Rep. Cheney says it is 'it is absolutely clear that what President Trump was doing ... was unlawful'

All Americans should realize we've been messed with other countries elections around this rock since the banana wars

That’s a fact little trollboy child cannot comprehend the reality of.comedy gold the child would use cnn for his source,the fact that it is a mouthpiece fir the government and not only thst,pathetic majority of Americans understand that which is WHY it’s viewership is down to an all time low of 10%. Banker baby sure put his foot in his mouth on that one and is now turning green in embarrassment. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Its official, Trump tried to illegally overturn the 2020 election, and people around him knowingly commited crimes

Trumpers are manufacturing their excuses as we speak.

I read the article earlier---what struck me was that there was NO evidence, so I have no clue what the fuck your title is doing as it is just manipulation and spin.
Why do lefties insist on acting as if they lost the election? The Country is falling apart with millions of illegal criminals crossing the border, there is a war in Europe, perverts are grooming our kids, energy prices are out of sight and inflation is in record territory but lefties are concerned about allegations against Trump. Sometimes you want to shake these people into reality.
"millions of illegal criminals crossing our border"? This and your other hyperboles are ludicrous. First of all your use of "lefties" is never defined by the Right Wingers like you who use it as a pejorative. Using "lefties" is as intelligent as calling those whose ideas and believes are those of green eyed monsters.

The most posts by right wingers are in short, "ain't it awful" and write that lefties are lefties and that is supposed to be something bad. It ain't. They claim to be conservatives but they are not, most are faux conservatives/callous conservatives, captious, critical, callow and their posts are mostly chop logic.
"millions of illegal criminals crossing our border"? This and your other hyperboles are ludicrous. First of all your use of "lefties" is never defined by the Right Wingers like you who use it as a pejorative. Using "lefties" is as intelligent as calling those whose ideas and believes are those of green eyed monsters.

The most posts by right wingers are in short, "ain't it awful" and write that lefties are lefties and that is supposed to be something bad. It ain't. They claim to be conservatives but they are not, most are faux conservatives/callous conservatives, captious, critical, callow and their posts are mostly chop logic.
Are you claiming there aren’t millions of illegals coming across our border under your Vegetable Messiah?
The country isn’t falling apart we are recovering from a pandemic, the war in Ukraine is horrible and is consuming the majority of our airwaves, grooming is a made up buzz word the right is trying out for election season.
I guess those millions of illegal aliens disappeared too. How long can lefties blame Covid for the mess that the U.S. has become under the doddering old fool in the W.H.? As long as it takes?
I guess those millions of illegal aliens disappeared too. How long can lefties blame Covid for the mess that the U.S. has become under the doddering old fool in the W.H.? As long as it takes?
US is a pretty damn good place to live IMO. I don’t see a mess. The illegals have been coming for decades. Nothing new there, just an issue that we will always need to deal with.
I guess she wants to lose her primary election.

---Crazy Liz Cheney Responds to New York Times Report Claiming January 6 Panel Has Evidence to Make Criminal Referral for Trump to DOJ ---

And of course this is an example of he said she said.

If that handpicked by Pelosi committee is divided... then they need to stop this and apologize to Trump and the American people for wasting the time and tax dollars on this witch hunt....
After what Democrats did in 2020, Trump supporters don't give a shit what Democrats and republican anti-Trump dipshits say.
The country isn’t falling apart we are recovering from a pandemic, the war in Ukraine is horrible and is consuming the majority of our airwaves, grooming is a made up buzz word the right is trying out for election season.
you must mean the SCAMDEMIC....and wars are only taking place, recently, when SCUM demonRATS are supposedly, 'in charge'....and AMERICA goes bankrupt w/SCUM demonRATS 'in charge'
US is a pretty damn good place to live IMO. I don’t see a mess. The illegals have been coming for decades. Nothing new there, just an issue that we will always need to deal with.
i guess when you have no commitment to AMERICA, this is what the lack of a brain leads to
you must mean the SCAMDEMIC....and wars are only taking place, recently, when SCUM demonRATS are supposedly, 'in charge'....and AMERICA goes bankrupt w/SCUM demonRATS 'in charge'
Nope. I meant pandemic. Wars are between other countries and America is not bankrupt. You should do better at getting your facts straight
i guess when you have no commitment to AMERICA, this is what the lack of a brain leads to
I’m sorry you’re feeling that way. It’s not too late to change your perspective though and turn things around. I’m happy to help if you’d like. Start by simply loving your country and those within it.

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