Repent or Perish... Time is Running Out

Hobelim, If you do not believe in God (whose name is Jesus Christ) and you do not believe in hell, what are you doing on this thread? Find another thread and stop trying to prevent others from receiving salvation. Otherwise you'll reap a whirlwind of trouble from the LORD. Haven't you done enough damage to your own soul already?

You got me all wrong dear. I believe in God and always do exactly as he commands. I accept and maintain allegiance to the testimony of Jesus.

And I accept the reality of hell. I see you perjuring yourself in the name of God, desecrating the teachings of Jesus, setting aside the divine commands, and teaching others to do the same.

You have lifted your skirt for every foul and loathsome creature out there.

I see you demonstrate the terrifying and disturbing consequences for defying the law of God every time you post something and I have no choice but to believe in hell.

You are right there in front of my eyes crying out in agony, flailing about in its fires.
"lifted your skirt for every foul and loathsome creature out there?" Really? You think this is following the teachings of Jesus Christ? Sorry but your behaviors belie your words. You are the one who is desecrating the teachings of Jesus Christ through your behaviors. In effect, you are paying lip service to God.

I don't know what you believe hell is because you are another one who is secretive about your beliefs, but hell is being separated from God for eternity.

I agree with BoJ questioning your motives for posting here. As near as I can tell your only purpose here is to seek conflict.
Sorry man, I wasted 27 years on that BS before having my eyes opened. Not going back down that rabbit hole ever again.
Why do you say it was wasted? Nothing is wasted. Everything is connected and everything serves a purpose. Just because you don't know what that purpose is it doesn't mean there was one.
If you have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ and do not want Him to save you then there is no hope for you. But how wicked is the man who not only does not desire to be saved but wants to stand in the way of another man's salvation in order to prevent him (or her) from hearing the truth and being saved?

Unlike you, I have no interest in telling people how they must worship to appease the Powers of the Universe. I have seen your God turn His back on those who most faithfully serve Him. That's when I decided I had no more use for such a God.

While some may be trusting in the Father of lies (Lucifer) to keep his word and reward them with a ruling position in hell, or immortality, or promote them to a god or goddess status or a myriad of other false promises (none which he can fulfill after your death because he himself is doomed to eternal destruction) they are in reality only adding to their own torment in hell because they must give an account (to Almighty God) for every idle word they have ever written or spoken (they will be judged by their own words).

I serve no such creature, nor do I have any such hopes for great reward at the end of this life. In truth I only hope I've done enough to get a chance to return and try again to get it Right.
Why do you say it was wasted? Nothing is wasted. Everything is connected and everything serves a purpose. Just because you don't know what that purpose is it doesn't mean there was one.

The amount of time, money, and energy I invested in those 27 years returned nothing in response. Nor did the 54 years my father wasted on it (his entire life). I then spent another 3 years searching for the truth.
If you have rejected the Lord Jesus Christ and do not want Him to save you then there is no hope for you. But how wicked is the man who not only does not desire to be saved but wants to stand in the way of another man's salvation in order to prevent him (or her) from hearing the truth and being saved?

Unlike you, I have no interest in telling people how they must worship to appease the Powers of the Universe. I have seen your God turn His back on those who most faithfully serve Him. That's when I decided I had no more use for such a God.

While some may be trusting in the Father of lies (Lucifer) to keep his word and reward them with a ruling position in hell, or immortality, or promote them to a god or goddess status or a myriad of other false promises (none which he can fulfill after your death because he himself is doomed to eternal destruction) they are in reality only adding to their own torment in hell because they must give an account (to Almighty God) for every idle word they have ever written or spoken (they will be judged by their own words).

I serve no such creature, nor do I have any such hopes for great reward at the end of this life. In truth I only hope I've done enough to get a chance to return and try again to get it Right.

So according to the narration in Post #7 you'd choose to stay in the pit with the snakes and lions rather than to be rescued by a loving, merciful God. I'm going to go ahead and call your decision as I see it.... the height of insanity. Or the depths.... in your case. Your failure to be honest about the OP content is your first mistake. Go back and listen to those videos. If you have the courage to go off into eternity without Jesus Christ watching the videos should be no problem for you. Watch the videos so you can make an "informed" decision.
Why do you say it was wasted? Nothing is wasted. Everything is connected and everything serves a purpose. Just because you don't know what that purpose is it doesn't mean there was one.

The amount of time, money, and energy I invested in those 27 years returned nothing in response. Nor did the 54 years my father wasted on it (his entire life). I then spent another 3 years searching for the truth.
I see. Are you certain you received nothing in return for your 27 years of time, money and energy? Are you telling me that you learned nothing of value? Even when people fail, they learn something from their failures and some good does come from it. Am I to believe that you learned nothing at all and no good came from it?

How do you know your father wasted his entire life on it?

What did your search reveal?
Why do you say it was wasted? Nothing is wasted. Everything is connected and everything serves a purpose. Just because you don't know what that purpose is it doesn't mean there was one.

The amount of time, money, and energy I invested in those 27 years returned nothing in response. Nor did the 54 years my father wasted on it (his entire life). I then spent another 3 years searching for the truth.

I believe you were a follower of religion and that is precisely where your problem lies. The Lord never told you to join a denomination and follow doctrines of men. Dead religion is a dead end. Being born again and following / serving Jesus Christ is the way to eternal life and there is joy in the presence of the LORD. The Lord's yoke is light. You don't sound like you found joy in whatever religion you were following.
Why do you say it was wasted? Nothing is wasted. Everything is connected and everything serves a purpose. Just because you don't know what that purpose is it doesn't mean there was one.

The amount of time, money, and energy I invested in those 27 years returned nothing in response. Nor did the 54 years my father wasted on it (his entire life). I then spent another 3 years searching for the truth.
I see. Are you certain you received nothing in return for your 27 years of time, money and energy? Are you telling me that you learned nothing of value? Even when people fail, they learn something from their failures and some good does come from it. Am I to believe that you learned nothing at all and no good came from it?

How do you know your father wasted his entire life on it?

What did your search reveal?
It sounds like he was in a religion of works. Possibly Catholicism. I find many people who were in Catholicism have turned against God believing that their experience with the Catholic church was a dead end. Of course it is a dead end because it's not a bible based faith but a religion of tradition and dead works. What he needs is a relationship with Jesus Christ and if he will listen to the man in the OP videos he'll find the truth is right there. Very simple. Bill Larkin is an ex-Catholic. He was born into the Catholic religion and was feeling as empty as this man sounds until he had his own personal encounter with Jesus Christ. What people need is a personal encounter with Jesus Christ. Not religion.
it is your 4th century christian bible that is prolonging the day of Judgement to the detriment of humanity and may be the cause for mankind's extinction.
The Apostle Paul's letters were not sent 4 centuries after he was gone from the earth! Those letters were read by the very people he addressed!

The Scriptures we read today were being shared among the believers of the first church from the very beginning! The Epistles of Paul, Timothy, James, Peter, the very Words recorded (later on) in the Holy Bible were in the possession of the 1st church which was not a denomination - the early believers gathered in each others homes - many of those believers were Jewish! The Scriptures were shared among the brethren long before the King James Holy Bible was put together. Where you do you think all those writings came from? They were with the first believers and those who followed Jesus Christ after them! For centuries those scriptures remained perfectly intact until they were recorded in what is known as the King James Holy Bible today!
it is your 4th century christian bible that is prolonging the day of Judgement to the detriment of humanity and may be the cause for mankind's extinction.
Not according to Martin Luther King Jr it isn't. He gave a sermon at Drexel Baptist church about what Apostle Paul, you know the one from that 4th century christian bible, would have written to America.
I understand that he is involved in some occult belief about aliens taking over the earth but Christians are in the way? I'm not sure of the exact doctrine only that it is a doctrine of devils and it apparently makes followers of Jesus Christ out to be the ones who are holding up their great enlightenment. You'll find quite a few people here who are following false belief systems and listen to what they call their "spirit guides" (demons), also there are followers of New Age (false teachings), Alien (demon) worship, Hinduism, Cabala, Wicca, Satanism, etc. It's a perfect place to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ because the Word of God does not return back to Him void but will perform the work it was sent to do first, and there are many souls who need to be saved here.
the very Words recorded (later on) in the Holy Bible were in the possession of the 1st church which was not a denomination - the early believers gathered in each others homes - many of those believers were Jewish!

The Scriptures were shared among the brethren long before the King James Holy Bible was put together.

it is because of the 4th century christian bible, an agenda disguised as a religion, evidenced throughout history for its oppression and persecution the true religion of the 1st century remains illusive to the detriment of humanity. the story representation of Jesus in the 4th century document is a fallacy with the intent of deception for political objectives. nothing more.

I understand that he is involved in some occult belief about aliens taking over the earth but Christians are in the way?

you are the same as your book, Jeremiah using deceit to further your disguised agenda portrayed as a religion. there's not a sliver of truth to any of your words.
So according to the narration in Post #7 you'd choose to stay in the pit with the snakes and lions rather than to be rescued by a loving, merciful God. I'm going to go ahead and call your decision as I see it.... the height of insanity. Or the depths.... in your case. Your failure to be honest about the OP content is your first mistake. Go back and listen to those videos. If you have the courage to go off into eternity without Jesus Christ watching the videos should be no problem for you. Watch the videos so you can make an "informed" decision.

Yes, I would prefer the Pit over Heaven, with your God.

You cannot wave your hand at one of my family gatherings without hitting multiple church workers..... pastors, educators, music leaders, youth leaders, elders, etc.... I was even one of them for many years.

It's not that I don't understand the concept of your Faith. It's the fact that I've seen behind the curtain and don't believe the illusion anymore.
Unlike you, I have no interest in telling people how they must worship to appease the Powers of the Universe. I have seen your God turn His back on those who most faithfully serve Him. That's when I decided I had no more use for such a God.

It is interesting that you say that because I was reading a Q & A session by MLK last night which tangentially touches on this. This is what MLK had to say, it is the 2nd question asked... “Advice for Living”

Question: Our family has had more than its share of pain and trouble. Does God send pain and anguish to punish us for our sins and the sins of our fathers?

Answer: You are really raising the question, “Why do men suffer?” It is often true that we suffer because of sins we consciously or unconsciously commit. There are moral laws of the universe just as abiding as the physical laws, and when we disobey these moral laws we suffer tragic consequences. It is also true that the interrelatedness of human life often necessitates our suffering for the sins of our forefathers. We must admit, however, that we are often the victims of pain and suffering that cannot be explained by sins committed by ourselves or our forefathers. We must admit that there is some mystery surrounding God’s being. There are certain things that happen in our lives and in the life of the universe that we just can’t explain in rational terms. You must live by the faith that all suffering has some purpose which the finite mind of man can never comprehend.

And while looking for his explanation today, I found this which explains it further but it is too long for me to post without running afoul of USMB's TOS, so I will just provide the link. It is up to you whether you read it or not.

“Religion’s Answer to the Problem of Evil”
So according to the narration in Post #7 you'd choose to stay in the pit with the snakes and lions rather than to be rescued by a loving, merciful God. I'm going to go ahead and call your decision as I see it.... the height of insanity. Or the depths.... in your case. Your failure to be honest about the OP content is your first mistake. Go back and listen to those videos. If you have the courage to go off into eternity without Jesus Christ watching the videos should be no problem for you. Watch the videos so you can make an "informed" decision.

Yes, I would prefer the Pit over Heaven, with your God.

You cannot wave your hand at one of my family gatherings without hitting multiple church workers..... pastors, educators, music leaders, youth leaders, elders, etc.... I was even one of them for many years.

It's not that I don't understand the concept of your Faith. It's the fact that I've seen behind the curtain and don't believe the illusion anymore.
You seem to be blaming the deeds of man on God. How is that not throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Wouldn't it be much better to just drain the bathwater?
I see. Are you certain you received nothing in return for your 27 years of time, money and energy? Are you telling me that you learned nothing of value? Even when people fail, they learn something from their failures and some good does come from it. Am I to believe that you learned nothing at all and no good came from it?

How do you know your father wasted his entire life on it?

What did your search reveal?

I have found nothing of value to have come out of 27 years of Lutheran faith.

My father was literally the Best and most Fsithful man I've ever known. His life was dedicated to his family, his nation, his friends and his Faith. At the moment in his life when he would finally be able to do things for himself and have less need to be doing for others, he is besieged by Cancer and suffers for nearly 3 years before expiring.

My search revealed that Religion, in all its organized forms, is rubbish. Only Spirituality and acceptance of Universal Morality and Right/Wrong can lead to eternal fulfillment.
I see. Are you certain you received nothing in return for your 27 years of time, money and energy? Are you telling me that you learned nothing of value? Even when people fail, they learn something from their failures and some good does come from it. Am I to believe that you learned nothing at all and no good came from it?

How do you know your father wasted his entire life on it?

What did your search reveal?

I have found nothing of value to have come out of 27 years of Lutheran faith.

My father was literally the Best and most Fsithful man I've ever known. His life was dedicated to his family, his nation, his friends and his Faith. At the moment in his life when he would finally be able to do things for himself and have less need to be doing for others, he is besieged by Cancer and suffers for nearly 3 years before expiring.

My search revealed that Religion, in all its organized forms, is rubbish. Only Spirituality and acceptance of Universal Morality and Right/Wrong can lead to eternal fulfillment.
Do you believe your father felt the same way as you?
So according to the narration in Post #7 you'd choose to stay in the pit with the snakes and lions rather than to be rescued by a loving, merciful God. I'm going to go ahead and call your decision as I see it.... the height of insanity. Or the depths.... in your case. Your failure to be honest about the OP content is your first mistake. Go back and listen to those videos. If you have the courage to go off into eternity without Jesus Christ watching the videos should be no problem for you. Watch the videos so you can make an "informed" decision.

Yes, I would prefer the Pit over Heaven, with your God.

You cannot wave your hand at one of my family gatherings without hitting multiple church workers..... pastors, educators, music leaders, youth leaders, elders, etc.... I was even one of them for many years.

It's not that I don't understand the concept of your Faith. It's the fact that I've seen behind the curtain and don't believe the illusion anymore.
It's your decision to serve yourself and choose hell over serving God and choosing heaven. You haven't seen behind any curtain and what you think you know as an illusion is actually a delusion. A strong delusion given to you by God because you loved not the truth. You chose not to believe the truth because the truth requires action from you and you are at this writing resistant to it. But let me give you something to think about. There was a young man who once came to a Minister for deliverance. He had been struggling with the sin of homosexuality and although married to a woman, he could not seem to break free from thoughts of homosexual acts. During prayer the minister got a revelation from the Holy Spirit that the young man's father had an addiction to pornography while his wife was pregnant he viewed pornography and while his unborn son (the young man in story) was still in his mother's womb a doorway was opened for a spirit of perversion, lust, homosexuality to enter into him. The sins of the father had been transferred to the son (even while he was in his mother's womb). The Minister cast out the homosexual demon which was inherited from his fathers sin and the young man was immediately delivered and set free. He was never troubled by that homosexual spirit again. You can obtain deliverance from your own demons if you so choose. The choice is up to you but clearly you are at this writing under a strong delusion. Read these bible verses and realize this is what has happened to you. You need to repent and ask the Lord for deliverance.

It is written:
7 For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way.

8 And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

9 Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders,

10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.

11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

12 That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
2 Thessalonians 2:7-12

You seem to be blaming the deeds of man on God. How is that not throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Wouldn't it be much better to just drain the bathwater?

Illness and death are not the deeds of man. Especially not their timing. They are supposedly Divinely determined, according to your Book.

I am not and never will be Job, or even Jonah. I cannot accept the idea of worshiping a Diety who claims to be loving but allows Their most loyal followers to suffer as much as many of them do.
It's your decision to serve yourself and choose hell over serving God and choosing heaven.

I serve neither. I have been polite enough in this discussion to refrain from suggesting you should change your Faith. I find it unfortunately common that you cannot refrain from doing the same.
You seem to be blaming the deeds of man on God. How is that not throwing the baby out with the bathwater? Wouldn't it be much better to just drain the bathwater?

Illness and death are not the deeds of man. Especially not their timing. They are supposedly Divinely determined, according to your Book.

I am not and never will be Job, or even Jonah. I cannot accept the idea of worshiping a Diety who claims to be loving but allows Their most loyal followers to suffer as much as many of them do.

Illness and death are the consequences of sin and in certain cases, a test / trial that Satan has petitioned God to be loosed on an individual, even as was the case with Job. I find it to be divine providence that you say your loss of faith in God is related to your father's suffering because that is precisely the subject the LORD has laid upon my heart to share with this board and for the next several days there will be more about this subject (God willing).

Please understand that suffering is not for our destruction but rather for our benefit! You are viewing this from the wrong perspective. What you need is God's perspective on the matter of suffering. There is nothing so liberating and comforting as to learn the truth and understand that all that God has done has been done because of His great love for us. Satan would love to keep you in endless misery believing that God has somehow been unfair but keep reading because the truth will set you free. Tell me, did your father die believing and trusting in Jesus Christ as His Lord and Savior? You say that he died after 3 years of suffering with cancer. Did he die still confessing Jesus as his Lord?

Suffering: "Iron Entered Into His Soul"

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