Repeal the 2nd Amendment?

Shrugs bug try it

I'm having far too much fun pestering you guys. You sound so over-the-top it's funny.

I hope you actually get a chance to take a breather once in a while and relax a bit. You seem pretty on-edge. And given your apparent love of guns and your stated willingness to put a cap in someone's ass you sound like you could actually be a danger to others. (I hope the authorities in your area are keeping an eye on you, though. Not in a bad way).

I'm sorry to be doing this to you guys. You just put out so much low hanging fruit.

By all means enjoy your guns. You've won. America loves guns. You love guns.
I'm having far too much fun pestering you guys. You sound so over-the-top it's funny.

I hope you actually get a chance to take a breather once in a while and relax a bit. You seem pretty on-edge. And given your apparent love of guns and your stated willingness to put a cap in someone's ass you sound like you could actually be a danger to others. (I hope the authorities in your area are keeping an eye on you, though. Not in a bad way).

I'm sorry to be doing this to you guys. You just put out so much low hanging fruit.

By all means enjoy your guns. You've won. America loves guns. You love guns.
Some words on a computer screen don't mean a thing but if you feel the need to try and take what doesn't belong to you. I can show you a calculated response.
I'm having far too much fun pestering you guys. You sound so over-the-top it's funny.

I hope you actually get a chance to take a breather once in a while and relax a bit. You seem pretty on-edge. And given your apparent love of guns and your stated willingness to put a cap in someone's ass you sound like you could actually be a danger to others. (I hope the authorities in your area are keeping an eye on you, though. Not in a bad way).

I'm sorry to be doing this to you guys. You just put out so much low hanging fruit.

By all means enjoy your guns. You've won. America loves guns. You love guns.
I think Americans feel a bit more secure with a Constitution and a 2nd Amendment which establishes rights and freedoms. When our founding fathers wrote the 2nd Amendment, they understood fundamental, basic human rights; the right to self-defense and the right to limit the role of government. Having come from theocratic totalitarianism, the founders were aware of the dangers of overreaching government. The entire constitution defines rules that limit the government's involvement in the citizen's lives.

So yes, Americans have won. We have won our freedoms and protections from leftist totalitarians. Those freedoms and protections are a part of the Constitution. Your seething hatred for the Constitution causes you such angst. Deal with it.
Don’t be so scared all the time
Don't be so angry with people who you despise because they legally and responsibly own firearms. It seems your every waking moment is consumed by hate; hate for yourself and hate for those you can't impose your fears and prejudices upon.
Don't be so angry with people who you despise because they legally and responsibly own firearms. It seems your every waking moment is consumed by hate; hate for yourself and hate for those you can't impose your fears and prejudices upon.

Nah, just hatred for the fact that my country is the only developed first world nation with nearly daily mass shootings.

There was even one in TULSA just a hospital. So I guess there's ANOTHER place we will have to "harden" or put armed guards at because you guys love you some guns and hate civilzation.

You've ruined my country with your stupid hobby. Thanks.
If that makes you feel better. Yay you! WIn! Win! Win!

Do you need a participation trophy as well?
All you have been talking about is how to hamstring law abiding gun owners.

Gun registries
Ban concealed carry
Ban open carry

etc etc

because you think that these people are the ones responsible for gun crimes other people commit.
Nah, just hatred for the fact that my country is the only developed first world nation with nearly daily mass shootings.

There was even one in TULSA just a hospital. So I guess there's ANOTHER place we will have to "harden" or put armed guards at because you guys love you some guns and hate civilzation.

You've ruined my country with your stupid hobby. Thanks.
Rather selective outrage. The only 'near daily' mass shootings I'm aware of are in large, democrat run cities, Chicago and New York for obvious examples. When leftist / democrat politicians refuse to charge, prosecute and jail criminals, criminals are emboldened. What you want is to strip away the rights of legal, responsible firearm owners. You're fine with eliminating parts of that pesky Constitution which get in the way of leftist / democrat authoritarianism. The leftist / democrat utopia of Marxist / Stalinist control is just a gun grab away, rght?
Rather selective outrage. The only 'near daily' mass shootings I'm aware of are in large, democrat run cities, Chicago and New York for obvious examples.

Of course.

When leftist / democrat politicians refuse to charge, prosecute and jail criminals, criminals are emboldened.

America has the most prisoners of any nation on earth. So that would seem to make your point meaningless.

What you want is to strip away the rights of legal, responsible firearm owners. You're fine with eliminating parts of that pesky Constitution which get in the way of leftist / democrat authoritarianism.

The Constitution can be amended. Sorry to break it to you. I know a lot of you guys dropped out of junior high school before you got to Civics.

The leftist / democrat utopia of Marxist / Stalinist control is just a gun grab away, rght?

I love how you guys catastrophise. You live in ABJECT TERROR OF EVERYTHING.

Look around at the world. Canada, Norway and Sweden and the UK and France....NONE OF THEM are "Marxist/Stalinist" dictatorship. You guys are positively UNHINGED AND DELUSIONAL.

If you are scared all the time of everything, get a friend. DON'T JUST LOAD THE COUNTRY UP WITH GUNS.

You are smelling the place up.

Buy a frickin' dog!
All you have been talking about is how to hamstring law abiding gun owners.

Gun registries
Ban concealed carry
Ban open carry

etc etc

because you think that these people are the ones responsible for gun crimes other people commit.

May I remind you that the Uvalde shooter got his gun legally as I recall.

So, yeah, there are some "law abiding gun owners" who end up doing bad things.

And, yeah, so many of you are unhinged, delusional and living in TERROR OF EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING we'd really like to keep tabs on your deadly weapons.

Of course.

America has the most prisoners of any nation on earth. So that would seem to make your point meaningless.

The Constitution can be amended. Sorry to break it to you. I know a lot of you guys dropped out of junior high school before you got to Civics.

I love how you guys catastrophise. You live in ABJECT TERROR OF EVERYTHING.

Look around at the world. Canada, Norway and Sweden and the UK and France....NONE OF THEM are "Marxist/Stalinist" dictatorship. You guys are positively UNHINGED AND DELUSIONAL.

If you are scared all the time of everything, get a friend. DON'T JUST LOAD THE COUNTRY UP WITH GUNS.

You are smelling the place up.

Buy a frickin' dog!
I can see you're angry and emotive but leftist / socialist utopianism is not the answer.

Refusing to impose consequences for criminal acts is the reason democrat run cities are crime ridden. You want criminals on the streets instead of jail. Society suffers because of that. The recent leftist / socialist experiment in the Portland ''summer of love" was a disaster. When leftists/ socialists decriminalize theft, you have the constant shoplifting that plagues San Francisco.

Why would you presume that leaving criminals on the street with no consequences for criminal activity would be anything but a disaster?

I am looking around the world. I don't see Canada, Norway, Sweden and the UK founded on a model of the US Constitution or Bill of Rights. Why are you hoping those nonsensical attempts at comparison ae in any way meaningful?

Why are typing in all caps? Struggling to make a coherent argument?

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