Rep. Al Green Wonders Why No Black Impeachment Experts Were Called at Impeachment Hearing

Totally not a circus.

“What subliminal message are we sending to the world when we have experts, but not one person of color? Are we saying that there are no people of color who are experts on this topic?”

Democrat Impeachment Hearings: Rep. Al Green Wonders Why No Black Impeachment Experts Were Called

Why not native American impeachment experts and Chinese impeachment experts? My god, how narrow minded can this guy possibly be !?
Where’s the Asians? Not even an Eskimo in the building. Man, Democrats are racists.
Totally not a circus.

“What subliminal message are we sending to the world when we have experts, but not one person of color? Are we saying that there are no people of color who are experts on this topic?”

Democrat Impeachment Hearings: Rep. Al Green Wonders Why No Black Impeachment Experts Were Called

Why not native American impeachment experts and Chinese impeachment experts? My god, how narrow minded can this guy possibly be !?
Where’s the Asians? Not even an Eskimo in the building. Man, Democrats are racists.

Yeah, when you use their own logic the paperwork grows and grows... thats why they cant get anything done. You know here in Liberal run California, i sent in my registration payment for my truck over a month ago and my tags never arrived. I called the DMV and when I finally got through a lady tells me, well "we're experiencing 5 to 6 week delays .. give it a couple more weeks" so I ask, whats the problem? are you guys short staffed? computer system problems? and she says no .. "we're just experiencing delays" My guess is its a politically correct problem. The DMV here must be blood brothers with the clowns in Washington.
“What subliminal message are we sending to the world when we have experts, but not one person of color? Are we saying that there are no people of color who are experts on this topic?”


Gosh I'm sure glad they trotted out a bunch of Trump hating "Constitutional Scholars" to explain to us their scam is just fine. PFFFFFFFFT. The problem with vaguely written law is that it easy for a biased 'Scholars' to interpret the way they want.

Let's get a group of Conservative scholars and see what they say. My first nominee is Mark Levin.
Law professors instead of math professors?
Lets see, 10% of the population are black, so 10% of 4 professors is less than 1.
Maybe Al Green doesn't know basic math ? QED
Gosh I'm sure glad they trotted out a bunch of Trump hating "Constitutional Scholars" to explain to us their scam is just fine. PFFFFFFFFT. The problem with vaguely written law is that it easy for a biased 'Scholars' to interpret the way they want.

Let's get a group of Conservative scholars and see what they say. My first nominee is Mark Levin.

I'm bummed that the GOP House guys didn't smash their outright lies, under oath yet!
1. US national security was affected by the "pause" in funding to Ukraine?!
The US military and the intel agencies were not affected, to say national security was reduced is a lie under oath.

2. To say that the 2020 US election would be affected by a foreign country is also a lie.There is no connection between investigating Burisma and the 2020 election.
The investigation would have been into Burisma, which is absolutely corrupt. The investigation would have no bearing on the US election, unless there was a crime uncovered. Hillary actually hired Russians to write the Steele Dossier, and that's okay? No one is above the law, even Joe Biden.

3. Turly did the best job of pushing back on the 3-losers on obstruction and not using the courts.

Anyway, I'm hoping that the democrat "managers" will get their asses handed to them after the senators have time to digest the "articles" and how ridiculous the charges are.

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