Repeal of estate tax will add 269 billion to deficit

Their hypocrisy and wealthy coddling politics never get old.

Wills Trusts Estates Prof Blog

And the very thought of not being able to steal other people's money just outrages modern American lolberals.
So basically you don't care about the deficit? Or do you just defend republicans regardless of what they actually do? This move would only affect a few thousand of the wealthiest Americans. Are you that much of a stooge to support this?

Do you?
You really can't figure a way to trim the deficit without heaping tax upon tax on this countries citizens? Really?

Really. He can't think at all outside of what the morons such as Obumbler TELL him to think.
Oh please, You're the moron defending a policy that significantly increases the defict and only benefits a few thousand of the richest people in this country. You're a partisan stooge.

infrastructure.. ? you mean those shovel ready jobs...., that NEVER materialized.

you people are the country's biggest joke. what did your MESSiah do with the trillions of $$$$$$$$$$$$$ he borrowed, spent and there is nothing to show for, not one fucking thing !! :up:

"It is the federal government’s final insult to tax your family when you have already paid taxes on your property throughout your life..."

Makes sense to me. After all, this isn't a tax. It's a confiscation of personal property.
You buy into their bullshit no matter what dont you?
I am a thinking person. You are an irrational emotional person.

See the difference? :slap:

You has a sad because someone else has more than you do. And you want your favorite uncle Sam to go and beat up the bully and take away his stuff and hand it to you so you'll quit your fucking whining and crying like the sorry ass little bitch that you are.
Arent you tired of a party that does absolutely nothing for you?
You're party isn't supposed to do anything for you. If your basic existence is based on someone promising to take from someone else for you to survive you don't deserve to live. Vote for the opportunity to do something for yourself and the ability to keep more of what you have done for yourself and everything will be fine. If you can't do that then please ultra late term abort yourself. That solves the problem as well.
Gee with that logic then why even vote? This has nothing to do with taking from
This is a classic example of your amazingly shallow "thinking."

I (unlike you completely delusional and dishonest fucking left wing loons) care very much about the deficit.

The way to address the deficit is not to tax the money a man or woman has earned (and already paid taxes on) and is attempting to pass on to his kids and grand kids. you simpering nit wit. Try to get you mind off its present mark (i.e., stuck on stupid) for one shining moment.

The way to address the deficit is to (psst don't say this too loud; you will alarm the other moron libs):

You are so dumb. Do you even know how much is spent on defense? It's republicans who want keep it bloated.

You are so fucking dishonest and stupid. Obumbler cuts spending in the military budget -- and that DOES have an impact on the deficit. Yet you look at that and conclude that his "economic" policies are the cause of any marginal improvement in the "deficit."

Damn, you are stupid and dishonest and ignorant and unpersuasive. Yep. You're a fucking lib alright.
You're an idiot. You claim care about the deficit yet you ignore the obvious which is that republicans will add 269 billion to it. You are the hack and you know it.

You claim care about the deficit yet you ignore the obvious which is that republicans will add 269 billion to it.

The tax is so disruptive and expensive to collect and raises so little, there are many economists who believe the extra growth caused by its repeal would actually bring in more revenue.
Stop making shit up. It's embarrassing.

Your idiocy is embarrassing.
Their hypocrisy and wealthy coddling politics never get old.

Wills Trusts Estates Prof Blog

And the very thought of not being able to steal other people's money just outrages modern American lolberals.
So basically you don't care about the deficit? Or do you just defend republicans regardless of what they actually do? This move would only affect a few thousand of the wealthiest Americans. Are you that much of a stooge to support this?

Do you?
You really can't figure a way to trim the deficit without heaping tax upon tax on this countries citizens? Really?

Really. He can't think at all outside of what the morons such as Obumbler TELL him to think.
Oh please, You're the moron defending a policy that significantly increases the defict and only benefits a few thousand of the richest people in this country. You're a partisan stooge.

No. YOU are the moron who bemoans the call that would prevent you and your fellow avaricious libs from taking money from the estate of people who already PAID their taxes on their income -- money to which YOU have not the slightest valid claim, but act as though it is already YOURS.

Stop being such a fucking little dick tool.

You have no claim to that money. If you are actually concerned about the debt and/or the deficits, STOP FUCKING SPENDING so fucking much.

And when you do make cuts in spending, try giving thought to the TRUTH of the fact that there are other places to cut from the budget than just the military, you fucking ass clown goober.
Their hypocrisy and wealthy coddling politics never get old.

Wills Trusts Estates Prof Blog

And the very thought of not being able to steal other people's money just outrages modern American lolberals.
So basically you don't care about the deficit? Or do you just defend republicans regardless of what they actually do? This move would only affect a few thousand of the wealthiest Americans. Are you that much of a stooge to support this?

Do you?
You really can't figure a way to trim the deficit without heaping tax upon tax on this countries citizens? Really?

Really. He can't think at all outside of what the morons such as Obumbler TELL him to think.
Oh please, You're the moron defending a policy that significantly increases the defict and only benefits a few thousand of the richest people in this country. You're a partisan stooge.

The Estate Tax Even Worse Than Republicans Say Tax Foundation

infrastructure.. ? you mean those shovel ready jobs...., that NEVER materialized.

you people are the country's biggest joke. what did your MESSiah do with the trillions of $$$$$$$$$$$$$ he borrowed, spent and there is nothing to show for, not one fucking thing !! :up:

I'd rather be spending the money on maintaining that and giving the poor jobs then this shit.
"It is the federal government’s final insult to tax your family when you have already paid taxes on your property throughout your life..."

Makes sense to me. After all, this isn't a tax. It's a confiscation of personal property.
You buy into their bullshit no matter what dont you?
I am a thinking person. You are an irrational emotional person.

See the difference? :slap:

You has a sad because someone else has more than you do. And you want your favorite uncle Sam to go and beat up the bully and take away his stuff and hand it to you so you'll quit your fucking whining and crying like the sorry ass little bitch that you are.
Arent you tired of a party that does absolutely nothing for you?
You're party isn't supposed to do anything for you. If your basic existence is based on someone promising to take from someone else for you to survive you don't deserve to live. Vote for the opportunity to do something for yourself and the ability to keep more of what you have done for yourself and everything will be fine. If you can't do that then please ultra late term abort yourself. That solves the problem as well.
Gee with that logic then why even vote? This has nothing to do with taking from
This is a classic example of your amazingly shallow "thinking."

I (unlike you completely delusional and dishonest fucking left wing loons) care very much about the deficit.

The way to address the deficit is not to tax the money a man or woman has earned (and already paid taxes on) and is attempting to pass on to his kids and grand kids. you simpering nit wit. Try to get you mind off its present mark (i.e., stuck on stupid) for one shining moment.

The way to address the deficit is to (psst don't say this too loud; you will alarm the other moron libs):

You are so dumb. Do you even know how much is spent on defense? It's republicans who want keep it bloated.

You are so fucking dishonest and stupid. Obumbler cuts spending in the military budget -- and that DOES have an impact on the deficit. Yet you look at that and conclude that his "economic" policies are the cause of any marginal improvement in the "deficit."

Damn, you are stupid and dishonest and ignorant and unpersuasive. Yep. You're a fucking lib alright.
You're an idiot. You claim care about the deficit yet you ignore the obvious which is that republicans will add 269 billion to it. You are the hack and you know it.

You claim care about the deficit yet you ignore the obvious which is that republicans will add 269 billion to it.

The tax is so disruptive and expensive to collect and raises so little, there are many economists who believe the extra growth caused by its repeal would actually bring in more revenue.
Stop making shit up. It's embarrassing.
That's it. You think we "make shit up" because you haven't the wherewithal to comprehend it.
God damn you are a sorry ass lost cause.
And the very thought of not being able to steal other people's money just outrages modern American lolberals.
So basically you don't care about the deficit? Or do you just defend republicans regardless of what they actually do? This move would only affect a few thousand of the wealthiest Americans. Are you that much of a stooge to support this?

Do you?
You really can't figure a way to trim the deficit without heaping tax upon tax on this countries citizens? Really?

Really. He can't think at all outside of what the morons such as Obumbler TELL him to think.
Oh please, You're the moron defending a policy that significantly increases the defict and only benefits a few thousand of the richest people in this country. You're a partisan stooge.

No. YOU are the moron who bemoans the call that would prevent you and your fellow avaricious libs from taking money from the estate of people who already PAID their taxes on their income -- money to which YOU have not the slightest valid claim, but act as though it is already YOURS.

Stop being such a fucking little dick tool.

You have no claim to that money. If you are actually concerned about the debt and/or the deficits, STOP FUCKING SPENDING so fucking much.

And when you do make cuts in spending, try giving thought to the TRUTH of the fact that there are other places to cut from the budget than just the military, you fucking ass clown goober.
You are such an idiot. This has nothing to do with me making a claim to money you ass clown. Where do you come up with this stuff?
And the very thought of not being able to steal other people's money just outrages modern American lolberals.
So basically you don't care about the deficit? Or do you just defend republicans regardless of what they actually do? This move would only affect a few thousand of the wealthiest Americans. Are you that much of a stooge to support this?

Do you?
You really can't figure a way to trim the deficit without heaping tax upon tax on this countries citizens? Really?

Really. He can't think at all outside of what the morons such as Obumbler TELL him to think.
Oh please, You're the moron defending a policy that significantly increases the defict and only benefits a few thousand of the richest people in this country. You're a partisan stooge.

The Estate Tax Even Worse Than Republicans Say Tax Foundation
Lol you people are too much. You cite a rightwing bullshit website citing a report created by republicans and call that evidence of "many economists". You're a pawn you know that?
So basically you don't care about the deficit? Or do you just defend republicans regardless of what they actually do? This move would only affect a few thousand of the wealthiest Americans. Are you that much of a stooge to support this?

Do you?
You really can't figure a way to trim the deficit without heaping tax upon tax on this countries citizens? Really?

Really. He can't think at all outside of what the morons such as Obumbler TELL him to think.
Oh please, You're the moron defending a policy that significantly increases the defict and only benefits a few thousand of the richest people in this country. You're a partisan stooge.

No. YOU are the moron who bemoans the call that would prevent you and your fellow avaricious libs from taking money from the estate of people who already PAID their taxes on their income -- money to which YOU have not the slightest valid claim, but act as though it is already YOURS.

Stop being such a fucking little dick tool.

You have no claim to that money. If you are actually concerned about the debt and/or the deficits, STOP FUCKING SPENDING so fucking much.

And when you do make cuts in spending, try giving thought to the TRUTH of the fact that there are other places to cut from the budget than just the military, you fucking ass clown goober.
You are such an idiot. This has nothing to do with me making a claim to money you ass clown. Where do you come up with this stuff?
I believe it's in the first sentence of your signature. "I am a proud, pro-government liberal"
So basically you don't care about the deficit? Or do you just defend republicans regardless of what they actually do? This move would only affect a few thousand of the wealthiest Americans. Are you that much of a stooge to support this?

Do you?
You really can't figure a way to trim the deficit without heaping tax upon tax on this countries citizens? Really?

Really. He can't think at all outside of what the morons such as Obumbler TELL him to think.
Oh please, You're the moron defending a policy that significantly increases the defict and only benefits a few thousand of the richest people in this country. You're a partisan stooge.

The Estate Tax Even Worse Than Republicans Say Tax Foundation
Lol you people are too much. You cite a rightwing bullshit website citing a report created by republicans and call that evidence of "many economists". You're a pawn you know that?

I could find more, but you're an idiot, they'd be wasted on you.

The estate tax is the smallest source of revenue of any major tax in the United States. In 2011, it raised roughly 0.32 percent of all federal revenue. In 2012, projections show that the estate tax will only raise 0.42 percent of federal tax collections (Figure 1). Not only is the tax revenue from the estate tax fairly insignificant, but the charitable deduction, along with “stepped up basis” asset valuations, ensure that income and capital gains tax revenues are kept artificially low as taxpayers make economic decisions to avoid the estate tax. The revenue gained from the estate tax is largely illusory, as lost revenue from estate tax repeal would be made up in other areas of the tax code.
So basically you don't care about the deficit? Or do you just defend republicans regardless of what they actually do? This move would only affect a few thousand of the wealthiest Americans. Are you that much of a stooge to support this?

Do you?
You really can't figure a way to trim the deficit without heaping tax upon tax on this countries citizens? Really?

Really. He can't think at all outside of what the morons such as Obumbler TELL him to think.
Oh please, You're the moron defending a policy that significantly increases the defict and only benefits a few thousand of the richest people in this country. You're a partisan stooge.

No. YOU are the moron who bemoans the call that would prevent you and your fellow avaricious libs from taking money from the estate of people who already PAID their taxes on their income -- money to which YOU have not the slightest valid claim, but act as though it is already YOURS.

Stop being such a fucking little dick tool.

You have no claim to that money. If you are actually concerned about the debt and/or the deficits, STOP FUCKING SPENDING so fucking much.

And when you do make cuts in spending, try giving thought to the TRUTH of the fact that there are other places to cut from the budget than just the military, you fucking ass clown goober.
You are such an idiot. This has nothing to do with me making a claim to money you ass clown. Where do you come up with this stuff?

Yes. It IS about you thinking that you lolberals and the government have some entitlement to the estates of anybody.

You are expressing consternation that those evil Republicans are opposing your demands for more confiscation of wealth in the form of the death tax. It will "cost" 269 billion, you whine.

Newsflash: in case you actually lack comprehension of your own complaint and what it entails, that means that you ARE staking a claim (as of right) to the government's desire to seize that money.

But it aint yours. It is not the property of the U.S. government. It was EARNED and taxes were paid. That's called "basis." Look that term up in any good TAX LAW reference work.

Once we earn income and pay taxes on it, the government has no claim to it anymore. YET, somehow, on death, they seem to think that they can tell us how much we are permitted to pass on to our surviving heirs. I have a better answer to that not so difficult question.

NONE. Keep your greedy paws out of our wallets and out of our estates.
Do you?
You really can't figure a way to trim the deficit without heaping tax upon tax on this countries citizens? Really?

Really. He can't think at all outside of what the morons such as Obumbler TELL him to think.
Oh please, You're the moron defending a policy that significantly increases the defict and only benefits a few thousand of the richest people in this country. You're a partisan stooge.

The Estate Tax Even Worse Than Republicans Say Tax Foundation
Lol you people are too much. You cite a rightwing bullshit website citing a report created by republicans and call that evidence of "many economists". You're a pawn you know that?

I could find more, but you're an idiot, they'd be wasted on you.

The estate tax is the smallest source of revenue of any major tax in the United States. In 2011, it raised roughly 0.32 percent of all federal revenue. In 2012, projections show that the estate tax will only raise 0.42 percent of federal tax collections (Figure 1). Not only is the tax revenue from the estate tax fairly insignificant, but the charitable deduction, along with “stepped up basis” asset valuations, ensure that income and capital gains tax revenues are kept artificially low as taxpayers make economic decisions to avoid the estate tax. The revenue gained from the estate tax is largely illusory, as lost revenue from estate tax repeal would be made up in other areas of the tax code.
And yet you continue to conveniently ignore its addition to the deficit.
Really. He can't think at all outside of what the morons such as Obumbler TELL him to think.
Oh please, You're the moron defending a policy that significantly increases the defict and only benefits a few thousand of the richest people in this country. You're a partisan stooge.

The Estate Tax Even Worse Than Republicans Say Tax Foundation
Lol you people are too much. You cite a rightwing bullshit website citing a report created by republicans and call that evidence of "many economists". You're a pawn you know that?

I could find more, but you're an idiot, they'd be wasted on you.

The estate tax is the smallest source of revenue of any major tax in the United States. In 2011, it raised roughly 0.32 percent of all federal revenue. In 2012, projections show that the estate tax will only raise 0.42 percent of federal tax collections (Figure 1). Not only is the tax revenue from the estate tax fairly insignificant, but the charitable deduction, along with “stepped up basis” asset valuations, ensure that income and capital gains tax revenues are kept artificially low as taxpayers make economic decisions to avoid the estate tax. The revenue gained from the estate tax is largely illusory, as lost revenue from estate tax repeal would be made up in other areas of the tax code.
And yet you continue to conveniently ignore its addition to the deficit.

The revenue gained from the estate tax is largely illusory, as lost revenue from estate tax repeal would be made up in other areas of the tax code.
Do you?
You really can't figure a way to trim the deficit without heaping tax upon tax on this countries citizens? Really?

Really. He can't think at all outside of what the morons such as Obumbler TELL him to think.
Oh please, You're the moron defending a policy that significantly increases the defict and only benefits a few thousand of the richest people in this country. You're a partisan stooge.

No. YOU are the moron who bemoans the call that would prevent you and your fellow avaricious libs from taking money from the estate of people who already PAID their taxes on their income -- money to which YOU have not the slightest valid claim, but act as though it is already YOURS.

Stop being such a fucking little dick tool.

You have no claim to that money. If you are actually concerned about the debt and/or the deficits, STOP FUCKING SPENDING so fucking much.

And when you do make cuts in spending, try giving thought to the TRUTH of the fact that there are other places to cut from the budget than just the military, you fucking ass clown goober.
You are such an idiot. This has nothing to do with me making a claim to money you ass clown. Where do you come up with this stuff?

Yes. It IS about you thinking that you lolberals and the government have some entitlement to the estates of anybody.

You are expressing consternation that those evil Republicans are oppsoing your demands for more confiscation of wealth in the form of the death tax. It will "cost" 269 billion, you whine.

Newsflash: in case you actually lack comprehension of your own complaint and what it entails, that means that you ARE staking a claim (as of right) to the government's desire to seize that money.

but it aint yours. It is not the property of the US government. It was EARNED and taxes were paid. That's called "basis." Look it up in any good TAX LAW reference work.

Once we earn income and pay taxes on it, the government has no claim to it anymore. YEt, somehow, on death, they seem to think that they can tell us how much we are permitted to pass on to our surviving heirs. I have a better answer to that not so difficult question.

NONE. Keep your greedy paws out of our wallets and out of our estates.
Oh for fuck sake. You are whining about a tax that the only a few thousand of the wealthiest pay and pretend it is some government evil. Just admit you will defend anything republicans will do. I'm sure you had no problem with their stance to rid the EIC tax credit for the poor.
Oh please, You're the moron defending a policy that significantly increases the defict and only benefits a few thousand of the richest people in this country. You're a partisan stooge.

The Estate Tax Even Worse Than Republicans Say Tax Foundation
Lol you people are too much. You cite a rightwing bullshit website citing a report created by republicans and call that evidence of "many economists". You're a pawn you know that?

I could find more, but you're an idiot, they'd be wasted on you.

The estate tax is the smallest source of revenue of any major tax in the United States. In 2011, it raised roughly 0.32 percent of all federal revenue. In 2012, projections show that the estate tax will only raise 0.42 percent of federal tax collections (Figure 1). Not only is the tax revenue from the estate tax fairly insignificant, but the charitable deduction, along with “stepped up basis” asset valuations, ensure that income and capital gains tax revenues are kept artificially low as taxpayers make economic decisions to avoid the estate tax. The revenue gained from the estate tax is largely illusory, as lost revenue from estate tax repeal would be made up in other areas of the tax code.
And yet you continue to conveniently ignore its addition to the deficit.

The revenue gained from the estate tax is largely illusory, as lost revenue from estate tax repeal would be made up in other areas of the tax code.
Stop making shit up.
The Death Tax Kills Many Family Businesses
One of the worst features of the death tax is the effect it has on U.S. family-owned businesses. Many estates subject to the death tax are small or family businesses that are asset rich but cash poor; that is, their wealth is not sitting in liquid assets, such as stocks and bonds, but consists of physical assets, such as buildings, land, and machinery.[2] When the owner of a business dies and the heirs are forced to cough up 40 percent of the business’s value, they often have to sell off assets, or even the entire business.[3] These businesses are often sold to large corporations with weak ties to the local business community—which has resulted in disastrous consequences for the people who live in those communities.[4]

The Economic Effects of Eliminating the Federal Death Tax
A previous Heritage Foundation study documented some of the devastating effects the estate tax has on individuals and communities.[5] Companies under threat of being destroyed by the death tax range from a minority-owned shrimp business in Biloxi, Mississippi, to one of the best-managed and most popular Section 8 housing properties in New Orleans. Jobs and vital community investments are likely to disappear when companies such as Hancock Lumber, a sixth-generation family business in Casco, Maine, or the Drummond mining company in Sipsey, Alabama, are forced to pay the death tax.
Even if a family does come up with the money to pay the estate tax, family members are left with significantly less capital to sustain and grow their business. Businesses that cannot expand cannot hire or invest. The result is fewer jobs, lower productivity, and smaller incomes for American workers.
The burden of taxation on U.S. small businesses is already extraordinarily high. The majority of U.S. business owners face very high marginal tax rates during their working years, often close to 50 percent when counting payroll taxes.[6] A 40 percent tax on what is left when an owner dies is just piling on even more.
Lol you people are too much. You cite a rightwing bullshit website citing a report created by republicans and call that evidence of "many economists". You're a pawn you know that?

I could find more, but you're an idiot, they'd be wasted on you.

The estate tax is the smallest source of revenue of any major tax in the United States. In 2011, it raised roughly 0.32 percent of all federal revenue. In 2012, projections show that the estate tax will only raise 0.42 percent of federal tax collections (Figure 1). Not only is the tax revenue from the estate tax fairly insignificant, but the charitable deduction, along with “stepped up basis” asset valuations, ensure that income and capital gains tax revenues are kept artificially low as taxpayers make economic decisions to avoid the estate tax. The revenue gained from the estate tax is largely illusory, as lost revenue from estate tax repeal would be made up in other areas of the tax code.
And yet you continue to conveniently ignore its addition to the deficit.

The revenue gained from the estate tax is largely illusory, as lost revenue from estate tax repeal would be made up in other areas of the tax code.
Stop making shit up.

Stop making shit up.

Stop being a greedy assclown.
After 50 years of lowering taxes for these mother fuckers. What has it done? They have become a thousand times wealthier on the backs of the workers that earn peanuts. Not only this but they stab our nation in the back outsourcing entire industuries. No, I am sick of the 1%! I think we need to start fighting back and making them pay for what they did to our country.

China thanks these bastards.
After 50 years of lowering taxes for these mother fuckers. What has it done? They have become a thousand times wealthier on the backs of the workers that earn peanuts. Not only this but they stab our nation in the back outsourcing entire industuries. No, I am sick of the 1%! I think we need to start fighting back and making them pay for what they did to our country.

China thanks these bastards.
It's strange that God only wants 10% of your money but Leftbrains think the Gubmint should get 100%.

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