Repeal of the ACA will be impossible - you need 2/3's vote

That you have started such a thread illustrates repeal is not only possible - but highly likely.

Smell the fear.


Not really.

I read an op-ed in the paper yesterday that said new poll data is indicating that the American people are actually warming up to the ACA.

And then there's this on FOX News

Don't be fooled, Americans are starting to embrace ObamaCare | Fox News

Besides, the main issue in this election is going to be Bain Capital.

Mitt Romney and Bain Capital | Romney-Gekko 2012

By the time the Obama campaign is through beating this to death Mitt Romney is going to be the most hated man in America and "Obamacare" won't even be an issue.

Can you say "people before profits?"

You should practice because the whole country is going to be saying it a lot in the upcoming months.

This slogan is like a double edged sword that Obama will use to defeat Romney AND justify his ACA initiative. There won't be any repeal!
Not really.

I read an op-ed in the paper yesterday that said new poll data is indicating that the American people are actually warming up to the ACA.

Just wait til the medical loss ratio rebates start going out next month.
Besides, the main issue in this election is going to be Bain Capital.

You are an idiot:

Importance of Issues
Economy Still Number One on Voters' Minds

Health Care
Gov't Ethics and Corruption
Energy Policy
Social Security
National Security/War on Terror

Importance of Issues - Rasmussen Reports™
Why does the right wing think they will be able to repeal the ACA?

Both Romney and Obama support the individual mandate. So no matter who wins, you'll need a 2/3 vote in both houses to override their veto.

In fact, I don't see why the thing is even such a big issue, considering both major candidates support it.

President Romney won't veto it.
Why do you assume all of the middle class and young people are moochers? Only you get that label.

He didn't say 'all.' Fail.

Oh, how many was he referring to? Please clarify.

ObamaTax has 21 taxes effected. Go take a look at the true figures for unemployment not the ones the left spotes out and see for yourself. This tax is going to hit everyone one way or another. So don't believer some are just getting off with a slap on the back.
I'm really amazed at the people just falling all over this Government reach over us on our health care..

I guess the Transformation is compete

The Dems are owned by the State, the State loves them and provides for them.

Consider the Dems of the city, how they vote, they neither toil nor learn, but I tell you not Solomon in all his glory was able to live off taxpayer money like these Dems!
Why does the right wing think they will be able to repeal the ACA?

Both Romney and Obama support the individual mandate. So no matter who wins, you'll need a 2/3 vote in both houses to override their veto.

In fact, I don't see why the thing is even such a big issue, considering both major candidates support it.

What’s of more importance is that the House will try to repeal at all, as they continue to waste time on partisan non-issues while Americans continue to suffer.
The First start on Repeal is to vote out Obama in November.

lets make it happen
He didn't say 'all.' Fail.

Oh, how many was he referring to? Please clarify.

ObamaTax has 21 taxes effected. Go take a look at the true figures for unemployment not the ones the left spotes out and see for yourself. This tax is going to hit everyone one way or another. So don't believer some are just getting off with a slap on the back.
And the benefits of the Bill? I think we would have to weigh the pluses vs the minuses to see if it would come out as an over all negative for the economy verses and overall positive for the economy....and this is setting aside other negatives that there may be regarding the bill and the power of our government or over reach of our government.

As example, figure that families of 4 making up to 88k will be getting a portion of their health care insurance costs, rebated to them. This family of 4, was already paying for their own health care insurance policy in full with the help of their employer, plus all the income taxes due on their taxable income.

Since they are being credited, with a portion of their health insurance costs, this money can then be spent on paying other things like sending their kid to college or buying other this money goes directly in to the economy, stimulating sales...and more demand leads to more supply and the both of these increases employment, and gets the economy taking off again.

In addition to this, the Health Care facilities and employees will have to increase...adding job after job after job....schools will be enlarged as well, putting construction workers to work, and all the jobs that go with expansion of health care facilities and medical schools etc....architects, draftsmen, secretaries, accountants, doctors, lawyers, (indian chiefs :) )....etc.

And then you have the number one reason for the bankruptcy declaration of Americans diminishing to near nil....Medical expenses.... and the uncertainty of getting health care if you are born with a disease etc...some real mental positives that can only lead to more positive things happening with the economy...positive thinking...consumer confidence is a leading driver of the economy....

In addition to all of this, we would have Hospitals operate as they should operate....the Emergency rooms and the highest cost area of the hospital will be used for ONLY emergencies for the most part....this will help hospitals budget and schedule better...and take fewer losses than they did previous to the Act...and close down due to losses less frequently.

The benefit to us Human beings and citizens... with all having preventative the long run this could be a huge savings over all...with us becoming healthier.

I'm certain there are more positives that could be counted as well...

so, when you weigh those over the cost of the taxes in the's not as bad as it initially may seem, imho.

That you have started such a thread illustrates repeal is not only possible - but highly likely.

Smell the fear.

Actually, it's a lie since it was passed through reconciliation. The same process can be used to repeal it.

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