen. Under federal law, stolen-gun crimes carry up to 10 years in prison.

How about the enforce the fucking law first.....on criminals with stolen guns......that is a felony......then they can prosecute the felon for having a gun in their possession...another they should probably get out in 20 years....if the are fucking the gang leader whose son was murdered on the 4th of July here in chicago....he was caught with a stolen gun and with over 40 arrests in his record...he was out the next day.......

....arrest the criminals caught with stolen guns and put them in jail......and if a gun is locked in a is safely stored...

But no...they want to make criminals out of law abiding gun owners when a criminal comes in and steals their gun......and the damage done to the law abiding gun owner who would then be a far worse than to the career criminal feeding guns to violent killers on the street....

You anti gun extremists are fucking nuts....

But, but, but....

If HONEST citizens don't have guns,

CRIMINALS wont' have guns

The only way to keep CRIMINALS from having guns,

is to make it harder for HONEST citizens to have guns.

Simple (liberal) logic
Nothing keeps guns out of the hands of criminals, if they want them.

Why are their laws against owning fully auto .50 caliber machine guns then? And why don't criminals have them? What about explosives? Why have laws against them, criminals will get what they want right? Why are there so few criminals caught using C4 or dynamite?

The gun hugger arguments are ridiculous. "Why have laws, they don't protect anyone"? Well then why do we have any laws at all.

Gun lickers have an irrational fear of life and a gun seems to be the only pacifier that feels comfortable in their mouth.
People do own full auto 50 cal m2 and m3m, as well as mini guns, they are all obviously responsible people. It's not rational to use c4 for a crime when a much cheaper concealed handgun can do the trick. Unless you're a terrorist, but you don't have to spend crazy money on c4 just to make a bomb.

"Why have laws they don't protect anyone," is a straw man argument that no one is talking about. The laws are disarming people making them soft easy targets for criminals who are not going to follow the gun laws. That's why the crazies go after the unarmed people following the laws, look at Chattanooga, aurora, v tech, fort hood, sandy hook, Charlie hebdo, etc. All gun free zones. You want to drop the rape rate, arm women. You want to stop purse theft, arm women. Guns are an equalizer, and gun laws only give a monopoly of force to the government and criminals. Now try to argue against that
If only law abiding citizens could get their hands on guns criminals wouldn't find it so easy getting their hands on guns.

Are you suggesting all the illegal guns on the black market were stolen from law abiding gun owners?

Wouldn't that prove gun ownership doesn't stop burglars? Lol
No not in any way, gun bans did not stop Charlie hebdo, or any other shooting in any other country with gun bans. Nor does it lower their crime rates, look it up. And even if the crazies can't get their hands on guns, they'll use one of the many other tools humans can use to kill people. In china right around sandy hook shooting, somebody hacked 20 school children to death with a machete. Now I'll point back to a country with ridiculously low crime rates that issue their citizens assault rifles, Switzerland. Good people with guns keep us safe, the more of them there are, the safer we are.
Switzerland doesn't have high crime ghettos or poor masses. Don't compare America and Switzerland such a small rich nation. Please.

I'm OK with every citizen going and registering for a firearm. What I don't like is the way gun manufacturers get to flood the black market with more guns than all us law abiding citizens could possibly purchase.

Could you please explain how Registering a gun actually works to achieve what you want?

I register my gun..right?

It is is then used by that criminal, or he sells it to another criminal who use it to commit what was the point to registering the gun? Since the criminal who stole it, and the other criminals who use it won't register their new, stolen gun. How does registering a gun do anything other than sound good in the ear of an anti gun extremist.....

And let's say we don't register guns.....I don't shoot there was no need to register my gun...right?

A criminal uses a stolen gun, registered to the victim of the theft.....if he uses it in a crime, we catch him and can lock him up...with no need to register the gun...right? Since he committed a crime with it and you can already lock him up for that...right?

Let's say a felon is carrying a stolen gun, registered to the victim it was stolen from.....if he is caught with the gun he can be arrested for merely possessing the gun...right? Since felons can't own or carry any gun...registered or not....right?

So again.....what is the fucking point to registering guns....?

Other than setting up the first step in a ban or a forced buy back.....
So, you don't think they are stealing firearms to make objects d'art, like this?


Try this: - States with high crime see more guns stolen

"The group, which advocates stronger gun-storage laws, relied on numbers collected by the FBI. The numbers show that nearly 688,000 stolen firearms were recovered during the 10-year period, leaving more than 1 million missing and most likely fueling the black market for criminals."

Now, find an adult to explain it to you.

(BTW, an ADULT would be able to see the correlation between stolen firearms and crime, with out having to hold someones hand while they walked them through it.)

.this is why we have so many stolen well as gun murders.....prosecutors do not prosecute gun crimes......from you own link........

Federal prosecutors rarely bring charges for possession or sale of stolen guns. In 1999 and 2000, they prosecuted 708 stolen-gun cases. In those years, more than 286,000 guns were reported stolen. Under federal law, stolen-gun crimes carry up to 10 years in prison.

How about the enforce the fucking law first.....on criminals with stolen guns......that is a felony......then they can prosecute the felon for having a gun in their possession...another they should probably get out in 20 years....if the are fucking the gang leader whose son was murdered on the 4th of July here in chicago....he was caught with a stolen gun and with over 40 arrests in his record...he was out the next day.......

....arrest the criminals caught with stolen guns and put them in jail......and if a gun is locked in a is safely stored...

But no...they want to make criminals out of law abiding gun owners when a criminal comes in and steals their gun......and the damage done to the law abiding gun owner who would then be a far worse than to the career criminal feeding guns to violent killers on the street....

You anti gun extremists are fucking nuts....

But, but, but....

If HONEST citizens don't have guns,

CRIMINALS wont' have guns

The only way to keep CRIMINALS from having guns,

is to make it harder for HONEST citizens to have guns.

Simple (liberal) logic


I almost posted something in a way that was impolite toward you...I lost track of who posted if you saw it, I was meant for one of the anti gun extremists, and not you...I cleaned it up....Hope you weren't offended.:bye1:
Ignorant right wingers. Does stupid take practice?

You ought to be able to answer that better than most people here.

They know Obama expanded gun rights more than any other president in nearly a hundred years

He did absolutely no such thing, but if lying to people helps you sleep better at night who am I to stop you.
Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.

Why would a self described paranoid be allowed to own firearms in the first place, that is the question
Well it is called the law. You see in order to strip me of my rights you need to take me before a Judge and prove I am incompetent or a danger. Good luck with that my shrink and my therapist will tell you I am neither.

Obviously, you need a new shrink.
I fully know what written language means.Most of it, like your original post, nothing but pure conjecture and misleading.
It really isn't difficult to figure out.
But you still dodged the question, now didn't you, speaking of "words."
Name the laws that have been passed and the limits on gun restrictions that have been passed or implemented during the tenure of President Obama.
Then, tell us how many guns/rifles, you have had to forfeit.
With clarity and certainty.

How many have been confiscated and what new restrictions have been put in place.?
Answer the question. Don't dodge it.

Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.

How many of your guns has Obama confiscated so far?
You and your buddies insist he has no intention to push for more strict laws on firearms. this article proves you are wrong.
Nothing to dodge he ANNOUNCED he wants to create more restrictions and that he WANTS to ban certain types of firearms. what part of that is so hard for you to understand? Are you unable to read English? Perhaps you never learned how to understand what the written word means?
I fully know what written language means.Most of it, like your original post, nothing but pure conjecture and misleading.
It really isn't difficult to figure out.
But you still dodged the question, now didn't you, speaking of "words."
Name the laws that have been passed and the limits on gun restrictions that have been passed or implemented during the tenure of President Obama.
Then, tell us how many guns/rifles, you have had to forfeit.
With clarity and certainty.

How many have been confiscated and what new restrictions have been put in place.?
Answer the question. Don't dodge it.

Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.

How many of your guns has Obama confiscated so far?
You and your buddies insist he has no intention to push for more strict laws on firearms. this article proves you are wrong.
Nothing to dodge he ANNOUNCED he wants to create more restrictions and that he WANTS to ban certain types of firearms. what part of that is so hard for you to understand? Are you unable to read English? Perhaps you never learned how to understand what the written word means?
I fully know what written language means.Most of it, like your original post, nothing but pure conjecture and misleading.
It really isn't difficult to figure out.
But you still dodged the question, now didn't you, speaking of "words."
Name the laws that have been passed and the limits on gun restrictions that have been passed or implemented during the tenure of President Obama.
Then, tell us how many guns/rifles, you have had to forfeit.
With clarity and certainty.

How many have been confiscated and what new restrictions have been put in place.?
Answer the question. Don't dodge it.

Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.

How many of your guns has Obama confiscated so far?
You and your buddies insist he has no intention to push for more strict laws on firearms. this article proves you are wrong.
Nothing to dodge he ANNOUNCED he wants to create more restrictions and that he WANTS to ban certain types of firearms. what part of that is so hard for you to understand? Are you unable to read English? Perhaps you never learned how to understand what the written word means?

these are the items on his agenda......these are the things he wants but we have stopped him from getting.....

Summary President Obama Gun Proposals

Not included was the import ban on rifles, and the attempt to ban the most popular brand of AR-15 ammo.......
And more...

What Are Obama s Gun Control Proposals An Easy Guide -

Here is a look at what Obama is proposing:

Assault Weapons Ban: Obama is seeking a reinstatement of an earlier federal ban, which expired in 2004. The original measure was signed by President Clinton in 1994, but Congress declined to renew it.

Limiting High-Capacity Ammunition Magazines: Advocates of a limit on high-capacity magazines believe it could slow down a shooter planning to carry out a massacre, such as the one at Sandy Hook. Obama’s proposal would limit these magazines to 10 bullets. Rep. Ron Barber, who was wounded in the Tucson, Ariz., shootings, is one of the advocates for this proposal.

Getting Rid of Armor-Piercing Bullets: Although it is illegal to manufacture and import armor-piercing bullets in the U.S., the president is sending legislation to Congress that will ban the possession and transfer of the ammunition.

And fortunately we have been able to stop him in this stupidity...not one of these measures would do anything to lessen crime or mass shootings.......and yet he still wants them...
Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.
Simple. Gun Regulation is not Gun Prohibition.

Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

I'm sure that makes the families who were killed in the Washington Navy Yard and other "gun free zones" feel a lot better, they had guns at home and they got wasted without being able to defend themselves because guns were "regulated" rather than "prohibited"

Tell us. How many gun owners that were able to protect themselves during home invasion or robberies or other.
Then compared that to accidental shootings that includes children. If you can give me an honest answer I will buy the whole gun store closest to my house.

The number of accidental shootings is tiny compared to the number of people who are protected by guns
Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.
Simple. Gun Regulation is not Gun Prohibition.

Subject only to the police power, the right of the individual citizen to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

I'm sure that makes the families who were killed in the Washington Navy Yard and other "gun free zones" feel a lot better, they had guns at home and they got wasted without being able to defend themselves because guns were "regulated" rather than "prohibited"

Tell us. How many gun owners that were able to protect themselves during home invasion or robberies or other.
Then compared that to accidental shootings that includes children. If you can give me an honest answer I will buy the whole gun store closest to my house.

The number of accidental shootings is tiny compared to the number of people who are protected by guns

well...let's start with the numbers....accidental gun deaths.......from the CDC...

Cars, Accidental deaths 2013......35,369

Poisons...accidental deaths 2013....38,851

Alcohol...accidental deaths 2013...29,001

gravity....accidental falling deaths 2013...30,208

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505


Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...



40 years of research into gun self defense..the studies and what they found....

And then 40 years of research into self defense with guns....

I just averaged the studies......which were conducted by different researchers, from both private and public researchers, over a period of 40 years looking specifically at guns and self defense....the name of the researcher is first, then the year then the number of times they determined guns were used for self defense......notice how many of them there are and how many of them were done by gun grabbers like the clinton Justice Dept. and the obama CDC

And these aren't all of the studies either...there are more...and they support the ones below.....

A quick guide to the studies and the numbers.....the full lay out of what was studied by each study is in the links....
GunCite-Gun Control-How Often Are Guns Used in Self-Defense

GunCite Frequency of Defensive Gun Use in Previous Surveys

Field...1976....3,052,717 ( no cops, military)
DMIa 1978...2,141,512 ( no cops, military)
L.A. TIMES...1994...3,609,68 ( no cops, military)
Kleck...2.5 million ( no cops, military)

Obama's CDC....2013....500,000--3million



DMIb...1978...1,098,409 ( no cops, military)

Hart...1981...1.797,461 ( no cops, military)

Mauser...1990...1,487,342 ( no cops, military)

Gallup...1993...1,621,377 ( no cops, military)

DEPT. OF JUSTICE...1994...1.5 million

Journal of Quantitative Criminology--- 989,883 times per year."



Tarrance... 1994... 764,036 (no cops, military)

Lawerence Southwich Jr. 400,000 fewer violent crimes and at least 800,000 violent crimes deterred..
If you take the studies from that Kleck cites in his paper, 16 of them....and you only average the ones that exclude military and police shootings..the average becomes 2 million...I use those studies because I have the details on them...and they are still 10 studies (including Kleck's)....


Studies that look at criminals avoiding people they think are armed with guns...

Criminals Fear The Armed . Don t Be A VICTIM THE WAKING GIANT

Also gives more percentages on criminals avoiding people they think are armed....$FILE/SenState0305AttachB.pdf

A break down of who gets into accidents with guns....

ABC News reports on guns mislead Americans Fox News

Last edited:
ABC News reports on guns mislead Americans Fox News

Reinforcing this, correspondent David Muir was more specific: “Looking at children and guns, the most recent statistics from 2009. And take a look tonight, they are eye opening. The new numbers are arresting. . . . . 7,391 children rushed to the hospital every year because of those gun injuries, so often accidents in the home. 453 of those children die at the hospital. . . .”

However....never trust anti gun journalists to tell the truth....the actual numbers.....

The vast majority of the injuries do not involve little children, but older teenagers, including 18- and 19-year-olds (who normally would be labeled “adults”).

Consider the following statistics from the Pediatrics article:

- The injury rate for black males 15 to 19 years old was 13 times higher than for white males.

- 84 percent of the injuries were for 15 to 19 year olds and 62 percent as a result of criminal assaults.

These injuries don’t occur from young children accidentally mishandling a gun in their own home, but rather as victims of brutal crimes, often gang related.

If the study had broken down the numbers further, one would see that most of these injuries were for 17, 18, and 19-year-olds.

For example, in 2012, the Centers for Disease Control reports that 76% of firearm injuries were for those under age 20 were for 17, 18, and 19 year olds.

This is hardly the impression ABC News created by showing pictures and stories of young children while mentioning the 7,391 injuries.

Sooo...for 2013 there were only 505 accidental gun deaths....and children...of an age that we actually consider them children and not gang members......would be under 100 each year......

And on average Americans use guns 2 million times a year to stop violent criminal attack and save some subset of that is against home invasions....

of course, something tells me you won't be going to your gun store on the facts I an anti gunner you can't be trusted anyway.....
So.....accidental gun deaths of children by age....

Under 1: 3

1-4: 27

5-14: 39

I stopped at 14 because here you start to get into gang membership territory...if you want to know more go to the link, table 10 near the bottom under accidental death, firearm.... 2013 there were 72 accidental gun deaths of children below the age of 14....

Out of a country of over 320 million people............

So........when are you going to go to the gun store......I hope you have a big limit on your visa....
So.....accidental gun deaths of children by age....

Under 1: 3

1-4: 27

5-14: 39

I stopped at 14 because here you start to get into gang membership territory...if you want to know more go to the link, table 10 near the bottom under accidental death, firearm.... 2013 there were 72 accidental gun deaths of children below the age of 14....

Out of a country of over 320 million people............

So........when are you going to go to the gun store......I hope you have a big limit on your visa....
It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right who seek to propagate the lie that the president want's to 'confiscate' guns lack the courage and integrity to admit you're wrong.
So.....accidental gun deaths of children by age....

Under 1: 3

1-4: 27

5-14: 39

I stopped at 14 because here you start to get into gang membership territory...if you want to know more go to the link, table 10 near the bottom under accidental death, firearm.... 2013 there were 72 accidental gun deaths of children below the age of 14....

Out of a country of over 320 million people............

So........when are you going to go to the gun store......I hope you have a big limit on your visa....
It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right who seek to propagate the lie that the president want's to 'confiscate' guns lack the courage and integrity to admit you're wrong.

Not wrong...he didn't have the power to do it...he used all of his energy passing the nightmare known as obamacare and then he lost control of congress......he tried to reinvigorate the anti gun push by selling guns to Mexican drug cartels but got caught......the only thing stopping him was he didn't have the power to do it...
Nothing keeps guns out of the hands of criminals, if they want them.

Why are their laws against owning fully auto .50 caliber machine guns then? And why don't criminals have them? What about explosives? Why have laws against them, criminals will get what they want right? Why are there so few criminals caught using C4 or dynamite?

The gun hugger arguments are ridiculous. "Why have laws, they don't protect anyone"? Well then why do we have any laws at all.

Gun lickers have an irrational fear of life and a gun seems to be the only pacifier that feels comfortable in their mouth.
People do own full auto 50 cal m2 and m3m, as well as mini guns, they are all obviously responsible people. It's not rational to use c4 for a crime when a much cheaper concealed handgun can do the trick. Unless you're a terrorist, but you don't have to spend crazy money on c4 just to make a bomb.

"Why have laws they don't protect anyone," is a straw man argument that no one is talking about. The laws are disarming people making them soft easy targets for criminals who are not going to follow the gun laws. That's why the crazies go after the unarmed people following the laws, look at Chattanooga, aurora, v tech, fort hood, sandy hook, Charlie hebdo, etc. All gun free zones. You want to drop the rape rate, arm women. You want to stop purse theft, arm women. Guns are an equalizer, and gun laws only give a monopoly of force to the government and criminals. Now try to argue against that
If only law abiding citizens could get their hands on guns criminals wouldn't find it so easy getting their hands on guns.

Are you suggesting all the illegal guns on the black market were stolen from law abiding gun owners?

Wouldn't that prove gun ownership doesn't stop burglars? Lol
No not in any way, gun bans did not stop Charlie hebdo, or any other shooting in any other country with gun bans. Nor does it lower their crime rates, look it up. And even if the crazies can't get their hands on guns, they'll use one of the many other tools humans can use to kill people. In china right around sandy hook shooting, somebody hacked 20 school children to death with a machete. Now I'll point back to a country with ridiculously low crime rates that issue their citizens assault rifles, Switzerland. Good people with guns keep us safe, the more of them there are, the safer we are.
I like my chances against a guy with a knife better than a guy with a gun. Lol

And did I say ban guns? Or did you put that in my mouth. Hard to talk to someone not listening.
Misread you, but you made a straw man point nobody was making, so your just as guilty. Still doesn't change what I said, and I'm sure you'd like your chances a lot more with a gun in your hand
So.....accidental gun deaths of children by age....

Under 1: 3

1-4: 27

5-14: 39

I stopped at 14 because here you start to get into gang membership territory...if you want to know more go to the link, table 10 near the bottom under accidental death, firearm.... 2013 there were 72 accidental gun deaths of children below the age of 14....

Out of a country of over 320 million people............

So........when are you going to go to the gun store......I hope you have a big limit on your visa....
It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right who seek to propagate the lie that the president want's to 'confiscate' guns lack the courage and integrity to admit you're wrong.

Not wrong...he didn't have the power to do it...he used all of his energy passing the nightmare known as obamacare and then he lost control of congress......he tried to reinvigorate the anti gun push by selling guns to Mexican drug cartels but got caught......the only thing stopping him was he didn't have the power to do it...
Thank you, can anyone fun control folks tell me what the point of fast and furious was?????
I fully know what written language means.Most of it, like your original post, nothing but pure conjecture and misleading.
It really isn't difficult to figure out.
But you still dodged the question, now didn't you, speaking of "words."
Name the laws that have been passed and the limits on gun restrictions that have been passed or implemented during the tenure of President Obama.
Then, tell us how many guns/rifles, you have had to forfeit.
With clarity and certainty.

How many have been confiscated and what new restrictions have been put in place.?
Answer the question. Don't dodge it.

Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.

How many of your guns has Obama confiscated so far?
You and your buddies insist he has no intention to push for more strict laws on firearms. this article proves you are wrong.
Nothing to dodge he ANNOUNCED he wants to create more restrictions and that he WANTS to ban certain types of firearms. what part of that is so hard for you to understand? Are you unable to read English? Perhaps you never learned how to understand what the written word means?
You are an idiot. The claim I made was he wants... He announced he plans to SEEK more laws and to ban certain types of firearms. What part of that do you have a problem with? Are you just to stupid to understand?

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