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Replacing Columbus Day

"Are there any Italians in the room? I love Italians, they're tough. we will always protect Columbus day on my watch" - Trump said just now at rally
"Are there any Italians in the room? I love Italians, they're tough. we will always protect Columbus day on my watch" - Trump said just now at rally

Columbus Day is the holiday for the Italian people in this country. What's wrong with recognizing that fact?
Where does it end? Christmas, Easter Independence Day? Lefties have been chipping away (sometimes literally) at religious freedom and tradition for years. The Covid pandemic gave them power they could never get in the polling booth and now they are drunk with it. Thanks to the liberal education in the last couple of decades, generations of ignorant lefties can't tell the difference between Washington, Columbus and Lincoln and they don't give a damn. Tear 'em all down.
Because they HATE it, the day has new importance to me
They have been taught by decades of federal education policies to hate America. The idiots who are smashing every statue they can find don't distinguish between Washington or Lincoln or Columbus because they have become so ignorant as a result of democrat policies that they can't tell the difference and they don't give a damn.
"Are there any Italians in the room? I love Italians, they're tough. we will always protect Columbus day on my watch" - Trump said just now at rally

Columbus Day is the holiday for the Italian people in this country. ...

No, it's not. It's a day to commemorate setting in motion the many and varied events that would eventually lead to the establishment of the greatest country in the history of the world.
"Are there any Italians in the room? I love Italians, they're tough. we will always protect Columbus day on my watch" - Trump said just now at rally

Columbus Day is the holiday for the Italian people in this country. What's wrong with recognizing that fact?
I'm not Italian. It is an important day. It is the start of God taking the land from brutal savages and giving it to people more worthy.
For those who disagree. Please learn some history. This sounds like something out of the Walking Dead

Rabid libs are desecrating on Columbus statues and disrespecting the tremendous contribution of this fantastic Italian.

The question in my view is who should replace Columbus, his statues and the huge annual celebrations that Americans traditionally celebrate in the annual holiday honoring the Italian people

How about replacing Columbus with San Rocco? Have annual an annual festa in Italian towns in America like they did in the Godfather film?

Columbus never set foot in North America. Not even sure why we celebrate him.

Setting foot here is it as important as discovering it was here and opening up the migration from Europe to here
I think we can have both

Columbus is not responsible for the morals of his era. He was no better and no worse than anyone else of the time.

There was no enlightened group protesting the subjugation of indigenous people. The moral compass was the Catholic Church who encouraged the conquest and conversion of savages and did not oppose slavery

But by the same token, what we remember him for wasn't that impressive either. He wasn't the first European to get to the Americas, and someone else would have gotten here after him if he hadn't.

So what we are celebrating is not so much him, but what he started... and maybe we need to rethink if that was entirely a good thing. It certainly wasn't for the Native Americans who died or the Africans who were brought over in chains because the Natives were dying faster than they could be enslaved.

So you want to celebrate people that genocide other people you just wont celebrate yours because of the color of your skin? Lol Interesting how long have you been insane?

That made absolutely not a lick of sense... Let's try someone else who can try to articulate the thought better.

Yeah... cause there is no other place on earth where people invaded other people.

No, but we don't give THEM holidays, either.

We don't have Attila the Hun day or Ghengis Khan Day or Hitler Day or even Napoleon Day.
you want to celebrate a day where people use genocide to take land. You just don’t want to celebrate the one that has your same color skin..
how long have you been insane or decided to hate yourself? Lol
The genocide part is myth
They weren't subject to genocide (genocided isn't a word), they were exploited, just like they were doing to each other, except Europeans had better weapons.

Make another holiday if you wish, but stop being such a snowflake when it comes to Columbus Day.

No, son, they were outright genocided.. As in we wiped them out more thoroughly than the Nazis did the Jews.

In fact, when Hitler was coming up with the idea for concentration camps, he pointed out American Indian Reservations as an example.

We get change holidays all the time... We consolidated Lincoln and Washington's birthday into President's day. We changed Armistice Day to Veteran's Day when we figured out that WWI wasn't the war that ended all wars. Columbus doesn't deserve a holiday...

So let's get back to brass tacks... why this is an issue at all.

Because reality conflicts with our self image...

Our Self-image- America is a land of the free where people come here to make their fortunes.

Our Reality - America is a place where white people benefited from the suffering of people of color.

That reality is brought up every night in our cities where riots are still going on every night.
Your revisionist history is fiction.

Hitler never made such a comparison and the genocide claim is myth

white privilege is myth and people of color are better off here than anywhere else which columbus gets some credit for.

that is reality
Rabid libs are desecrating on Columbus statues and disrespecting the tremendous contribution of this fantastic Italian.

The question in my view is who should replace Columbus, his statues and the huge annual celebrations that Americans traditionally celebrate in the annual holiday honoring the Italian people

How about replacing Columbus with San Rocco? Have annual an annual festa in Italian towns in America like they did in the Godfather film?

Eliminate it completely. The government employees don't need another holiday.
Rabid libs are desecrating on Columbus statues and disrespecting the tremendous contribution of this fantastic Italian.

The question in my view is who should replace Columbus, his statues and the huge annual celebrations that Americans traditionally celebrate in the annual holiday honoring the Italian people

We should replace it with Indigenous People's Day to remember the Native Americans who were genocided to build this country.
I think we can have both

Columbus is not responsible for the morals of his era. He was no better and no worse than anyone else of the time.

There was no enlightened group protesting the subjugation of indigenous people. The moral compass was the Catholic Church who encouraged the conquest and conversion of savages and did not oppose slavery

Just one quibble, the Catholic Church was the moral compass only for the Spaniards, Portugese and French. For the English you have to go with the CoE, for the Dutch whatever reformed Lutheran thing they had going at the time.

And the slavery at the time of Columbus wasn't the 1700's-1800's Slavery, but more the "losers become slaves" thing the whole world followed, including the natives amongst themselves.

Columbus discovered America in 1492, Luther didn't post his 95 thesis until 1517,
Before Luther translated the scriptures. The NT scriptures were originally written in koine Greek language which it is a mixture of languages like Latin which Spain speaks,. Like the name John in koine Greek it is Juan but without they "J", but started with an "I" and "W". And the name Jesus as well started with a I, and was pronounced Ay-soos. The "J" came when Luther translated it into the German language . But the old testaments was a mixture of language of Hebrew and Aramaic. But the priest in those days read the scriptures from the original texts. But some priest was twisting the words.

But there were two incidents that had happened in Mexico. In both incidents, like the apparition stated to Juan Deigo ( Which it showed that his family gave him a Jewish name) that she was his mother. And in the other incident. The prophetess that the God spoken through stated , "my people", not the people. And which throughout the Bible, God or the spirits will acknowledge them as the strangers or the neighbors those that are not His. But he only acknowledges His own as His, My people. And Jesus said that salvation comes through the Jews, and which Jesus' name means Savior. And anyone who are from the seed of Abraham, including Ishmael, which it means , "whom God listen" which he represents those who were grafted onto the vine "those who are mixed with the Jews) of Abraham, that God will come through them. And that is why many Jews in history were always attacked and killed. Because someone didn't want God to intervene. To destroy his only connection to the world.
And so some of the Southern Americans are Jews. Which Christopher Columbus was a Jew. And it states in the OT laws. If someone is considered a criminal for a accidental crime. To make sure that they has other places for sanctuary.

Exodus 3:7
The Lord said, “I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt. I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their suffering.

Genesis 16:11
The angel of the Lord also said to her: “You are now pregnant and you will give birth to a son. You shall name him Ishmael, for the Lord has heard of your misery.

Genesis 21:17
God heard the boy crying, and the angel of God called to Hagar from heaven and said to her, “What is the matter, Hagar? Do not be afraid; God has heard the boy crying as he lies there.

Judges 2:18
Whenever the Lord raised up a judge for them, he was with the judge and saved them out of the hands of their enemies as long as the judge lived; for the Lord relented because of their groaning under those who oppressed and afflicted them.
Not at all. what is confusing is why you call it genocide and at the same time admit they were trying to exploit them for labor. The exploitation had priority over killing them, because they wanted the labor long term, unlike the Nazis who just wanted to work the jews to death before killing them off.

Actually, the Nazis only started really killing people when they realized they were losing the war. They were happy to work them to death just like the colonizers were happy to work the Natives to death.

Come on, buddy, be a man and admit what we did to people of color was wrong. We know you can do it.

So you’re unaware that the Native Americans use genocide to take land from other Native Americans.. Is this like a history lesson for you? Lol This is why the left should not be allowed to vote they don’t have a very good education

No, nothing on the level of what White people did happened.

I'm not sure why you guys are so reluctant to admit that our ancestors did bad stuff...
Which native Americans, you filth? They were killing and conquering one another when the colonists arrived.

They were? Which tribes?

YOu realize that since they didn't have guns or industry or horses, their ability to kill each other was limited, right?

We, on the other hand, hunted the American Bison to near-extinction to starve out Native Americans and force them onto reservations.

Do you know who found reservations really impressive? Hitler. He modelled concentration camps on them.

Somewhere Dr. Goebbels is laughing at you...
Your revisionist history is fiction.

Hitler never made such a comparison and the genocide claim is myth

Educate yourself.

white privilege is myth and people of color are better off here than anywhere else which columbus gets some credit for.

Wait a minute... Let's look at that. Are you really arguing that being a second class citizen in America is better for a person of color than living in a poor country that was looted by Europeans for centuries? Is this your argument.

If you want to give Columbus credit for the wealth of the US, then you should also blame him for the Grinding Poverty in most of the rest of the "New World". Oh, shit,let's build a wall before we get their cooties.
No, nothing on the level of what White people did happened.

I'm not sure why you guys are so reluctant to admit that our ancestors did bad stuff...

I don't know about your ancestors, but mine were chilling in the backwaters of the Austrian Empire, drinking beer and passing gas while the War of Northern Aggression was going on.
Is awful that I don't really care since I get the day off regardless of what the fuck it's called? :dunno:
Is awful that I don't really care since I get the day off regardless of what the fuck it's called? :dunno:

You might have a point, because we don't think about our war dead on Memorial Day, or the struggles of the Labor Movement on Labor Day or those who've served on Veteran's day.

Back when they were discussing making MLK's birthday a holiday, I joked that soon it would be another holiday we don't think about, and some idiot will do a "Martin Luther King Day White Sale".

Well, this year, they had a company doing a "MLK Day sale". Only a matter of time before we see an imitator doing "I have a dream of awesome savings!!!!"
Is awful that I don't really care since I get the day off regardless of what the fuck it's called? :dunno:

You might have a point, because we don't think about our war dead on Memorial Day, or the struggles of the Labor Movement on Labor Day or those who've served on Veteran's day.

Back when they were discussing making MLK's birthday a holiday, I joked that soon it would be another holiday we don't think about, and some idiot will do a "Martin Luther King Day White Sale".

Well, this year, they had a company doing a "MLK Day sale". Only a matter of time before we see an imitator doing "I have a dream of awesome savings!!!!"

Hell, Thanksgiving has pretty much turned into Black Friday Eve now. What a boring dystopia we're sliding towards. lol

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