Repeal the 2nd Amendment?

You keep saying that. But I'm not sure how YOU came to judge that.
I keep saying but because it's true. You aren't even smart enough to understand when I gave the reason why you aren't smart read the bold
You aren't that smart. Anyone who believes it's going to be ok to leave school's unprotected and believes the new and improved gun control is going work is a very ignorant person and devoid of any reality.
Yeah and why can a person just walk into a school armed to the teeth?

Inadequate security measures.

The better question is why would he if he knows the school has armed guards and teachers that will shoot his ass as soon as he opens fire and maybe even before that. These guys want as many casualties and deaths as possible, and they'll go to GFZs because they know they can shoot a bunch of people before the cops show up. IOW, nobody is shooting back at them for several minutes.
Again. I’m content to take the chance. The notion of unintended consequences is exactly the risk both sides would have to confront. I’d sign a petition today to get my new home state to agree to a Convention of the States.

You might rue the day. I don’t care. I’m aware of the risks. That’s why I said that the libs and progs MIGHT not like the outcome. I didn’t guarantee it. I certainly never suggested that I would like it, either. A risk is a risk. In this case, I think it’s urgent to take the risk.

Mark Levin has called for a Convention of the States. A movement is underway. It might not come to fruition. But I’m hoping it does. 19 of the required 34 states have already approved it.
Mark Levin? Certifiable whacko.

Risks carry rewards and negative consequences. More than you think
Mark Levin? Certifiable whacko.

Risks carry rewards and negative consequences. More than you think
Mark Levin is a brilliant lawyer and scholar and only a dipshit with your sub-imbecile level IQ would deny it. You’re a verifiable asshole.

And I already pointed out that risks have occasional unintended consequences. I’m more aware of that than a jerkoff like you could ever be. That doesn’t change a thing.

Sometimes the risk is worthwhile if the perceived problem or danger is big enough. Retarded supplicating pussies like you will never grasp that fact.
One might almost conclude that some people who would intentionally Use a gun against other people without any legal justification are the kind of people who would also violate a law about their possession of the gun.

Wait. This could be groundbreaking insight. Is it possible that murderers are comfortable with breaking other laws? Oh my!
One might almost conclude that some people who would intentionally Use a gun against other people without any legal justification are the kind of people who would also violate a law about their possession of the gun.

Wait. This could be groundbreaking insight. Is it possible that murderers are comfortable with breaking other laws? Oh my!
Absolutely! (as posted above)

All I'm saying is if you want to arm teachers instead of leaving schools "soft targets" you are NOT doing what the NRA itself does when Trump speaks.

It's because the NRA leadership are NOT idiots like you guys. They know guns are dangerous.

They are playing you for the "soft targets" your simple brains are.

Why do you want to turn America into a free-fire zone? Is it because you are fantasizing you will be some super-duper hero somewhere? Newsflash: you won't. Statistically you and your kind are more likely to make a situation worse.

Meanwhile your stupid hobby has turned America into a shithole filling up fast with the blood of children.

Shithead......the NRA has no say over what the Secret Service demands when the President visits the lying asshat.....

Arming some teachers and support staff would keep it from being a target for a mass public shooter dumb ass...but then you wouldn't get your Christmas day, now would you....? Dead kids are your primary tool for fooling uninformed Americans and stampeding them to give you power...
Shithead......the NRA has no say over what the Secret Service demands when the President visits the lying asshat.....

Arming some teachers and support staff would keep it from being a target for a mass public shooter dumb ass...but then you wouldn't get your Christmas day, now would you....? Dead kids are your primary tool for fooling uninformed Americans and stampeding them to give you power...
They want president Trump unprotected they hate him that much, or fear him enough to assassinate him.
Shithead......the NRA has no say over what the Secret Service demands when the President visits the lying asshat.....

So now it's the US GOVERNMENT that fears guns????


Arming some teachers and support staff would keep it from being a target for a mass public shooter dumb ass

So the guy who thinks that 3rd grade teachers will probably fare less well than trained armed policemen and women is the "dumbass" here?

Sorry but that simply doesn't make sense.
My hobby does not cause people to murder children.

It gives them every tool to do the job efficiently. Which is why 99.99999% of them use YOUR FAVORITE TOOL.

In fact many of them COLLECT these things...just like you do! They know what they're for (just like you do).

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