Reminder: swastika-palestine arose right after genocidal-Arab "palestinian" Oct/7 atrocities

"Ben-Gvir calls for executing Palestinian prisoners"​

Hitler would approve.

Ben-Gvir calls for executing Palestinian prisoners
Correction. Palestinian terrorists.

What are Palestinian "prisoners" you think for? For stealing???

Of course there is an opinion to execute terrorists - before they strike/murder.

Nah. Hitler sided with "Palestinian" Arabs.



Arabs Hail Hitler As Liberator… Arabs Look to Hitler.’

Sep 16, 1938.

Arabs Hail Hitler As Liberator; In Spain Franco Is Worried London. –(AP)– A broad scale of British reinforcements to troubled Palestine was announced here yesterday simultaneous with reports that Egypt was taking defense precautions in North Africa… Although the officials declined to disclose the exact number of troops going to Palestine, it was estimated 8,000 men were involved in the transfer to the Holy Land where many Arabs are hailing Reichsfuehrer Hitler of Germany and Premier Benito Mussolini of Italy as their "hope" in the Arab-Jewish dispute... Arabs Look to Hitler

Hitler and Mussolini were brought to the fore in Palestine following the fuehrer’s Nurnberg speech last Tuesday I which he said, Arabs in the Hoy Land were “defenseless and left in the lurch.”


Admiration was mutual:

"Noble Hitler" — Says "Falastin " — The Palestine Post 22 May 1933


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"The Nazi-Zionist agreement* of 1933​

"It was a marriage of convenience, principles aside. Both parties have no illusions about each other.

"The Nazis and Zionists perceived a common ground: the former wanted to get rid of the Jews, the latter to take them to Palestine.

"The Third Reich saw the emigration of Jews as an effective way of 'solving the Jewish question” and was keen on pushing its Jewish citizens to leave, "voluntarily" if possible.'"

One of history’s ugly pages: Nazi-Zionist cooperation

First you tagged "fake news," while you know that Hitler's Sep/1938 speech pro palestinian-Arabs is known,
I quoted newspaper from 1938,
Falastin newspaper is archived and it's all documented... very pro Hitler.
It was only during war years (Sep.1.1939-Sep.2.1945) that English authorities controlled it. But before 1939 and right after WW2 it glorified the Nazis even before and after hanging..



Then, to demonize efforts to save Jews by Zionists, you quote...


a piece from a Hezbollah source. Lol

Pure Islamofascism

Genocidal fascists:

Nasrallah said, "If they [the Jews] all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide."


Hassan Nasrallah: In His Own Words.
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It's Fake News to claim events from 1938 bear significantly on today's ...

1. First you ignored what I wrote about post WW2 pro Hitler...palestine.

Post WW2:

See examples:

⁨⁨The Palestine Post⁩, 31 October 1945

Arab press on Nuremberg hanging..
⁨⁨The Palestine Post⁩, 18 October 1946

2. Then you pretend not knowing about SS Nazis training and joining the Arabs in 1947 1948 genocidal anti Jewish war..

Published in 1948:
⁨⁨The Palestine Post⁩, 19 March 1948


The admission of pro Hitler, in 2013:

3. After banning ADL, anti-Israel wikipedians exposed themselves as an organized club lobby to control it.
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1. First you ignored what I wrote about post WW2 pro Hitler...palestine.

Post WW2:

See examples:

⁨⁨The Palestine Post⁩, 31 October 1945

⁨⁨The Palestine Post⁩, 18 October 1946

2. Then you pretend not knowing about SS Nazis training and joining the Arabs in 1947 1948 genocidal anti Jewish war..

Published in 1948:
⁨⁨The Palestine Post⁩, 19 March 1948


The admission of pro Hitler, in 2013:

3. After banning ADL, anti-Israel wikipedians exposed themselves as an organized club lobby to control it.







Image of yours



History ?

One can easily put up a chart with :






Fake-inidgenous-immigrants/ occupEIShin







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