Rep. Steve King Viciously Attacks Woman, grabbing her screaming Racial Slurs

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I am no fan of King, but he did not grab her wrist. He took her hand.

She constantly interrupted King, not letting him talk.

And he sure as shit did not "viciously attack" the woman. Not did he "scream racial slurs".

You are an unmitigated asshole, hazlnut.

Lol, hazelnut is a riot, isn't he? :lmao:
Republicans being 90% white are at war on everyone not white.

Over 60% of Democrats are white. They aren't at war with other whites. They are at war with ignorant racists. A big difference.

So even Democrats hate your racism?

I'm not racist. That would be those who say the president was born in Kenya. Sound familiar?
You are a racist. Accept it and move on.
"Mestizo" is not a Racial Slur. A Mestizo the result of the Conquistadors impregnating the Aztec or Mayan wimmen they encountered along the way.

Mexicans use this term all the time and it is proper.
besides rdean, the hazzynuts is the most dishonest in what he post on here

he doesn't care he just slimes us with anything
You are an idiot.

At no point does he "scream racial slurs". He never even raises his voice. His tone is nothing but calm and measured throughout.

He is not aggressive in any way. If anyone is aggressive, it is the woman. She never lets him complete a sentence. Let's see what your body language would be if someone kept interrupting you.

And ask any woman who has ever been "viciously attacked" for real what they think of someone describing this scene as a vicious attack.

You are both unmitigated assholes.

When he said "drug smugglers with calves the size of cantaloupes" he made no distinction. He may not have said it in this instance, in fact, she brought it up. But it's a statement he has used many times to slur Hispanics. Only for Republicans is there a place for that. That and "tar baby" and "boi" and "uppity" and so on.

As I said at the top, I am no fan of King. But his prior statement in no way justifies slandering him as viciously attacking the woman or screaming racial slurs. In fact, that accusation is far worse than his statement about drug smugglers with big calves.

"drug smugglers with calves the size of cantaloupes" in the context he was using it IS a "racial slur".

DREAMers deliver cantaloupes to House members who voted with Steve King | MSNBC

Immigrant Groups Launch Petition Drive After Lawmaker's "Cantaloupe Calves" Comment - US News

"Some of them are valedictorians, and their parents brought them in," King said. "It wasn't their fault. It's true in some cases, but they aren't all valedictorians. For every one who's a valedictorian, there's another 100 out there that weigh 130 pounds and they've got calves the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert."

Steve King Never Heard of Anyone Getting Pregnant by Statutory Rape

Rep. Steve King Accuses Obama of Favoring Blacks Over Whites | Fox News
I just watched it without sound.

Ol' Hazel's description seems pretty accurate.

Rand ran.

King grabbed her idea where he thinks he can do that.

And he seemed pretty aggressive.

You are an idiot.

At no point does he "scream racial slurs". He never even raises his voice. His tone is nothing but calm and measured throughout.

He is not aggressive in any way. If anyone is aggressive, it is the woman. She never lets him complete a sentence. Let's see what your body language would be if someone kept interrupting you.

And ask any woman who has ever been "viciously attacked" for real what they think of someone describing this scene as a vicious attack.

You are both unmitigated assholes.

When he said "drug smugglers with calves the size of cantaloupes" he made no distinction. He may not have said it in this instance, in fact, she brought it up. But it's a statement he has used many times to slur Hispanics. Only for Republicans is there a place for that. That and "tar baby" and "boi" and "uppity" and so on.

Keep digging that hole you are in, and take hazeldouche and shallow with you.
Rand Paul's handlers did the right thing. I like how he shook their hands, and then went back to his sandwich.

He only got one bite, and then his handlers shuffled him out of there. :D

That's exactly what handlers are for. To avoid these kind of staged confrontations which assholes like Sallow and hazlnut twist into something it is not.

The woman did not freak out or react in any negative way when King took her hand. She was being extremely rude and she knew it.

Watch the film again. King does everything he can to be polite. He does the courtesy of taking the girl's DACA card, and dons his glasses to look at it. He listens to her point of view. He tries to give her her card back.

She, on the other hand, is rude. She confronts him while he is eating. She won't take the card back. She mocks him and says he can rip it up. She does not let him speak his point of view.

After viewing this, I actually respect King more than I did before this day. I believe he is totally wrong on the Dreamer thing, but he was not in the wrong in this confrontation. He handled it very well.
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Thought the young girl and her friend were trying to provoke King into a screaming match. They had cameras ready to record his response.
King handled it quite well under the spontaneous circumstances. He was still wrong, but he was patient and respectful in a situation he didn't need to be.
Thought the young girl and her friend were trying to provoke King into a screaming match. They had cameras ready to record his response.
King handled it quite well under the spontaneous circumstances. He was still wrong, but he was patient and respectful in a situation he didn't need to be.

My view also, and he needs to eat like everyone else, without being confronted.
If Mexicans fucked up Mexico, what makes anyone think Mexicans won't fuck up America?
even before i opened this thread i knew it was going to be a lie because hazlenut posted it
Rightwinger and Peach, you have proven yourself to be unbiased posters here. I am out of rep, but you will be next when my allottment comes through. Hope others read your posts.
I am no fan of King, but he did not grab her wrist. He took her hand.

She constantly interrupted King, not letting him talk.

And he sure as shit did not "viciously attack" the woman. Not did he "scream racial slurs".

You are an unmitigated asshole, hazlnut.

I would simply insert lying between unmitigated and asshole.

Rep. Steve King Grabs Latino Woman's Wrist: 'You're Very Good At English'

Fucking Rand Paul shit his pants and ran like a coward.

Things got dicey Monday night when two immigration activists confronted Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Rep. Steve King (R-IA) at a fundraiser in Okobiji, Iowa.

Erika Andiola and Cesar Vargas, both members of the Dream Action Coalition, shook hands with the two lawmakers and introduced themselves as beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program — a program King pushed to end through legislation in the House. Paul was quickly whisked away from the table by an aide and even left his food behind as Andiola handed her DACA card to King and offered to let him rip it up.

Have you read this thread? Do you see that anyone who saw the video, that you provided, I might add, saw what actually happened and it certainly is not what you reported in your post.

You are made out to be a fool when you exaggerate and make up things that don't happen. Once you have that reputation, it's hard to regain any kind of credibility. You can see that posters with a liberal persuasion posted against your thoughts and demonstrated they can be objective observers and report accurately. Why can't you?

Rep. Steve King Grabs Latino Woman's Wrist: 'You're Very Good At English'

Fucking Rand Paul shit his pants and ran like a coward.

Things got dicey Monday night when two immigration activists confronted Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Rep. Steve King (R-IA) at a fundraiser in Okobiji, Iowa.

Erika Andiola and Cesar Vargas, both members of the Dream Action Coalition, shook hands with the two lawmakers and introduced themselves as beneficiaries of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, program — a program King pushed to end through legislation in the House. Paul was quickly whisked away from the table by an aide and even left his food behind as Andiola handed her DACA card to King and offered to let him rip it up.

negged for being a lying cock

She rudely attacked him while he was eating and as he tried to explain she kept interrupting him.

leftist support lying bitches? quell surprise
That they are.

King was respectfull even when that idiot damned near assaulted him.

Shallow and Haznuts need their eyes examined or brains. Whichever comes first.

Oh and you can throw Deanie in there as well.

What's scary is that every once in a while, they break out of their circle jerk and actually breed more low information voters.
What an arrogant little **** and how fucking rude to interrupt a man eating a meal, misrepresent what he says, and then not listen at all. She a stupid leftist illegal who's trying to make a name for herself. This is her schtick. Nothing but a mestizo bitch trying to justify her existence, and failing.
They were eating lunch at a fundraiser. They were politicking. They were there to be approached.

The bolded part should should be a GOP campaign slogan, if the GOP were an honest group.

AND LOL! at stupid Rand Paul running away.

But King didn't attack her. He did however grab her hand which IMO is not nice and somewhat aggressive.
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