Reminder: Day 443 and Biden still has a higher approval than Trump

never does in the mid-terms.

When was the last time the party in the White House did not lose seats in the mid-terms?
It is the amount that is scrutinized from the levels they had before the election. This is not a few decades ago though. The Prog agendas are pretty much in control.
… and has every day so far. In all your USMB giddiness I thought a reminder was in order. When you accomplish the following you beat the competition. Go Joe:
  • 200M shots in arms
Way more than that.
  • Record employment growth
Note that you had to include the word "growth." We do not have record employment, but Trump accomplished that.
  • Unemployment lower than 59 of the prior administrations 60 months in office

This is so ridiculous. The prior admin did not have 60 months in office.

… and has every day so far. In all your USMB giddiness I thought a reminder was in order. When you accomplish the following you beat the competition. Go Joe:
  • 200M shots in arms
  • Record employment growth
  • Unemployment lower than 59 of the prior administrations 60 months in office
  • Record GDP
  • Ended the forever war
  • Infrastructure bill
  • Allies trust is back
  • Our enemies are isolated not emboldened
  • Immigrant children are not being separated and lost from parents
  • Record judicial appointments

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Russia invaded Ukraine because biden is a feckless fuck who abandoned American citizens and friend in Afghanistan and left over a billion dollars worth of war equipment to the terrorists who now control that country. He is the reason the USA must beg for oil from murderous countries who won't even answer his phone calls as he ties to grovel more more.

He is grooming 4 and 5 year old boys to cut of their dicks and t pretend be girls, and then to feel guilty for things that happened 500 years ago before the USA was even a country, he has given us near double digit inflation that nearly all experts are claiming will last another year at least and probably longer.

He dances around and shakes his pom poms for Ukraine but gives us that stupid smile of his as their cities and schools are bombed by missiles and bombers that the Ukrainians cannot stop. He begs the Chinese not to support Russia while the Chinese threaten world war if we stop their ambitions to over run the free republic of Taiwan.

We are paying nearly 5 dollars for gasoline, 3 dollars for a loaf of bread, 25,000 dollars for a high mileage 5 year old vehicle, and our utility bills are up 20%. His buttgig commerce severtary, a failed small towmayor is pushing laws to where the government will have full control of your furnace and air conditioner through mandatory installtion of thermostadts controlled by his department.

Any one who still supports Biden and the stupid extreme left socialists he represents is bat shit stupid. By the way, just because Biden is slightly better in your poll than the ass we know as trump, does not mean he is doing a good job. When you suck that bad even though 90% of the press treats you like you are the second coming of Christ, you should know that you suck buddy. Biden has governed as if he wants the USA to become Venezuela or Burundi, and with over 2 million illegal aliens already crossing our border in only 16 months, with even more coming every day, he may need to stand trial for treason. His entire administration is nothing but perverts, socialists and incompetents.
The Dems are going to steal all the elections anyhow, so you really could just stay home as well, your vote is meaningless
I don't think so, unless they already got voter registration to the millions of illegals he has invited in with thousands and thousands coming every single day 24 hours a day. Its total treason. I was supporting Biden in the Primaries because I thought he was moderate, not only was I completely wrong, I am ashamed I ever said one nice word about that dishonest piece of crap.

America's only chance to survive is to get the Democrats out of Congress this coming November.
I don't think so, unless they already got voter registration to the millions of illegals he has invited in with thousands and thousands coming every single day 24 hours a day. Its total treason. I was supporting Biden in the Primaries because I thought he was moderate, not only was I completely wrong, I am ashamed I ever said one nice word about that dishonest piece of crap.

America's only chance to survive is to get the Democrats out of Congress this coming November.
What are you talking about? He’s as moderate as there ever was.
… and has every day so far. In all your USMB giddiness I thought a reminder was in order. When you accomplish the following you beat the competition. Go Joe:
  • 200M shots in arms
  • Record employment growth
  • Unemployment lower than 59 of the prior administrations 60 months in office
  • Record GDP
  • Ended the forever war
  • Infrastructure bill
  • Allies trust is back
  • Our enemies are isolated not emboldened
  • Immigrant children are not being separated and lost from parents
  • Record judicial appointments

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Reminder...Joe Biden is STILL the worst President we've ever had!
No president is worse than Trump, Reagan is smiling from his grave the orange retard took his place as the worst president in history.
You posted nothing showing that the clip was doctored as stated by golfing gator. I admitted earlier that it was a short clip. Even so, it shows Biden, the president of the United States wandering in the crowd, getting no attention, while former president Obama is sucking all the air out of the room. Nothing you posted changes that fact.
Then you didn’t read the post or links. You’re a lemming. Enjoy the fall.
You think Reagan was a worse President then Biden? about clueless! You're worse than Slow Joe!
You think Reagan was a worse President then Biden? about clueless! You're worse than Slow Joe!
You, evidently have a hard time with words.

"No president is worse than Trump, Reagan "the orange retard took his place as the worst president in history".
You think Reagan was a worse President then Biden? about clueless! You're worse than Slow Joe!

Oldestyle, you are wrong! All the Socialists who hate economic growth hated Reagan, lol. Why hell, Reagan was so damn bad, he even had a large group of supporters known as "Reagan Democrats." How damn vile can 1 man be, lolololololol!
Oldestyle, you are wrong! All the Socialists who hate economic growth hated Reagan, lol. Why hell, Reagan was so damn bad, he even had a large group of supporters known as "Reagan Democrats." How damn vile can 1 man be, lolololololol!
Sure retard, a recession, inflation, a traitor, , almost tripled the debt, stock market crash, and killed the unions and middle class.
LOVED "Socialism" just as long as the socialism was corporate.
Sure retard, a recession, inflation, a traitor, , almost tripled the debt, stock market crash, and killed the unions and middle class.
LOVED "Socialism" just as long as the socialism was corporate.
Reagan gave us one of the best economic periods in our history, Smokin...after one of the worst with Carter. Biden is now giving us the same after Trump. Joe Biden is Jimmy Carter without the accent. The American people curse him every time they fill up at the pump or check out at the grocery store.
Reagan gave us one of the best economic periods in our history,
Sure for rich people and corporations.
RWNJ's STILL think the "trickle-down" economy works.
Caused a recession, a stock market crash, and an 11% unemployment rate.
It hasn't balanced a 42 years.
Almost tripled the debt and has been increasing it EVERY time they pass them.
Smokin...after one of the worst with Carter.
RWNJ's blame Carter for a global issue.
The 1973 oil crisis or first oil crisis began in October 1973 when the members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries led by Saudi Arabia proclaimed an oil embargo. The embargo was targeted at nations that had supported Israel during the Yom Kippur War.
The initial nations targeted were Canada, Japan, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and the United States with the embargo also later extended to Portugal, Rhodesia and South Africa.
By the end of the embargo in March 1974,[2] the price of oil had risen nearly 300%, from US$3 per barrel ($19/m3) to nearly $12 per barrel ($75/m3) globally.

The 1979 Oil Crisis, also known as the 1979 Oil Shock or Second Oil Crisis, was an energy crisis caused by a drop in oil production in the wake of the Iranian Revolution. Although the global oil supply only decreased by approximately four percent, the oil markets' reaction raised the price of crude oil drastically over the next 12 months, more than doubling it to $39.50 per barrel ($248/m3). The spike in price was connected with fuel shortages and long lines at gas stations similar to the 1973 oil crisis.

In 1980, following the onset of the Iran–Iraq War, oil production in Iran fell drastically. Iraq's oil production also dropped significantly, triggering economic recessions worldwide. Oil prices did not return to pre-crisis levels until the mid-1980s.

RWNJ's blame Biden for a global issue.
All the countries that rely on China are experiencing supply chain shortages, who was the president who signed a trade deal with China that INCREASED trade with them by $200 billion?

US worker shortages are due to companies paying crappy wages and benefits.
Long haul and port truckers aren't making shit, compared to their expenses and waiting hours to unload and get loaded, which very few of them get paid for, they are STILL paying drivers $50 for waiting over 4 hours, if at all.
Carriers were paying that much 30 years ago when I was driving.

Oil price right now, thanks to OPEC is $98 a barrel.............GLOBALLY.
RWNJ's gave Bush a pass for something he created and STILL tried to blame democrats.
RWNJ's gave Trump a pass for something he created and are STILL blaming democrats.
Biden is now giving us the same after Trump. Joe Biden is Jimmy Carter without the accent.
Trump is Reagan, without the brains.
The American people curse him every time they fill up at the pump or check out at the grocery store.
I'm sure RWNJ's blame Biden every time they stub their toe or step in dog shit too.

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