Repeal the 2nd Amendment?

If you had caught me about 20 years ago I'd probably seriously disagree. I grew up in a hunting family. Had my first gun before I had a drivers license. But any good tool that gets picked up and abused by overly enthusiastic people who don't know how serious the item is, it gets to the point where I think there's less and less reason to let a nation of crazy people have easy access to guns.

The Constitution has built-in options of repealing or amending itself. Why do you think otherwise?

I know more about the costs of mental health issues when they strike a family than most. So you might want to slow your roll on that one, Paco.

Oh god, more "knives" talking points.

Let me know the next time there's a STRING of mass stabbings in schools that take out 20 little kids and do it so brutally and efficiently the POLICE are even scared of the guy. And then when the stabbing is so bad that the parents can't identify the kid without DNA.

And make sure to alert me when it becomes a nearly weekly thing here in the US.

Just. Make. This. Stop. YOU guys love your guns. Tell us what will make your favorite hobby stop being the PREFERRED METHOD OF KILLING KIDS.

What will it be?

YOU made the problem, YOU fix the problem.
I have no way to tell if your claimed hunting background is true or not.

There were obvious indications that the shooters in Texas and Buffalo were mental basketcases. Nothing was done. Nonsense claims about overly enthusiastic people serves no purpose. A nation of crazy people having access to guns is nonsensical and melodramatic. You may feel better about yourself but it furthers nothing productive.

You making claims to have some special knowledge of mental health issues means what, coming from an anonymous poster on a message board?

"..... when the stabbing is so bad that the parents can't identify the kid without DNA"

Is there a way to write your earlier comment so that it contains coherent sentences?
One thing to remember is that during the 1994 midterm elections, there was a very high correlation between members of Congress having supported Clinton's fraudulent “assault weapon” ban, and going on to lose their subsequent attempts to be reelected. Even Clinton himself admitted that his ban was likely responsible for the slaughter that his party took during that election. And that was just a temporary ban, on an arbitrarily-defined subset of arms. All the bullshit polls that have been put out, from before that time, onward, purporting to show public support for such infringements on the people's right to bear arms notwithstanding, in the poll that really mattered, the people made it clear that they do not support such abuses of power after all; and many politicians lost their jobs over it.

Now, you're talking about an effort to permanently alter the Constitution, to completely overturn the Second Amendment. Do you think you're ever going to see a solid supermajority of politicians willing to sacrifice their careers to accomplish this? You have to know that if they ever do ratify an Amendment to overturn the Second, or even make a serious effort to do so, that the vast majority of politicians who support it will lose their next elections, and never ever be able to be elected ever to another office ever again. And in the mean time, they'll surely be replaced by politicians who will make haste to ratify another amendment to restore the Second.
Indeed. And keep in mind, merely repealing the Second would not have the effect he believes. For the effect he wants, an entirely new amendment would have to be passed that emphatically denied an individual right to keep and bear arms.
Invariably you guys always want to do anything EXCEPT address the guns. You are more than happy to see 3rd grade teachers have to go through gun training, rather than what experts say (reduce guns). You would rather ensure that doors are locked. You would rather have schools RE-DESIGNED to harden them (in the same country that ROUTINELY hates paying for public education).

And when you get done with turning schools and theaters into armed encampments you move on to "mental healthcare". You cry crocodile tears over the sad state of mental healthcare in the country but you probably all to a person voted to ensure that healthcare remain out of reach of most Americans. You use "mental health" as a way to distract people.

Otherwise you might be willing to pay a SURCHARGE on your gun and ammo purchases to support access to mental healthcare.

You guys have "solutions", but none of them ever CONSIDER that MAYBE you guys are part of the problem to begin with.
Funny my daughter is using Medicaid to pay for her therapy and medication.
Funny my daughter is using Medicaid to pay for her therapy and medication.

And that's an easy task?

It's good she's getting help. So I guess Mental Healthcare in the USA is PERFECTLY FINE! So I guess folks who want to defend their guns will have to stop talking about mental illness as a problem to solve.

So we are back to square one. We can't blame it on mental illness (because your daughter has medicaid funded therapy).

What do we blame all the shootings on? Is it "inherent evil"? Are Americans just evil?
Abortion is the strongest proof of this.

Thousands of innocents murdered in cold blood every day, over a million every year.

The problem is, though that the politics of those who are most in support of guns is often the politics of the "pro-life". And clearly there is a problem there. These folks claim to care about the sanctity of life but you will seldom if ever find them voting to improve welfare coverage. What they care about is the idea of a life. The "pre-born" are prefect vehicles. They don't do bad things, they aren't difficulties, they don't talk back, they don't believe the wrong things...they are a blank slate that they can IMAGINE they care about deeply.

But once born these things become kids which are expensive and if you didn't want one why did you have one? And then they get older and some of them fail to become Christians and then they start doing crime etc. Best to just leave that lot alone.

And if 20 or so of the "post-born" get a super-late-term abortion (in the 3rd grade) then it's time to run out to the public square to "pray" (so that they might be seen) in hopes that no one will force them to "put up again thy sword into its scabbard"...but will, instead, quietly allow them to buy more guns.

The First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Ninth, and Tenth Amendments entail rights that are inherent and, therefore, absolutely unbridgeable. These rights preexist per the imperatives of natural law. They cannot be granted, taken away, or transferred by the state. Their natural expressions and exercises can only be illegitimately suppressed by the state. There is no assertion whatsoever in the language of their enumeration that the ratification of the Constitution, let alone congressional decree, granted them. In other words, the language of their enumeration, including that of the Fourth and Fifth in terms of their essence, assumes their prior existence. The duly administered warrants of probable cause and the duly administered deprivations of due process per criminality do not violate them.

This is not to say that the other rights are not inherent in some sense. Rather, like certain aspects of the Fourth and Fifth, they are rooted in the others and require additional explanation or specification.

Now, of course, this doesn't mean that one may say or do whatever one bloody damn well pleases, which routinely confuses the stupid. Rather, there is no natural right to violate the life, liberty, or the property of another in the first place.

Moreover, the suspensions of free expression and exercise vis-a-vis crises strictly go to the wellbeing of the body politic of the social contract.

Regarding their preexistent nature, the above is most especially true about the language of the First and Second. Observe:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.​

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.​

The plain language of the Second Amendment's main clause, as the Federalist Papers evince and the Court has affirmed, firstly pertains to the individual right of the people to keep and bear arms. The Bill of Rights are predicated on the imperatives of natural law regarding the inalienable rights of the people endowed by God (or nature if you please), not by governments. This inherent right of the people precedes the security of the several states, just as the militias of the several states precede the existence of Congress. It's important to keep in mind that under natural and constitutional law the right to keep and bear arms and the existence of the Militia are ontologically rooted in the people themselves.
"Natural law and inalienable rights"?

If they were "natural" law every country in the world would have them.
If "inalienable" rights endowed by god?
Who told you that?
Tariffs was how the wall was being paid for. You never heard of it? Why were you bitching about them?

Sure ................ for a week, another day, another lie in Trumplandia.

May 31 2019
Donald Trump has announced that he is placing a 5% tariff on all Mexican imports to pressure the country to do more to curb immigration into the US, in a surprise move that has rattled markets.

The US president said the tariff would gradually increase “until the illegal immigration problem is remedied”. He made the announcement via Twitter after telling reporters earlier on Thursday he was planning “a major statement” that would be his “biggest” so far about the border.

June 7 2019
Donald Trump has announced that he is placing a 5% tariff on all Mexican imports to pressure the country to do more to curb immigration into the US, in a surprise move that has rattled markets.

The US president said the tariff would gradually increase “until the illegal immigration problem is remedied”. He made the announcement via Twitter after telling reporters earlier on Thursday he was planning “a major statement” that would be his “biggest” so far about the border.
Well, when I discuss gun crimes with gun advocates I'm always told how many people are killed by cars. So I bought a car.

Now you're telling me I can't use my car to kill an intruder???

Why do you want my family to be victimized?????
If you want to drive a car through your house go ahead I really don't care
Sure ................ for a week, another day, another lie in Trumplandia.

May 31 2019
Donald Trump has announced that he is placing a 5% tariff on all Mexican imports to pressure the country to do more to curb immigration into the US, in a surprise move that has rattled markets.

The US president said the tariff would gradually increase “until the illegal immigration problem is remedied”. He made the announcement via Twitter after telling reporters earlier on Thursday he was planning “a major statement” that would be his “biggest” so far about the border.

June 7 2019
Donald Trump has announced that he is placing a 5% tariff on all Mexican imports to pressure the country to do more to curb immigration into the US, in a surprise move that has rattled markets.

The US president said the tariff would gradually increase “until the illegal immigration problem is remedied”. He made the announcement via Twitter after telling reporters earlier on Thursday he was planning “a major statement” that would be his “biggest” so far about the border.
Blah blah blah you leftist Stalin loving Communist repeat the same old shit and becomes blah blah blah

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