Repeal of estate tax will add 269 billion to deficit

omg, THIS BS right here, should be enough REASON for you to vote out these progressive/democrats. HOW DARE they TELL you not taking YOUR MONIES will add to the deficit
About the lowest tax rate for the 1% in this nations history and you have the nerve to say that they're being taxed too much? I think I am going to puke, barf and cry reading your post.
omg, THIS BS right here, should be enough REASON for you to vote out these progressive/democrats. HOW DARE they TELL you not taking YOUR MONIES will add to the deficit
GOP presidents had no problem with the tax either, it has lived through several GOP presidents and Congress..
omg, THIS BS right here, should be enough REASON for you to vote out these progressive/democrats. HOW DARE they TELL you not taking YOUR MONIES will add to the deficit
GOP presidents had no problem with the tax either, it has lived through several GOP presidents and Congress..

Obama needs to veto it and ask for a increase in rate...I am sick of these treasonous 1% bastards destroying my country.
omg, THIS BS right here, should be enough REASON for you to vote out these progressive/democrats. HOW DARE they TELL you not taking YOUR MONIES will add to the deficit
GOP presidents had no problem with the tax either, it has lived through several GOP presidents and Congress..

Obama needs to veto it and ask for a increase in rate...I am sick of these treasonous 1% bastards destroying my country.

its not only hitting the 1%ers. MANY middle class works all their liveS to pass on their wealth to their children and grand children. you people are so filled with the green eyed monster you can't even think straight

It's a damn sad testament to what our country has become. suckers and fools
omg, THIS BS right here, should be enough REASON for you to vote out these progressive/democrats. HOW DARE they TELL you not taking YOUR MONIES will add to the deficit
GOP presidents had no problem with the tax either, it has lived through several GOP presidents and Congress..

Obama needs to veto it and ask for a increase in rate...I am sick of these treasonous 1% bastards destroying my country.

its not only hitting the 1%ers. MANY middle class works all their liveS to pass on their wealth to their children and grand children. you people are so filled with the green eyed monster you can't even think straight
Funny, how Republicans keep telling the poor they don't work hard enough. But they want a lot of idle rich kids to get lot's of what they never worked for and never will. And so many end up dead from having too much given to them for free. Pity.

So tell me rd, how much of the family farm do you think Obama is entitled to? Half? 68%? All of it?
"It is the federal government’s final insult to tax your family when you have already paid taxes on your property throughout your life..."

Makes sense to me. After all, this isn't a tax. It's a confiscation of personal property.

Exactly. The money was already taxed. The interest on what was put in the bank was taxed. Any capital gains or other profit from investing the post-tax money was taxed. Taking another chunk is simply the government robbing people because they are needing money since they are spendaholics and they can't stay within a budget.

When government figures the amount to steal through estate taxes, they count all of your assets including money on hand, buildings, equipment, etc. That can easily add up and put you in the government's target for this unfair tax. It's easy to lose the small family business because most don't have that much cash on hand and are forced to sell the business to pay the tax.

When they say repealing this will add to the deficit, that is misleading. What they mean is that because they spent too damn much and couldn't stay within a budget, robbing more people would pay it off faster and if they don't get their way, they are back to the original tax. Of course, we could all pay our bills faster if we could rob our neighbors, but not robbing them would not add to the debt. Congress will not attempt to seriously control spending and that is the problem, not that they aren't taking enough.

Congress, past and present, are responsible for this mess because they control the purse strings. They should all give up a big chunk of their wealth as a punishment for allowing out of control spending that led to this debt. Love how they shake their fingers at the rest of us before punishing us with higher taxes.
omg, THIS BS right here, should be enough REASON for you to vote out these progressive/democrats. HOW DARE they TELL you not taking YOUR MONIES will add to the deficit
GOP presidents had no problem with the tax either, it has lived through several GOP presidents and Congress..
How many recent republican Presidents had a republican-controlled congress to be able to propose the legislation?

Because, unless you skipped Civics class, Presidents don't draft bills
omg, THIS BS right here, should be enough REASON for you to vote out these progressive/democrats. HOW DARE they TELL you not taking YOUR MONIES will add to the deficit
GOP presidents had no problem with the tax either, it has lived through several GOP presidents and Congress..
How many recent republican Presidents had a republican-controlled congress to be able to propose the legislation?

Because, unless you skipped Civics class, Presidents don't draft bills
Sure they do, anyone can draft a bill, even a non legislature member.... but only a member of Congress can introduce it
"It is the federal government’s final insult to tax your family when you have already paid taxes on your property throughout your life..."

Makes sense to me. After all, this isn't a tax. It's a confiscation of personal property.
You buy into their bullshit no matter what dont you?
I am a thinking person. You are an irrational emotional person.

See the difference? :slap:

You has a sad because someone else has more than you do. And you want your favorite uncle Sam to go and beat up the bully and take away his stuff and hand it to you so you'll quit your fucking whining and crying like the sorry ass little bitch that you are.
Arent you tired of a party that does absolutely nothing for you?
Because we should never expect our government to really cut spending and live within its means


You must be fucking kidding? Your wars and tax cuts are the cause of the debt. Not infrastructure, science, r&d, and education. Of course, anything that helps anyone else besides the very top is bad within your eyes.

Both infrastructure and science make up 5% of the entire budget. How exactly does it cause our debt?? It was higher under Reagan.

Living within our means would be slashing science, infrastructure and r&d investment into the ground as long as you don't wish to reform the real trouble makers. We'll be a third world shit hole! Of course, you'll blame it on Obama when we lose our first rate status as you're a pon.
You're a goddamn broken record.

Here, let me fix that for ya. :slap:

And you have the iq of a cows asshole. You don't understand the damage you do with shit like this.
I got news for you, Honey Boo-Boo, this "death tax" would make up an insignificant portion of the Budget. You target it because you can't stand to see anyone be more successful than yourself. I'm sick and fucking tired of the Liberal "class warfare" memes.

I have administered two estates and have navigated them through probate. It is unconscionable that the federal government would confiscate the accrued assets of an individual who has already paid taxes on those assets- often times more than once.

And whereas I do not care for the ass-fucking farmer, do you realize the devastation this would bring upon agriculture and the family farm?

Cows asshole. :lol:
Funny, how Republicans keep telling the poor they don't work hard enough. But they want a lot of idle rich kids to get lot's of what they never worked for and never will. And so many end up dead from having too much given to them for free. Pity.

So tell me rd, how much of the family farm do you think Obama is entitled to? Half? 68%? All of it?
The biggest fault of the death tax is taxing money that was already taxed and heirs can't afford to carry on a business or farm. The government owns everything.
Their hypocrisy and wealthy coddling politics never get old.

Wills Trusts Estates Prof Blog

And the very thought of not being able to steal other people's money just outrages modern American lolberals.
So basically you don't care about the deficit? Or do you just defend republicans regardless of what they actually do? This move would only affect a few thousand of the wealthiest Americans. Are you that much of a stooge to support this?
Most of this 1% you're defending helped outsource most of our industry to a future enemy that might be ruling our lands one day. How fucking stupid.
You left wingers are going to think this is fucking crazy but do you know what would more than counter letting AMERICAN's keep their life long savings? Not letting ILLEGALS get any fucking government assistance.
"It is the federal government’s final insult to tax your family when you have already paid taxes on your property throughout your life..."

Makes sense to me. After all, this isn't a tax. It's a confiscation of personal property.
You buy into their bullshit no matter what dont you?
I am a thinking person. You are an irrational emotional person.

See the difference? :slap:

You has a sad because someone else has more than you do. And you want your favorite uncle Sam to go and beat up the bully and take away his stuff and hand it to you so you'll quit your fucking whining and crying like the sorry ass little bitch that you are.
Arent you tired of a party that does absolutely nothing for you?
Aren't you tired of a party that attempts to do everything for everyone BUT you?
Their hypocrisy and wealthy coddling politics never get old.

Wills Trusts Estates Prof Blog

And the very thought of not being able to steal other people's money just outrages modern American lolberals.
So basically you don't care about the deficit? Or do you just defend republicans regardless of what they actually do? This move would only affect a few thousand of the wealthiest Americans. Are you that much of a stooge to support this?
Has Obama cared about the deficit since 2008? Look at the goddamn numbers, you brick head. :slap:

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