Reminder of Perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony

Mueller seeks interviews with WH staff over Trump Tower meeting statement

Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team has approached the White House about interviewing staffers who were aboard Air Force One when the initial misleading statement about Donald Trump Jr.'s meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower was crafted, three sources familiar with the conversations said.

The special counsel's discussions with the White House are the latest indication that Mueller's investigators are interested in the response to the Trump Tower meeting. Mueller wants to know how the statement aboard Air Force One was put together, whether information was intentionally left out and who was involved, two of the sources said.

Mueller's questions could go to the issue of intent and possible efforts to conceal information during an obstruction of justice investigation. The answers to Mueller's questions also could illuminate the level of anxiety surrounding the meeting and the decision-making that followed.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders -- then the deputy press secretary -- confirmed in August that Trump "weighed in as any father would" during the drafting of the statement but declined to characterize his involvement further. Mueller considers some of the aides aboard Air Force One who helped craft the statement to be witnesses.

Mueller seeks interviews with WH staff over Trump Tower meeting statement - CNNPolitics

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries)...
It turned out Reagan had Alzheimer's, so he really didn't remember.
Trump went Lib blue blood ... LOL !

Trump plays all sides. This isn't news.


Trump fucked us while we were watching.


Translation: Both parties are worthless and have thrown us on the ash heap now. We're done anyway.

yeah but Trumps getting his moneys worth .. he gets to screw you, and the GOP again in 90 days.


You missed it. We're all getting screwed. Just like O screwed us for 8 years, just like W screwed us for 8 years.......
Yea, I love the way Obama screwed us. Salaries going up. Taking us out of Iraq. Saving the auto industry, years of GDP growth.
If that's being screwed, I'm all for it.
The case for collusion is getting very close. The right only has buttery males.
There is no such crime as "collusion," moron.
Its a crime to for an electoral campaign to receive anything of value from foreigners.
Also, the cover-up is as bad as the original crime.
What "original crime?" What thing of value did Trump receive? You said the case for "collusion" was getting close, not for receiving illegal campaign contributions.
Here are Rep. Adam Schiff's observations on Donny-baby's testimony......(I love it !!!)

You can tell Schiff cut his teeth as a DOJ prosecutor. He masterfully lays out the ways in which Don Jr.’s prepared statement only made things worse for him and his father: Schiff notes that in Donny's testimony, he:

“ longer mentions that President Trump knew nothing about the meeting or these events."

If it turns out that Trump Sr. did know, as the omission implies, then Don Jr.’s original claim that he didn’t know could be considered obstruction. And Trump Sr. would have obstructed too, by creating false cover stories. Further, Schiff notes:

"For the first time [the testimony] includes the argument that Trump Jr. sought information concerning the fitness, character or qualifications of a presidential candidate."

This makes Trump Sr.’s personally-dictated, original explanation that the meeting was about adoption look like obstruction. This brand new explanation could also be an example of Don Jr.’s lying to Congress, which is a crime.

Rep. Adam Schiff Finds Damning Discrepancies in Don Jr.'s Latest

Dems should absolutely go after Trumps's son, I think that might finally be the motivation he needs to have Session look at the improperly obtained FISA Warrant and Comey's FBI covering for Hillary for starters
You are always saying "covering for Hillary". Covering what?

The GOP controlled the entire government. Even someone so determined to be one stupid fuk knows there was no way to "cover something up".

There just wasn't anything there to cover up. Duh!
Share with us the indictments for perjury for any/all of those people you listed.


Holder was caught perjuring himself SEVERAL times ad withholding information during his attempt under oath to continue to cover up Obama's illegal arming of Mexican Drug cartels - his Fast and Furious Scandal. For his crime, instead of being Indicted, Holder became the 1st US AG in US history to be Censured in a bi-partisan vote in 2012.

"The attorney general Eric Holder has become the first sitting member of a president's cabinet in US history to be held in contempt of Congress after Republicans vented their fury over a bungled gun-tracking investigation."
- Eric Holder held in contempt of Congress after historic vote

"The Republican-led House of Representatives on Thursday voted to hold Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. in contempt for failing to disclose internal Justice Department documents in response to a subpoena. It was the first time in American history that Congress has imposed the sanction on a sitting member of a president’s cabinet."
- Fast and Furious Contempt Citation for Holder


Koskinen was caught committing perjury and obstructing the investigation into the IRS illegally being used to target American citizens who opposed President Obama politically. Impeachment processes were begun but a deal was struck before Impeachment to allow Koskinen to remain head of the IRS.


"The passage of more than three years hasn’t cooled the insistence in certain quarters that Clapper face charges for an admittedly false statement to Congress in March 2013, when he responded, “No, sir" and "not wittingly” to a question about whether the National Security Agency was collecting “any type of data at all” on millions of Americans."

"About three months after making that claim, documents leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden revealed the answer was untruthful and that the NSA was in fact collecting in bulk domestic call records, along with various internet communications."
Here are Rep. Adam Schiff's observations on Donny-baby's testimony......(I love it !!!)

You can tell Schiff cut his teeth as a DOJ prosecutor. He masterfully lays out the ways in which Don Jr.’s prepared statement only made things worse for him and his father: Schiff notes that in Donny's testimony, he:

“ longer mentions that President Trump knew nothing about the meeting or these events."

If it turns out that Trump Sr. did know, as the omission implies, then Don Jr.’s original claim that he didn’t know could be considered obstruction. And Trump Sr. would have obstructed too, by creating false cover stories. Further, Schiff notes:

"For the first time [the testimony] includes the argument that Trump Jr. sought information concerning the fitness, character or qualifications of a presidential candidate."

This makes Trump Sr.’s personally-dictated, original explanation that the meeting was about adoption look like obstruction. This brand new explanation could also be an example of Don Jr.’s lying to Congress, which is a crime.

Rep. Adam Schiff Finds Damning Discrepancies in Don Jr.'s Latest

Dems should absolutely go after Trumps's son, I think that might finally be the motivation he needs to have Session look at the improperly obtained FISA Warrant and Comey's FBI covering for Hillary for starters
You are always saying "covering for Hillary". Covering what?

The GOP controlled the entire government. Even someone so determined to be one stupid fuk knows there was no way to "cover something up".

There just wasn't anything there to cover up. Duh!

Can you explain how Hillary's classified State Dept emails got onto Anthony Weiner's computer?
Trump plays all sides. This isn't news.


Trump fucked us while we were watching.


Translation: Both parties are worthless and have thrown us on the ash heap now. We're done anyway.

yeah but Trumps getting his moneys worth .. he gets to screw you, and the GOP again in 90 days.


You missed it. We're all getting screwed. Just like O screwed us for 8 years, just like W screwed us for 8 years.......
Yea, I love the way Obama screwed us. Salaries going up. Taking us out of Iraq. Saving the auto industry, years of GDP growth.
If that's being screwed, I'm all for it.

O has led us to the precipice of WW3 because of his inaction with NK but the real war is with russia and china. You didn't know that though. O also had record numbers of welfare, record numbers unemployed, lowest gdps in history of US so no......we don't want to live in that world. You can stay in that filth and reminisce.
You are always saying "covering for Hillary". Covering what? The GOP controlled the entire government. Even someone so determined to be one stupid fuk knows there was no way to "cover something up".There just wasn't anything there to cover up. Duh!

What a disingenuous, lying asshole:

The GOP did not control the head of the FBI, the US AG...

Hillary broke no law? You have no credibility. COMEY testified she broke the law but claimed she was too stupid to know she was doing it. The case against Hillary, all the facts - laws she violated - have been repeatedly provided on this board using links, laws, and documents Hillary herself signed. Continued denial of her crimes is either from intellectual dishonesty or stupidity.
The FBI recently released several thousand 'official documents and e-mails' that were never turned over to the State Department, as required by the FOIA and the Federal Records Act. The total number of such documents now come to about 17,000. Since each document not turned over equates to 1 criminal count of failing to comply with the FOIA and 1 criminal count of failing to comply with the Federal Records Act, that means 2 criminal counts per document / e-mail. That means there are over 34,000 possible criminal counts against Hillary Clinton, and that is not including all of her other crimes, such as obstruction.
Well, yesterday Donny, Jr. had a 5 hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee, that included some senators. Democrat senator, Coons...who was in attendance at this inquiry, submitted a not too subtle response directed not only at the press, by Donny himself.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.

"It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both," Coons said in the statement.
Coons touts perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony - CNNPolitics

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries) may have satisfied the questioners, Coons' note indicates that Donny was not completely forthright, and that upcoming testimonies by Kushner, Manafrot and WH staffers may entrap Donny with perjury charges.

LMAO, the bitch lied to congress, Comey lied to congress, Clapper lied to congress and not a damn thing is being done. Now the commies think perjury is something serious, give me a fucking break. LMAO

If they lied to the Republican majority in Congress, why haven't they been indicted?

That's a damn good question, I know for a fact congress sent a referral on the bitch to the DOJ, I guess some people are just above the law. Of course you and your ilk are only concerned when you see an advantage politically.

Why haven't they been indicted is a totally different issue from the fact that they actually committed crimes.

Holder's Perjury and censure - Under Obama. Why wasn't ne indicted?
Koskinen's Perjury / Obstruction - Under Obama. Why wasn't he indicted?
Clapper's Perjury - under Obama. Why wasn't he indicted?
Brennan's Perjury - under Obama. Why wasn't he indicted?
Hillary's crimes - under Obama. Why wasn't she indicted?

Simple answer is the Obama administration was the most corrupt, most criminal in US history. Obama himself violated both Constitution and Rule of Law, illegally spied on Americans / reporters / the media / the US Senate / the USSC, illegally used the IRS as his own personal political weapon against Americans - only the 2nd US President to ever do so (the other being Clinton), etc....
Well, yesterday Donny, Jr. had a 5 hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee, that included some senators. Democrat senator, Coons...who was in attendance at this inquiry, submitted a not too subtle response directed not only at the press, by Donny himself.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.

"It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both," Coons said in the statement.
Coons touts perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony - CNNPolitics

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries) may have satisfied the questioners, Coons' note indicates that Donny was not completely forthright, and that upcoming testimonies by Kushner, Manafrot and WH staffers may entrap Donny with perjury charges.

LMAO, the bitch lied to congress, Comey lied to congress, Clapper lied to congress and not a damn thing is being done. Now the commies think perjury is something serious, give me a fucking break. LMAO

If they lied to the Republican majority in Congress, why haven't they been indicted?

That's a damn good question, I know for a fact congress sent a referral on the bitch to the DOJ, I guess some people are just above the law. Of course you and your ilk are only concerned when you see an advantage politically.


nobody is above the law .. nobody hung anything criminal on Clinton.


you dont know shit for facts.
Well, yesterday Donny, Jr. had a 5 hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee, that included some senators. Democrat senator, Coons...who was in attendance at this inquiry, submitted a not too subtle response directed not only at the press, by Donny himself.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.
"It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both," Coons said in the statement.

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries) may have satisfied the questioners, Coons' note indicates that Donny was not completely forthright, and that upcoming testimonies by Kushner, Manafrot and WH staffers may entrap Donny with perjury charges.
Democrats lecturing anyone on 'Perjury' is funny as hell, considering the long list of Democrat Perjurer


You forgot Bill
Why haven't they been indicted is a totally different issue from the fact that they actually committed crimes.

Holder's Perjury and censure - Under Obama. Why wasn't ne indicted?
Koskinen's Perjury / Obstruction - Under Obama. Why wasn't he indicted?
Clapper's Perjury - under Obama. Why wasn't he indicted?
Brennan's Perjury - under Obama. Why wasn't he indicted?
Hillary's crimes - under Obama. Why wasn't she indicted?

Simple answer is the Obama administration was the most corrupt, most criminal in US history. Obama himself violated both Constitution and Rule of Law, illegally spied on Americans / reporters / the media / the US Senate / the USSC, illegally used the IRS as his own personal political weapon against Americans - only the 2nd US President to ever do so (the other being Clinton), etc....
Perhaps in a country that doesn't have the Justice system we have. You might feel more comfortable in a country where all it takes is someone claiming someone is guilty and they are locked up....or killed.
nobody is above the law .. nobody hung anything criminal on Clinton.
Yes, it is obvious, and even has been proven, that Hillary was protected from Indictment.

Recent exposed documents show Comey made the decision not to recommend indictment for Hillary before the investigation was even complete.

You lose...but keep that opinion coming.
Perhaps in a country that doesn't have the Justice system we have. You might feel more comfortable in a country where all it takes is someone claiming someone is guilty and they are locked up....or killed.
That's good enough for snowflakes regarding Trump. :p

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