Reminder: swastika-palestine arose right after genocidal-Arab "palestinian" Oct/7 atrocities


Platinum Member
Nov 13, 2023
The following are just from Oct 2023.

Fury as Palestinian protester waves a SWASTIKA at anti-Israel rally in New York City's Times Square as thousands of demonstrators take to the streets across the US - while rockets and gunfire flies in the Middle East.

18:14 BST 08 Oct 2023, updated 04:13 BST 11 Oct 2023.
By Laura Parnaby and Claudia Aoraha For Dailymail.Com
The group in Manhattan's Midtown chanted 'free Palestine ' while others in the Israeli kettle yelled back: 'How can you support this! F***ing murderers!'
Yesterday, Gov. Kathy Hochul described the rally as abhorrent after Hamas militants invaded Israel and slaughtered hundreds of citizens.

After Hamas attack, swastikas surface in US cities. Swastikas in NYC and Irvine; anti-Semitic trolls upend meetings: This week in extremism. Will Carless, USA TODAY, Oct. 13, 2023

Online hate has surged in the days since Hamas launched brutal terrorist attacks against Israel, and social media companies are once again under fire for failing to quell the chaos. Meanwhile, swastikas are on display in New York and California, and hate speech invades Bay Area city council meetings.

It’s the week in extremism.

Smoke plumes billow during Israeli air strikes in Gaza City on October 12, 2023 as raging battles between Israel and the Hamas movement continue for the sixth consecutive day. Thousands of people, both Israeli and Palestinians have died since October 7, 2023, after Palestinian Hamas militants based in the Gaza Strip, entered southern Israel in a surprise attack leading Israel to declare war on Hamas in Gaza on October 8.

Hate speech surging online..

Iconic Jewish NYC deli vandalized with swastika after pro-Israel social media posts.
By Jared Downing and Alyssa Guzman
Published Oct. 17, 2023, 7:03 p.m. ET

Swastikas, Nazi slogan found graffitied on Jewish students' doors at American University dorm.
University President Sylvia Matthew Burwell said the graffiti was "unacceptable" and campus police were conducting a thorough investigation.
Author: Jordan Fischer, October 21, 2023.

The New Swastika | Ziona Greenwald | Oct 23, 2023.

Comparisons to the Holocaust have always been verboten. To even suggest a parallel or a portent in modern manifestations of antisemitism would reflexively draw immediate censure across the board. And indeed, despite the ugly rhetoric and sporadic but increasing attacks against Jews in the US, Europe, and elsewhere around the globe, nothing has approached the heinousness or the magnitude of what Hitler’s regime inflicted on our people.

Until now.

Activists in the Black Lives Matter movement and their intersectional allies, including the brainwashed hordes on college campuses following the script furnished them by Students for Justice in Palestine, have adopted the black silhouette of a parachutist as a symbol of their solidarity with “Palestine.” The image iconicizes the murderous rampage by Hamas terrorists who descended from the sky upon hundreds of young Israelis attending a music festival in a field in southern Israel. It is a symbol of jihad, plain and simple.

Before our soldiers had even arrived at their bases in response to the national call-up, before Israel had mounted a military response to the invasion – and while the country, huddled in bomb shelters, began to digest the carnage and account for all the casualties and the missing, including those taken hostage into Gaza – thousands across America and the world took to the streets to rally in support of Hamas, celebrating the butchering of Jewish babies and elderly

October 7th’s well-planned and well-funded attacks marked in Jewish blood the worst atrocity against our people since the Holocaust. Comparisons to Nazism are not merely acceptable – they are imperative.

For those paying attention, the Palestinian agenda has never been a secret. Until now, Western supporters have either been misled by the propaganda or knowingly complicit but content to couch their support for terror – and hatred for Israel – in political, diplomatic, or “humanitarian” terms.

Now anyone who actually doubted what was meant by “Free Palestine” or “From the river to the sea” can claim ignorance no more. “We are calling for full liberation of all of Palestine.” “When people are occupied, resistance is justified.” “Globalize the intifada.”

Read the placards. See the swastikas. Listen to the chants. Watch the Palestinian flags used to attack Israel supporters. In Manhattan. Bay Ridge. San Diego. Atlanta. Chicago. Minneapolis. St. Louis. Houston. Dallas. Dearborn. Harvard. UCLA. U. Michigan. Queens College. Brooklyn College. Columbia. And on and on. Red cities, blue cities. Thousands shouting, glorifying the most barbaric attacks in Israel’s history. Out for more blood.

There’s more behind this naked pro-terrorism than successful propaganda. As documented in a new report by George Washington University entitled “The Hamas Network in America,” Hamas, working with the Muslim Brotherhood, began infiltrating the US in the 1980s, inserting their jihadist agenda into American Muslim communities, the US education system and academia and, of course, the halls of power in Washington and local governments, sowing a scrupulously shrouded radicalism which is now coming out from the shadows.

Reading the report is as chilling as watching videos of the protests-cum-riots filling the streets. It details the Hamas network’s plan for infiltration, including creating charitable-sounding front organizations, capturing the curriculum in Islamic children’s schools, propagandizing and fundraising, and “the development of a carefully crafted media strategy, defending Hamas without giving the impression of supporting violence.” “I swear by Allah that war is deception,” one of the senior leaders is overheard saying at a meeting wiretapped by the FBI.

The movement’s efforts have paid off. The sleeper cells are wide awake.

Can the same be said of the American people? Or even of American Jewry?
StopAntisemitism @StopAntisemites:
Times Square - a swastika was spotted on the phone of a pro Palestinian supporter earlier today at a rally supporting Hamas in NYC.
As history has shown us, the hatred that engulfs Jews never stops with Jews but rather, engulfs everything in its path.
Oct 8, 2023

Aviva Klompas @AvivaKlompas:
Swastika death symbol in Long Island, New York. Because Palestine.
Swastika death symbol in Long Island, New York. Because Palestine. Image. 3:46 PM · Oct 30, 2023. ·.

A swastika and "free Palestine" was painted on statue of a former ...
A swastika and "free Palestine" was painted on statue of a former Auckland City mayor who happened to be Jewish.

Sky News @SkyNews:
Man arrested for carrying swastika placard and another held for racist ...
Man arrested for carrying swastika placard and another held for racist remarks at pro-Palestinian march Pro-Palestinian protests: Man arrested for carrying swastika placard and another held for racist remarks at London march

Uri Pilichowski @RationalSettler:
... erasing Jews from the earth and ending Israel. "Amid continued demonstrations, swastika drawn on USC's campus" Amid continued demonstrations, swastika drawn on USC's campus
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Patrick Christys @PatrickChristys:
When the @metpoliceuk refuse to arrest Hamas supporters with a swastika sign today in London one officer told a girl that swastikas disturbing..

Jaime Kirzner-Roberts on X:
Another “peaceful protest,” another Nazi swastika being proudly waved around - this time in #Toronto at a rally organized by TMU students.

Michael Shurkin @MichaelShurkin:
It's hard to watch this and not conclude that the kafiyah has become hipsters' swastika arm band.

Jim Rickards @JamesGRickards:
New York restaurant sprayed with swastikas. For those who think what's going on is about Palestine. It's not. It's about hating Jews.

Ryan Zickgraf @Ryan_Zickgraf:
Meet the new Left, who think Hamas are good and that Swastikas are woke. From · Apr 24, 2024.
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Foundation to Combat Antisemitism:
A pro-Israel sign was vandalized in Swampscott, MA with "Free Palestine" and a swastika. “It's a shame that we came to this country to escape antisemitism, and now we have to tell our children the same thing our parents told us,” said Faina Snitkovsky.
Dec 7, 2024.

Foundation to Combat Antisemitism
A sign at a synagogue in Wynnewood, PA was vandalized for the second time in a week - this time with a swastika. "A swastika clearly has a deep and painful history for the people in our community, it's a symbol of hatred and death." - Rabbi Ethan Witkovsky.
"Sign outside Wynnewood synagogue vandalized with antisemitic graffiti."
Apr 1, 2024.
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Israel-Palestine violence causes pain, frustration at UW-Madison.
By Abigail Leavins,
Oct 14, 2023

University of Wisconsin campus police stand between two groups on the Library Mall on Oct. 10 as pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian students exchange heated words.

Jordana Resnikoff said that being Jewish at the University of Wisconsin-Madison was isolating enough before last week.

“No matter where you are, there’s always going to be somebody who doesn’t like me because I’m Jewish,” Resnikoff said.

She felt even more targeted, she said, by some of the responses on campus after the Palestinian militant group Hamas attacked Israel near the Gaza strip on Oct. 7, killing and wounding hundreds of Jewish civilians and taking numerous hostages. The Israeli military responded with airstrikes that in turn killed thousands of Palestinian civilians, which further escalated tensions between student groups in Madison.

Rabbi Mendel Matusof from the UW Chabad, a Jewish service organization on campus, said some students have been organizing in favor of Palestine, focusing on the political conflict. They organized a sit-in Oct. 10 to promote Palestinian ideals.

Resnikoff said that seeing people walk down State Street and celebrate after the Hamas attacks for political reasons was “gut-wrenching.” She said she doesn’t understand why innocent deaths would be celebrated.

“Why is it OK to celebrate this? Is it just because we’re Jewish?”

Students for Justice in Palestine, which organized the sit-in, has not yet responded to the Cap Times’ request for a statement or interview.
נאצים | ילדים פלסטינים משחקים במשחק של "דקור את היהודי". Nazis | Palestinian "
children play a game of “stab the Jew"

النازيين | أطفال فلسطينيون يلعبون لعبة “اطعن اليهودي”.

#nazislam #HamasisISIS #Terrorists #Gaza #IsraelUnderAttack

Oct 16, 2023.


Bassem Eid:

Swastikas were spray painted on a wall on the main road in Huwara, along with Hamas and PLO flags and slogans. Hamas’s charter includes a call to murder Jews, just like the Nazis. As a Palestinian, I unequivocally condemn this hatred.

Oct 25, 2023.


חנן גרינווד:
ארבעה ימים בלבד אחרי שצה"ל עזב עמדות שאבטחו את הציר הראשי בחווארה, ריססו הלילה מחבלים צלבי קרס וכתובות חמאס וג'יהאד אסלאמי על העמדות.

המתיישבים טוענים כי הוצאת הכוחות מהכפר בוצעה בניגוד להבטחה מפורשת של הצבא לתושבים לפני ימים בודדים, לפיה הכוח הצבאי שמאבטח את הציר לא יוסר.…
Hanan Greenwood:
Only four days after the IDF left positions that secured the main axis in Hawara, last night terrorists sprayed swastikas and Hamas and Islamic Jihad inscriptions on the positions.
The settlers claim that the withdrawal of the troops from the village was carried out contrary to the army's express promise to the residents a few days ago, according to which the military force securing the axis would not be withdrawn..

Mar 26, 2024.


About three months after it was revealed: the IDF destroyed the largest tunnel found so far in Gaza, about 400 meters from the Erez crossing, a tunnel with communication systems, communications, top doors and also a passage for vehicles. In the tunnel, a passenger in a car, Mohammed Sinwar, the brother of and commander The southern division of Hamas, which was responsible for the construction of the tunnel, which had swastikas painted on the inside, was destroyed by a controlled explosion and the pouring of concrete inside.
Mar 5, 2024.


Ksenia Svetlova كسنيا سفطلوفا:

An independent Egyptian film about the grandson of Mufti Hajj Amin al-Husseini who convinces Hitler's descendants to fulfill the promise - to cleanse Palestine of Jews, received a special award at the Sharqiya Film Festival in Oman. It will also be screened at the Tunisian Film Festival.
By the way, the movie is from 2022, not a comment for today.
Jan 29, 2024.
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Yisrael Medad:
Hello? @UniofOxford ? Swastikas found in Oxford University lavatories Swastikas ... Palestinian protests on campus. ... Palestinian protests on campus. Swastikas found in ...


American Jewish Committee:
We were appalled to see that posters of the hostages—including the Bibas brothers, the youngest captives in Gaza—were vandalized in Toronto.

Drawing Nazi swastikas on posters of innocent babies and children held hostage by terrorists will not "free Palestine." However, these actions significantly reveal the character of the individuals involved.


Apr 10, 2024.


Free Palestine is the new Heil Hitler. Quote. David Jacobs ... This is the University of Toronto encampment.

May 22, 2024

'Heil Hitler' 'Hitler was a gangsta' Pro-Palestine supporter.
University of Toronto. it was never about Palestine. This is not about "Zionists", it's just about Jews. #ItWasNeverAboutPalestine .
May 25, 2024
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IDF: Nazi Propaganda Book Denying The Holocaust Located Inside Gaza School.
By Ryan Saavedra.
Nov 21, 2023.

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) released a photograph this week of a Nazi propaganda book that denies the Holocaust found inside a school in Gaza.

The book, “The Big Lie[sic]: The burning of 6 million Jews in the gas chambers,” was located inside Al-Quds University, according to the IDF.

“Under Hamas’ rule, school curriculums promote extremist antisemitic practices—calling for genocide against the Jewish people,” the IDF said. “This is another example for Hamas’ true ideology—and another reason for us to dismantle it.”

According to an Arabic website, the book reportedly claims that Jews invented a lie claiming that Nazi Germany dictator Adolf Hitler exterminated them in concentration camps.. when, in fact, the Nazis systematically murdered 6 million Jews in concentration camps.

The discovery comes after the IDF found an Arabic copy of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” in a children’s room at a home in Gaza.

“IDF forces discovered a copy of Hitler’s infamous book ‘Mein Kampf’ — translated into Arabic — in a child’s bedroom used as a Hamas terrorist base in Gaza,” the IDF said on X. “The book was discovered among the personal belongings of one of the terrorists, featuring annotations and highlights.”

“Hamas embraces the ideology of Hitler, the one responsible for the annihilation of the Jewish people,” the IDF added.

During World War II, Hitler met with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, whom Palestinians see as one of the fathers of Palestinian nationalism, on November 28, 1941, at the Reich Chancellory in Berlin.

During the meeting, al-Husseini conveyed to Hitler that he was “admired by the entire Arab world” because “of the sympathy which he had always shown for the Arab and especially the Palestinian cause,” according to an official German record of the meeting. He told Hitler that the Arabs were natural friends with Nazi Germany because they both hated Jews.

Hitler told al-Husseini that Germany’s war against the Jews was “uncompromising” and that he actively opposed “the Jewish national home in Palestine” because he claimed it was “nothing other than a center, in the form of a state, for the exercise of destructive influence by Jewish interests,” the record said.

Tens of thousands of Muslims also fought for Germany during WWII as Nazi Germany “made significant attempts to promote an alliance with the ‘Muslim world’ against their alleged common enemies,” according to a report from German public state-owned international broadcaster Deutsche Welle.

Today, there are multiple schools in the Palestinian-controlled territories — both in Gaza and in the Judea and Samaria Area — that have been named after Nazi collaborators, according to a report from Palestinian Media Watch.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas’s Fatah movement has also posted the covers of anti-Semitic children’s books from Nazi Germany on their social media pages.

Fatah posts Nazi children's book: Don’t trust a fox or a Jew [][]
— Pal Media Watch (@palwatch) October 29, 2015
The following are just from Oct 2023.

Fury as Palestinian protester waves a SWASTIKA at anti-Israel rally in New York City's Times Square as thousands of demonstrators take to the streets across the US - while rockets and gunfire flies in the Middle East.

18:14 BST 08 Oct 2023, updated 04:13 BST 11 Oct 2023.
By Laura Parnaby and Claudia Aoraha For Dailymail.Com
The group in Manhattan's Midtown chanted 'free Palestine ' while others in the Israeli kettle yelled back: 'How can you support this! F***ing murderers!'
Yesterday, Gov. Kathy Hochul described the rally as abhorrent after Hamas militants invaded Israel and slaughtered hundreds of citizens.

After Hamas attack, swastikas surface in US cities. Swastikas in NYC and Irvine; anti-Semitic trolls upend meetings: This week in extremism. Will Carless, USA TODAY, Oct. 13, 2023

Online hate has surged in the days since Hamas launched brutal terrorist attacks against Israel, and social media companies are once again under fire for failing to quell the chaos. Meanwhile, swastikas are on display in New York and California, and hate speech invades Bay Area city council meetings.

It’s the week in extremism.

Smoke plumes billow during Israeli air strikes in Gaza City on October 12, 2023 as raging battles between Israel and the Hamas movement continue for the sixth consecutive day. Thousands of people, both Israeli and Palestinians have died since October 7, 2023, after Palestinian Hamas militants based in the Gaza Strip, entered southern Israel in a surprise attack leading Israel to declare war on Hamas in Gaza on October 8.

Hate speech surging online..

Iconic Jewish NYC deli vandalized with swastika after pro-Israel social media posts.
By Jared Downing and Alyssa Guzman
Published Oct. 17, 2023, 7:03 p.m. ET

Swastikas, Nazi slogan found graffitied on Jewish students' doors at American University dorm.
University President Sylvia Matthew Burwell said the graffiti was "unacceptable" and campus police were conducting a thorough investigation.
Author: Jordan Fischer, October 21, 2023.

The New Swastika | Ziona Greenwald | Oct 23, 2023.

Comparisons to the Holocaust have always been verboten. To even suggest a parallel or a portent in modern manifestations of antisemitism would reflexively draw immediate censure across the board. And indeed, despite the ugly rhetoric and sporadic but increasing attacks against Jews in the US, Europe, and elsewhere around the globe, nothing has approached the heinousness or the magnitude of what Hitler’s regime inflicted on our people.

Until now.

Activists in the Black Lives Matter movement and their intersectional allies, including the brainwashed hordes on college campuses following the script furnished them by Students for Justice in Palestine, have adopted the black silhouette of a parachutist as a symbol of their solidarity with “Palestine.” The image iconicizes the murderous rampage by Hamas terrorists who descended from the sky upon hundreds of young Israelis attending a music festival in a field in southern Israel. It is a symbol of jihad, plain and simple.

Before our soldiers had even arrived at their bases in response to the national call-up, before Israel had mounted a military response to the invasion – and while the country, huddled in bomb shelters, began to digest the carnage and account for all the casualties and the missing, including those taken hostage into Gaza – thousands across America and the world took to the streets to rally in support of Hamas, celebrating the butchering of Jewish babies and elderly

October 7th’s well-planned and well-funded attacks marked in Jewish blood the worst atrocity against our people since the Holocaust. Comparisons to Nazism are not merely acceptable – they are imperative.

For those paying attention, the Palestinian agenda has never been a secret. Until now, Western supporters have either been misled by the propaganda or knowingly complicit but content to couch their support for terror – and hatred for Israel – in political, diplomatic, or “humanitarian” terms.

Now anyone who actually doubted what was meant by “Free Palestine” or “From the river to the sea” can claim ignorance no more. “We are calling for full liberation of all of Palestine.” “When people are occupied, resistance is justified.” “Globalize the intifada.”

Read the placards. See the swastikas. Listen to the chants. Watch the Palestinian flags used to attack Israel supporters. In Manhattan. Bay Ridge. San Diego. Atlanta. Chicago. Minneapolis. St. Louis. Houston. Dallas. Dearborn. Harvard. UCLA. U. Michigan. Queens College. Brooklyn College. Columbia. And on and on. Red cities, blue cities. Thousands shouting, glorifying the most barbaric attacks in Israel’s history. Out for more blood.

There’s more behind this naked pro-terrorism than successful propaganda. As documented in a new report by George Washington University entitled “The Hamas Network in America,” Hamas, working with the Muslim Brotherhood, began infiltrating the US in the 1980s, inserting their jihadist agenda into American Muslim communities, the US education system and academia and, of course, the halls of power in Washington and local governments, sowing a scrupulously shrouded radicalism which is now coming out from the shadows.

Reading the report is as chilling as watching videos of the protests-cum-riots filling the streets. It details the Hamas network’s plan for infiltration, including creating charitable-sounding front organizations, capturing the curriculum in Islamic children’s schools, propagandizing and fundraising, and “the development of a carefully crafted media strategy, defending Hamas without giving the impression of supporting violence.” “I swear by Allah that war is deception,” one of the senior leaders is overheard saying at a meeting wiretapped by the FBI.

The movement’s efforts have paid off. The sleeper cells are wide awake.

Can the same be said of the American people? Or even of American Jewry?
The statist left marxinazis, universities, LGBTQMXOA, BLMers, islam, antifa & God only knows who else are all pro nazi/anti Jewish. Anything to do with Maker gets them u in a frenzy.
"Hitler will be judged as a hero": Blatant anti-Semitism at a US university
Jewish students at SUNY Binghamton University in New York received threats on their lives due to their support for Israel • "We tried our best to put you in Auschwitz" and "History will judge Hitler as a hero" are some of the statements that were heard against a Jewish student due to her support for Israel

Shiral Malolka Adar A. H. 5784. 03.05.24.

Another anti-Semitic institution was discovered in the USA: Jewish students at SUNY Binghamton University in New York received threats on their lives due to their support for Israel. In an interview with the New York Post, a Jewish student claimed that harsh statements were heard towards her such as "We tried our best to get you into Auschwitz" and " History will judge Hitler as a hero," due to her support for Israel.

The problem of anti-Semitism at the university began already at the beginning of the year when the BDS movement arose on campus, but has deteriorated since the October 7 massacre to the point where the university police have to escort the Jewish students around the campus. "The movement submitted a series of demands to the leadership of the university, in order to get the state of New York to renounce Israeli apartheid," claimed the university's Jewish vice president, Shaul Hakim.
The Jewish students have become an easy target on campus for the anti-Israel demonstrations known as violence. The last rally that took place promoted the anti-Israel "Boycott, Implementation and Sanctions" movement, and in Hakim's words, "Students and community members called for an "Intifada," or an uprising, and said "Unwanted Zionists." In addition, the university newspaper published an article in which he The reports about the abductees who were raped by Hamas terrorists are underestimated.

"I appreciate everything the administration has done" explained Hakim, but according to him "there is still a lot of work to be done". The Jewish students decided to continue their advocacy in order to serve as a role model for other students to fight for their opinions. This case joins a series of reports regarding anti-Semitism on campuses in the United States, as you may recall last week Jewish students from Berkeley University were violently attacked.


"They told me 'Hitler's work needs to be finished' - then they switched to beatings and stones"
In an interview with Ynet, Eitan Cohen, an Israeli student who suffers from bullying at school in Toronto, and his parents told about the touching gesture of the Jewish community in the area over the weekend. "I felt much safer than I ever felt at school," said the student.
Nir (Choco) Cohen Published: 20.05.24 | 10:23.
After months of suffering from anti-Semitism from students - without an adequate response from the educational institution - Eitan Cohen arrived at the school in Toronto where he studies accompanied by hundreds of members of the Jewish community.
In an interview with Ynet, Eitan talked about the harassment he suffers at school, from Muslim students: "It started at the beginning of the year, but it increased a lot since October 7. At first it was just curses and words, hurtful words, like 'We will do to you what Hamas did To you', 'Hitler's work needs to be finished', words of that style. Then they moved to something more physical, to beatings, and from there it now came to stoning."]Ynet

Leenoy Ellner @Leenoyellner:

Anti-Semitic event in Norway: pro-Palestinian protesters tried to lynch the Israeli U19 soccer team, in Scania, Norway | The demonstrators attacked civilians, police and journalists with stones and explosives outside the stadium while waving Palestinian flags, pictures of Palestinian terrorist leaders and saluting @GLZRadio.
Mar 27, 2024
Nazism and the Palestinians
Since Amin al-Husseini forged his alliance with Hitler, Nazism has profoundly influenced the Palestinian national movement.

Mein Kampf in Gaza—and Beyond.
In more recent years, Hitler’s manifesto has continued to enjoy considerable popularity in the Arab world.
Swastikas found drawn on Connecticut high school campus for second time since Israel-Hamas war ignited, district says.
By Sara Smart and Elizabeth Wolfe, CNN
Updated 4:06 AM EDT, Tue October 31, 2023.
The district said the antisemitic symbols have been found on the school’s campus twice since October 7, when the Palestinian militant group Hamas initiated a cross-border raid from Gaza into Israel. The attack ignited a vicious response from Israel and sparked a war in which more than 8,000 people in Gaza and more than 1,400 in Israel have been killed so far.

Politicians condemn display of swastika at Parliament Hill rally
Nov 6, 2023 — Canadian politicians are condemning the display of a swastika at a pro-Palestinian rally held in Ottawa on Saturday.

Newport Beach student suspended for remarks to another student, including ‘Free Palestine.’

[Corona del Mar High School in Newport Beach. (Allen J. Schaben / Los Angeles Times)].
By Ruben Vives.
Los Angeles Times
Nov. 12, 2023 12:05 PM
suspended for remarks to another ...
Nov 12, 2023 — ... Palestinians dead. Authorities are investigating the swastika incident as a hate crime..

Fairfax County Public Schools suspends student for allegedly blowing whistle on swastika flag.
By Asra Q. Nomani / Special to the Fairfax County Times. Nov 16, 2023 Updated Nov 17, 2023 ... swastikas and the message “Free Palestine!” in between squiggles for stripes.

Jacksonville business flying Nazi Swastika flag |
Radi Ahmed is Palestinian? ...
Author: Christina Burgess
Published: 7:02 AM EDT June 6, 2024
Updated: 7:35 AM EDT June 6, 2024
Oct 30, 2023:

Swastikas and ‘Free Palestine’ found spray-painted in tony Montauk.
By Alex Oliveira.
Published Oct. 30, 2023, 6:19 p.m. ET


The Jerusalem Post.
East Jerusalem resident found with gun, Hamas flag, and swastika badge
Oct 30, 2023


Nov 1, 2023:

Columbia U students want the school to condemn Hamas.
By Luke Tress/JTA. Published: November 1, 2023

The administration has released several statements since Oct. 7, but none has mentioned Hamas...
An Israeli student was assaulted in the days after the attack in what police charged as a hate crime. A statement signed by a range of student groups placed blame for the Oct. 7 attack on Israel. After a swastika was found in a bathroom in the school’s International Affairs Building last Friday, Keren Yarhi-Milo, the dean of the School of International and Public Affairs, said, “I am shocked and dismayed that anyone would promote this most notorious symbol of antisemitism, hatred, and racial supremacy.”..

Students say administration not taking sufficient action against antisemitism
The students said the school’s administration did not take sufficient action after receiving reports of antisemitism, and has not held perpetrators accountable.

“As a result of this inaction, there are Jewish students who do not feel physically safe on campus,” Noa Fay, a senior at Barnard College, said in a statement.

Among the incidents the students listed were the swastika graffiti, students carrying signs saying “resistance is not terrorism” during an on-campus walkout and, at Columbia’s law school, a student saying “F— the Jews” to a visibly Jewish student. They also said Jews were targeted with antisemitic tropes in group chats. Reached by the New York Jewish Week, the university did not confirm or deny any of the incidents...


Greek City Times.
Palestinian Icon Ahed Tamimi's SHOCKING Warning To Israel: "What Hitler Did To You Was A Joke, We Will Drink Your Blood"
Palestinian activist icon Ahed Tamimi has made a shocking call for the murder of Jewish settlers in the West Bank, saying that it would make...
Nov 1, 2023


Nov 5, 2023:

Fmr. Palestinian Amb. To India Warns Jews of 'New' Holocaust.

Former Palestinian Ambassador To India Osama Al-Ali: 'I Am Not Surprised Hitler Committed the Holocaust against the Jews...
#10733 | 01:10
Source: Al-Mashhad TV (UAE)
Speaking on two occasions on Al-Mashhad TV (UAE), on November 5 and December 11, 2023, Osama Al-Ali, the former Palestinian ambassador to India, warned of a "new Holocaust" against future generations of Jews..
Dec 19, 2023


Politicians condemn display of swastika at Parliament Hill rally
November 5, 2023

A large crowd gathers for a pro-Palestinian rally on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Saturday. Political leaders are condemning the presence of a sign bearing a swastika at the rally. (Rebecca Kwan/Radio-Canada - image credit).

Canadian politicians across the political spectrum are condemning the display of a Nazi swastika symbol on Parliament Hill Saturday, during a pro-Palestinian march and rally in the capital.


Nov 7, 2023:

Toronto Sun.
WARMINGTON: Jewish student told 'Hitler didn't finish job' on TMU campus
When Laura Barkel graduates from Toronto Metropolitan University next year, this memory will haunt the fourth-year student.
Nov 7, 2023


Nov 26, 2023:

Pro-Palestine protester displaying swastika among arrests as tens of thousands march in London.
Police issued warning over spreading of hate speech ahead of latest major demonstration in capital calling for permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

Tara Cobham, Sunday 26 November 2023 08:27 GMT


The New Indian Express.
Recognise Hitler clones who hide among us.
Swastikas painted o
n the doors of American Jewish homes are a chilling reminder that Hitler's ideology of hate has risen from history's...

Nov 26, 2023


Nov 12, 2023:

The Australian.
Palestine rally condemned for Hitler, Nazi references.
Pro-Palestinian protesters have brandished anti-Semitic placards drawing on Hitler and the Nazis' legacies at rallies in the nation's two...
Nov 12, 2023


A scene from Nazi Germany? No, this is London in 2023: The horrifying anti-Semitic placards brandished by protestors on the Armistice Day march - as Suella Braverman says 'sick, inflammatory' signs on display 'mark a new low.'
By Summer Goodkind and Natasha Anderson and Matt Strudwick
17:23 12 Nov 2023, updated 01:53 13 Nov 2023


Mar 2024:

UK swastika sign protester arrested amid outrage over Met officer remarks.
By Michael Starr, Apr 1, 2024.
The demonstrator carrying the swastika sign was one of two people arrested under section 5 of the Public Order Act 1986 for causing harassment, alarm and distress at a rally in central London.


May 2024:

Police investigate school after swastika is found scrawled on back of pupil's chair as parents fear children are being brainwashed into anti-Semitism by pro-Palestinian activists.
By Sue Reid.
01:08 15 May 2024, updated 10:30 15 May 2024

... One father said: 'We are scared of the future.' He added that the swastika should not be blamed on Palestinian or Muslim pupils, saying: 'It is local English children caught up in this radicalisation by Palestinian activists.'
The Mail was handed a photo of the graffiti, which bizarrely includes the words 'Bring back 1945' – the year the Nazis were defeated – after researching anti-Semitism among school-age youngsters in Brighton and south coast towns including Hove and Hastings.
Parents claim their children are called 'stinky Jews' by pupils. Some walk home as schoolmates chant 'River to the Sea', a pro-Palestine trope demanding the extinction of Israel.
In one case, say parents, a Jewish child was kicked in the face by pupils in a row over the Israel-Palestine conflict.
Members of a local Jewish family said: 'Pro-Palestinian activists have taken over Brighton's social life from young people's theatre groups to multi-cultural events.
'They use them to peddle very extreme views to children about one view of the Gaza conflict.
'This anti-Semitic propaganda has seeped through to pupils. Not enough is being done to stop the radicalisation.'
Urban Pictures
New footage shows a swastika drawn on a placard being held up at Charing Cross Station in London during a pro-Palestinian sit-in protest this evening.
Nov 4, 2023

McLean, Virginia - a pupil at a Muslim Student Association student meeting at Langley High School flashed a sign replacing the U.S. flags stars with swastikas along with "Free Palestine".

The Nazi regime murdered 6 millions Jews - this blantent hatred must never be tolerated at..
Nov 11, 2023

This is better video of the pro-Hamas terrorist sympathizing Nazi bastards swarming the cops at 14th Street h/t @BGOnTheScene these people need to be deported if they're here on student visas that have expired #propalestineisprohamas #naziyouth 🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱🇮🇱
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Germany, Mannheim
The German-Israeli Society office was defaced with swastikas and “Free Palestine.”


Belgium, Fleron
The home of Belgian Holocaust survivors was vandalized with “Gaza Free” and a swastika.


Konstanz, Germany
Two Nazi slogans and a pro-Palestinian slogan were spray-paintedon a wall at the University of Konstanz


Melbourne, Australia
Hundreds of Jewish Australian artists and their families doxxed by high-profile pro-Palestinian activists


Geneva, Switzerland
“Exterminate the Jews” and “Death to Zionists” graffiti were found in Geneva after a pro-Palestinian rally.


Middleburg, Netherlands
A swastika was painted on the entrance of a 400 year-old synagogue.

London, UK
Multiple antisemitic signs were carried at a pro-Palestinian demonstration.

Bristol, UK
“Kill Jews. Free Palestine” graffiti was etched into the door of a toilet in IKEA.


Pescantina, Italy
A memorial to Holocaust deportees was vandalized with Nazi flags and a flyer that said, “Israel, you have learned nothing from the Shoah, signed the 10,000 murdered children of Gaza. You are worse than the Nazis.”


Vienna, Austria
"Jew should die” and a swastika were written on flyers of kidnapped Israelis.


Berlin, Germany
Posters advertising a commemoration ceremony for Kristallnacht, the 1938 Nazi pogrom, were torn down by men, who shouted “Free Palestine.”


Haarlem, Netherlands
Stickers with “Hamas, Hamas, Jews to the Gas” and “Hamas, Hamas, Zionists to the Gas” were stuck on walls.


London, UK
“Gaza” was painted on the entrance to a Holocaust research center.


Vienna, Austria
Graffiti reading: “From the river to the sea” and “Free Gaza From German and Austrian guilt" was painted on university walls.


Bilon, Germany
A Holocaust memorial plaque was spray-painted with green paint.

The Hague, Netherlands
Palestinian flag stickers were pasted on to a Holocaust memorial.


Tann, Germany
A memorial stone, marking the location of a synagogue destroyed during the 1938 Kristallnacht pogrom, was splashed with red paint.


Hamburg, Germany

At an anti-Israel demonstration, a teenager of reported Arab origin was filmed shouting, “I want Adolf Hitler back, that’s my opinion. I’m for Hitler, for gassing the Jews.”


Glasgow, Scotland
A Pro-Palestinian protester told Jews on the street, “Don’t forget where you went in 1940. Ha! Don’t forget where the Jews went in 1940.”


Sydney, Australia
“Gas the Jews” was shouted during a pro-Palestinian protest outside the Sydney Opera House.

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