Rep. Boebert offended Rep. Omar

Boebert, a Republican who represents Colorado's 3rd congressional district, is also facing calls to be censured after a video was shared to Twitter of her relating a story about Omar and a Capitol police officer that concluded with a joke about a bomb in a backpack.
In the video, Boebert told a story about meeting Omar in an elevator as she was leaving the Capitol and a police officer rushing toward them.
"I see fret all over his face, and he's reaching [...] The door's shutting, like I can't—I can't open it—like, what's happening?" Boebert said.
"I look to my left, and there she is. Ilhan Omar. I said, 'Well she doesn't have a backpack, we should be fine.'"
Mehdi Hassan, host of The Mehdi Hassan Show on MSNBC, was among those suggesting the Republican face censure.
"This is disgusting," Hassan tweeted, sharing the video of Boebert's remarks.

How many times has Omar said something that was offensive?
We have lost count.
Boebert just made a little joke about the corrupt Democratic Party's problem with far-left racist bigot extremists such as Omar.
It seems fair.
Omar has gotten away with crimes such as incest marriage, immigration fraud and campaign money abuses.
Omar has repeatedly expressed her contempt for about 75% of Americans for either their race and/or religion, but her Cult Leader Nancy Pelosi has never punished her.
Then we have to consider the fact that the Democrat Cult's AG Garland has been branding ordinary Americans who have legitimate complaints about their children being indoctrinated in far-left hate and racism as being "domestic terrorists" and "white supremacists"
To be fair if Boebert is censured then Garland should resign.
Boebert, more bigotry and hate from the right.
When I think of this evil piece of excrement, my knee-jerk reaction would be to send the subhuman back to Somalia where it belongs.

Being the sensible moderate that I am, however, I am entirely open to compromise. I would be quite content to see it put on a plane and dropped off half way there.
You can look him up.

And hey, I get it. You will get no love for jihadis from me. But making that joke about "any" Muslim is stupid and cruel and is meant to be both. It's unbecoming and stupid to say of a a colleague and peer, and even more so when they are fellow congresspeople. Unfitting for a public official. But Boebert is not fit to be a public official, so hey...
You can look him up.

And hey, I get it. You will get no love for jihadis from me. But making that joke about "any" Muslim is stupid and cruel and is meant to be both. It's unbecoming and stupid to say of a a colleague and peer, and even more so when they are fellow congresspeople. Unfitting for a public official. But Boebert is not fit to be a public official, so hey...
Just tell me who Anthony Warner is...I don't want to look it up. I am lazy
I can already see how your bizarre little fantasy would play out.

Judge: " do the plaintiffs actually have any evidence or recording of Biden calling Rittenhouse a white supremacist??"

Lawyers: "No, your honor. But Tucker Carlson said he did it."

Judge: " Get the fuck out of my courtroom."
Your beloved said he did.

"However, Biden clearly suggested that Rittenhouse was a white supremacist or, at the very least, had substantial links with white supremacists and/or armed militias. As a result, we are issuing a rating of “Mostly True.”

Hallucinating again? Are you usually afraid of all women? Probably goes back to toilet training. That's sad.
Projecting again. Your idol Xiden shits his pants in public. Afraid of women? That’s you assholes here whining about a Republican woman. You are sad. Tell mommy your diaper needs changing. Everybody here can smell your shit.
They won't because it is all unsubstantiated.
And the reason is it unsubstantiated is because the Democrats would protect against a true investigation, and largely because she is a Muslim - one of the Democrats’ protected minorities. As I said, we had a front- row seat as to how they circled the wagons around her after she made her disgusting antisemitic comments. If a Jewish congressperson made demeanng, insulting remarks about Muslims, they’d be demanding his head on a platter.
I had been unfamiliar with her until I heard her speech to Congress, voting down the irresponsible, inflation-exaberating, welfare-expanding spending bill. She is quite impressive.
Something tells me she doesn’t mean it and was forced to do it.
Wish she would have said that she would apologize when Biden apologizes for calling an innocent white teenager, facing imprisonment for life, a “white supremacist” for defending himself against BLM thugs trying to kill him.

Sad how Republicans are forced to apologize, and Democrats can say reprehensible things and get a pass.
Can you provide some examples ?
I'll give you one....

"Ilhan Omar is the new leader of the anti-Semitism that is taking the Left by storm.

She, and leftists like her, promote anti-Israel laws and is vocal about her blatant support for known terrorist organizations like Hamas.

But what she just said about Holocaust Remembrance Day is simply revolting.

Ilhan Omar has said that Israel has “hypnotized the world” and is “evil,” yet she claims it is “right-wing extremists” that are growing anti-Semitism.

Radical leftists try to peddle the fake news that “right-wing extremists” are responsible for almost all terrorism in America.

Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is no different, as she tweeted on Holocaust Remembrance Day that there is increasing anti-Semitism from a rise of “Neo-Nazi” ideology.

Omar is projecting on conservatives her disdain for Israel, and her personal anti-Semitic sentiments.

It was the Obama administration that handed over $150 billion in sanctions relief to Iran in 2015 even though Iran is vocal about their desire to destroy Israel.

And it was the Democrat party that wanted to leave Israel out of the negotiating table when the Iran deal was being made.

The reality is that Democrats never vote to help protect the nation of Israel from her enemies.

They only push the “right-wing extremism” narrative as a way to make conservatives look bad."

I'll give you one....

"Ilhan Omar is the new leader of the anti-Semitism that is taking the Left by storm.

She, and leftists like her, promote anti-Israel laws and is vocal about her blatant support for known terrorist organizations like Hamas.

But what she just said about Holocaust Remembrance Day is simply revolting.

Ilhan Omar has said that Israel has “hypnotized the world” and is “evil,” yet she claims it is “right-wing extremists” that are growing anti-Semitism.

Radical leftists try to peddle the fake news that “right-wing extremists” are responsible for almost all terrorism in America.

Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is no different, as she tweeted on Holocaust Remembrance Day that there is increasing anti-Semitism from a rise of “Neo-Nazi” ideology.

Omar is projecting on conservatives her disdain for Israel, and her personal anti-Semitic sentiments.

It was the Obama administration that handed over $150 billion in sanctions relief to Iran in 2015 even though Iran is vocal about their desire to destroy Israel.

And it was the Democrat party that wanted to leave Israel out of the negotiating table when the Iran deal was being made.

The reality is that Democrats never vote to help protect the nation of Israel from her enemies.

They only push the “right-wing extremism” narrative as a way to make conservatives look bad."

It was also the Squad members who wanted to withhold funding for Israel’s Iron Dome - a purely defensive system that disables the HAMAS rockets. IOW, these leftist antisemites want to give the Palestinians money to bombard Israelis with rockets while simultaneously removing Israel’s ability to defend against them.
It was also the Squad members who wanted to withhold funding for Israel’s Iron Dome - a purely defensive system that disables the HAMAS rockets. IOW, these leftist antisemites want to give the Palestinians money to bombard Israelis with rockets while simultaneously removing Israel’s ability to defend against them.
They are antisemites
Boebert is a nasty pill.
Omar sure is a peach, isn’t she? She loves America so much she compares America and their partner, Israel, to terrorists. She dismisses the significance of 9-11, and blames all of the police in Minneapolis for its spike in crime.

Boebert said something of shock and controversy to Omar; something Omar does all the time. Boebert should respond like Omar does when she gets called out on something she said: Simply stand tall and give them that “fuck you” grin.
I'll give you one....

"Ilhan Omar is the new leader of the anti-Semitism that is taking the Left by storm.

She, and leftists like her, promote anti-Israel laws and is vocal about her blatant support for known terrorist organizations like Hamas.

But what she just said about Holocaust Remembrance Day is simply revolting.

Ilhan Omar has said that Israel has “hypnotized the world” and is “evil,” yet she claims it is “right-wing extremists” that are growing anti-Semitism.

Radical leftists try to peddle the fake news that “right-wing extremists” are responsible for almost all terrorism in America.

Muslim Congresswoman Ilhan Omar is no different, as she tweeted on Holocaust Remembrance Day that there is increasing anti-Semitism from a rise of “Neo-Nazi” ideology.

Omar is projecting on conservatives her disdain for Israel, and her personal anti-Semitic sentiments.

It was the Obama administration that handed over $150 billion in sanctions relief to Iran in 2015 even though Iran is vocal about their desire to destroy Israel.

And it was the Democrat party that wanted to leave Israel out of the negotiating table when the Iran deal was being made.

The reality is that Democrats never vote to help protect the nation of Israel from her enemies.

They only push the “right-wing extremism” narrative as a way to make conservatives look bad."

You confuse being Anti-Israel as being anti-Semetic

Israel as a country does many things that American Muslims find to be offensive.

There is no law that says members of Congress must support everything Israel does
You confuse being Anti-Israel as being anti-Semetic

Israel as a country does many things that American Muslims find to be offensive.

There is no law that says members of Congress must support everything Israel does
Many countries dominated by Muslims do things that offend Americans; such as strapping on backpacks with bombs and running into cafes to blow up Americans.
Many countries dominated by Muslims do things that offend Americans; such as strapping on backpacks with bombs and running into cafes to blow up Americans.

Very true
And that is where Boebert is so offensive
She confuses the religion with the actions of the terrorists

She labels all American Muslims(who are peaceful) with those who are terrorists. So much so that she lies and makes up a story that a Capitol Police officer would storm an elevator because a Muslim woman is in it
You confuse being Anti-Israel as being anti-Semetic

Israel as a country does many things that American Muslims find to be offensive.

There is no law that says members of Congress must support everything Israel does
Israel is a country made up of mostly Jewish citizenry...To speak against the right of Israel to exist as a nation state is to display antisemitism....

Israel is a tiny country that is surrounded by enemies, that are constantly, and continiously attacking the population of the nation, and to do things like fund the enemies of Israel, an ally of the United States, is antisemetic...

And for Ohmar to speak about Israel as she does while a representitive of the United States Congress is not only antisemetic, but an embarrassment to the United States.
Very true
And that is where Boebert is so offensive
She confuses the religion with the actions of the terrorists

She labels all American Muslims(who are peaceful) with those who are terrorists. So much so that she lies and makes up a story that a Capitol Police officer would storm an elevator because a Muslim woman is in it
All American Muslims are NOT peaceful....

"Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, January 21, 2020. Twenty-four Muslim-Americans were arrested for alleged involvement with violent extremism in 2019, higher than the previous year but lower than the peak years of 2014-2016."


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