Reminder of Perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony

Lib frothing continues. Lol.

Trump went Lib blue blood ... LOL !

Trump plays all sides. This isn't news.


Trump fucked us while we were watching.


Translation: Both parties are worthless and have thrown us on the ash heap now. We're done anyway.

yeah but Trumps getting his moneys worth .. he gets to screw you, and the GOP again in 90 days.


You missed it. We're all getting screwed. Just like O screwed us for 8 years, just like W screwed us for 8 years.......
Well, yesterday Donny, Jr. had a 5 hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee, that included some senators. Democrat senator, Coons...who was in attendance at this inquiry, submitted a not too subtle response directed not only at the press, by Donny himself.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.

"It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both," Coons said in the statement.
Coons touts perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony - CNNPolitics

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries) may have satisfied the questioners, Coons' note indicates that Donny was not completely forthright, and that upcoming testimonies by Kushner, Manafrot and WH staffers may entrap Donny with perjury charges.

LMAO, the bitch lied to congress, Comey lied to congress, Clapper lied to congress and not a damn thing is being done. Now the commies think perjury is something serious, give me a fucking break. LMAO

Trump went Lib blue blood ... LOL !

Trump plays all sides. This isn't news.


Trump fucked us while we were watching.


Translation: Both parties are worthless and have thrown us on the ash heap now. We're done anyway.

yeah but Trumps getting his moneys worth .. he gets to screw you, and the GOP again in 90 days.


You missed it. We're all getting screwed. Just like O screwed us for 8 years, just like W screwed us for 8 years.......

if you have a 401k or a stock portfolio of any kind, you cant honestly say Obama screwed you or anyone else.
Well, yesterday Donny, Jr. had a 5 hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee, that included some senators. Democrat senator, Coons...who was in attendance at this inquiry, submitted a not too subtle response directed not only at the press, by Donny himself.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.
"It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both," Coons said in the statement.

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries) may have satisfied the questioners, Coons' note indicates that Donny was not completely forthright, and that upcoming testimonies by Kushner, Manafrot and WH staffers may entrap Donny with perjury charges.
Democrats lecturing anyone on 'Perjury' is funny as hell, considering the long list of Democrat Perjurer


but they weren't giving testimony to Congress ... JUNEYER WAS !

see how that works dip ?

Wrong answer skippy, they were all under oath.

Well, yesterday Donny, Jr. had a 5 hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee, that included some senators. Democrat senator, Coons...who was in attendance at this inquiry, submitted a not too subtle response directed not only at the press, by Donny himself.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.
"It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both," Coons said in the statement.

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries) may have satisfied the questioners, Coons' note indicates that Donny was not completely forthright, and that upcoming testimonies by Kushner, Manafrot and WH staffers may entrap Donny with perjury charges.
Democrats lecturing anyone on 'Perjury' is funny as hell, considering the long list of Democrat Perjurer


WOW, Queasy, it took you 10 or 15 minutes to DIVERT the thread's topic to Obama/democrats/anti Trump cultists???? A bit slow,weren't you?.......LOL
WOW, Queasy, it took you 10 or 15 minutes to DIVERT the thread's topic to Obama/democrats/anti Trump cultists???? A bit slow,weren't you?.......LOL
The thread has already been exposed as BS and more snowflake Fake News and whining. I'm just trying to add some truth to another otherwise useless butt-hurt snowflake thread.
Well, yesterday Donny, Jr. had a 5 hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee, that included some senators. Democrat senator, Coons...who was in attendance at this inquiry, submitted a not too subtle response directed not only at the press, by Donny himself.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.

"It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both," Coons said in the statement.
Coons touts perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony - CNNPolitics

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries) may have satisfied the questioners, Coons' note indicates that Donny was not completely forthright, and that upcoming testimonies by Kushner, Manafrot and WH staffers may entrap Donny with perjury charges.
Republicans keep saying it's a nothing burger. Five hours for nothing? I'll have GRILLED onions with that.

Imagine that, and libs coined the phrase.
van jones nothingburger - Bing video
Here are Rep. Adam Schiff's observations on Donny-baby's testimony......(I love it !!!)

You can tell Schiff cut his teeth as a DOJ prosecutor. He masterfully lays out the ways in which Don Jr.’s prepared statement only made things worse for him and his father: Schiff notes that in Donny's testimony, he:

“ longer mentions that President Trump knew nothing about the meeting or these events."

If it turns out that Trump Sr. did know, as the omission implies, then Don Jr.’s original claim that he didn’t know could be considered obstruction. And Trump Sr. would have obstructed too, by creating false cover stories. Further, Schiff notes:

"For the first time [the testimony] includes the argument that Trump Jr. sought information concerning the fitness, character or qualifications of a presidential candidate."

This makes Trump Sr.’s personally-dictated, original explanation that the meeting was about adoption look like obstruction. This brand new explanation could also be an example of Don Jr.’s lying to Congress, which is a crime.

Rep. Adam Schiff Finds Damning Discrepancies in Don Jr.'s Latest
Well, yesterday Donny, Jr. had a 5 hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee, that included some senators. Democrat senator, Coons...who was in attendance at this inquiry, submitted a not too subtle response directed not only at the press, by Donny himself.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.

"It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both," Coons said in the statement.
Coons touts perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony - CNNPolitics

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries) may have satisfied the questioners, Coons' note indicates that Donny was not completely forthright, and that upcoming testimonies by Kushner, Manafrot and WH staffers may entrap Donny with perjury charges.
Republicans keep saying it's a nothing burger. Five hours for nothing? I'll have GRILLED onions with that.

Imagine that, and libs coined the phrase.
van jones nothingburger - Bing video

yeah and you're an idiot ...

But history sometimes surprises us. The term "nothing burger" (or "nothingburger," if you're feeling compounded) is somewhat of an antique. It first appeared in print in the 1950s, when a gossip columnist used it to dismiss an actor.
"After all, if it hadn't been for Sam Goldwyn, Farley Granger might very well be a nothingburger," columnist Louella Parsons wrote in 1953.
Here are Rep. Adam Schiff's observations on Donny-baby's testimony......(I love it !!!)

You can tell Schiff cut his teeth as a DOJ prosecutor. He masterfully lays out the ways in which Don Jr.’s prepared statement only made things worse for him and his father: Schiff notes that in Donny's testimony, he:

“ longer mentions that President Trump knew nothing about the meeting or these events."

If it turns out that Trump Sr. did know, as the omission implies, then Don Jr.’s original claim that he didn’t know could be considered obstruction. And Trump Sr. would have obstructed too, by creating false cover stories. Further, Schiff notes:

"For the first time [the testimony] includes the argument that Trump Jr. sought information concerning the fitness, character or qualifications of a presidential candidate."

This makes Trump Sr.’s personally-dictated, original explanation that the meeting was about adoption look like obstruction. This brand new explanation could also be an example of Don Jr.’s lying to Congress, which is a crime.

Rep. Adam Schiff Finds Damning Discrepancies in Don Jr.'s Latest

Dems should absolutely go after Trumps's son, I think that might finally be the motivation he needs to have Session look at the improperly obtained FISA Warrant and Comey's FBI covering for Hillary for starters
Well, yesterday Donny, Jr. had a 5 hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee, that included some senators. Democrat senator, Coons...who was in attendance at this inquiry, submitted a not too subtle response directed not only at the press, by Donny himself.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.

"It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both," Coons said in the statement.
Coons touts perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony - CNNPolitics

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries) may have satisfied the questioners, Coons' note indicates that Donny was not completely forthright, and that upcoming testimonies by Kushner, Manafrot and WH staffers may entrap Donny with perjury charges.

A Democrat named "Coons"


Darn, I gotta say that is funny as heck! Continue please!
WHY did Obama by-pass his own Dept of immigration that had banned Putin's #1 lawyer from entering the US, giving her a Special Access Visa usually reserved for 'Emergency Situations'?

WHY did Obama's US AG know so far in advance about the meeting, where it would be, when it would be, and who would be in attendance, far enough out to get authorization to have it bugged / monitored?

Why / How did Obama's personal Russian Translator, a former FBI agent and Obama loyalist, happen to get planted in the room?


I think Barry and Lynch should be placed under oath to answer those questions...
Well, yesterday Donny, Jr. had a 5 hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee, that included some senators. Democrat senator, Coons...who was in attendance at this inquiry, submitted a not too subtle response directed not only at the press, by Donny himself.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.

"It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both," Coons said in the statement.
Coons touts perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony - CNNPolitics

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries) may have satisfied the questioners, Coons' note indicates that Donny was not completely forthright, and that upcoming testimonies by Kushner, Manafrot and WH staffers may entrap Donny with perjury charges.
Notice this still has absolutely NOTHING to do with Russia colluding to Schlong Hillary because that third rail leads directly back to Seth Rich downloading the DNC emails onto a flash drive and handing them to Wikileaks
Well, yesterday Donny, Jr. had a 5 hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee, that included some senators. Democrat senator, Coons...who was in attendance at this inquiry, submitted a not too subtle response directed not only at the press, by Donny himself.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.
"It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both," Coons said in the statement.

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries) may have satisfied the questioners, Coons' note indicates that Donny was not completely forthright, and that upcoming testimonies by Kushner, Manafrot and WH staffers may entrap Donny with perjury charges.
Democrats lecturing anyone on 'Perjury' is funny as hell, considering the long list of Democrat Perjurer

Share with us the indictments for perjury for any/all of those people you listed.
Well, yesterday Donny, Jr. had a 5 hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee, that included some senators. Democrat senator, Coons...who was in attendance at this inquiry, submitted a not too subtle response directed not only at the press, by Donny himself.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.

"It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both," Coons said in the statement.
Coons touts perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony - CNNPolitics

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries) may have satisfied the questioners, Coons' note indicates that Donny was not completely forthright, and that upcoming testimonies by Kushner, Manafrot and WH staffers may entrap Donny with perjury charges.
Too bad perjury laws are not in effect here. You'd all be gone.
Well, yesterday Donny, Jr. had a 5 hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee, that included some senators. Democrat senator, Coons...who was in attendance at this inquiry, submitted a not too subtle response directed not only at the press, by Donny himself.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.

"It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both," Coons said in the statement.
Coons touts perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony - CNNPolitics

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries) may have satisfied the questioners, Coons' note indicates that Donny was not completely forthright, and that upcoming testimonies by Kushner, Manafrot and WH staffers may entrap Donny with perjury charges.

LMAO, the bitch lied to congress, Comey lied to congress, Clapper lied to congress and not a damn thing is being done. Now the commies think perjury is something serious, give me a fucking break. LMAO

If they lied to the Republican majority in Congress, why haven't they been indicted?
Well, yesterday Donny, Jr. had a 5 hour interview with the Senate Judiciary Committee, that included some senators. Democrat senator, Coons...who was in attendance at this inquiry, submitted a not too subtle response directed not only at the press, by Donny himself.

The note from the Democratic lawmaker continued to simply lay out the legal statute for lying to Congress.

"It is important to remember that anyone who testifies in front of a Senate committee is under the restrictions of the False Statements statute that says material false statements to Congress are criminal and punishable with fines or imprisonment or both," Coons said in the statement.
Coons touts perjury law after Trump Jr. testimony - CNNPolitics

Although Donny "thinks" that his responses, with several "I don't remember" (reminiscent of Reagan's responses to the Iran-Contra inquiries) may have satisfied the questioners, Coons' note indicates that Donny was not completely forthright, and that upcoming testimonies by Kushner, Manafrot and WH staffers may entrap Donny with perjury charges.
Too bad perjury laws are not in effect here. You'd all be gone.
Not to worry, like their muslim brethern, the christers here lie like other people breath.

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