Reparations for Slavery and the Responsibities of the Modern Black American

I have no expertise in designing nations.
Essentially, nobody has expertise in the area. There are several events that prove this including the perpetual failure of the US State Department to provide a reliable government chartering system for developing societies. A few years back there was discussion about Egypt, and an infamous discussion with the late Justice Ginsburg, who suggested that Egypt consider several charters except for the 1787 US Constitution. I agree with the implication that the Constitution is unusable, but I am disappointed that she cannot contribute ideas. And South Africa seems to have gone astray from the anticiaption to liberate Blacks. I think Nelson Mandela was disappointed that educated Black Americans would rather cry about oppression than help him.

And then there was the Nobel Prize awarded to President Obama. I believe that the Nobel commission anticipated that he could provide the interpretation of the US Constitution that developing nations could not interpret, because he "broke the racial bias" of the system - he understood how it works.

But I have long believed what you said: Someday the government of the day will offer to Americans of African ancestry their own country consisting of several Southern states.
I am surprised that the idea has not been more anticipated. There was a Black man a year or so ago suggesting that Blacks appropriate Florida, and Louis Farrakhan suggested Detroit; but obviously, Blacks cannot organize the effort themselves.

I have been developing the idea since 2012. I have been developing a formatted charter for organizing a constitutional convention series for reordering all three levels of the government into a reliable formulated system that can then be interpreted into as many languages as possible for all levels of government and convertible to at least three municipal population configurations; small, standard, and large:
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How very Stalinist of you.
I do not know the non-republic-democracy leaders beyond the popular descriptions of Marxism, Communism, and Socialism. I firmly believe in the American principles of life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and ownership of personal property. My ambition has been to solve the social chaos that we are enduring now. I began contemplating the misunderstandings in early 2001, and recognized the root of the problem in 2007.

I have noticed that your responses lack depth of thought and lack any attempt to deliberate misunderstandings - you are par for the course of most members. You are a piece of shit that I pretty much ignore. I don't care what you think of me. I am smarter than you - you have nothing to offer to prove that you are trying to make a difference - you are a troll looking to offend me, and probably others, for attention. If I have time I will feed your need for attention, but don't get to much of a hard on, because I am not going to masturbate you for you.
40 Acres and a Mule Would Be at Least $6.4 Trillion Today—What the U.S. Really Owes Black America
40 acres and a mule is an approach to segregation. A monetary award is not going to do what Blacks think it will do. There is no reason to believe that under the contemporary unsegregated conditions that Blacks will enjoy long term prosperity.

I would like to give Black Americans a couple of states. I am thinking Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Only Black people will be allowed to vote in these states. There will be several states that only whites will be allowed to vote. There will be state(s) that only Hispanics will be allowed to vote. And then there will be state(s) that only Asians will be allowed to vote. And then there will be a few secular-plural states that are infinitely tolerant of race.

Sound like a good starting point? It is all negotiable - nothing is set in stone. There are a lot of other things to figure out, such as organizing government - there is no sense in Blacks using the government model designed by racist slave owners.

I think that desegregation has not benefited Blacks as well as it was thought intended. The modern Black Americans have far more ability to do community and state, then what the Blacks could do in the Jim Crow era of segregation.
Can whites stop talking about what they think reparations will or will not do. Because the first mistake you continue to make is that reparations are just for slavery.
Run that one past the grand counsel of all American Indian Tribes who had their land and possessions stolen from them and even their lives on the Trail of Tears that was so viciously run, only 1 out of 10 of the native Americans survived the trip to Ft. Sill, Oklahoma from the entire eastern board states. Then get back to me with their input.
I am very very sorry, I left out the Native Americans. Do I really deserve your smart-ass response??? Can you try to understand that even me, the smartest person at this message board, makes mistakes? Did you not notice that I was trying to cover all bases??? Everything is negotiable - did you not read that???

Can you make a comment more in alignment with the intent of this discussion, or do you just want to try to prove that you are smarter than me?
Please explain to these idiots that Native Americans get reparations every year.
Reparations should include a one way ticket to Africa with a no return order for any unhappy African American.....we will pay you whiny fucks but then you must leave for good and never come back....
Wrong. You owe us money. We don't have to go anywhere.
Can whites stop talking about what they think reparations will or will not do. Because the first mistake you continue to make is that reparations are just for slavery.
No, I am requiring non-whites here to stay on topic. You are not going to make the rules of discussion here.
Please explain to these idiots that Native Americans get reparations every year.
No, I am requiring non-whites here to stay on topic. It is your responsibility to explain any misunderstandings - that is how discussion works. Please review your similar remarks.
No, I am requiring whites here to stay on topic. Too often when black start threads here we get threads full of the shit taz is doing and it gets allowed until a person with responsibility uses the trolling as an excuse to close the thread just like the racists want done.

Wrong. You owe us money. We don't have to go anywhere.
We do not have to give in to your demands. You, and the rest of your people, are being offered a seat at the table of a peace agreement. It is highly recommended that you review all aspects of the discussion and consult with others before making your demands. There is nothing in your recent history of participation here at the USMB that indicates a high level of intelligence worthy to make any demands.
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Run that one past the grand counsel of all American Indian Tribes who had their land and possessions stolen from them and even their lives on the Trail of Tears that was so viciously run, only 1 out of 10 of the native Americans survived the trip to Ft. Sill, Oklahoma from the entire eastern board states. Then get back to me with their input.
I am very very sorry, I left out the Native Americans. Do I really deserve your smart-ass response??? Can you try to understand that even me, the smartest person at this message board, makes mistakes? Did you not notice that I was trying to cover all bases??? Everything is negotiable - did you not read that???

Can you make a comment more in alignment with the intent of this discussion, or do you just want to try to prove that you are smarter than me?
Sorry you would take umbrage at anything I said, as I target ideas, not people. I know I have an attitude toward those who ignore the fathers and mothers who welcomed strangers into the new world, only to find out that as they came over here, they were estranged with calloused assurance they were lower than any animals by the real estate-oriented new comers with pale faces to expropriate the Indians' ancestral hunting grounds
Run that one past the grand counsel of all American Indian Tribes who had their land and possessions stolen from them and even their lives on the Trail of Tears that was so viciously run, only 1 out of 10 of the native Americans survived the trip to Ft. Sill, Oklahoma from the entire eastern board states. Then get back to me with their input.
I am very very sorry, I left out the Native Americans. Do I really deserve your smart-ass response??? Can you try to understand that even me, the smartest person at this message board, makes mistakes? Did you not notice that I was trying to cover all bases??? Everything is negotiable - did you not read that???

Can you make a comment more in alignment with the intent of this discussion, or do you just want to try to prove that you are smarter than me?
Please explain to these idiots that Native Americans get reparations every year.
"Please explain to these idiots that Native Americans get reparations every year."​

Not until you see to it that the Native Americans receive rent from every square inch of real estate from Coast to Coast. They owned all of it. All of it except the least arable lands were taken away from them, so far from their established homes, hunting grounds, rivers, lakes, maple and pecan forests, and farmlands where corn was planted and fish were used as fertilizer, the decimation of their buffalo herds, fishing waters, and other traditional resources they enjoyed before the year 1600. And for the 900,000 Native Americans who died, being harshly herded along the Trail of Tears, you have no means to pay back the handful of survivors who arrived to the empty wastelands of middle America that offered no way for the survivors to use the skills they learned in their native homes back east where water and game were plentiful.

Reparations cannot be made to human beings who were slaughtered en masse by people with weaponry so advanced, bows and arrows couldn't compete, and by the 1940s, Gabby Hayes voiced the white attitude with the words "Th' only good injun is a dead injun!" in a Western movie. When I as a four-year-old child repeated those words to my Grandmother, she was stricken with pity that people could be so cold, many decades after the native Americans were defeated with survivors left to starve in the hostile wastelands of the Continent. Some pioneers merely poisoned entire tribes out of existence one way or another, unpublished, and relegated to forgetfulness.

The Democrats plan on doing that to Republicans because it's too inconvenient when one wants to inflict forced mask-wearing on the masses who own property, and to divide the spoils of all property with whoever is the trickiest zookeeper/deceiver of men in the nation.
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40 Acres and a Mule Would Be at Least $6.4 Trillion Today—What the U.S. Really Owes Black America
40 acres and a mule is an approach to segregation. A monetary award is not going to do what Blacks think it will do. There is no reason to believe that under the contemporary unsegregated conditions that Blacks will enjoy long term prosperity.

I would like to give Black Americans a couple of states. I am thinking Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana. Only Black people will be allowed to vote in these states. There will be several states that only whites will be allowed to vote. There will be state(s) that only Hispanics will be allowed to vote. And then there will be state(s) that only Asians will be allowed to vote. And then there will be a few secular-plural states that are infinitely tolerant of race.

Sound like a good starting point? It is all negotiable - nothing is set in stone. There are a lot of other things to figure out, such as organizing government - there is no sense in Blacks using the government model designed by racist slave owners.

I think that desegregation has not benefited Blacks as well as it was thought intended. The modern Black Americans have far more ability to do community and state, then what the Blacks could do in the Jim Crow era of segregation.
Can whites stop talking about what they think reparations will or will not do. Because the first mistake you continue to make is that reparations are just for slavery. just want something for free.
Reparations should include a one way ticket to Africa with a no return order for any unhappy African American.....we will pay you whiny fucks but then you must leave for good and never come back....
Wrong. You owe us money. We don't have to go anywhere.
If we owed you money we must have borrowed some from you and we have if America is so bad....we will pay you to leave....and call it reparations....sounds like a win win to me....
Reparations should include a one way ticket to Africa with a no return order for any unhappy African American.....we will pay you whiny fucks but then you must leave for good and never come back....
Wrong. You owe us money. We don't have to go anywhere.
If we owed you money we must have borrowed some from you and we have if America is so bad....we will pay you to leave....and call it reparations....sounds like a win win to me....
You owe us money. I was born here. So I tell you what, when we get reparations, I'll buy you a return ticket to Europe.
Reparations should include a one way ticket to Africa with a no return order for any unhappy African American.....we will pay you whiny fucks but then you must leave for good and never come back....
Wrong. You owe us money. We don't have to go anywhere.
If we owed you money we must have borrowed some from you and we have if America is so bad....we will pay you to leave....and call it reparations....sounds like a win win to me....
You owe us money. I was born here. So I tell you what, when we get reparations, I'll buy you a return ticket to Europe.
I was born here too...I'm not he one that wants a change.....
Run that one past the grand counsel of all American Indian Tribes who had their land and possessions stolen from them and even their lives on the Trail of Tears that was so viciously run, only 1 out of 10 of the native Americans survived the trip to Ft. Sill, Oklahoma from the entire eastern board states. Then get back to me with their input.
Sorry you would take umbrage at anything I said, as I target ideas, not people. I know I have an attitude toward those who ignore the fathers and mothers who welcomed strangers into the new world, only to find out that as they came over here, they were estranged with calloused assurance they were lower than any animals by the real estate-oriented new comers with pale faces to expropriate the Indians' ancestral hunting grounds
It is kind of hard to believe that you were merely "targeting" my failure in complete ideas. None the less, I can try to prove that I am very sincere that I was merely mistaken in not identifying the Native Americans in this instance.

A couple of weeks back I wrote letters to the federal government in response to the riots requesting the Congressional Black Caucus to lead Black Americans to commence organizing delegations to reorder the government chartering system, because that is the only solution to the grievance of "systemic racism." I wrote a follow-up letter that described a means for the federal government to commence the ambition, and it addressed the priority of Native Americans:
Second duty is the establishment of federal courts to deliberate grievance categories and
review petitions of directives systems composed to order a reliable government chartering
system that can be translated into as many languages as possible, applicable for all levels of
government, and convertible for at least three municipal population configurations: small,
standard, and large.

The first grievance and reform court should be established for Native Americans. The
second court established for African Americans. The third court established for Asian
Americans. The fourth court established for the Latino Americans. The fifth court established
for the Caucasian Americans. The sixth court will receive the rest of the various ethnic, political,
ideological, religious, commercial, labor, government reform, and etc.. The delegated courts
are assigned to members of the subsisting federal judiciary pool in alignment with their
ideological sympathies, if necessary and possible. State courts may be drafted, as well, in
alignment with their ideological sympathies to hear and graduate local grievances to the federal
level should there be an overwhelming submission of petitions. The ambition is to provide trust
for the adversely effected citizens to enter petitions of grievances and/or corrective directives
systems to the government without fear of an unsympathetic court and unjust reconciliation of
the petitions submitted.

I will be looking into this grand counsel of all American Indian Tribes that you described and bring them into my circulation of ideas.

Thank you for your help.


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Reparations should include a one way ticket to Africa with a no return order for any unhappy African American.....we will pay you whiny fucks but then you must leave for good and never come back....
Wrong. You owe us money. We don't have to go anywhere.
If we owed you money we must have borrowed some from you and we have if America is so bad....we will pay you to leave....and call it reparations....sounds like a win win to me....
You owe us money. I was born here. So I tell you what, when we get reparations, I'll buy you a return ticket to Europe.
I owe you nothing, and neither does any other American . Get a job. That's how equal people earn their own American Dream. That peel me a grape lardass stuff doesn't go over well in a free society.
have you ever seen a really stupid woman at the store with kids who are totally out of control, so she tries to shut them up by handing them candy bars?

That is reparitions in a nut shell.
Can whites stop talking about what they think reparations will or will not do. Because the first mistake you continue to make is that reparations are just for slavery.

The first mistake you, blacks, continue to make, is that you claim that you are smarter than whites and at the same time being oppressed by whites - how does that happen???

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