Rep. Scalise's tragic shooting will probably lead to this......

Not letting a true tragedy ever go to waste, the shooting will now allow cowardly conservatives who are up for reelection to NOT hold town hall meetings, thereby skirting their responsibilities to their constituents as to why these constituents will be screwed of health care insurance and why their tax dollars will be diverted even more to the rich donors of these GOP'ers.

I hope I'm wrong, but we will see.

(above corrected for the slower R-W posters.)

Cowardly......a democrat, socialist, bernie supporter tried to murder them.......
Not letting a true tragedy ever go to waste, the shooting will now allow cowardly conservatives who are up for reelection to NOT hold town hall meetings, thereby skirting their responsibilities to their constituents as to why these constituents will be screwed of health care insurance and why their tax dollars will be diverted even more to the rich donors of these GOP'ers.

I hope I'm wrong, but we will see.

(above corrected for the slower R-W posters.)

My congressman doesn't mind constituents bring guns into his office, I doubt that policy will change, much less anything else.

Are town halls a duty?

Indeed, there are NO position descriptions for elected nitwits as to what they should or should not do for constituents.

A part of me hopes that republicans WILL refuse to host town hall that, the silence will speak louder than their prepared excuses.

If there is no requirement how can it be a duty?
Cowardly......a democrat, socialist, bernie supporter tried to murder them.......

Pretty sick.......The tone of Jared Lee Loughner's online writings and videos from immediately before the attack on Rep. Gabrielle Gifford and the murder of 6 others were described by The Guardian as "almost exclusively conservative and anti-government, with echoes of the populist campaigning of the Tea Party movement".

Following your "logic" 2BrainCells, should we have blamed ALL of your ilk?
Why do you pretend its the only way to face your constituents?

had enough of your stupidity, Ava.......Fine, like I previously stated, I hope that NO conservative republicans hold town hall meetings......Satisfied?
If there any so-called "town hall" meetings participants need to show ID to insure they live in the district and sign a document stating they are not accepting compensation from democrat terrorists like Crooked Hillary/Soros.
If there any so-called "town hall" meetings participants need to show ID to insure they live in the district and sign a document stating they are not accepting compensation from democrat terrorists like Crooked Hillary/Soros.

maybe they can hire these guys

Not letting a true tragedy ever go to waste, the shooting will now allow cowardly conservatives who are up for reelection to NOT hold town hall meetings, thereby skirting their responsibilities to their constituents as to why these constituents will be screwed of health care insurance and why their tax dollars will be diverted even more to the rich donors of these GOP'ers.

I hope I'm wrong, but we will see.

(above corrected for the slower R-W posters.)

You're kidding me. That's Rham Emmanuels quote. That's the lefts strategy. And after this shooting you're using it to go after the GOP, saying they're probably gonna shirk their duties now. Talk about the ultimate case of take the plank out of you're own eye before you worry about the speck in someone else's. YOU JUST USED THIS TRAGEDY TO ATTACK THE RIGHT, FOR SOMETHING THAT HASENT BEEN DONE YET. I don't know how you can lack that much self awareness. You're honestly not a good person, examine yourself for once.
You're kidding me. That's Rham Emmanuels quote. That's the lefts strategy. And after this shooting you're using it to go after the GOP, saying they're probably gonna shirk their duties now. Talk about the ultimate case of take the plank out of you're own eye before you worry about the speck in someone else's. YOU JUST USED THIS TRAGEDY TO ATTACK THE RIGHT, FOR SOMETHING THAT HASENT BEEN DONE YET. I don't know how you can lack that much self awareness. You're honestly not a good person, examine yourself for once.

From March 3, 2017

Republican lawmakers say they're skipping town halls for 'safety ...
You're kidding me. That's Rham Emmanuels quote. That's the lefts strategy. And after this shooting you're using it to go after the GOP, saying they're probably gonna shirk their duties now. Talk about the ultimate case of take the plank out of you're own eye before you worry about the speck in someone else's. YOU JUST USED THIS TRAGEDY TO ATTACK THE RIGHT, FOR SOMETHING THAT HASENT BEEN DONE YET. I don't know how you can lack that much self awareness. You're honestly not a good person, examine yourself for once.

From March 3, 2017

Republican lawmakers say they're skipping town halls for 'safety ...
The book of Rham Chapter 1: "Go forth, and leaveth no tragedy to waste, for it is our opportunity to press upon our political agenda. It is a time of attacking our enemies, and using emotion to cloud reason. The ends justify the means, so sayeth the few who shall rule the many, Amen."

Seriously you need to condemn Rham before you can even begin to accuse republicans of doing this. Just out of control hypocrisy.
You're kidding me. That's Rham Emmanuels quote. That's the lefts strategy. And after this shooting you're using it to go after the GOP, saying they're probably gonna shirk their duties now. Talk about the ultimate case of take the plank out of you're own eye before you worry about the speck in someone else's. YOU JUST USED THIS TRAGEDY TO ATTACK THE RIGHT, FOR SOMETHING THAT HASENT BEEN DONE YET. I don't know how you can lack that much self awareness. You're honestly not a good person, examine yourself for once.

From March 3, 2017

Republican lawmakers say they're skipping town halls for 'safety ...

As suspected and surmised.....

What Rep. Lou Barletta (PA-11) told a Pennsylvania radio station:

Barletta was asked on Pennsylvania radio station WILK by host Sue Henry if members of congress should "curtail" town halls "until we agree that we need to be more civil."

"I think absolutely. There's no question," Barletta answered.

He continued, "I've been at the end of some of those town halls where the police had to carry people out and I get concerned not only for your own safety, but for the safety of the people who are there, who actually come to be heard and even if you have an opposing opinion, that's great. That's what these events are for, but there's a level, you know, when people cross a line to actually inciting other people and when individual safety becomes an issue then the purpose of doing it is lost."
Rep. Barletta is the second congressman to make such a statement. Rep. Barry Loudermilk (R-GA) said the same yesterday:

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