Repent or Perish... Time is Running Out

Not much really. I'm just too damn stubborn to do the Reader's job for him. He will have his day and the Ferryman will earn his coins in good time.

I don't buy that.

You must realize that in the conversion I learned that the Divine is not a loving or even caring entity and that life is about propriety, not happiness.

That is your mistake to make.

because that's what you imagine in your head?

That is your mistake to make.

Just as I feel those of your Faith are mistaken, but have the right to make that mistake.
Fair enough but my faith has led me to understand that what I thought was important wasn't and what I thought wasn't important was and that the things I thought were bad for me were really good and the things I thought that were good for me were really bad. Every time something I think is bad happens to me I look for what it was I was supposed to learn. You on the other hand have admitted that you have absolutely nothing in your life to be thankful for. So which one of us do you believe has made the mistake?

Do you understand the concepts of normalization of deviance and external locus of control?
Not much really. I'm just too damn stubborn to do the Reader's job for him. He will have his day and the Ferryman will earn his coins in good time.

I don't buy that.

You must realize that in the conversion I learned that the Divine is not a loving or even caring entity and that life is about propriety, not happiness.

That is your mistake to make.

because that's what you imagine in your head?

No. It is because he has admitted that he has nothing in his life to be thankful for.
That is your mistake to make.

Just as I feel those of your Faith are mistaken, but have the right to make that mistake.
Fair enough but my faith has led me to understand that what I thought was important wasn't and what I thought wasn't important was and that the things I thought were bad for me were really good and the things I thought that were good for me were really bad. Every time something I think is bad happens to me I look for what it was I was supposed to learn. You on the other hand have admitted that you have absolutely nothing in your life to be thankful for. So which one of us do you believe has made the mistake?

Do you understand the concepts of normalization of deviance and external locus of control?

I understand at this,point that this life is nothing more than a test. A test to determine whether one can do Right thing even when it's not the easy, simple or fun thing to do.
That is your mistake to make.

Just as I feel those of your Faith are mistaken, but have the right to make that mistake.
Fair enough but my faith has led me to understand that what I thought was important wasn't and what I thought wasn't important was and that the things I thought were bad for me were really good and the things I thought that were good for me were really bad. Every time something I think is bad happens to me I look for what it was I was supposed to learn. You on the other hand have admitted that you have absolutely nothing in your life to be thankful for. So which one of us do you believe has made the mistake?

Do you understand the concepts of normalization of deviance and external locus of control?

I understand at this,point that this life is nothing more than a test. A test to determine whether one can do Right thing even when it's not the easy, simple or fun thing to do.
I don't know about you but I get great joy, happiness and satisfaction from doing the right thing, the right way for the right reason. If doing the right thing is making you miserable, I don't see how you could possibly be passing the test. Given that you said you would have preferred to have never been born rather than to live the life you have led, do you think you are passing the test?

Who is administering this test?
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If you have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ and do not want Him to save you then there is no hope for you. But how wicked is the man who not only does not desire to be saved but wants to stand in the way of another man's salvation in order to prevent him (or her) from hearing the truth and being saved?

Unlike you, I have no interest in telling people how they must worship to appease the Powers of the Universe. I have seen your God turn His back on those who most faithfully serve Him. That's when I decided I had no more use for such a God.

While some may be trusting in the Father of lies (Lucifer) to keep his word and reward them with a ruling position in hell, or immortality, or promote them to a god or goddess status or a myriad of other false promises (none which he can fulfill after your death because he himself is doomed to eternal destruction) they are in reality only adding to their own torment in hell because they must give an account (to Almighty God) for every idle word they have ever written or spoken (they will be judged by their own words).

I serve no such creature, nor do I have any such hopes for great reward at the end of this life. In truth I only hope I've done enough to get a chance to return and try again to get it Right.
Actually those who you claim served Him more like turned their backs on God. It happens.

Adam - red earth human with a breath that created a living soul sleeps in the dust - confusion of the earth until the Lord gives the human a woman from the human's own riyb. Once the Lord awakens that human and the human eats from the forbidden tree in the garden of that human's own pleasure-eden. That human begins a journey that leads to death of its own desire to live to the flesh and it is chased out of the garden of its own pleasures by the spirit within it. Pain comes with the birthing process and people who lack that understanding accuse God (that is the nature of the unruly carnal human).
I don't know about you but I get great joy, happiness and satisfaction from doing the right thing, the right way for the right reason. If doing the right thing is making you miserable, I don't see how you could possibly be passing the test. Given that you said you would have preferred to have never been born rather than to live the life you have led, do you think you are passing the test?

Who is administering this test?

Joy, happiness and satisfaction aren't the means I use to measure life. In fact I find that the closet I get to them, the more often I'm in the Wrong on things.

Misery us the intent of the test. As I said, we're not talking about a loving, fun or happy version of the Divine.

I said I'd rather be dead than be part of an organized religion, especially Christianity.

I started living properly far too late in life to pass the test. The best I can hope is that my Soul is deemed worthy of another chance to get it Right rather than being condemned.
I don't know about you but I get great joy, happiness and satisfaction from doing the right thing, the right way for the right reason. If doing the right thing is making you miserable, I don't see how you could possibly be passing the test. Given that you said you would have preferred to have never been born rather than to live the life you have led, do you think you are passing the test?

Who is administering this test?

Joy, happiness and satisfaction aren't the means I use to measure life. In fact I find that the closet I get to them, the more often I'm in the Wrong on things.

Misery us the intent of the test. As I said, we're not talking about a loving, fun or happy version of the Divine.

I said I'd rather be dead than be part of an organized religion, especially Christianity.

I started living properly far too late in life to pass the test. The best I can hope is that my Soul is deemed worthy of another chance to get it Right rather than being condemned.
No. That's not what you said. You said you would have rather not lived because bad things happen.

No. That's not what you said. You said you would have rather not lived because bad things happen.

Please excuse my poor wording get and unclear comment. It would have been better worded as "I would rather be dead than live in a world where bad things happen while trying to believe in a "good" God".
I don't know about you but I get great joy, happiness and satisfaction from doing the right thing, the right way for the right reason. If doing the right thing is making you miserable, I don't see how you could possibly be passing the test. Given that you said you would have preferred to have never been born rather than to live the life you have led, do you think you are passing the test?

Who is administering this test?

Joy, happiness and satisfaction aren't the means I use to measure life. In fact I find that the closet I get to them, the more often I'm in the Wrong on things.

Misery us the intent of the test. As I said, we're not talking about a loving, fun or happy version of the Divine.

I said I'd rather be dead than be part of an organized religion, especially Christianity.

I started living properly far too late in life to pass the test. The best I can hope is that my Soul is deemed worthy of another chance to get it Right rather than being condemned.
You said you didn't have much to be thankful for. You didn't say that you found a new lease on life.

No. That's not what you said. You said you would have rather not lived because bad things happen.

Please excuse my poor wording get and unclear comment. It would have been better worded as "I would rather be dead than live in a world where bad things happen while trying to believe in a "good" God".
Did you ever stop to think that it was your view of God that was flawed and not a flawed God? Which one is more likely? That God is wrong or that you are wrong?

Obviously you believe there is some kind of test which means there is someone or something that administers the test, right? And that someone or something is responsible for creating the universe and giving you that test, right? So what is more likely? That that all powerful being is wrong or that you are wrong?
You said you didn't have much to be thankful for. You didn't say that you found a new lease on life.

Correct. I didn't find a new lease on life. I found a new way to view life, but by that time my Soul was already Wrong enough to be u redeemable in this lifetime.
You said you didn't have much to be thankful for. You didn't say that you found a new lease on life.

Correct. I didn't find a new lease on life. I found a new way to view life, but by that time my Soul was already Wrong enough to be u redeemable in this lifetime.
Has that new view made you happier? More satisfied? If so, how?
Did you ever stop to think that it was your view of God that was flawed and not a flawed God? Which one is more likely? That God is wrong or that you are wrong?

Obviously you believe there is some kind of test which means there is someone or something that administers the test, right? And that someone or something is responsible for creating the universe and giving you that test, right? So what is more likely? That that all powerful being is wrong or that you are wrong?

If I am wrong, then I'm prepared to accept my Fate. I don't believe in your God, as you people define Him. Again, if I'm wrong, so be it. I'd rather spend eternity in HELL than a moment in Heaven with your God.
Did you ever stop to think that it was your view of God that was flawed and not a flawed God? Which one is more likely? That God is wrong or that you are wrong?

Obviously you believe there is some kind of test which means there is someone or something that administers the test, right? And that someone or something is responsible for creating the universe and giving you that test, right? So what is more likely? That that all powerful being is wrong or that you are wrong?

If I am wrong, then I'm prepared to accept my Fate. I don't believe in your God, as you people define Him. Again, if I'm wrong, so be it. I'd rather spend eternity in HELL than a moment in Heaven with your God.
He's not my God. He's everyone's God. Even yours. Why do you hate God so much?
Has that new view made you happier? More satisfied? If so, how?

I've already answered this multiple times. Life is not about happiness or satisfaction. It's about Right and Wrong. Wrong is generally the easy, happy, fun and pleasant way of life. Right us generally far less pleasant.

My change in viewpoint has made me accept and try to change what was Wrong in my life. It hasn't been entirely successful as most of Society prefers Wrong over Right. I just hope to be deemed worthy of another chance to do better.
Time is running out, guys. This message is from Bill Larkin. Many years ago, Bill made the decision to take his own life. Addicted to drugs, Bill had become convinced that his wife and children would be better off without him. The Lord saved Bill but not before giving Bill an experience that would forever change his life. Out of that experience he was completely set free and began to tell the world about what Jesus Christ did for him. What Jesus Christ did for Bill he can do for you. In the first video you will see Bill explain to you why there are people who want to convince you that there is no such place as hell. You owe it to yourselves to hear what he has to say. Eternity is a very long time. Do you know where you'd be if you died in your sleep tonight?

This is not a message that is meant to bring you to this or that denomination, church or bible study. This message has one purpose. To convince you that now it the time, today is the day, to day is the day of salvation. Get on your knees and cry out to Jesus Christ. He is waiting for you. He will hear and answer you. Time is running out. Please listen to Bill's message and realize that his intention is not to scare you but to share with you the reality of what is happening on the earth and why some people do not want you to believe that hell is real.

For those who have never heard Bill Larkin's testimony:

There is an alien invasion fleet headed towards the Earth. If you give your allegiance to the aliens, you will be spared. All others will die. They know if you honestly swear allegiance or if you really disbelieve and it'll be too late to change your mind once they get here.

Why should anyone who believes in neither your version of God nor my aliens believe either story?

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