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Nobody is holding anybody back but themselves

Always said by white males

Statistics say otherwise.

There is a reason that I can't find enough women or minority owned businesses...and it's not that minorities or women aren't capable

No, it's because they don't want to own their own business. If you want something in a great country like ours, you will get it if that's what you want.

The Democrats have spend decades telling these people that they are oppressed; they will never be anything; you have to be born the right color, from the right family, from the right neighborhood.

When you repeat a lie enough times, it becomes truth to some people. They simply believe it.
No I do not. I'm 58 years old and only as a child actually remember people being openly discriminated against. In other words the people that suffered that discrimination are long gone or very old now and likely on some sort of social program whether they contributed to it or not.

If it's one thing I think we can all agree on, this subject (which keeps coming up) is for political purposes only and will likely not result in anything. I believe that those of working age today have no issues they did not create for themselves. In the black community, their problem is not what happened to their father or grandfather. Their problem is single-family homes, lack of education by dropping out of school, and parent(s) who don't look over their children. In other words, their problems are self-made, not the result of people that lived before them, slavery or Jim Crow.
You are being extremely short sighted. For example. Generally speaking, which child has a better chance of going to college? A child from a high class family who’s parents and grandparents all went to college or a child from a poor family who’s parents didn’t complete high school? Simple question, please give a simple and direct answer

The child that has the best chance at going to college is the one who studied the hardest and got the better grades. It's not up to race, it's up to accomplishments.
Ok but we are talking about a society so take 1000 families from the first scenario and 1000 families from the second... what outcome do you think the results will show? We both know the answer. Just say it and then we can go from there.

Of course the lower income family stands less of a chance because of the family structure--not because of their race. Poorer white families face the same dilemma.

View attachment 247636

Unfortunately academic achievement does not guarantee a student a free ride through college like a sports scholarship does. Otherwise this country would be doing a lot better in the areas of science and technology because, at least some of, the poor would be willing to study harder for that goal.



Who said a free ride? My white nephew is 32 years old. He has a masters degree and living with his mother to try and repay student loans. He has a great job and it pays well. But repaying college loans can take up half your life.
The child that has the best chance at going to college is the one who studied the hardest and got the better grades. It's not up to race, it's up to accomplishments.
Ok but we are talking about a society so take 1000 families from the first scenario and 1000 families from the second... what outcome do you think the results will show? We both know the answer. Just say it and then we can go from there.

Of course the lower income family stands less of a chance because of the family structure--not because of their race. Poorer white families face the same dilemma.
Ok, thank you for recognizing that. Now you have to also recognize the fact that black family’s were held down for generations by our society and more importantly by our laws. When our system is responsible for holding back a race of people from receiving proper education or achieving wealth for generations and when you look at the after effects of what develops from that you can’t simply change the law and presume it is an even playing field. Do you understand why?

Nobody is holding anybody back but themselves. What happened in generations before you has little to no effect on you today.

My father grew up poor, and not by today's definition. He lived in a house the size of a three car garage with his six siblings. They had no indoor plumbing. When they had to use the bathroom, it was outside in the backyard.

They were on welfare which back then meant one of the kids would pull the red wagon five miles to the fire station where they loaded it up with fruits and vegetables. My father had to quit school in 9th grade to help support the family.

Yet my father nor uncles and aunts ever spent a day in jail. Most of the men fought in wars, and eventually learned trades and raised families. Nothing was passed down to them like most white families during that time, and if we get anything, we will be the first generation to do so.

People come here from other countries, particularly the middle-east where they grew up in real poverty, and within a couple of years, they own their own businesses. They find the American dream. Some even become wealthy.

So I don't buy this stuff of generations before. Your life starts the day you were born, not when your grandfather was born. You didn't live his life, you live yours and make the best of it.
You completely ignored my last statement and went on a rant about your family who was poor but not because of government suppression. Want to try again to address my post and stay on topic?

I believe I addressed your post point for point. If you wish to put the palms of your hands against your ears and sing aloud, I can't help you with that.

I pointed out that many whites didn't have opportunities just like many blacks did not. I also pointed out that anybody from my generation and beyond experienced none of this discrimination or oppression. I pointed out that my white family were all poor, and because of hard work, they achieved the American dream.

What else do you want?
Nobody is holding anybody back but themselves

Always said by white males

Statistics say otherwise.

There is a reason that I can't find enough women or minority owned businesses...and it's not that minorities or women aren't capable

No, it's because they don't want to own their own business. If you want something in a great country like ours, you will get it if that's what you want.

The Democrats have spend decades telling these people that they are oppressed; they will never be anything; you have to be born the right color, from the right family, from the right neighborhood.

When you repeat a lie enough times, it becomes truth to some people. They simply believe it.
You're making claims by pulling opinions out your ass.

Minorities and women don't want to own business?

What exactly do you base that on? The same kind of fantasies that produce your claims about reparation payments that no one has proposed?
You are being extremely short sighted. For example. Generally speaking, which child has a better chance of going to college? A child from a high class family who’s parents and grandparents all went to college or a child from a poor family who’s parents didn’t complete high school? Simple question, please give a simple and direct answer

The child that has the best chance at going to college is the one who studied the hardest and got the better grades. It's not up to race, it's up to accomplishments.
Ok but we are talking about a society so take 1000 families from the first scenario and 1000 families from the second... what outcome do you think the results will show? We both know the answer. Just say it and then we can go from there.

Of course the lower income family stands less of a chance because of the family structure--not because of their race. Poorer white families face the same dilemma.

View attachment 247636

Unfortunately academic achievement does not guarantee a student a free ride through college like a sports scholarship does. Otherwise this country would be doing a lot better in the areas of science and technology because, at least some of, the poor would be willing to study harder for that goal.



Who said a free ride? My white nephew is 32 years old. He has a masters degree and living with his mother to try and repay student loans. He has a great job and it pays well. But repaying college loans can take up half your life.


You're missing my point. I was an academic achiever one of a hand full in my class, as was my son, and the scholarships are not there for someone those who study math and science. On the other hand if you're involved in sports or the social programs they're just more than willing to hand out scholarships. Not everyone is cut out to be a jock or community service representative. However the love of science and math can be a full time endeavor if one is serious and loves studying those areas...

My point is that the universities and colleges should be handing out scholarships, like free rides, to those academic achievers. They would do more for the state of US science and technology than a jock or community organizer. We might even be investing in the next Einstein if we did so....... But this now takes us off topic and the topic is why do I owe any sort of Affirmative Action or other form of 'reparation' to a person of color who came here after the Civil War and/ or the Civil Rights of last century were passed.


If liberals weren't so historically, damnably IGNORANT, they would realize that EVERY group of people on this planet has been abused and brutalized at one point or another in history. ALL races have a bloody history, not simply the whites that liberals love to blame for everything. Hell, the biggest mass-murderer in recorded human history was NOT WHITE. He was an Asian named Mao Zedong. Human history is universally barbaric, no one race owns the ultimate monopoly on human rights atrocities. Which makes liberal "white guilt" nothing but arrogant, preening, virtue-signaling posturing from atop a golden pedestal.
We aren’t exactly talking about human history of the world. There are still people alive today who lived through Jim Crow and systemic discrimination through our laws. That’s worth a serious debate about how to rectify don’t you think?


Yet the ones I'm siting in my OP were not even in the United States and suffered any abuses such as slavery or those Jim Crow laws because they are immigrants who've arrived here after those issues...

What makes them eligible for Affirmative Action or any other program designed to make 'reparations' for those wrongs?



I don’t know, I asked what modern day affirmative action or reparations laws you are speaking of but you didn’t answer.


Isn't that what Affirmative action and quotas are all about?

Making reparations for past wrongs?

If not then I suppose they were totally unnecessary in the first place and we can just throw them out.


If liberals weren't so historically, damnably IGNORANT, they would realize that EVERY group of people on this planet has been abused and brutalized at one point or another in history. ALL races have a bloody history, not simply the whites that liberals love to blame for everything. Hell, the biggest mass-murderer in recorded human history was NOT WHITE. He was an Asian named Mao Zedong. Human history is universally barbaric, no one race owns the ultimate monopoly on human rights atrocities. Which makes liberal "white guilt" nothing but arrogant, preening, virtue-signaling posturing from atop a golden pedestal.
We aren’t exactly talking about human history of the world. There are still people alive today who lived through Jim Crow and systemic discrimination through our laws. That’s worth a serious debate about how to rectify don’t you think?


Yet the ones I'm siting in my OP were not even in the United States and suffered any abuses such as slavery or those Jim Crow laws because they are immigrants who've arrived here after those issues...

What makes them eligible for Affirmative Action or any other program designed to make 'reparations' for those wrongs?



I don’t know, I asked what modern day affirmative action or reparations laws you are speaking of but you didn’t answer.


Isn't that what Affirmative action and quotas are all about?

Making reparations for past wrongs?

If not then I suppose they were totally unnecessary in the first place and we can just throw them out.



The only thing on topic out of that bizarre whining rant was the following

"But this now takes us off topic and the topic is why do I owe any sort of Affirmative Action or other form of 'reparation' to a person of color who came here after the Civil War and/ or the Civil Rights of last century were passed."

What does "reparations" mean to you so we can have an honest discussion...

Why does someone who has never been a slave, who has never known a slave, want to take money from people who never owned a slave, and give it to someone else who has never been a slave?

Why do people want to continue to use history like a tool to continuously divide this nation and as a means for revenge for something never done to them instead of using history as a TEACHER to help us learn from our mistakes so we do not ever repeat those mistakes / horrible things?

I am a Native American, and you do not see Native Americans demanding reparations.

You do not see Japanese Americans demanding reparations for their ancestors being held in internment camps.

Why must race-baiters continue to divide this country?

God teaches us that it is far better ... and harder ... to forgive and move on that continue to hold hate in one's heart.

Hate, holding a grudge, poisons the one holding the grudge far more than the one being hated, but it divides them both.

It is WAY past time we move beyond the past wrongs done today's people can only read about and know nothing personally about.

Time to be adults, forgive, CHOOSE to change instead of being stuck in a divisive hateful past...or let our leaders continue to divide us through manipulating emotions over the past.

Hating is easy...choosing to forgive, move on, and grow is the harder, more adult, better course of action...

Don't let manipulators with agendas continue to divide and destroy this nation!
Because if all you're whining about is affirmative action and quotas...I already gave plenty of reason for their existence and you blew right past it.

If you're talking about cash payments of some sport you're living in a fantasy grievence world
Ok but we are talking about a society so take 1000 families from the first scenario and 1000 families from the second... what outcome do you think the results will show? We both know the answer. Just say it and then we can go from there.

Of course the lower income family stands less of a chance because of the family structure--not because of their race. Poorer white families face the same dilemma.
Ok, thank you for recognizing that. Now you have to also recognize the fact that black family’s were held down for generations by our society and more importantly by our laws. When our system is responsible for holding back a race of people from receiving proper education or achieving wealth for generations and when you look at the after effects of what develops from that you can’t simply change the law and presume it is an even playing field. Do you understand why?

Nobody is holding anybody back but themselves. What happened in generations before you has little to no effect on you today.

My father grew up poor, and not by today's definition. He lived in a house the size of a three car garage with his six siblings. They had no indoor plumbing. When they had to use the bathroom, it was outside in the backyard.

They were on welfare which back then meant one of the kids would pull the red wagon five miles to the fire station where they loaded it up with fruits and vegetables. My father had to quit school in 9th grade to help support the family.

Yet my father nor uncles and aunts ever spent a day in jail. Most of the men fought in wars, and eventually learned trades and raised families. Nothing was passed down to them like most white families during that time, and if we get anything, we will be the first generation to do so.

People come here from other countries, particularly the middle-east where they grew up in real poverty, and within a couple of years, they own their own businesses. They find the American dream. Some even become wealthy.

So I don't buy this stuff of generations before. Your life starts the day you were born, not when your grandfather was born. You didn't live his life, you live yours and make the best of it.
You completely ignored my last statement and went on a rant about your family who was poor but not because of government suppression. Want to try again to address my post and stay on topic?

I believe I addressed your post point for point. If you wish to put the palms of your hands against your ears and sing aloud, I can't help you with that.

I pointed out that many whites didn't have opportunities just like many blacks did not. I also pointed out that anybody from my generation and beyond experienced none of this discrimination or oppression. I pointed out that my white family were all poor, and because of hard work, they achieved the American dream.

What else do you want?
If you were trying to make the point that poor whites didn’t have opportunities like poor blacks then you are missing the enormous factor of systemic oppression by law from our government. Oppressions that limited their earning potential and education potential for generations. Can you recognize the repercussions of that?

Why does someone who has never been a slave, who has never known a slave, want to take money from people who never owned a slave, and give it to someone else who has never been a slave?

Why do people want to continue to use history like a tool to continuously divide this nation and as a means for revenge for something never done to them instead of using history as a TEACHER to help us learn from our mistakes so we do not ever re peat those mistakes / horrible things?

I am a Native American, and you do not see Native Americans demanding reparations.

You do not see Japanese Americans demanding reparations for their ancestors being held in internment camps.

Why must race-baiters continue to divide this country.

God teaches us that it is far better ... and harder ... to forgive and move on that continue to hold hate in one's heart.

Hate, holding a grudge, poisons the one holding the grudge far more than the one being hated, but it divides them both.

It is WAY past time we move past the past wrongs done that today's people can only read about and know nothing personally about. Time to be adults, forgive, CHOOSE to change instead of being stuck in a divisive hateful past...or let our leaders continue to divide us through manipulating emotions over the past.

Hating is easy...choosing to forgive, move on, and grow is the harder, more adult, better course of action...

Don't let manipulators with agendas continue to divide and destroy this nation!
I guess you missed this so I'll post it again

Interesting question and I HOPE we can discuss it without the racial animus that usually accompanies the subject.
First things first let's understand and agree that that black folks WERE ripped from their culture and families and made slaves. That is something not easily overcome. In fact it's something that leaves a lasting scar.

Then let's understand that after we freed these people from slavery...that they underwent a century of Jim Crow laws that were not a lot different from the slavery they had been freed from and that that only ended 50 or so years ago.

And then lets understand that black folks STILL have to deal with the results of this. All one has to do is look on THIS fucking board to see that racism is STILL an issue. One that us white folks aren't affected by but black folks confront every day

So where does that leave us?

Clearly it's a difficult question. And no one running for President is proposing that we "cut a check" to "pay for this.

That's a HUGE understanding..

Someone has very clearly focused grouped "reparations" and found that people are against direct cash payments to "fix" this.

Again. No Presidential candidates are proposing that and that changes the discussion dramatically.

So what does that leave? What are the "reparations" being proposed?

I have heard NO actual proposals. NONE.

I happen to be a project manager who deals with Federal contracts. As part of satisfying the requirements for submitting bids, a contractor has to satisfy requirements for "attempting to acquire" sub contractors who fall into minority and women owned businesses. You don't have to fulfill the "required" 15%. You have to show that you "tried".

And the reason for that is that there simply aren't enough businesses that meet those requirements. Think about that. There are just not enough businesses owned by minority folks and women to meet that 15% requirement!

That's an issue...and that's a problem.

So how do we fix that?

Low interest/no interest loans and grants.

As a small business owner...I can tell you that those are simply not available to ANYONE. They are just not there for anyone and they would result in middle class business growth and job growth.

Do we target them at all low income businesses? Do we do that AND make an emphasis towards minority/women owned business?

I say we do ALL of that.

Small business is he engine of Democracy

And THAT is what Kamala Harris is talking about
If liberals weren't so historically, damnably IGNORANT, they would realize that EVERY group of people on this planet has been abused and brutalized at one point or another in history. ALL races have a bloody history, not simply the whites that liberals love to blame for everything. Hell, the biggest mass-murderer in recorded human history was NOT WHITE. He was an Asian named Mao Zedong. Human history is universally barbaric, no one race owns the ultimate monopoly on human rights atrocities. Which makes liberal "white guilt" nothing but arrogant, preening, virtue-signaling posturing from atop a golden pedestal.
We aren’t exactly talking about human history of the world. There are still people alive today who lived through Jim Crow and systemic discrimination through our laws. That’s worth a serious debate about how to rectify don’t you think?


Yet the ones I'm siting in my OP were not even in the United States and suffered any abuses such as slavery or those Jim Crow laws because they are immigrants who've arrived here after those issues...

What makes them eligible for Affirmative Action or any other program designed to make 'reparations' for those wrongs?



I don’t know, I asked what modern day affirmative action or reparations laws you are speaking of but you didn’t answer.


Isn't that what Affirmative action and quotas are all about?

Making reparations for past wrongs?

If not then I suppose they were totally unnecessary in the first place and we can just throw them out.



Instead of posting photos and white snake videos how about you take a crack at answering my question. So for the third time, which specific modern day laws do you object to? I know you probably have no clue what actual laws are out there being enforced so take this opportunity to educate yourself and come back with an intelligent response.
If liberals weren't so historically, damnably IGNORANT, they would realize that EVERY group of people on this planet has been abused and brutalized at one point or another in history. ALL races have a bloody history, not simply the whites that liberals love to blame for everything. Hell, the biggest mass-murderer in recorded human history was NOT WHITE. He was an Asian named Mao Zedong. Human history is universally barbaric, no one race owns the ultimate monopoly on human rights atrocities. Which makes liberal "white guilt" nothing but arrogant, preening, virtue-signaling posturing from atop a golden pedestal.
We aren’t exactly talking about human history of the world. There are still people alive today who lived through Jim Crow and systemic discrimination through our laws. That’s worth a serious debate about how to rectify don’t you think?


Yet the ones I'm siting in my OP were not even in the United States and suffered any abuses such as slavery or those Jim Crow laws because they are immigrants who've arrived here after those issues...

What makes them eligible for Affirmative Action or any other program designed to make 'reparations' for those wrongs?



I don’t know, I asked what modern day affirmative action or reparations laws you are speaking of but you didn’t answer.


Isn't that what Affirmative action and quotas are all about?

Making reparations for past wrongs?

If not then I suppose they were totally unnecessary in the first place and we can just throw them out.



The only thing on topic out of that bizarre whining rant was the following

"But this now takes us off topic and the topic is why do I owe any sort of Affirmative Action or other form of 'reparation' to a person of color who came here after the Civil War and/ or the Civil Rights of last century were passed."

What does "reparations" mean to you so we can have an honest discussion...


If you don't feel that the Civil Rights Act, Affirmative Action, and other programs made to target only 'specific' minorities, are enough then perhaps we as a people need to reevaluate whether those programs that followed the Civil Rights Acts even need to exist and whether the ethnic groups they targeted need to pay back the money from said programs. After all they are being utilized by immigrants who have come here in the last fifty or so years who were not slaves or abused by the people of the United States past.

Why should those immigrants be given all these extras if they were not slaves or experience the abuses prior to the Civil Rights Acts?

If you want reparations then Affirmative Action and other programs need to be defunded and you need to prove that your family tree was here during that abuse and we'll discuss what type of reparations that you as an individual who came from such a family tree might deserve..... Of course any funds that you think you deserve, and is agreed upon by others, might have funds deducted from them for all the money paid to Affirmative Action Programs and scholarships that were meant to to improve those poor, poor, people who were slaves and abused at one time since those programs are obviously not tracked to ensure that those that were abused by slavery and Jim Crow laws are the only ones receiving those 'reparations' since you don't feel that they were 'reparations' for past wrongs.



Why does someone who has never been a slave, who has never known a slave, want to take money from people who never owned a slave, and give it to someone else who has never been a slave?

Why do people want to continue to use history like a tool to continuously divide this nation and as a means for revenge for something never done to them instead of using history as a TEACHER to help us learn from our mistakes so we do not ever re peat those mistakes / horrible things?

I am a Native American, and you do not see Native Americans demanding reparations.

You do not see Japanese Americans demanding reparations for their ancestors being held in internment camps.

Why must race-baiters continue to divide this country.

God teaches us that it is far better ... and harder ... to forgive and move on that continue to hold hate in one's heart.

Hate, holding a grudge, poisons the one holding the grudge far more than the one being hated, but it divides them both.

It is WAY past time we move past the past wrongs done that today's people can only read about and know nothing personally about. Time to be adults, forgive, CHOOSE to change instead of being stuck in a divisive hateful past...or let our leaders continue to divide us through manipulating emotions over the past.

Hating is easy...choosing to forgive, move on, and grow is the harder, more adult, better course of action...

Don't let manipulators with agendas continue to divide and destroy this nation!
I guess you missed this so I'll post it again

Interesting question and I HOPE we can discuss it without the racial animus that usually accompanies the subject.
First things first let's understand and agree that that black folks WERE ripped from their culture and families and made slaves. That is something not easily overcome. In fact it's something that leaves a lasting scar.

Then let's understand that after we freed these people from slavery...that they underwent a century of Jim Crow laws that were not a lot different from the slavery they had been freed from and that that only ended 50 or so years ago.

And then lets understand that black folks STILL have to deal with the results of this. All one has to do is look on THIS fucking board to see that racism is STILL an issue. One that us white folks aren't affected by but black folks confront every day

So where does that leave us?

Clearly it's a difficult question. And no one running for President is proposing that we "cut a check" to "pay for this.

That's a HUGE understanding..

Someone has very clearly focused grouped "reparations" and found that people are against direct cash payments to "fix" this.

Again. No Presidential candidates are proposing that and that changes the discussion dramatically.

So what does that leave? What are the "reparations" being proposed?

I have heard NO actual proposals. NONE.

I happen to be a project manager who deals with Federal contracts. As part of satisfying the requirements for submitting bids, a contractor has to satisfy requirements for "attempting to acquire" sub contractors who fall into minority and women owned businesses. You don't have to fulfill the "required" 15%. You have to show that you "tried".

And the reason for that is that there simply aren't enough businesses that meet those requirements. Think about that. There are just not enough businesses owned by minority folks and women to meet that 15% requirement!

That's an issue...and that's a problem.

So how do we fix that?

Low interest/no interest loans and grants.

As a small business owner...I can tell you that those are simply not available to ANYONE. They are just not there for anyone and they would result in middle class business growth and job growth.

Do we target them at all low income businesses? Do we do that AND make an emphasis towards minority/women owned business?

I say we do ALL of that.

Small business is he engine of Democracy

And THAT is what Kamala Harris is talking about
You make a great argument for making blacks victims, for perpetuating the cycle of hate.

Black folks were 'ripped from their culture' by their fellow BLACKS who raided villages, took prisoners, and sold their fellow blacks to Arab and white slave traders.

Pardon me if I do not embrace your tale of how evil whites are all to blame.

Also, ask blacks if they think THEIR lives would be better or worse TODAY if their ancestors had not been brought to this country as slaves, living now in gawd-awful Africa. Ask them if they would like to go back 'home' now...

Finally, you make it seem as if blacks are the only ones in the US whose life is hard.

Yeah, it is so hard for blacks that a rich black actor, disgruntled over not getting paid what HE thought was enough that he paid people and staged his own hate crime, playing race-baiting puppet master to divide the country even more, for his personal benefit...

Blacks raise hell and carry their attitude around like a weapon, and when it gets them in trouble they blame 'the white man'.
- Case in point, when a policeman who taught racial race relation to the rest of the force approached Obama's college professor buddy, just doing his job, Barry's buddy copped a racial attitude, disrespected the policeman, and got his ass cuffed and taken in for not cooperating. Barry admitted knowing nothing about what happened but declared it was the police's fault...which later bit him in the ass. A little less 'tude and a little more respect / civility would have prevented all of it.

Remember the black 'kid' who was shot and killed, who disrespected then attacked the cop before being shot. SSDD. Listen to and respect policement...and don't attack them? Want to know why policemen are jumpy? Look up how many have been killed in the line of duty already this year.

There is racism, bigotry, homophobia, anti-Semitism, etc... in the world. The only way to change that is if WE decide to and make the effort...instead of perpetuating it.

And blacks don't have the patent on being a 'victim' or having a tough life.

You can't see it, but I am playing the world's smallest violin for you and all the blacks who are so self-centered/focused they think they have it worse than anyone.

Last edited:
If liberals weren't so historically, damnably IGNORANT, they would realize that EVERY group of people on this planet has been abused and brutalized at one point or another in history. ALL races have a bloody history, not simply the whites that liberals love to blame for everything. Hell, the biggest mass-murderer in recorded human history was NOT WHITE. He was an Asian named Mao Zedong. Human history is universally barbaric, no one race owns the ultimate monopoly on human rights atrocities. Which makes liberal "white guilt" nothing but arrogant, preening, virtue-signaling posturing from atop a golden pedestal.
We aren’t exactly talking about human history of the world. There are still people alive today who lived through Jim Crow and systemic discrimination through our laws. That’s worth a serious debate about how to rectify don’t you think?


Yet the ones I'm siting in my OP were not even in the United States and suffered any abuses such as slavery or those Jim Crow laws because they are immigrants who've arrived here after those issues...

What makes them eligible for Affirmative Action or any other program designed to make 'reparations' for those wrongs?



I don’t know, I asked what modern day affirmative action or reparations laws you are speaking of but you didn’t answer.


Isn't that what Affirmative action and quotas are all about?

Making reparations for past wrongs?

If not then I suppose they were totally unnecessary in the first place and we can just throw them out.



Instead of posting photos and white snake videos how about you take a crack at answering my question. So for the third time, which specific modern day laws do you object to? I know you probably have no clue what actual laws are out there being enforced so take this opportunity to educate yourself and come back with an intelligent response.


I've never agreed with the Hate Crime Laws and now I don't agree with Affirmative Action or any other ethnic based incentives so long as those programs are given freely to only those 'progressively deserving' minorities. Especially those who think they deserve "REPARATIONS".

Good enough?


We aren’t exactly talking about human history of the world. There are still people alive today who lived through Jim Crow and systemic discrimination through our laws. That’s worth a serious debate about how to rectify don’t you think?


Yet the ones I'm siting in my OP were not even in the United States and suffered any abuses such as slavery or those Jim Crow laws because they are immigrants who've arrived here after those issues...

What makes them eligible for Affirmative Action or any other program designed to make 'reparations' for those wrongs?



I don’t know, I asked what modern day affirmative action or reparations laws you are speaking of but you didn’t answer.


Isn't that what Affirmative action and quotas are all about?

Making reparations for past wrongs?

If not then I suppose they were totally unnecessary in the first place and we can just throw them out.



Instead of posting photos and white snake videos how about you take a crack at answering my question. So for the third time, which specific modern day laws do you object to? I know you probably have no clue what actual laws are out there being enforced so take this opportunity to educate yourself and come back with an intelligent response.

View attachment 247640

I've never agreed with the Hate Crime Laws and now I don't agree with Affirmative Action or any other ethnic based incentives so long as those programs are given freely to only those 'progressively deserving' minorities. Especially those who think they deserve "REPARATIONS".

Good enough?



No not good enough, you completely avoided answering my question for a third time. Which laws or programs SPECIFICALLY are you talking about. Just saying affirmative action is not an answer. How is affirmative action being used in a way that’s objectionable to you? It is much different than it was 30 years ago. There have been several modifications and SCOTUS rulings that have effected the law. So what specifically are you objecting to?

Which other reparations are you specifically talking about?
I'm white so should I expect "reparations" from England for the 800 years they oppressed, starved and brutalized my Paddy ancestors (who had to flee to America in 1800s)?

I too may be due reparations from someone.

Three of my grandparents came from Norway and one from Denmark. Both countries from which came Vikings. They plundered, raped, and took slaves all the way South into the Mediterranian Sea. I'm tall, big, blond as a child and blue eyed. I could be all Scandinavian or one of my great, great, whatever grandparents could have been a slave and raped by Vikings. Yep, yep, I can 'feel' it now, my ancestors were abused, I'm due some huge reparations!

Yet the ones I'm siting in my OP were not even in the United States and suffered any abuses such as slavery or those Jim Crow laws because they are immigrants who've arrived here after those issues...

What makes them eligible for Affirmative Action or any other program designed to make 'reparations' for those wrongs?



I don’t know, I asked what modern day affirmative action or reparations laws you are speaking of but you didn’t answer.


Isn't that what Affirmative action and quotas are all about?

Making reparations for past wrongs?

If not then I suppose they were totally unnecessary in the first place and we can just throw them out.



Instead of posting photos and white snake videos how about you take a crack at answering my question. So for the third time, which specific modern day laws do you object to? I know you probably have no clue what actual laws are out there being enforced so take this opportunity to educate yourself and come back with an intelligent response.

View attachment 247640

I've never agreed with the Hate Crime Laws and now I don't agree with Affirmative Action or any other ethnic based incentives so long as those programs are given freely to only those 'progressively deserving' minorities. Especially those who think they deserve "REPARATIONS".

Good enough?



No not good enough, you completely avoided answering my question for a third time. Which laws or programs SPECIFICALLY are you talking about. Just saying affirmative action is not an answer. How is affirmative action being used in a way that’s objectionable to you? It is much different than it was 30 years ago. There have been several modifications and SCOTUS rulings that have effected the law. So what specifically are you objecting to?

Which other reparations are you specifically talking about?


How about we try this....

Do you consider Affirmative Action and other programs targeting blacks, and other ethnic groups, that receive government funding meant as 'reparations' for past wrongs?

If not... Then all monies paid to Affirmative Action and other ethnic based programs (i.e. college scholarships, small business loans, etc,...) have to be repaid with interest.

If so... Then all monies that were paid to people who were not part of those past wrongs, namely new immigrants participating in those programs, just because they just happen to be a ethnic minority, needs to be repaid by those immigrants with interest and we'll stop all those programs now since they obviously haven't been tracked to see if that minority was deserving of "REPARATIONS" and we'll consider what "REPARATIONS" are required.


These are the same people that told us we should not hold an entire group of people responsible for the actions of a few. They told us that profiling is a crime within itself. However that is a one-way street like with so many other liberal ideas.

Now they want us to payoff a group of mostly Democrat voters how? Should our federal government do it, the same federal government now over 20 trillion in debt? Should they send bills to only white people to pay for it? Or perhaps send the bill to the same people they want to pay for every one of their idiotic ideas--the wealthy.

Obama tried that with:

Obama's Pigford Scandal & Breitbart Was Right | Investor's ...

Obama's Pigford Scandal & Breitbart Was Right. In 2007, Sen. Barack Obama of Illinois, where 0.0012% of farms are operated primarily by blacks, began working to pass legislation providing even more money for new classes of claimants via Pigford II. These now included Hispanic and female farmers as well as American Indians...

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