Remind Us how Obama does not want our firearms.

Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.

Why would a self described paranoid be allowed to own firearms in the first place, that is the question
Well it is called the law. You see in order to strip me of my rights you need to take me before a Judge and prove I am incompetent or a danger. Good luck with that my shrink and my therapist will tell you I am neither.

Just the name of your post is paranoid,

And just how do people know you have guns and what type you have?

We have been hearing this paranoia for over 6 1/2 years and that is what fuels the gun fedisists to keep buying more guns and scouring the horizon for the President to take them away. all brought to you buy the gun lobby :the NRA
Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.
No ones coming for your firearms. Did you hear about the gun raids they did all over Detroit this week? How are there so many guns flooding the market? You want a gun or ten guns? Cool. But all your guns are legally registered to you. Where do all the guns come from? Corporations who want to max their profits just like healthcare and oil companies. Or any other corporation for that matter.
7 years since his election- 7 years of predictions that Obama will be seizing your guns.

7 years of gullible and paranoid gun enthusiasts making gun manufacturers wealthy

And 7 years without guns being seized.
Total straw man, whole point of the 2nd is to give citizens equal power of the government, excuse me more power than the government. For those arguing that the militia means army and police not citizens, the founding fathers were more worried about a standing army being able to carry out ceaser like coup. A government won't be able to oppress armed citizens. For those arguing for assault rifle bans, I would ask what was the difference between civilian gun and a military gun when the 2nd was written? None, like I said before they wanted citizens to have equal power. The 2nd protects the rest of the ammendmets

Yea equal power? LOL


Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.

Why would a self described paranoid be allowed to own firearms in the first place, that is the question
Well it is called the law. You see in order to strip me of my rights you need to take me before a Judge and prove I am incompetent or a danger. Good luck with that my shrink and my therapist will tell you I am neither.

Just the name of your post is paranoid,

And just how do people know you have guns and what type you have?

We have been hearing this paranoia for over 6 1/2 years and that is what fuels the gun fedisists to keep buying more guns and scouring the horizon for the President to take them away. all brought to you buy the gun lobby :the NRA
We just need to better regulate the gun industry and audit the process and fix it so millions of illegal guns end up on the black market. But the gun lobby and corporations won't like it. But who's the boss here our government or the corporations? Unfortunately the corporations own our government, and this is just one of many examples that is true.
You do know that the first amendment has limitations right? Child pornography and defamation are both illegal. Shouldn't the 2nd as well?

You do know that child pornography and defamation harm other people, right? Me owning a gun does not harm other people. Me going on a killing spree with it obviously does, but last I checked that was already illegal.
Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals. Is that really so invasive?

Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals.

Nothing keeps guns out of the hands of criminals, if they want them.

Why are their laws against owning fully auto .50 caliber machine guns then? And why don't criminals have them? What about explosives? Why have laws against them, criminals will get what they want right? Why are there so few criminals caught using C4 or dynamite?

The gun hugger arguments are ridiculous. "Why have laws, they don't protect anyone"? Well then why do we have any laws at all.

Gun lickers have an irrational fear of life and a gun seems to be the only pacifier that feels comfortable in their mouth.
People do own full auto 50 cal m2 and m3m, as well as mini guns, they are all obviously responsible people. It's not rational to use c4 for a crime when a much cheaper concealed handgun can do the trick. Unless you're a terrorist, but you don't have to spend crazy money on c4 just to make a bomb.

"Why have laws they don't protect anyone," is a straw man argument that no one is talking about. The laws are disarming people making them soft easy targets for criminals who are not going to follow the gun laws. That's why the crazies go after the unarmed people following the laws, look at Chattanooga, aurora, v tech, fort hood, sandy hook, Charlie hebdo, etc. All gun free zones. You want to drop the rape rate, arm women. You want to stop purse theft, arm women. Guns are an equalizer, and gun laws only give a monopoly of force to the government and criminals. Now try to argue against that
You do know that the first amendment has limitations right? Child pornography and defamation are both illegal. Shouldn't the 2nd as well?

You do know that child pornography and defamation harm other people, right? Me owning a gun does not harm other people. Me going on a killing spree with it obviously does, but last I checked that was already illegal.
Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals. Is that really so invasive?

Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals.

Nothing keeps guns out of the hands of criminals, if they want them.

Why are their laws against owning fully auto .50 caliber machine guns then? And why don't criminals have them? What about explosives? Why have laws against them, criminals will get what they want right? Why are there so few criminals caught using C4 or dynamite?

The gun hugger arguments are ridiculous. "Why have laws, they don't protect anyone"? Well then why do we have any laws at all.

Gun lickers have an irrational fear of life and a gun seems to be the only pacifier that feels comfortable in their mouth.
People do own full auto 50 cal m2 and m3m, as well as mini guns, they are all obviously responsible people. It's not rational to use c4 for a crime when a much cheaper concealed handgun can do the trick. Unless you're a terrorist, but you don't have to spend crazy money on c4 just to make a bomb.

"Why have laws they don't protect anyone," is a straw man argument that no one is talking about. The laws are disarming people making them soft easy targets for criminals who are not going to follow the gun laws. That's why the crazies go after the unarmed people following the laws, look at Chattanooga, aurora, v tech, fort hood, sandy hook, Charlie hebdo, etc. All gun free zones. You want to drop the rape rate, arm women. You want to stop purse theft, arm women. Guns are an equalizer, and gun laws only give a monopoly of force to the government and criminals. Now try to argue against that
If only law abiding citizens could get their hands on guns criminals wouldn't find it so easy getting their hands on guns.

Are you suggesting all the illegal guns on the black market were stolen from law abiding gun owners?

Wouldn't that prove gun ownership doesn't stop burglars? Lol
I should be able to buy 100 guns if I want and sell them too. I just need to have the buyers show me proof from the police they are legal to buy a gun.
I sell accessories in manufacturing. Every part comes with a serial number. Every little tip. Why not guns and bullets too? Every part on the gun has a little serial number. I don't blame the gun corporations for wanting the status quo. They only care about profits. That's what corporations do.
You do know that the first amendment has limitations right? Child pornography and defamation are both illegal. Shouldn't the 2nd as well?

You do know that child pornography and defamation harm other people, right? Me owning a gun does not harm other people. Me going on a killing spree with it obviously does, but last I checked that was already illegal.
Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals. Is that really so invasive?

Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals.

Nothing keeps guns out of the hands of criminals, if they want them.

Why are their laws against owning fully auto .50 caliber machine guns then? And why don't criminals have them? What about explosives? Why have laws against them, criminals will get what they want right? Why are there so few criminals caught using C4 or dynamite?

The gun hugger arguments are ridiculous. "Why have laws, they don't protect anyone"? Well then why do we have any laws at all.

Gun lickers have an irrational fear of life and a gun seems to be the only pacifier that feels comfortable in their mouth.
People do own full auto 50 cal m2 and m3m, as well as mini guns, they are all obviously responsible people. It's not rational to use c4 for a crime when a much cheaper concealed handgun can do the trick. Unless you're a terrorist, but you don't have to spend crazy money on c4 just to make a bomb.

"Why have laws they don't protect anyone," is a straw man argument that no one is talking about. The laws are disarming people making them soft easy targets for criminals who are not going to follow the gun laws. That's why the crazies go after the unarmed people following the laws, look at Chattanooga, aurora, v tech, fort hood, sandy hook, Charlie hebdo, etc. All gun free zones. You want to drop the rape rate, arm women. You want to stop purse theft, arm women. Guns are an equalizer, and gun laws only give a monopoly of force to the government and criminals. Now try to argue against that

I'm sorry, you don't understand the point of no one being able to get explosives, BECAUSE THEY ARE ILLEGAL AND HIGHLY REGULATED. Your position is evidently that you think laws making owning explosives serve no purpose.

Honestly the mindset of people that can't see ANY regulation of guns is a Mobius strip. Their minds continually circle around to try to make logical that which is not.

Your solution to school gun violence, arm children. You people actually want a population where everyone carries a gun like the wildwest.

Fine, get your time machine and go back to a time you feel safe. The rest of us live in the reality of today.
I sell accessories in manufacturing. Every part comes with a serial number. Every little tip. Why not guns and bullets too? Every part on the gun has a little serial number. I don't blame the gun corporations for wanting the status quo. They only care about profits. That's what corporations do.

Guns and ammo should carry identification just as every car is. We have the technology to embed an id chip in the metal. When a gun is stolen, it can be tracked to the thief.
You do know that child pornography and defamation harm other people, right? Me owning a gun does not harm other people. Me going on a killing spree with it obviously does, but last I checked that was already illegal.
Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals. Is that really so invasive?

Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals.

Nothing keeps guns out of the hands of criminals, if they want them.

Why are their laws against owning fully auto .50 caliber machine guns then? And why don't criminals have them? What about explosives? Why have laws against them, criminals will get what they want right? Why are there so few criminals caught using C4 or dynamite?

The gun hugger arguments are ridiculous. "Why have laws, they don't protect anyone"? Well then why do we have any laws at all.

Gun lickers have an irrational fear of life and a gun seems to be the only pacifier that feels comfortable in their mouth.
People do own full auto 50 cal m2 and m3m, as well as mini guns, they are all obviously responsible people. It's not rational to use c4 for a crime when a much cheaper concealed handgun can do the trick. Unless you're a terrorist, but you don't have to spend crazy money on c4 just to make a bomb.

"Why have laws they don't protect anyone," is a straw man argument that no one is talking about. The laws are disarming people making them soft easy targets for criminals who are not going to follow the gun laws. That's why the crazies go after the unarmed people following the laws, look at Chattanooga, aurora, v tech, fort hood, sandy hook, Charlie hebdo, etc. All gun free zones. You want to drop the rape rate, arm women. You want to stop purse theft, arm women. Guns are an equalizer, and gun laws only give a monopoly of force to the government and criminals. Now try to argue against that
If only law abiding citizens could get their hands on guns criminals wouldn't find it so easy getting their hands on guns.

Are you suggesting all the illegal guns on the black market were stolen from law abiding gun owners?

Wouldn't that prove gun ownership doesn't stop burglars? Lol
No not in any way, gun bans did not stop Charlie hebdo, or any other shooting in any other country with gun bans. Nor does it lower their crime rates, look it up. And even if the crazies can't get their hands on guns, they'll use one of the many other tools humans can use to kill people. In china right around sandy hook shooting, somebody hacked 20 school children to death with a machete. Now I'll point back to a country with ridiculously low crime rates that issue their citizens assault rifles, Switzerland. Good people with guns keep us safe, the more of them there are, the safer we are.
Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.
Ignorant right wingers. Does stupid take practice? They know Obama expanded gun rights more than any other president in nearly a hundred years and yet they are determined to stay as ignorant as possible. Ignorance heightens the thrill they get from fear.
Obama only wants to keep guns out of the hands of crazies. But this Republican party has gone so crazy, they don't recognize the dangerous crazies as being different from them.
Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.

How many of your guns has Obama confiscated so far?

That's because we fight him.


A bill designed to close loopholes in the background check system.

The opposition to this bill by the NRA and its extremist supporters PROVES that the NRA does not want to prevent ineligible people from legally obtaining guns.
They have no problem with crazies and terrorists...if they have guns.
Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.
Ignorant right wingers. Does stupid take practice? They know Obama expanded gun rights more than any other president in nearly a hundred years and yet they are determined to stay as ignorant as possible. Ignorance heightens the thrill they get from fear.
Obama only wants to keep guns out of the hands of crazies. But this Republican party has gone so crazy, they don't recognize the dangerous crazies as being different from them.

How did "Obama" expand gun rights again?
Lack of US gun control Obama s greatest frustration - Yahoo News

He wants and expects new regulations on firearms specifically protected by the 2nd. Remind us again how Obama is not out to take firearms away again.

How many of your guns has Obama confiscated so far?
Just checked. Still got all of mine. your rebuttal to that Obama is frustrated he hasn't gotten more gun control is to say you till have your gun. And you think that disputes the point made ... how exactly?
Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals. Is that really so invasive?

Um yeah and strict background helps keep guns out of dangerous criminals.

Nothing keeps guns out of the hands of criminals, if they want them.

Why are their laws against owning fully auto .50 caliber machine guns then? And why don't criminals have them? What about explosives? Why have laws against them, criminals will get what they want right? Why are there so few criminals caught using C4 or dynamite?

The gun hugger arguments are ridiculous. "Why have laws, they don't protect anyone"? Well then why do we have any laws at all.

Gun lickers have an irrational fear of life and a gun seems to be the only pacifier that feels comfortable in their mouth.
People do own full auto 50 cal m2 and m3m, as well as mini guns, they are all obviously responsible people. It's not rational to use c4 for a crime when a much cheaper concealed handgun can do the trick. Unless you're a terrorist, but you don't have to spend crazy money on c4 just to make a bomb.

"Why have laws they don't protect anyone," is a straw man argument that no one is talking about. The laws are disarming people making them soft easy targets for criminals who are not going to follow the gun laws. That's why the crazies go after the unarmed people following the laws, look at Chattanooga, aurora, v tech, fort hood, sandy hook, Charlie hebdo, etc. All gun free zones. You want to drop the rape rate, arm women. You want to stop purse theft, arm women. Guns are an equalizer, and gun laws only give a monopoly of force to the government and criminals. Now try to argue against that
If only law abiding citizens could get their hands on guns criminals wouldn't find it so easy getting their hands on guns.

Are you suggesting all the illegal guns on the black market were stolen from law abiding gun owners?

Wouldn't that prove gun ownership doesn't stop burglars? Lol
No not in any way, gun bans did not stop Charlie hebdo, or any other shooting in any other country with gun bans. Nor does it lower their crime rates, look it up. And even if the crazies can't get their hands on guns, they'll use one of the many other tools humans can use to kill people. In china right around sandy hook shooting, somebody hacked 20 school children to death with a machete. Now I'll point back to a country with ridiculously low crime rates that issue their citizens assault rifles, Switzerland. Good people with guns keep us safe, the more of them there are, the safer we are.
Switzerland doesn't have high crime ghettos or poor masses. Don't compare America and Switzerland such a small rich nation. Please.

I'm OK with every citizen going and registering for a firearm. What I don't like is the way gun manufacturers get to flood the black market with more guns than all us law abiding citizens could possibly purchase.

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