Repeal of estate tax will add 269 billion to deficit

After 50 years of lowering taxes for these mother fuckers. What has it done? They have become a thousand times wealthier on the backs of the workers that earn peanuts. Not only this but they stab our nation in the back outsourcing entire industuries. No, I am sick of the 1%! I think we need to start fighting back and making them pay for what they did to our country.

China thanks these bastards.
Your tax and regulation policies are what created the 1%. Without that anyone would be able to start their own business. It starts at the local level. The best companies in the world started off in their garage yet today we have laws you can't run a business from your home. People used to be able to provide a service like hair cuts at their home and if they did a good job they would get more business. No longer can that happen. You have to be licensed to cut someones hair and can't do it from your home to get started. Stop being sick of the 1% and start being sick of the laws that make you getting ahead more difficult. Only then will you begin eating into the 1% financial advantage. Be warned though, the politicians are arm in arm with the 1% because that power makes them part of that club.
After 50 years of lowering taxes for these mother fuckers. What has it done? They have become a thousand times wealthier on the backs of the workers that earn peanuts. Not only this but they stab our nation in the back outsourcing entire industuries. No, I am sick of the 1%! I think we need to start fighting back and making them pay for what they did to our country.

China thanks these bastards.
It's strange that God only wants 10% of your money but Leftbrains think the Gubmint should get 100%.
It's amazing what a church can do with 10% yet the government does nothing but fail with 30-60%. I guess true intentions make a showing there.
After 50 years of lowering taxes for these mother fuckers. What has it done? They have become a thousand times wealthier on the backs of the workers that earn peanuts. Not only this but they stab our nation in the back outsourcing entire industuries. No, I am sick of the 1%! I think we need to start fighting back and making them pay for what they did to our country.

China thanks these bastards.
It's strange that God only wants 10% of your money but Leftbrains think the Gubmint should get 100%.

Well, it cost more then 10% of your money to pave the roads you drive on and be able to stop viruses like Ebola, and keep your food safe....Add on top the fact that we pay to educate our children, etc.

You see, going back to the 18th century isn't smart. You're not going to blame Obama for destroying our place in this world when we slide down the crappier of your policies.
After 50 years of lowering taxes for these mother fuckers. What has it done? They have become a thousand times wealthier on the backs of the workers that earn peanuts. Not only this but they stab our nation in the back outsourcing entire industuries. No, I am sick of the 1%! I think we need to start fighting back and making them pay for what they did to our country.

China thanks these bastards.
It's strange that God only wants 10% of your money but Leftbrains think the Gubmint should get 100%.

Well, it cost more then 10% of your money to pave the roads you drive on and be able to stop viruses like Ebola, and keep your food safe....Add on top the fact that we pay to educate our children, etc.

You see, going back to the 18th century isn't smart. You're not going to blame Obama for destroying our place in this world when we slide down the crappier of your policies.
Not true. That can all be done for 10%. Those that don't pay anything will need to donate along with everyone else. Is it not worth 10% of your income to have these things? Or do you just want someone else to pay for it. God doesn't need a union or 10 administrators per worker to get things done. Maybe the government could learn something here.
After 50 years of lowering taxes for these mother fuckers. What has it done? They have become a thousand times wealthier on the backs of the workers that earn peanuts. Not only this but they stab our nation in the back outsourcing entire industuries. No, I am sick of the 1%! I think we need to start fighting back and making them pay for what they did to our country.

China thanks these bastards.
It's strange that God only wants 10% of your money but Leftbrains think the Gubmint should get 100%.

Well, it cost more then 10% of your money to pave the roads you drive on and be able to stop viruses like Ebola, and keep your food safe....Add on top the fact that we pay to educate our children, etc.

You see, going back to the 18th century isn't smart. You're not going to blame Obama for destroying our place in this world when we slide down the crappier of your policies.
You see, in the past 125 years the Gubmint has collected enough taxes on gasoline to pave every road in America and repair or replace every bridge.The streets, roads and bridges we drive on are a disgrace, Ask your local Gubmint where the fuck has the money gone because it's sure nut going for infrastructure.
After 50 years of lowering taxes for these mother fuckers. What has it done? They have become a thousand times wealthier on the backs of the workers that earn peanuts. Not only this but they stab our nation in the back outsourcing entire industuries. No, I am sick of the 1%! I think we need to start fighting back and making them pay for what they did to our country.

China thanks these bastards.
It's strange that God only wants 10% of your money but Leftbrains think the Gubmint should get 100%.

Well, it cost more then 10% of your money to pave the roads you drive on and be able to stop viruses like Ebola, and keep your food safe....Add on top the fact that we pay to educate our children, etc.

You see, going back to the 18th century isn't smart. You're not going to blame Obama for destroying our place in this world when we slide down the crappier of your policies.
You see, in the past 125 years the Gubmint has collected enough taxes on gasoline to pave every road in America and repair or replace every bridge.The streets, roads and bridges we drive on are a disgrace, Ask your local Gubmint where the fuck has the money gone because it's sure nut going for infrastructure.
Which actually was the entire excuse for having the gas tax in the first fucking place. Remember those days? Back when the gas tax was for roads was actually supposed to be spent on roads? Yeah those were the days. Now they don't spend the money on roads or bridges but blame you for not paying more taxes and if you don't they won't fix the roads and bridges. Only idiots keep supporting this shit.
Their hypocrisy and wealthy coddling politics never get old.

Wills Trusts Estates Prof Blog

And the very thought of not being able to steal other people's money just outrages modern American lolberals.
So basically you don't care about the deficit? Or do you just defend republicans regardless of what they actually do? This move would only affect a few thousand of the wealthiest Americans. Are you that much of a stooge to support this?

Yes, we care about the deficit. How about doing something about it, you know not spending money we don't have. Eliminate the BS EPA regs that raise energy rates for everything. Reduce taxes across the board so the middle class can actually keep their money. Investing in the space program would pay such huge dividends in terms of economic development that we probably could spend our way out of the basement that you dreamers have put us in.
Their hypocrisy and wealthy coddling politics never get old.

Wills Trusts Estates Prof Blog

And the very thought of not being able to steal other people's money just outrages modern American lolberals.
So basically you don't care about the deficit? Or do you just defend republicans regardless of what they actually do? This move would only affect a few thousand of the wealthiest Americans. Are you that much of a stooge to support this?

Yes, we care about the deficit. How about doing something about it, you know not spending money we don't have. Eliminate the BS EPA regs that raise energy rates for everything. Reduce taxes across the board so the middle class can actually keep their money. Investing in the space program would pay such huge dividends in terms of economic development that we probably could spend our way out of the basement that you dreamers have put us in.
Why is it so much money the government spends isn't actually beneficial to everyone? We spend billions on people that are simply there to administrate how our money should be spent in worthless government agencies in order to accomplish the shit nobody really cares about nor benefit's from. Yet the left keeps saying we need more money. HOW ABOUT BEING SMART WITH THAT MONEY! That seems better to me.
Their hypocrisy and wealthy coddling politics never get old.

Wills Trusts Estates Prof Blog

And the very thought of not being able to steal other people's money just outrages modern American lolberals.
So basically you don't care about the deficit? Or do you just defend republicans regardless of what they actually do? This move would only affect a few thousand of the wealthiest Americans. Are you that much of a stooge to support this?

Yes, we care about the deficit. How about doing something about it, you know not spending money we don't have. Eliminate the BS EPA regs that raise energy rates for everything. Reduce taxes across the board so the middle class can actually keep their money. Investing in the space program would pay such huge dividends in terms of economic development that we probably could spend our way out of the basement that you dreamers have put us in.
You do realize of course that government spending itself is necessary for ANY part of the government to function right? Yes over spending is an issue, but that doesn't mean cutting taxes doesn't further exasperate the problem. This is basic common sense. Less revenue means more borrowing.

You know where all the major spending increases have gone since Bush and Obama started? Defense. The kind of spending you people love. That and Bush's tax cuts.
Funny, how Republicans keep telling the poor they don't work hard enough. But they want a lot of idle rich kids to get lot's of what they never worked for and never will. And so many end up dead from having too much given to them for free. Pity.

The republicans want royality and smurfs for them to rule over. They don't give a damn about this nations position in the world.
You mean serfs.
Geezus Charlie Crist, you are the stupidest poster on here. Who has ruled over us for 8 years? Yeah Dems.
Go stick your infrastructure and R&D up your ass.
Their hypocrisy and wealthy coddling politics never get old.

Wills Trusts Estates Prof Blog

And the very thought of not being able to steal other people's money just outrages modern American lolberals.
So basically you don't care about the deficit? Or do you just defend republicans regardless of what they actually do? This move would only affect a few thousand of the wealthiest Americans. Are you that much of a stooge to support this?

Yes, we care about the deficit. How about doing something about it, you know not spending money we don't have. Eliminate the BS EPA regs that raise energy rates for everything. Reduce taxes across the board so the middle class can actually keep their money. Investing in the space program would pay such huge dividends in terms of economic development that we probably could spend our way out of the basement that you dreamers have put us in.
You do realize of course that government spending itself is necessary for ANY part of the government to function right? Yes over spending is an issue, but that doesn't mean cutting taxes doesn't further exasperate the problem. This is basic common sense. Less revenue means more borrowing.
You just can't make this up. People who can't speak English trying to engage in conversations on economics and politics. It's like monkeys trying to operate heavy machinery.
Their hypocrisy and wealthy coddling politics never get old.

Wills Trusts Estates Prof Blog

And the very thought of not being able to steal other people's money just outrages modern American lolberals.
So basically you don't care about the deficit? Or do you just defend republicans regardless of what they actually do? This move would only affect a few thousand of the wealthiest Americans. Are you that much of a stooge to support this?

Yes, we care about the deficit. How about doing something about it, you know not spending money we don't have. Eliminate the BS EPA regs that raise energy rates for everything. Reduce taxes across the board so the middle class can actually keep their money. Investing in the space program would pay such huge dividends in terms of economic development that we probably could spend our way out of the basement that you dreamers have put us in.
You do realize of course that government spending itself is necessary for ANY part of the government to function right? Yes over spending is an issue, but that doesn't mean cutting taxes doesn't further exasperate the problem. This is basic common sense. Less revenue means more borrowing.
You just can't make this up. People who can't speak English trying to engage in conversations on economics and politics. It's like monkeys trying to operate heavy machinery.

People that think cut, slash and burn can possibly work are attempting to have a conversation on economics and politics. You already start out right out of the gate fighting for something that is stupid....Yet, you speak of others! Lol! Stupid as it is like talking about furgason for the democrats as most of the people in this country value our infrastructure, our science programs and love seeing all of our children get a education.

Your mindset threatens to defund it and this is a very risky and broad path to take. Yes, it is stupid as it isn't a plan and just pisses people off.
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Funny, how Republicans keep telling the poor they don't work hard enough. But they want a lot of idle rich kids to get lot's of what they never worked for and never will. And so many end up dead from having too much given to them for free. Pity.

The republicans want royality and smurfs for them to rule over. They don't give a damn about this nations position in the world.
You mean serfs.
Geezus Charlie Crist, you are the stupidest poster on here. Who has ruled over us for 8 years? Yeah Dems.
Go stick your infrastructure and R&D up your ass.

Eight years ago Bush was president. Seven years ago, Bush was president. Four years ago the GOP won the House. Last year the GOP won the Senate.

That does not add up to 8 years of Democratic rule, genius.
Also, the improvement in the deficit is hardly something Obumbler can take any credit for. The recession is done. That's a fortuitous circumstance of being in the right place when the Bush policies finally took root.

I used to think that you might have a lick of sense. Then you write something as amazingly stupid as the above and prove me wrong again. You are one of the most stupid fuckers on this board if you believe what you wrote.

"when the Bush policies finally took root". Unfucking believable you wrote that. LMAO
You must be fucking kidding? Your wars and tax cuts are the cause of the debt. Not infrastructure, science, r&d, and education. Of course, anything that helps anyone else besides the very top is bad within your eyes.

Both infrastructure and science make up 5% of the entire budget. How exactly does it cause our debt?? It was higher under Reagan.

Living within our means would be slashing science, infrastructure and r&d investment into the ground as long as you don't wish to reform the real trouble makers. We'll be a third world shit hole! Of course, you'll blame it on Obama when we lose our first rate status as you're a pon.
Your wars? No Democrat has ever been involved? obama isn't trying to drone strike his way out of trouble? Guess again.

Let the states handle infrastructure and whatever science they want to fund. We are 18 plus trillion in the whole, we can't tax our way out of it. Entitlement spending is unsustainable and we're turning into Greece.

You are confused if you don't understand that private business is investing in science. You whine every day about this, pretending only government funds technology while it's a very small percent of what's really going on.
Their hypocrisy and wealthy coddling politics never get old.

Wills Trusts Estates Prof Blog

And the very thought of not being able to steal other people's money just outrages modern American lolberals.
So basically you don't care about the deficit? Or do you just defend republicans regardless of what they actually do? This move would only affect a few thousand of the wealthiest Americans. Are you that much of a stooge to support this?
Obama has cut the deficit in half.
At least that's what I keep hearing.
He shouldn't need these monies anymore.
"A few thousand"? Really? You really don't comprehend how easily assets accumulate to $5million
These threads really shows who is brainwashed over this government

when they take THEIR side over their countrymen and women. we are doomed

they did it with the IRS, the BLM raiding some citizens ranch, etc etc
I think Jefferson and others were trying to prevent a form of European nobility in the US, with families passing on their estates to their children and then to their children's children with no end in sight. Once a family acquires a large estate in the US it is wealth that can continue to grow making the family even more wealthy. With the wealth the family is able to grease legislators with contributions, regarding taxes, and bingo America has a permanent class of elites. The beauty of a wealthy family is that it does not have to work but sit around waiting for the elders to die.
Please read and learn.
Ignorance is embarrassing to watch

Estate Taxes An Historical Perspective
These threads really shows who is brainwashed over this government

when they take THEIR side over their countrymen and women. we are doomed

they did it with the IRS, the BLM raiding some citizens ranch, etc etc
You have no problem when they do it to minorities...

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