Reminder of Perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony

Well, yesterday Donny, Jr. had a 5 hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee, that included some senators. Democrat senator, Coons...who was in attendance at this inquiry, submitted a not too subtle response directed not only at the press, by Donny himself.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.

"It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both," Coons said in the statement.
Coons touts perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony - CNNPolitics

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries) may have satisfied the questioners, Coons' note indicates that Donny was not completely forthright, and that upcoming testimonies by Kushner, Manafrot and WH staffers may entrap Donny with perjury charges.

Maybe someone should have explained this to comey and clinton...since they actually did lie to Congress....over and over again.....
You mean like having Seth Rich whacked for betraying Hillary by exposing the DNC emails to Wiki?

Now, WHO among you lefties could ever dispute such a well-documented, irrefutable and damning case as the one laid out by Frankie-babe????.........................LOL
Maybe someone should have explained this to comey and clinton...since they actually did lie to Congress....over and over again.....

You know, your fellow, right wing idiots way preceded you with the DERAILING of the thread's topic; did you miss this morning's memo by Sean and Rush to be quicker?
You mean like having Seth Rich whacked for betraying Hillary by exposing the DNC emails to Wiki?

Now, WHO among you lefties could ever dispute such a well-documented, irrefutable and damning case as the one laid out by Frankie-babe????.........................LOL

Are you still wondering why Ferris MewLOLer doesn't want to look at "Putin hacked Hillary"?
Are you still wondering why Ferris MewLOLer doesn't want to look at "Putin hacked Hillary"?

Perhaps Mueller can do THAT investigation on his spare time.....Right now (paraphrasing the orange buffoon)"you would not believe what he is finding about the crooked Trump entourage's fuck-ups.

Feel better, Frankie-babe?.....LOL
Well, yesterday Donny, Jr. had a 5 hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee, that included some senators. Democrat senator, Coons...who was in attendance at this inquiry, submitted a not too subtle response directed not only at the press, by Donny himself.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.

"It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both," Coons said in the statement.
Coons touts perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony - CNNPolitics

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries) may have satisfied the questioners, Coons' note indicates that Donny was not completely forthright, and that upcoming testimonies by Kushner, Manafrot and WH staffers may entrap Donny with perjury charges.
Too bad perjury laws are not in effect here. You'd all be gone.
Not to worry, like their muslim brethern, the christers here lie like other people breath.

I am of the Christian faith, and take exception to that statement. Yes however, many Christians lie, just as within any faith or lack thereof.
Well, yesterday Donny, Jr. had a 5 hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee, that included some senators. Democrat senator, Coons...who was in attendance at this inquiry, submitted a not too subtle response directed not only at the press, by Donny himself.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.

"It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both," Coons said in the statement.
Coons touts perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony - CNNPolitics

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries) may have satisfied the questioners, Coons' note indicates that Donny was not completely forthright, and that upcoming testimonies by Kushner, Manafrot and WH staffers may entrap Donny with perjury charges.

I guess Junior thinks he can keep changing his story about the meeting, and since he wasn't under oath, he is home free. He is bigly mistaken.

Get that pardon pen out Comrade. I see at least half a dozen pardons coming out of this, which will work wonders for the GOP on midterms.

Except for state charges, which the Comrade CANNOT. Pardon, the majority of the Repub Party may need pardons.

Mueller has his sites set on the top dog, the ultimate criminal, the Comrade in Chief!
Well, yesterday Donny, Jr. had a 5 hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee, that included some senators. Democrat senator, Coons...who was in attendance at this inquiry, submitted a not too subtle response directed not only at the press, by Donny himself.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.

"It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both," Coons said in the statement.
Coons touts perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony - CNNPolitics

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries) may have satisfied the questioners, Coons' note indicates that Donny was not completely forthright, and that upcoming testimonies by Kushner, Manafrot and WH staffers may entrap Donny with perjury charges.

LMAO, the bitch lied to congress, Comey lied to congress, Clapper lied to congress and not a damn thing is being done. Now the commies think perjury is something serious, give me a fucking break. LMAO

If they lied to the Republican majority in Congress, why haven't they been indicted?

That's a damn good question, I know for a fact congress sent a referral on the bitch to the DOJ, I guess some people are just above the law. Of course you and your ilk are only concerned when you see an advantage politically.


nobody is above the law .. nobody hung anything criminal on Clinton.


you dont know shit for facts.

In Comey's July statement, he laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence against the bitch in the handling of classified information. That is the legal threshold for prosecution by law. Had a real investigation been done with the aid of a grand jury they bitch would be behind bars right now. If I were you, I wouldn't be doing much crowing, the statute of limitations hasn't expired yet. Oh and there still that congressional perjury referral at the DOJ that hasn't been acted on yet.


yet no laws were broken to lead to ANOTHER REAL INVESTIGATION.

just because youre a moron doesnt give you the authority to determine guilt or innocence.

referral denied boi ... deal with it mmmk ?
I guess Junior thinks he can keep changing his story about the meeting, and since he wasn't under oath, he is home free. He is bigly mistaken.

Get that pardon pen out Comrade. I see at least half a dozen pardons coming out of this, which will work wonders for the GOP on midterms.

Except for state charges, which the Comrade CANNOT. Pardon, the majority of the Repub Party may need pardons.

Mueller has his sites set on the top dog, the ultimate criminal, the Comrade in Chief!

This is like a 3-D chess game. Schneiderman has cut off the federal pardon gambit.
I guess Junior thinks he can keep changing his story about the meeting, and since he wasn't under oath, he is home free. He is bigly mistaken.

Just a quick correction....Regardless of being under oath or not, falsified testimony before a congressional committee can still be perjurious; that was the intent of Coons' note to Donny.
A submariner was jailed for a year for just taking a couple of pictures for his own use, he had no intent either, but he knew better, just like the bitch.


He had intent. He knew he was on board a nuclear submarine, he knew what he photographed was classified.

US Navy sailor jailed for taking photos of classified areas of nuclear submarine

US Navy sailor jailed for taking photos of classified areas of nuclear submarine
Saucier admitted to taking six photos of classified areas inside the USS Alexandria in 2009 when it was in Groton and he was a 22-year-old machinist mate on the submarine. The photos showed the nuclear reactor compartment, the auxiliary steam propulsion panel and the maneuvering compartment, prosecutors said.

Saucier took the photos knowing they were classified, but did so only to be able to show his family and future children what he did while he was in the Navy, his lawyers said.

And the bitch had SAP( top secret special access program) classified material on a home brewed server in bathroom is CO, where people with no security clearance had full access. Both are illegal, only one punished, go figure.

In Comey's July statement, he laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence against the bitch in the handling of classified information. That is the legal threshold for prosecution by law. Had a real investigation been done with the aid of a grand jury they bitch would be behind bars right now. If I were you, I wouldn't be doing much crowing, the statute of limitations hasn't expired yet. Oh and there still that congressional perjury referral at the DOJ that hasn't been acted on yet.

You really do need one of those Hillary voodoo dolls to stick pins in......

As usual, right wingers DERAIL a thread from the Trump family their much more favorite topics of "I hate Obama/Clinton"

Reality v. ignorant supposition and innuendo. Bite me.

LMAO, the bitch lied to congress, Comey lied to congress, Clapper lied to congress and not a damn thing is being done. Now the commies think perjury is something serious, give me a fucking break. LMAO

If they lied to the Republican majority in Congress, why haven't they been indicted?

That's a damn good question, I know for a fact congress sent a referral on the bitch to the DOJ, I guess some people are just above the law. Of course you and your ilk are only concerned when you see an advantage politically.


nobody is above the law .. nobody hung anything criminal on Clinton.


you dont know shit for facts.

In Comey's July statement, he laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence against the bitch in the handling of classified information. That is the legal threshold for prosecution by law. Had a real investigation been done with the aid of a grand jury they bitch would be behind bars right now. If I were you, I wouldn't be doing much crowing, the statute of limitations hasn't expired yet. Oh and there still that congressional perjury referral at the DOJ that hasn't been acted on yet.


yet no laws were broken to lead to ANOTHER REAL INVESTIGATION.

just because youre a moron doesnt give you the authority to determine guilt or innocence.

referral denied boi ... deal with it mmmk ?

I wouldn't be doing much crowing, the statute of limitations hasn't expired yet and there's still that little "matter" of the pending congressional perjury referral.

After all the Clinton bullshit through the years the left really doesn't want to open the perjury can 'o worms do they?
And the bitch had SAP( top secret special access program) classified material on a home brewed server in bathroom is CO, where people with no security clearance had full access. Both are illegal, only one punished, go figure.


Was any of it marked, top secret.

And the bitch had SAP( top secret special access program) classified material on a home brewed server in bathroom is CO, where people with no security clearance had full access. Both are illegal, only one punished, go figure.


Was any of it marked, top secret.


The bitch had the markings removed. She knew what she was doing, she just didn't care.

Was any of it marked, top secret.

The bitch had the markings removed. She knew what she was doing, she just didn't care.

So the material on her server didn't have classification markings. So anyone not familiar with the documents contents wouldn't know they contained classified material.
Like when Trump told the russians about the Israeli intel on terrorists bombmaking. Trump knew it was classified, the russians knew it was classified, but the news broadcast the conversation not knowing it was classified.
And the bitch had SAP( top secret special access program) classified material on a home brewed server in bathroom is CO, where people with no security clearance had full access. Both are illegal, only one punished, go figure.


Was any of it marked, top secret.


The bitch had the markings removed. She knew what she was doing, she just didn't care.

And YOU are a liar, Mr. Pinocchio!!! :eek:
In Comey's July statement, he laid out a prima facie case for gross negligence against the bitch in the handling of classified information. That is the legal threshold for prosecution by law.


NOPE, Not for a criminal violation requiring "beyond a reasonable doubt", and "criminal intent to commit"

Maybe enough for drunk driving, or negligent homicide.
The law doesn't require criminal intent, you witless cockroach.

"Beyond a reasonable doubt" is the standard for a conviction, and she definitely meets that.

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