Rep. Allen West says ad plays on racial stereotypes; NAACP disagrees


Silver Member
Jun 8, 2009
Conservative black U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Palm Beach Gardens, says an ad that depicts him punching white women plays on racial stereotypes and would make liberals “apoplectic” if a Republican ran it against a black Democrat.

While Sarah Palin and Herman Cain joined the West campaign in ratcheting up criticism of the ad on Friday, an NAACP official said he didn’t find the 30-second spot to be racially offensive. And the campaign of West’s main Democratic rival defended the ad’s content while denying any involvement in its creation.

The controversy centers on an ad by American Sunrise, a PAC that is largely financed by the father of Democratic congressional candidate Patrick Murphy. The ad blasts West’s stances on seniors, women’s health and tax issues by showing a cartoonish likeness of West in boxing gloves slugging an elderly woman and a younger woman who are white and punching a black family and grabbing the family’s cash.

“Think if the Republican Party or some conservative PAC ran a picture of a black Democrat politician or congressman punching white women and white seniors. I’m sure that MSNBC, NBC and the Huffington Post and everyone would be going apoplectic right now,” West said on Fox News.

Rep. Allen West says ad plays on racial stereotypes; NAACP... |

Hypocrisy much?
Conservative black U.S. Rep. Allen West, R-Palm Beach Gardens, says an ad that depicts him punching white women plays on racial stereotypes and would make liberals “apoplectic” if a Republican ran it against a black Democrat.

While Sarah Palin and Herman Cain joined the West campaign in ratcheting up criticism of the ad on Friday, an NAACP official said he didn’t find the 30-second spot to be racially offensive. And the campaign of West’s main Democratic rival defended the ad’s content while denying any involvement in its creation.

The controversy centers on an ad by American Sunrise, a PAC that is largely financed by the father of Democratic congressional candidate Patrick Murphy. The ad blasts West’s stances on seniors, women’s health and tax issues by showing a cartoonish likeness of West in boxing gloves slugging an elderly woman and a younger woman who are white and punching a black family and grabbing the family’s cash.

“Think if the Republican Party or some conservative PAC ran a picture of a black Democrat politician or congressman punching white women and white seniors. I’m sure that MSNBC, NBC and the Huffington Post and everyone would be going apoplectic right now,” West said on Fox News.

Rep. Allen West says ad plays on racial stereotypes; NAACP... |

Hypocrisy much?

Awwww poor wittle alan west. I'm glad the NAACP basically gave that asshole a big FUCK YOU. :lol:
West himself is guilty of making stereotypes against black people in order to gain approval from his white masters. West can go fuck himself backwards for all I care.

West should also be used to this kind of treatment when he hangs around these people:

Allen West Says He Was in a "White Supremacist Motorcycle Gang" - Broward/Palm Beach - News - The Daily Pulp

Allen West responds to ‘Outlaws’ story, but set to appear at biker rally : The Reid Report

Awwww poor wittle alan west. I'm glad the NAACP basically gave that asshole a big FUCK YOU. :lol:
West himself is guilty of making stereotypes against black people in order to gain approval from his white masters. West can go fuck himself backwards for all I care.

West should also be used to this kind of treatment when he hangs around these people:

I'm guessing there's not a position the NAACP has ever taken that you'd not compromise your self to support.

Leftist filth are terrified by strong, conservative black leaders like West who have embraced the unparalleled liberty America offers ALL her citizens in order to make something of themselves as opposed to the street corner black leaders who have built their careers on convincing young black minds that they don't have a chance in life due to some bullshit from over a century ago that NONE of us have EVER experienced.
Awwww poor wittle alan west. I'm glad the NAACP basically gave that asshole a big FUCK YOU. :lol:
West himself is guilty of making stereotypes against black people in order to gain approval from his white masters. West can go fuck himself backwards for all I care.

West should also be used to this kind of treatment when he hangs around these people:

I'm guessing there's not a position the NAACP has ever taken that you'd not compromise your self to support.

Leftist filth are terrified by strong, conservative black leaders like West
who have embraced the unparalleled liberty America offers ALL her citizens in order to make something of themselves as opposed to the street corner black leaders who have built their careers on convincing young black minds that they don't have a chance in life due to some bullshit from over a century ago that NONE of us have EVER experienced.

Well you "guess" is WRONG. No one is "terrified" by that asshole west and the dolts who are like him. He's not a "black leader", he's an opportunist who makes ignorant blanket generalizations about black people so he can garner approval from his bigoted white masters. He's the asshole who has his mouth around the genitals of a 1%'er club that definitely spouts "White Supremacy". If that's a "strong black leader" to you, then you have some real problems! :lol:

Who is telling "young black minds" that they can't achieve anything? Give me a direct quote. How long should it take a group of people to get over centuries of being slaves in this country and then over a century of being treated worse than German Nazi POW's after being "freed" from slavery?
So the ad is fine.

Gotcha. :cuckoo:

Are you "fine" with West stating that Blacks who vote democrat are on a "plantation"?

Truth hurts.

It's not a "truth", it's some dumb shit that white bigots have their black stooges like west spout so they can laugh. Here's one of your greatest hits:

"One of the things that I would do is take all black people back to the South and put them on the plantation so they would understand the ethic of working," ----Jesse Lee Peterson Black Conservative. This is what people in your party and possibly you have orgasms about. :lol:
So the ad is fine.

Gotcha. :cuckoo:

Are you "fine" with West stating that Blacks who vote democrat are on a "plantation"?

Did you put any thought into the point West was making or did you simply get all outraged because West is a black man you can't keep in line?

I put plenty of thought into it and I find him to be full of shit and a stooge for the white bigots he caters to and the white bigots who handle him. He was making an IGNORANT blanket generalization that has a LOT of racial overtones to it, so he once again can garner the support of the white bigots in his district.

I don't want to keep anyone "in line", I'm not "in line" so to speak. I'm voting for Gary Johnson in this upcoming election, who are you going to vote for, Romney? :lol:
The difference between me, west et al, and his sympathizers like you, is that I don't make blanket ignorant and racist generalizations about a group of people.
How long should it take a group of people to get over centuries of being slaves in this country and then over a century of being treated worse than German Nazi POW's after being "freed" from slavery?

I don't know, ask any one of the many other nations built on the backs of black slaves where today they enjoy true freedom. Meanwhile human filth like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters, Obama and your so highly esteemed NAACP have much to lose should slavery ever totally be outlawed in the US.

As it stands now, and as West has alluded to, the only thing that has changed is that the "masters" now use economics as opposed to physical abuse and murder to keep their "coloreds" in line and the crop being harvested is no longer cotton, it's political power.
So the ad is fine.

Gotcha. :cuckoo:

Are you "fine" with West stating that Blacks who vote democrat are on a "plantation"?

I think hes

He's "close" to what, being a good stooge for bigots? Is a Black person who is a neurosurgeon, or a federal judge, or an entrepreneur, or a police officer, etc. on a "plantation" because they chose or choose to vote democrat instead of voting republican? How about a white person who is a millionaire or a union worker and they vote democrat, are you and others stating that those white people are on a "plantation" because they vote democrat or is it only "the Blacks" who vote democrat?
How long should it take a group of people to get over centuries of being slaves in this country and then over a century of being treated worse than German Nazi POW's after being "freed" from slavery?

I don't know, ask any one of the many other nations built on the backs of black slaves where today they enjoy true freedom. Meanwhile human filth like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters, Obama and your so highly esteemed NAACP have much to lose should slavery ever totally be outlawed in the US.

As it stands now, and as West has alluded to, the only thing that has changed is that the "masters" now use economics as opposed to physical abuse and murder to keep their "coloreds" in line and the crop being harvested is no longer cotton, it's political power.

Where did I state that I hold the NAACP in such "high esteem"?

That's just a bunch of HORSE SHIT hurled by a bunch of white bigots who don't really want to do a DAMN thing with or for "the Blacks". Some if not many of Your bigoted white republican "conservative" scumbags use racism, xenophobia, homophobia, subsidies and handouts as well as BLATANT HYPOCRISY to gin up the bigoted White constituents. Thanks for the laugh!'s some dumb shit that white bigots have their black stooges like west spout so they can laugh.

Careful, your racism is showing...

That's not "racism" it is called the truth. I didn't state that ALL whites were bigots, I didn't state that whites in general were bigots. I don't like using and I don't advocate using generalizations about a group of people like you seem to advocate when it comes to stating that "the Blacks are on the democrat plantation". That's YOUR RACISM SHOWING and the racism of the other bigots like you showing.'s some dumb shit that white bigots have their black stooges like west spout so they can laugh.

Careful, your racism is showing...

That's not "racism" it is called the truth. I didn't state that ALL whites were bigots, I didn't state that whites in general were bigots. I don't like using and I don't advocate using generalizations about a group of people like you seem to advocate when it comes to stating that "the Blacks are on the democrat plantation". That's YOUR RACISM SHOWING and the racism of the other bigots like you showing.

It's a simple assessment and accurate I might add.
When everyone with whom you disagree is considered by you to be a racist, sooner or later you will be the only "tolerant" human left on earth. ;)'s some dumb shit that white bigots have their black stooges like west spout so they can laugh.

Careful, your racism is showing...

That's not "racism" it is called the truth. I didn't state that ALL whites were bigots, I didn't state that whites in general were bigots. I don't like using and I don't advocate using generalizations about a group of people like you seem to advocate when it comes to stating that "the Blacks are on the democrat plantation". That's YOUR RACISM SHOWING and the racism of the other bigots like you showing.

Now your IQ is showing. It's not pretty.

But I'm sure you're right, what the Dems are doing for so many Black folks is, what, good for them? Bullshit. They're keeping Blacks subservient and dependent. Same for all the recipients out there regardless of race. It's disgusting.

But hey, get 'em on the dole and they'll vote for more handouts every time...and isn't that what's really important...:eusa_eh:

Your still a racist. Good luck with that.
Careful, your racism is showing...

That's not "racism" it is called the truth. I didn't state that ALL whites were bigots, I didn't state that whites in general were bigots. I don't like using and I don't advocate using generalizations about a group of people like you seem to advocate when it comes to stating that "the Blacks are on the democrat plantation". That's YOUR RACISM SHOWING and the racism of the other bigots like you showing.

It's a simple assessment and accurate I might add.
When everyone with whom you disagree is considered by you to be a racist, sooner or later you will be the only "tolerant" human left on earth. ;)

It's a stupid and inaccurate assessment made by white bigots and their black stooges who kiss their asses like the fools and good slaves they are and say "Yes massa you be rye dey is on de plantation massa!".
How long should it take a group of people to get over centuries of being slaves in this country and then over a century of being treated worse than German Nazi POW's after being "freed" from slavery?
Nobody's keeping anyone down any more.

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