Repeal the 2nd Amendment?

Blah blah blah you leftist Stalin loving Communist repeat the same old shit and becomes blah blah blah
Sure...............ignorant Trumptard.

Wasn't that what Trump's cult were repeating?
SAME old shit?

Then you ignore your communist loving dear leader.

Could we, should we, get rid of tbe 2nd Amendment?

This thread is not about me personally favoring, and advocating the banning all gun ownership. I have had a permit (recent), to carry concealed. Though banning all ownership of weapons or restricting ownership is part of the question(s). Constitutionally, don’t we have every right to repeal amendments?

Can you control yourselves and hold back the political and personal attacks on the OP?

The 2nd Amendment should be repealed. Over 1.5 million gun deaths took place in this nation just between 1968 and 2017, more than have died in all the wars since the Revolution. As hunting for food disappeared the gun industry's reinvented itself into a weapon provider for a populace filled with fear of violent crime. And the source of that fear was, of course, the gun industry. The NRA took on this same tact and turned the 2nd Amendment into sacred text and has relentlessly argued that any restriction on gun ownership whatsover is a defacto violation of civil rights.

End it. Cease being the paragon of violent lunacy. Your fears are false, created by the NRA and the gun industry solely to sell you more guns. Don't let them use you and the lives of your loved ones to line their fucking pockets.
The 2nd Amendment should be repealed. Over 1.5 million gun deaths took place in this nation just between 1968 and 2017, more than have died in all the wars since the Revolution. As hunting for food disappeared the gun industry's reinvented itself into a weapon provider for a populace filled with fear of violent crime. And the source of that fear was, of course, the gun industry. The NRA took on this same tact and turned the 2nd Amendment into sacred text and has relentlessly argued that any restriction on gun ownership whatsover is a defacto violation of civil rights.

End it. Cease being the paragon of violent lunacy. Your fears are false, created by the NRA and the gun industry solely to sell you more guns. Don't let them use you and the lives of your loved ones to line their fucking pockets.
NRA blah blah blah dumbass explain how you would take legally own firearms already in the hands of Americans? You do realize without a second amendment guns will still be there.
The 2nd Amendment should be repealed. Over 1.5 million gun deaths took place in this nation just between 1968 and 2017, more than have died in all the wars since the Revolution. As hunting for food disappeared the gun industry's reinvented itself into a weapon provider for a populace filled with fear of violent crime. And the source of that fear was, of course, the gun industry. The NRA took on this same tact and turned the 2nd Amendment into sacred text and has relentlessly argued that any restriction on gun ownership whatsover is a defacto violation of civil rights.

End it. Cease being the paragon of violent lunacy. Your fears are false, created by the NRA and the gun industry solely to sell you more guns. Don't let them use you and the lives of your loved ones to line their fucking pockets.
Wow. The stuff you learn from conspiracy theorists on the interwebs. I wasn't aware the NRA and gun lobby were responsible for out of control crime in so many Democrat run cities. Are the NRA and gun lobby responsible for Democrat policies to defund police, dump career criminals on the streets and the refusal of Democrat DA's and prosecutors to charge criminals for their crimes?
The 2nd Amendment should be repealed. Over 1.5 million gun deaths took place in this nation just between 1968 and 2017, more than have died in all the wars since the Revolution. As hunting for food disappeared the gun industry's reinvented itself into a weapon provider for a populace filled with fear of violent crime. And the source of that fear was, of course, the gun industry. The NRA took on this same tact and turned the 2nd Amendment into sacred text and has relentlessly argued that any restriction on gun ownership whatsover is a defacto violation of civil rights.

End it. Cease being the paragon of violent lunacy. Your fears are false, created by the NRA and the gun industry solely to sell you more guns. Don't let them use you and the lives of your loved ones to line their fucking pockets. include suicides because the average number of gun murders each year is 10,000......since 1939, 82 years, that would make the total about 820,000.....criminals murdering other criminals for the most part....

Meanwhile, in Europe.....from 1936-1945, 6 years.....the German socialists murdered 15 million innocent men, women and children......who had their guns taken from them by their governments in the 1920s and early 1930s......

Meanwhile, you dumbass.....

Americans use their legal guns on average 1.1 million times a year to stop rapes, robberies, murders, stabbings, beatings, kidnappings, and, yes.....mass public shootings....

That number is from the Centers for Disease Control...and that number is likely even higher.

Guns save lives.....government commits mass murder.
Wow. The stuff you learn from conspiracy theorists on the interwebs. I wasn't aware the NRA and gun lobby were responsible for out of control crime in so many Democrat run cities. Are the NRA and gun lobby responsible for Democrat policies to defund police, dump career criminals on the streets and the refusal of Democrat DA's and prosecutors to charge criminals for their crimes?

Thank you.......
Define irony.

President Joe Biden on Monday lectured Americans about gun control after Hunter Biden admitted to firearm safety malpractice.

Something of the typical hypocrisy coming from the democrats and the dementia addled old coot pretending to be a president.

Wait, what? ''firearm safety malpractice.'' Hunter Biden is a one-man crime syndicate who falsified a federal firearms purchase application. Its only his last name that prevents him from facing charges.
Well, when I discuss gun crimes with gun advocates I'm always told how many people are killed by cars. So I bought a car.

Now you're telling me I can't use my car to kill an intruder???

Why do you want my family to be victimized?????
No gun prohibitionist protest or calls for change when a repeat DWI offender keeps getting released, it just shows the hypocrisy of the gun prohibitionist position. This whole common sense gun laws thing makes no common sense. You keep demanding things that are already on the books. You do not want to put guns in schools to protect children. You just want gun confiscation.
You do not want to put guns in schools to protect children.

Can I just say how bizarre this sentence is? Seriously how fucked up are some people that they actually think putting guns in SCHOOLS is how to solve this problem.

How sick is it that you honestly think that guns in the school sounds like a rational person speaking?

You just want gun confiscation.

If the only option you leave me is gun confiscation then, yeah. But for a minute think about how fucked up YOUR PROPOSAL IS. Guns IN A SCHOOL.

I don't get how you folks think. You clearly LOVE GUNS SO MUCH that you think they will solve all problems even problems caused by guns.

What the fuck is WRONG with you people?????

What kind of country do you want? A country where schools are armed, hardened encampments????

That isn't a country most rational people would want to live in.

Think for a second. Realize you all sound like you are fucking insane psychopaths when you say stuff like that.
Can I just say how bizarre this sentence is? Seriously how fucked up are some people that they actually think putting guns in SCHOOLS is how to solve this problem.

How sick is it that you honestly think that guns in the school sounds like a rational person speaking?

If the only option you leave me is gun confiscation then, yeah. But for a minute think about how fucked up YOUR PROPOSAL IS. Guns IN A SCHOOL.

I don't get how you folks think. You clearly LOVE GUNS SO MUCH that you think they will solve all problems even problems caused by guns.

What the fuck is WRONG with you people?????

What kind of country do you want? A country where schools are armed, hardened encampments????

That isn't a country most rational people would want to live in.

Think for a second. Realize you all sound like you are fucking insane psychopaths when you say stuff like that.
Now this is the most dumbest of all responses I have read on the subject
Seriously how fucked up are some people that they actually think putting guns in SCHOOLS is how to solve this problem.

How sick is it that you honestly think that guns in the school sounds like a rational person speaking?

Most mass shootings are in Gun Free Zones. According to the Crime Prevention Research Center, “gun free zones” (areas where guns are prohibited) have been the target of more than 98% of all mass shootings. This staggering number is why such designated areas are often referred to as “soft targets,” meaning unprotected and vulnerable. Which is why the terrorists and the crazies go to those places to commit their atrocities because they know they can get the highest amount of casualties and deaths before somebody with a gun shoots them.

How fucked up are some people that they don't understand that?

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